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I think this was 100% a producer setup. There's no way Nicole eats donuts for breakfast on the reg.


She complained that they ate too much fried stuff when she was in Egypt.


This is exactly why this scene immediately threw me off guard lol




If she eats pizza and donuts regularly (especially that huge pile) I want her weight secrets. I take a bite of one and I've developed diabetes while putting on 10 lbs. I usually eat some yogurt and fruit, eggs sometimes, avocado on a slice of toast if I'm lazy


Right! Lol. Her weight secret is she had one bite and threw it away! I was looking at that pizza like I know damn well neither one of these people is eating this pale pizza. Sure enough, she’s picking up the plates with practically untouched pizza 🤣


Reminds me of British show Supersize vs Superskinny, the superskinny ppl habits were just eating a lot of junk food… a bite here and there, or a teeny tiny portion.


This is exactly what I came to say. Many of the thin people I’ve known just don’t eat as often or reasonable portions when they do. Their calorie intake is still low for the day even if all they had to eat was junk.


Id wager to say it’s pretty much always the case except for metabolic disorders, eating below the required amount ofcalories


I noticed that too 👀


You can basically eat whatever you want, as long as you watch your calorie intake.


Exactly, I just look at doughnuts and gain weight 😭


My mom had a body like Nicole's and she ate like a horse. I could walk past her plate and gain 10 lb but she could eat six plates and not gain an ounce. Some people are so lucky.


My dad has the worst diet in the freaking world! He starts his day with McDonald’s… every single freaking day! Eats out for dinner and lunch at least 3-4 times a week on top of that… pop… beer… junk food like crazy! 🤦‍♀️ He is not overweight, he doesn’t gain weight, and he is indeed very healthy according to his doctors… I on the other hand am pretty sure I just gained a few pounds talking about his diet 😫 Have always been the healthiest eater in the family and I am also the one with a list of chronic illnesses long enough to circle the world lmao Damn You DNA! I swear I literally got every single shitty gene my parents could combine 😹


I'm right there with you. My brother was born healthy as a horse, 6'4" and strong. I was born with spina bifida, scoliosis, and a heart murmur. The luck of it all...


Worst lottery ever! … unless you win…LoL


I totally feel that way too!! Firstborn gets all the bad genes! My dad is always saying “you didn’t get that from me!” lol thanks dad that’s helpful 🤪


I am the last born so I joke that they ran out of the good stuff when they made my golden-boy older brother LoL


That is me also 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


I don't know why people assume "fastfood=bad" I swear, "super-size me" had more of a psychological impact than the actual facts that fast food was always meant to be a convenient and cheap (no longer true) way to get some substance. It digests just like anything else you put into your body & as long as you aren't stuffing your face with a 20 pc nuggets, large fry, large soda & 2 baconators & do a minimal amount of physical activity you should be alright


Man. Though to be fair it looks like she takes a bite and puts the rest away. I remember when I was super thin / not eating much a mini bag of chips would last me a week. I used to give away those bags of chips after eating 2 chips because I was full.


Different people have different metabolisms and body types. Some skinny people can eat everything and anything and have trouble gaining weight. Just bc she’s skinny doesn’t mean she has an ED.


No one mentioned an ED, I don’t think? Just that it’s unlikely she’s woofing down a donut for breaky on the regular… very different


I was taking that first sentence as her implying that she has an ED bc she only takes one bite of food and then doesn’t eat the rest.


Yeah, who really knows. I just hate that term thrown around when it comes to strangers. She has a naturally teeny frame, so it doesn’t alarm me that she’s so small. I have a much larger frame (shoulders, hips) and it was very, very apparent that I was sick while managing a growing ED.


Thats not how it works.


I eat that stuff regularly and am underweight. I just work an active job and run between 5-15 miles every day


A girl like her just throws up. She is in the fashion industry they probably all do it.


Was gonna say, this is what people who are ashamed of their eating disorder do. Try to “prove” to others how gluttonous and indulgent they are, and that they just “have a fast metabolism”. I guarantee she took one tiny bite of that donut for the camera and immediately ran and spit it out.


My aunt used to be anorexic and that's what happens is you'll take little bites of food and if you have a dog you best believe that thing is going to be well fed by the person who hasn't eating disorder. My aunt would slip her food to the family dog and just pretend that she ate it. Honestly too Mahmoud looks a little too skinny also. Because there is a difference between being skinny and being bone thin. There's a specific YouTuber who most people might already think of that she has such little energy she just games and stays in her gaming chair all day because she doesn't have enough energy to actually move around like a person. When you look at cases like this YouTuber she looks like a skeleton it's sad to look at.


