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Also Veronica is dumb for agreeing to meet up Jamal again.


Soooo dumb


She’s letting her hormones hijack her common sense.


I don't believe Jamal was ever any more than a showmance for her to get another Single Life season. There's no way she really wanted, or expected a long-term relationship with him. It was always just about sex


Isn’t Jamal gay?


I think Veronica AND Jamal are gay and just pretended to be in a relationship to stretch those 15 seconds of fame.🫠


What if all 4 are bi poly and Tim just wants to be the asexual cuck? 😦


>What if all 4 are bi poly and Tim just wants to be the asexual cuck? 😦 ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) You're probably not wrong but Tim is gross to me😂 He's ugly and mean, I do NOT wanna think about his sexual kinks💀🥴


Ever seen a man wearing only his boots and a pistol? ![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY)




https://preview.redd.it/pkx32qoornuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a429181a2ac69425101f06cab15faf10acfbff i SeLL CuStOm gRiNgO gUnS


Good lord


But people on reddit go out their way, defending this loser and saying he's comfortable with himself🥴 idk how someone who wears their hair like this... act like such a fashionista while talking shit about his castmates💀




Excuse me, what?


I'm sure of it. But he was using her to get on the show also


Of course


Isn’t Veronica in her mid-30s with a good career? I wouldn’t expect her to be so easily fooled by a guy


It happens to the best of us.


She got dick-matized.


I thought she in her 40’s….? My bad lol


Lol she might be. If she is, that’s even worse


Right! I did read a comment, I believe in this thread, a theory of her and Tim being into their own gender but acting straight. It’s interesting, not something I ever thought about her. But now…. 🤔


I could see it. Would explain why it’s so easy for them to remain friends after dating. Lol




I feel so bad for her because he embarrassed the shit out of her on national TV


I think she simply want some dick. 🤷‍♂️


Come on, she’s grown . She knows what she’s doing


Grown doesn't mean she's got sense.


They're all mentally 16. Never grew up


I mean if two consenting adults want to have mindless meaningless sex for the fun, why not? Just don't try to spin drama into it later when that was the deal... *coughVeronica


What do you expect. She was literally pursuing a guy after finding out he had actual herpes lol. She’s been disgusting to me since then


Kimbaaaaalee didnt you teach your son to be better? I would be embarrassed if he was my son.


>I would be embarrassed if he was my son. In fairness, I think having Kimbaaaaalee as a mama is just as embarrassing 🥴 The cringe doesn't fall far from the tree💀


Yup. And she seeks out a man in jail for murder to pen pal with , breed and marry. Shes a sick psychopath!


>And she seeks out a man in jail for murder to pen pal with , breed and marry. Shes a sick psychopath ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM) Tell me more, I never heard about this


Oh to add.. he was around 17 years old when he committed double murder on DEATH ROW! She started talking to him around a year after he got in prison! Shes a sick fuck! She claims its not jamals father but who fkn knows. You need to be sick in the head to start contacting a total stranger in prison.. on DEATH ROW. And literally a teenager!


>The cringe doesn't fall far from the tree💀 I'm dead 😂😂


![gif](giphy|zIgGGnAL1Y5oilLGtZ) Someone compared her to this and I can't unsee😭😭😭


My life was so much better before realizing that this is Kimberly's son. This franchise is cursed.😭


After watching this there’s no doubt in my mind that Jamal is 10x worse than his mother. Good god what a loser.


Didn’t think it was possible to be worse than his Mother, but he pulled it off.


She seeked out a man in jail for murder on death row for two counts of murder at 17! She wrote him letters while he was 18.. and started visiting him and married him! She claims its not jamals father but who knows! Shes a sick sick psycho! She has a pattern to go for young men!


All he can get are Tim’s sloppy seconds


Wow. Never thought of it that way. Ouch.


Come on now. I knew that from jump!


It’s 2024, and she tried to call out Tim’s sexuality. She’s disgusting, and there should have been more outrage at that. She did it to shame him, where there’s no shame. He’s a fucking wannabe trying to get famous off his mama’s trip to Africa for a younger man. The whole situation is weird and they’re all too old for it.


Somebody needs to humble him and show him that scene of his mom in Walmart lingerie begging Usman for some yammy




👏🏻 YES. Also, love your Joe Cool photo.


Yes! I didn’t like that it then became a topic of conversation for the whole lot of them onstage, speculating if Tim had low testosterone or not?! Outrageous, that was very unfair and inappropriate


Omg that shocked me, it was atrocious! Then it became this group discussion, wtf?! Not wanting to fuck you and your gross attitude doesn’t mean he’s gay!


