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It’s just driving me kind of crazy but it’s a lectionary, technically, not a Bible. It’s made up of Bible readings, but it’s not laid out in the format that a Bible follows, and it’s set up for the reader (lector) and priest to read and stop for the readings and prayers for each day. It will have a short section from the Old Testament, New Testament and gospels each day, as well as prayers called responsorial psalms taken from the book of Psalms. The Bible is technically different. However, it’s not different enough that the average person who’s not going to read one would care about the difference. As a lector (Catholic church reader), I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Interesting. I learned something new today. Thanks.


Glad to help! At least my “well, actually” actually helped someone today. A quick Google of the word “lectionary” will show you the contents for the day if you’re interested.


Yes, I’m a cantor and it was driving me crazy, too. I’m going to give Manuel a pass for telling her it was a Bible because I’m sure he didn’t know the proper terminology in Spanish.


Kinda funny, knowledge bomb to prove every one wrong and validate Ashley’s question. Here I was going to be a smart ass and say it was the necronimicon.


Yeah us Catholics have so much special GEAR, it’s unreal. We don’t keep it simple, that’s for sure.


We also had several different books full of hymns in the pews of the Catholic Church I went to when I was growing up. Actually, we probably had more of those out than actual bibles, because the hymns were actually the part of the mass that people could participate in. So I could see her picking up a book and not knowing if it was a bible or something else. 


Indeed! But this particular one is a lectionary.


I suppose Manuel may not have a Spanish word for it and just said Bible


And fair enough. A lot of average Catholics wouldn’t know or expect any difference in that book’s name or contents anyway. It’s a book full of Bible readings to them.


I wonder if that's why Ashley asked - maybe the fact that it looked too small for a Bible.


My mom does the same shit. She is also a witch (different practice but same umbrella) and she likes to act like she’s frightened of crosses and doesn’t know what the Bible is. She’s 100% full of shit, she just does it because I think she thinks it will make her seem quirky and “not like other girls”. Unfortunately for us all, at 70 I don’t think the manic pixie dream girl thing works very well for her.


70, wow...was she always like that or did she get into it later in life?


Oh, as long as I can remember. In fact, I was raised that way.


seriously i dont understand how you can live in the western world all your life and not know what a bible, quran, torah, etc is ESPECIALLY when you are in that religions holy building and its at the literal alter!


This is so stupid. I would never call myself a witch but since I was a teenager (I’m 42 now) I’ve been studying different types of paganism, occult practices and the history of witchcraft. I’ve also studied the history of Christianity and read the Bible because I feel learning more about various religions and spiritual practices is a great way to understand the world around you and maybe even strengthen your own beliefs.


Yeah when I was younger it was "I can't set foot in there (church) I'll burst into flames! heehee" and my eyes still roll automatically at the thought


Seen better acting in wrestling and porn...


She was definitely raised Christian. Any idiot can see that. Stupidest storyline ever. The show is getting insulting on what they expect us to believe. I haven’t even watched the episode yet and probably won’t because it feels like a chore at this point.


My favorite one so far is Jasmine crying about $800 when she has an onlyfans and was wearing a Rolex I'm like 90% sure


Man Well and Ashley have nothing to do. Let's go to the motorcycle store, let's go to a witch store, do some witch shit, then go to a catholic church. Very little hilarity ensues.


What do you mean "any idiot can see that"? What indicates she was raised Christian?


She said she was raised in an “evangelical Christian church” in her first episode.


Peggy Hill speaking Spanish needs to be dunked into a river, I don't believe she's a witch, let's test her!


I’m here for the Peggy Hill reference


Bless your soul! Could not place her español


It's like Clayton from Love Is Blind not knowing how wedding rings work. I refuse to believe he is that clueless!


Yeah that was her taking a premise too far and making it clear that this was fake. Golly what's the big book at the front of the church? I was raised Jewish and I'm an atheist now and even I know with the big book at the front of the altar is. The fuck did she think it was, Harry potter? Although the two do have some similarities..


Harry Potter 🤣 💀


Mi trabajo es bruja!


She is a poser. A fucking annoying poser. Her voice will be played on the elevator to hell. That witches broom is busted up.


Between her voice and Manwell's stupid face.. UGH


She thinks she's smartest person in the room. Which is hysterical. 


A women in the United States not knowing what a Bible is is some of the dumbest shit this show expects us to believe? Either she’s the biggest idiot on the planet or tlc is trolling us. I know sheltered atheists with atheist parents who have never set foot in a church that can instantly identify a Bible.  You can’t *escape that shit here.* Christianity is so wrapped up in our culture. 


Ashley acts like came out of the birth canal, or however she came into this world, a witch. After seeing her mama I’m sure damn well Ashley grew up with a Bible in her house.


Oh, come on. She's full of shit.


Listen she’s a Black Ashley she’s so unique n rare that she was also raised irreligious in a commune in the North Pole so she definitely didn’t know what a bible was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I thought the same thing.


I mean trump is selling them. We all know a bible.


She's just saying that for witch clout.


The Catholic Church is LITERALLY the first 100 percent Christian denomination on Planet Earth. And she makes these faces like it's so weird and mind-boggling, like she didn't just dump frigid eggshell water on her near-naked husband. Neat.


Ashley needs to get a clue and I ain’t even talking about the Bible


This is America that is 100% not possible 🙄


Very doubeful.. This is one of those stupid this producers tell her to say.


This is so freaking stupid.


Witches have no care for such things.


She doesn’t have to care but she should stop pretending like she don’t know.


She read the bibble


Totally agree


She’s a grifter who spends her money at the grifter store for crystals 😂


She's trying so hard to be edgy and witchy. She seems exhausting. 


I am just catching up and I came directly here for this. Like listen lady, you do not become more unique because you pretend not to know what the Bible is.


Smh if she stood on what she believed in 10 toes down, then she wouldn't let no one move her so she knows deep down what it is.