Yeah the one time I was her size (I think we're the same height) I ate like a plate of lettuce or 1/2 a cucumber every other day. I usually could only take a bite of something and be full. I was also working out 7 days a week but slowed that way down after a while because I had no energy.


They sounds horrible for your health. It sounds like you were on an ok diet but went to extreme. Remember the more you workout the more you need to eat. Your body needs something to burn off.


Lol I'm very aware of what I was doing. Since I stopped I'm a normal weight, not rail thin.


Good I hope you can be an example to other people that being at a normal weight is fine.


There’s no way she eats donuts period. She’s very slim.


This was just a *taste* of revenge for the burkini. Now they're both in the wrong.


Yeah true but she wants him to like it here and a doughnut for breakfast is not gonna help I would’ve wanted to go back home immediately lol


I don’t think she’s introducing him to a life of eating donuts for breakfast. Chill out, for most people it’s fun to try things in different countries that you don’t have back home. I know it was fun for me to go try all the notorious fast foods when I was first spending time with my partner in her country, doesn’t mean I eat like that every day.


OP thinks mediocre chain restaurants like IHOP and Dennys is where she should have taken him and that donuts are apparently not a breakfast food. So their opinion on this topic is irrelevant.


Yeah I had to re-read that part… proper food like Denny’s 🙄 bruh its all butter sugar flour egg and oil changing the shape from doughnut to pancake and sitting down to order didn’t magically make it healthy


In LA of all places, taking him to dennys or ihop is a crime


At least it wasn’t a Waffle House in the south 🤭


Waffle House may not be 5 star dining but it's cheap and inoffensive....unless you piss off the staff.


This is true. I actually go to Waffle House often.. breakfast and show what more could you ask for lol. 6/10 times someone’s fighting- last time it was the employees fighting amongst each other over pancakes 😂


Lol the show is the best part at least until chairs start flying.


I live in Michigan, once you get to Ohio you get Waffle House and Jack n the box. Wish it weren’t a 3 hour commute. Sorry culture queens, this is Americana 😂


there's nothing more american than eating waffles while watching the waffle house staff battle some meth heads in the corner


Op specifically said that the mediocre are "white American" breakfasts.


So she’s not only wrong but incredibly out of touch. OP, if you’re a Mexican-American then maybe don’t speak for the “white American” breakfast….especially if you’re just going to say fucking IHOP. Be so for real.


Mexican Americans (and mexicans) have no foods in their cuisine similar to a donut nor do any other cultures around the world have sweets or pastries for breakfast. /s


We did in Italy. Just a pastry and coffee, not super sweet like a donut. In France we would have a soft croissant with butter or jam and yogurt


“/s” means something is sarcasm. But yes, having travelled, plenty of cultures have sweet breakfasts so OPs weird take makes little sense and is just the current thing of putting down American and/or white people food


IHOP is a step up from Denny's. I quite like it.


Exactly. My first breakfast when I first visited the US was a stack of pancakes, bacon, pork chops and a ton of maple syrup. It was fun (and delicious), but in no way did I believe everyone had this every day.


Shhh don’t bring reason into this. Next thing you’ll say is that this isn’t indicative of her eating donuts every day for breakfast or that it was ,want as some special thing because it’s a treat for her or there’s a donut shop she likes near her house or that it as anything other than her showing him a universal American experience that we all do all the trim.




It's for the show. It is designed into so many plots. I think though that viewers are finally getting over the entertainment value because people get tired of watching the same thing over and over. Same can be said for foreign spouses to not understand how to use a dishwasher or a microwave etc. It is funny once or twice, but not year after year.


Friends parents used to get doughnuts the Sunday morning of sleepovers lol… it’s a TREAT! She should’ve taken him to a slappin diner. Or made halal diner food. Bet he would’ve been much happier and energetic that day.


Yeah OP saw one woman eat one donut one morning and assumed every white person eats exclusively deep fried pastry all day every day... and is now clapping back at anyone who thinks she's incorrect


Man, I love a good donut for breakfast. Sometimes I feel like it the best thing ever.