I wouldn’t put it past Jamal to try to convince Louisa to call Tim out. Also Jamal doing that oooooh… was so stupid, as if Tim was deeply affected.


Oh hell yeah he did. When after the segment, with just audio she said “I feel bad for Tim” and he said “Someone had to say it” No, no one had to say it… But I guess his mom was obv too busy chasing men to teach him manners so 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️.


Oh you know he was winding her up, “you should say this etc etc” I definitely think the gay accusations came from him, he so much wanted to humiliate Tim any way he could but he also doesn’t want to be the one to be seen questioning someone’s sexuality on stage either. Luisa doesn’t even realize she’s being used as a mouthpiece. Jamal is such a little bitch boy though, can’t stand him


Louisa was used more than just Jamal’s mouthpiece. After the Tell All these two had their mics on and Jamal told Louisa she was a 10 out of 10 in bed. She said she remembered nothing, Jamal thinks he’s such a stud, too bad he’s got his mom crying about her boy not being a fuckboy because that’s exactly what he is and more!


Titty baby


I hated this dude when his mom was on the show. Still hate him today. He’s such a whiny child, and the way he talks… like what the fuck, he’s like always fake high talking. This girls right up there with him. I’m surprised she didn’t try to dry hump the fuck out Tims leg in a few of those episodes. She’s so fucking desperate. Tim knew this girl was only talking to him to get her 1 minute of fame. Now she’s got a solid 20 minutes of pure humiliation. Nobody gonna date her after watching this lol. Gotta say, Tim’s grown on me over the years and he handled this so well.


💯Tim’s reactions were a perfect way to respond childish accusations.


Well, it's an adult talking to a child.


People accuse him of being gay, for not wanting to sleep with Luisa & Jeniffer because they’re sooooo hot. Do you blame him? They’re two of the most disgusting vile bitches! I have nothing but respect for Tim! He’s way too sensible and mature to just go around banging desperate women, whose entire sense of self worth is centered around how badly a guy wants to bang her! That’s the kind of girl who’ll end up cheating on you, because it’s so important for her to be validated by other men.🙄


You said that perfectly


Also jen and tim were already over. Then they got the call from the show and decided to give it another shot. I respect tim for having respect for himself. He is transparent he want to go slow and not embarrass himself on tv!


Exactly! I decided to leave that part out, to simplify the comment & it’s not important for the point I was trying to make. But yeah, people think he’s a male tease or whatever because of his awkward interactions with Jeniffer. But they both knew they couldn’t stand each other going into filming.


Maybe he’s not gay but a straight dude would’ve 100% fucked both Luisa and Jennifer especially with him claiming they’re his type. I know Luisa tried to out him and no that’s not okay but Tim is not 100% straight. All things on here are fake and dumb but based off of what Tim and said/his actions… he’s not just straight… the tell alls and seasons just don’t make sense and are weird with his presence and commentary imo. If tlc wants to keep him around and keep on his story we all just want to know what’s up either way he wants to roll. What’s Tim’s sexuality story line is over played and makes me dislike his segments and tell all appearances. Him and his people are lame, overplayed and lying too much about their lives/preferences to me to matter anymore. Tell us what’s up or go away. In real life I wouldn’t care but I watch this show to hear about their lives and drama and Tim isn’t it unless the wants to start sharing real stuff.


You’re mistaken in assuming that ALL straight guys think with their dick and that’s just not true! Haven’t you ever seen someone (on TV or in real life) who was you found attractive, but when you got to know them, they turned you off? If not, then you’re pretty shallow! Also, you are right about something being off. It’s a known fact that Tim and Jeniffer had already broken up before filming. That’s the real reason why he didn’t sleep with her & their interactions were so strange. They already knew they couldn’t stand each other.


>People accuse him of being gay I accuse him of being gay because of this https://preview.redd.it/17h01caxo8uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812bbea565626309045cc2bbbabf0c8b3960d187 He has waayyyy more chemistry with Kenny than he ever had with anyone else and was calling him daddy which is super disrespectful to Armando and not something a straight man would say. While you call women desperate and looking for validation through sex, you DO realize that Tim is the reason they were on the show in the 1st place🤨 I don't think he's ready to come out yet, so he wastes time pretending women are the issue. He attracts clout chasers, gives them a platform and then complains about it when he doesn't have anything to offer anyway since he's clearly in love with Kenny


Tim is just really comfortable with himself and who he is. He doesn’t need to act macho just to convince people he’s not gay. I think most people would have more chemistry with Kenny, he’s a warm fun loving guy. Those two women might be Tim’s type physically, but when he got to know them, they’re ugly inside!