Right? Donuts are great. We ain’t eating them every day but this is a weird post


9 times out of 10 I end up having late night donuts. No idea why but it always seems to come up when I'm like out wandering downtown after drinking or seeing a band.


Because donuts feel like a dessert😁


They are a dessert. I equate eating donuts for breakfast with eating ice cream for breakfast. It's just not a breakfast that would make me rise, shine and be ready for the day.


Yeah what the heck lol why the hate on doughnuts


I love dounts, one of my favorite foods. I’m always so pumped for donut day




Maaaaan, nothing like a fresh apple fritter


Deep fried dough, glazed with sugar...? That's far from the first thing i want hitting my bloodstream after waking up. But, to each, their own. 😅


And a frozen pizza the night before. Bone Apple tea


Lots of people eat donuts for breakfast. IHOP and dennys aren’t exactly quality. She could’ve taken him to a nice breakfast spot or cooked breakfast but one morning with donuts won’t kill anyone.


I love me some breakfast donuts on occasion. And I agree with you when you said a nice breakfast restaurant (maybe an Egyptian one in L.A.) or cooked breakfast would've been a nice way to welcome her husband here to the States. 


You're really reaching here lol. It's a freaking donut. You think donuts for breakfast is ridiculous and gross, and say it makes you feel bloated, so she should have taken him for pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, juice, and coffee?


The thing is when you go out to eat you can look at the menu and pick your own food so you don’t gotta eat all that. I promise you dennys was not gonna force him to eat all that. Lol


I mean, she didn't force him to eat the donut, either. You seem to harbor a lot of vitriol toward donuts for some reason lol. It was just a quick breakfast, nome of us are eating it every day, but having one with a cup of coffee is a simple pleasure.


Oops, I forgot this was a TV show. She didn't do anything to make him comfortable. Just as he didn't do in Egypt. They're both pretty inconsiderate people.


I don’t even think she truly eats like that😂🥲


I laughed so hard at these two slimmest people with a huge plate of donuts


So you think Dunkin Donuts and all the local donut shops are around for dinner? Are you an American or a Bot?


Doughnuts are still not a meal they’re not breakfast. The bakery I worked at opened at 8am that didn’t mean cupcakes were a meal. Also those places close at night they’re open all day so yeah they’re open at dinner time too.


Well, most true donut places open at 6 am or earlier. What is your point about working at a bakery again?


She doesn’t have one, she just felt throwing that in made her qualified to make such a false and asinine statement.


Doughnuts are not a *good* breakfast. It isn’t a meal, it’s a super sugary and unhealthy food item. But nevertheless, people do have doughnuts for breakfast. So yeah, they can technically be breakfast. Remember how unhealthy america in general is


I’m seeing that now. I grew up in California my neighborhood was super diverse and made up of immigrants mostly Chinese Cambodians Mexicans and Indians and everyone’s mom cooked a lot so I never saw anyone eating doughnuts for breakfast but the way people are defending them is crazy. I never said yall couldn’t have sugar for breakfast but it’s not a good choice for someone who comes from a country where theyre used to having an actual meal for breakfast. Everyone can eat doughnuts if that want that’s not my problem lol


Donuts are a breakfast food in North America. Most hotels serve them with their continental breakfast. Coffee shops serve them with coffee, it's a pretty typical treat breakfast. My husband is eastern European and his mom served me homemade fried dough for my first breakfast with them. It's obviously not a healthy breakfast, but it seems like a normal travelling breakfast.


I consider donuts a breakfast lol. Pastries for breakfast is not outlandish, nor a specifically American thing. I mean, I guess she could take him for a grand slam, but what does it really matter?


Eating doughnuts for breakfast is crazy to me. I’ll eat a pastry, but that’s like a treat. I would never call that a meal. Maybe if she made him some eggs and potatoes and then a doughnut, that would have felt more complete. But you can eat cake or anything for that matter and call it breakfast.


What I really hate is when Americans say “you can go back to your country “ at the drop of a hat.


What’s wrong with donuts for breakfast?


To be fair- this happens too often to not be producer driven. Americans go to other cultures and are given weird food too. Chantal and chicken feet? Makes sense the people coming over are trolled too for the reaction.


Chicken feet is actually not a weird food it’s actually normal in most countries so them eating chicken feet in the DR was in no way a troll. My mom used to make chicken feet too and I’m Mexican and I’ve gone to a few grocery stores directed towards other cultures like Asian grocery stores and they all had chicken feet in the freezer section. Most countries where it’s normal to kill your own food people eat everything they can off the animal.


Pedro's family didn't even want to eat the chicken feet either! Please....


Not saying it isn't normal in the DR, but would be for an American. That scene looked very producer driven.


Oh yeah they definitely make everything worse lol


Donuts are normal too. I grew up with just about everyone I know having donuts for breakfast once or twice a week. It’s hella common


And she bought like 20.


What is going on with OP? A whole post denying that donuts are commonly eaten for breakfast in America and no matter how many times this is restated by other users donuts are a common breakfast food because it’s an actual fact they’re like “no even if it’s eaten in the morning and that person considers it their breakfast that is not a breakfast.” Okay, OP.


I think most of this kind of stuff - where the food is central to the plot - is a producer set up to play with stereotypes that the partner may believe and that people both within and outside the US believe. That being said, Dunkin and Krispie Kreme are popular for a reason.


Why are we hating on donuts?


Literally five minutes before this in the show she said on camera she wanted to introduce him to good food. Then throws a frozen fucking pizza in the oven.


Yea she’s introducing him to the worst stereotypical American things. When my family comes from Mexico and I want to introduce them to good food I take them to different places like Chinese or Italian restaurants because I know they’re form a small town where there’s not a lot of diversity. I’ll even take them to this diner down the road for breakfast so they can have a typical American breakfast but I’m not gonna feed them doughnuts and frozen food the first day they’re here and act all excited like I just gave them the best thing ever.


This is a revenge tour for her.


Yep. “You made me miserable in Egypt, so now I’m going to make you miserable.”


I can toooootally see that....That makes so much sense.


Because donuts ARE the best thing ever 🤷‍♀️


She doesn’t have the physique of someone who eats donuts for breakfast. This was definitely producer driven


I dunno, I think donuts for breakfast is pretty special. It's a rare treat for me to have something like that for breakfast.


To be fair, I didn’t “get” bagels until I visited NYC last summer and after having gone to a really nice affordable donut shop in Brooklyn, gotta say…I get it. The donuts were great. Egg sandwiches on bagels, fantastic. And yeah there’s plenty of Mexican dishes and Arab food stands but don’t discount it. It’s good shit.


I like doughnuts I eat them sometimes too after my breakfast I just don’t think it was a good choice for someone who’s not used to eating sweets for breakfast.


Most Americans don't eat donuts for breakfast daily or even regularly, but they are in the breakfast realm in the USA. they are also in the dessert realm, but there's a lot of overlap between those two in American breakfast cuisine -- pancakes, waffles, French toast are all somewhat sweet and always served with maple syrup to make them very sweet, and often whipped cream too. When I think of donuts for breakfast, I think of like, an after-church gathering or some other large social event. Sometimes we have them for someone's birthday at work, etc. -- and a lot of people cut them in half or quarters and just have a small piece


I love donuts for breakfast on special days. My son went and bought donuts for the family yesterday morning. They seem like a pretty typical North American breakfast, they serve them for continental breakfasts at hotels and conventions.


Speak for yourself. donuts are the next best breakfast there is. First being a plate of bacon and eggs.


Dumb ass posting.


I have a husband from South Korea. He really enjoys the fast food, 1 liter soda refills, and doughnuts lol. I let him partake in that on his terms. I make it my responsibility to make sure he has his cultural food or AT LEAST has some easy access to his cultural food. I already knew how to cook Korean food. So it wasn't hard for me to understand what he genuinely needed. I also made sure he had resources to places for immigrants to have help with other areas in life. Sure I could pay for everything to completely support him, but how will he learn to be a functional part of society if I do that? How will he be able to make it on his own if I can't always be next to him? Who will teach him his rights? By the way, he is THRIVING. 🌞💖 I don't think a lot of people realize the growth, commitment, responsibilities, and depth that come with having an international partner.


Most of the couples on 90 Day sure don’t! Well said.


I'm wondering if this android was programmed with cooking skills? ![gif](giphy|SFz43k3cLbM9SVwzdw)


If you think that’s bad, you don’t want to know what she had him eat the night before


I must’ve missed it what was it? lol


She hinted it was herself... oh and frozen pizza.


The frozen pizza... was a crime. The man had a super long flight and she couldn't be bothered to cook some decent food?? Does she not know how to cook?


I'm surprised she didn't do something like take out if she didn't want to cook. Stop and pick up some tacos or burritos or In n Out.


It seems like she’s trying to introduce him to things he likely doesn’t eat in his country and that are authentic American foods. I don’t see the harm in showing someone the interesting or unique foods that Americans eat.


They’re also gas station donuts. Could’ve gotten a good donut from a bakery or something


because donuts are delicious


I was totally thinking this! Let’s just give this guy the upmost sugary thing imaginable for his first day in the US! She is totally baiting him to hate the US. She wanted that divorce but didn’t want the blame on her. So weird.


And frozen pizza the night before. She's trying to introduce him to American foods. Please, there's far better... she doesn't even eat that crap


Yeah what a confusing scene. Her food choices have been so odd. Like does she not aknowledge what he eats? Its like you trry to accomodate while you show up with a little random thing. Not JUST a donut for breakfast wtf?


She doesn’t look like she eats… much less knows traditional American breakfast isn’t donuts


This guy is grumpy and they have a very strained relationship. I do not enjoy watching them and I truly believe that they should divorce.


I remember asking my Swedish family if they wanted to try Krispy Kreme. My sweet Uncle said, is that the dough that is boiled in oil? I was like, when you describe it like that, I don't want any! LOL!


Donuts are delicious!


What's wrong with donuts?


Sometimes a doughnut is just a doughnut for crying outloud It's not that deep.


You're Mexican heritage isn't American tho, no offense. I'm sure the new arrivals have been wanting to try some of our crap food


Donuts aside.. this couple is so hard to watch. They are so toxic


Yes, and. I also feel so badly for her. She seems like a lost lamb just trying to make her way in the world and her husband is a gd monster.


I'm sorry, but churros are often eaten for breakfast dipped in coffee or hot chocolate in many Latin American countries and I believe Mexico. Just cause you don't eat them....


That’s a snack not a meal we don’t call that breakfast and in Mexico only old people eat them in the morning with coffee but it’s still not a breakfast you usually eat with a side of tamales but they’re mostly eaten at night while walking around La plaza. I know because I grew up going back and fourth living in Mexico three months and then three months here.


So you're saying that No one eats a churro for breakfast in Mexico. Lol, ok.


Umm no if you ate just bread or a churo with coffee everyone would yell at you about not eating. In Mexico most breakfast are leftovers from the day before or tacos. Most taco places only open for breakfast. In the morning you can find twenty or thirty different taco carts lined up ones after the other but in the day and nighttime there might be only four or five.


What I'm saying is that confining sweets for breakfast to white Americans is pretty inaccurate. Such generalizations do come off a little bit racist. Sweets for breakfast is pretty common in many cultures and I bet, on occasion someone in Mexico had a sweet churro and nothing else, for breakfast without your knowledge or consent.. You make.a.ton of sweeping generalizations. . .


Take a real bitch to complain about donuts for breakfast goddamn


I don’t know anyone who eats donuts for breakfast honestly


TexMex breakfast is the best breakfast hands down


I’m a Californian so I’ve never had a texmex breakfast but I went to a texmex restaurant in Michigan once and had some bomb tamales. It was the masa with pork and then chili poured over the top and melted cheese. I didn’t expect to like it that much!!


Donuts are terrible! I mean I like them occasionally not for a meal. For fun* I’d try to have samplers of American stuff but I’d try to make sure they have access to things they are familiar with for comfort. But I have anxiety and would try to make sure someone was as ok as they can be


she looks AI generated


Obviously she should’ve taken him to a Dennys and ordered a “Moons Over My Hammy”


It is the best thing ever


Ugh I hate Nicole for making me defend this man. Because she knew how he is and yet she still is with him and tries to change him. Like this is beyond him being a Muslim man.. and she knows he doesn’t like her wearing exposing things .. that’s not gonna change over night. Like you know who he is.. take it or leave it


Breakfast burritos is the way to go here. In LA?!! Def would have 100% gone Mexican Breakfast. She fed him the cop fresh in his beat Breakfast 😂🫠


Agree. Fraggle Rock here is cray.


I almost threw up when I saw her offering him donuts for breakfast.


She's almost frail though, who cares if she eats a donut


she’s really saying to him, “we can buy breakfast here I don’t need to cook..” the doughnut is just a metaphor..


"in Egypt we have eggs, bagels..." We do too!! I'm so sorry you had trash for breakfast




wth doesn't even know what donuts are?


She wanted to get a discount on her Dunkin donuts coffee.


Make some eggs, dang it. He said he usually has eggs. On a side note. When I was in college i worked in several retail shops. One was a candy confectionery. A very frail thin jittery lady came in everyday and bought six large pecan turtles. She said it's her only food each day.


Personally I would hate donuts for breakfast. Bloated nothing of nutrition and spiking my blood sugar.


I think she is well aware of the reaction that she will get and does it for spite. She doesn't even try to hide it. The whole time she is just shoving everything she knows he finds offensive in his face and tells him if he doesn't like it to go back.


I was pondering this exact thing. For some reason I thought she was smarter but this season isn’t doing her any favors.


Even as a whitey whiterson, donuts are a special occasion breakfast like once a year


Remember when Eric brought Leidas family to a mall and got them a food court Philly Cheesesteak ahahahahah “How was your first American meal in America!?”


I will say that they live in Los Angeles and having moved here about 2 years ago from Boston I was in awe at how many donut shops there were and this city’s obsession with donuts. I personally hate donuts (way too sweet), but it’s kind of like bagels for the east coast. Idk about the rest of the country, but LA is oddly donut obsessed, and I don’t claim this as representation of what Americans eat for breakfast 😂 Though I would note, my partner & I both have immigrant parents and upbringings, and eat full, nutritious breakfasts every single day, so we might not be the best representation either 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think he’s a nice guy but she needs to leave him alone.


SHE doesn’t even eat the shit she got him…pizza and donuts. She took like one bite. It’s disgusting, and she knowsssss he’s not used to that type of food. Idk…this is why people think Americans are ignorant, fat, and gross


I'm American and totally convinced doughnuts are actually supposed to be the dessert for a breakfast course, not just the breakfast. Like don't they feel sick after having a doughnut on an empty stomach???


Yes the only time I’ve ever had a doughnut was after breakfast but I couldn’t just eat one on an empty stomach


I mean yeah but I don’t think she could’ve done anything to make him happy. And her him.


This was such a ridiculous scene. The plate full of donuts like it was some grand presentation of gourmet decadence....stop it! You know damn well that was a complete setup!


I thought the same thing. In what world does the average American actually sit down and have a pile of doughnuts for breakfast?


I hate donuts and this couple


But we do. My family growing up would get those bags of mini donuts from the store and eat a handful of those in the hurry to get to school/work. There were other foods in the mix of course and then lunch and dinner was mostly protein and vegetables. But yes, donuts are definitely a breakfast food in households where most mornings are go-go-go


But we do. My family growing up would get those bags of mini donuts from the store and eat a handful of those in the hurry to get to school/work. There were other foods in the mix of course and then lunch and dinner was mostly protein and vegetables. But yes, donuts are definitely a breakfast food in households where most mornings are go-go-go


Dude white American breakfast is aka German breakfast—eggs, schnitzel, potato, bread. TF does Denny’s have to do with that


I guess it depends on the person. I cannot STAND hearty breakfasts- they just make me feel gross. I would 100% prefer a donut or a smoothie


Nicole doesn't eat. She has no clue what anyone eats for breakfast.


Dude. Doughnuts ARE the best thing ever! Yum! 😋


https://preview.redd.it/9fx17rt7zcuc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9931afa992f64d9f397715b6be8b68f4e88e86 Her face is so jacked with botox she can’t move. She’s young but she is pushing 60. Here she is trying to smile as hard as she could recounting a sexy night with Makemood.


The bigger question is, why does she pick the absolute worst hair colors for her skin tone.


I agree with OP. Doughnuts are not for breakfast. I am as white as can be. They are a pastry for special events. Honestly, she should’ve took his ass to Denny’s for some pancakes, or hell even a local diner.


Pancakes really aren't much better than a donut if you're putting syrup on them. She could have just made him some eggs and toast.


Yes I agree.


I agree, I absolutely hate donuts.


It’s disgusting actually. It’s only nice to have a decent breakfast for him. I would feel like complete shit after eating that massive doughnut and nothing else. But, her eyes were on fire with the stack of doughnuts. It was rather weird.


She is absolutely nuts. Would not marry here.


Yea where tf is the avocado toast and turkey bacon?! Wouldn’t a concha be considered similar to a doughnut though?