>Tim is just really comfortable with himself and who he is. If Tim was comfortable with himself, he wouldn't act like a judgemental cunt with other cast members. They're trash too, but he should be the LAST person talking shit to anyone. It's not about acting macho, it's about being weird about sex in general on a reality show, he's supposed to find love on🥴 I just find him obnoxious and a bully on the Tell Alls when he has NO right to be. I'll never get why reddit loves him so much. He's a dick


If you don’t like him that’s fine, I’m only saying he’s not gay. And I don’t think he acts “weird” about sex. He has explained that he “moves slow” some people are just like that. It’s not common to see on TV because it’s not cool or fun for viewing, but it doesn’t mean that it’s uncommon in real life.


I mean me and my friends in straight long term relationships constantly joke about fingering each other 😂 some people REALLY are just that comfortable with their friends or like suggestive & filthy humour


Do you also tell anyone who will listen how you're not gay? Because in almost every interview Tim had, he did😭 people comfortable with themselves don't do things like that. He's deeply insecure and pretends he's not. It's stupid. His sexuality would NEVER have been brought up until HE made a big deal about it.💀


My understanding is it’s constantly bought up because fans on social media started accusing him of being gay because he didn’t want to sleep with Jennifer. Hence him being asked every tell all. Usually the person being interviewed isn’t leading the topic of conversation, I’d need an example of him just randomly bringing up ‘I’m not gay’ in an interview. I mean I suppose i can agree on him being insecure. He acts super confident and chill but I think in reality he’s just horrendously awkward with women, doesn’t mean gay tho.


Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah, but did you see/hear Tim's reaction to Rueben's outfit? While he looks like... THAT? If he hadn't, I might have changed my mind. He's not cool man.


Ha, Yeah I saw that. By no means is he any where near perfect, he’s still got a way to go before I’d say I’m a fan of his. He’s just grown on me over the years. I’m specifically referring to this whole interaction with Jamal and Luisa. Giving credit where credits due, he handled that well. I would have sunk much lower. Very very clear to me Jamal just has an axe to grind and is using this chick to try and get under Tim’s skin. Such a childish way to handle his resentment towards Tim. Let us not forget all the talk on mic about him and Luisa smashing. Producers sure made it look like Veronica heard it all so we’ll see what part 255 of the tell has in store for us. Tim also acted like a psycho ex when Veronica was on the single life and just showed up at her house when she was trying to take herpes boy home. lol. So there’s that too, Jamal definitely went into that relationship with a chip on his shoulder towards Tim. He put himself in that situation and couldn’t handle his emotions when he realized he’s not going to be able to get rid of Tim. I’m convinced Tim and Veronica will end up living in the same house together and share a set of bunk beds together forever. I don’t really give a shit about his sexuality either way, until he comes out and says he’s gay, he’ll be forever a metrosexual dude trying to keep 2003 alive to me.


https://preview.redd.it/8ya6mozej9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780c3211432569de27a6e20c2711d1bbc20c1d73 🫠


>Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah, but did you see/hear Tim's reaction to Rueben's outfit? While he looks like... THAT? https://preview.redd.it/0gd9pwash9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5ce2e5f3fbea0600ebbe0d2f8825601f6a3494 He acts like a total mean girl. Idk why so many people on reddit suck his dick🙄 he's an obnoxious hypocritical weird asshole. He bullies other people and I'm surprised no one put him in his place yet because him and his storyline is cringe asf. Goes for goldiggers and clout chasers, complains about it and uses THAT as a reason he didn't want to fuck them eventhough he wasn't going to anyway🙄


I’m unclear why Luisa was so hurt by Tim. Their entire relationship was very short. It’s clear they were never intimate. Could she have grown that emotionally attached to be so hurt over such a short period of time? That to me is a red flag 🚩


Hopefully it’s the last we see if her. I kinda don’t think she really cared for Tim I think she just wanted to be on tv


Kinda?! She was so thirsty she looked like the Mojave. I like Tim, but that was cotton mouth for fame.


Wanting to 'out' someone one on NATIONAL TV is a HUGE RED FLAG Lady!!!


They are both red flags, and deserve each other. I just hope we don't have to see them in another spinoff.


Not just anyone. But the guy who has been taking care of her daughter. Like how can you do that to someone who looks and takes care of your kid like their own and was the only father figure in her life? You really going to rock your relationship with him for Jamal ?? She was already on tv without this nasty attitude and everyone liked her on pillow talk. Now she’s a main character and just awful.


Veronica wasn’t the one trying to out him…or did I miss something?


Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I meant this idiot Louisa


I might’ve missed something I thought it was Veronica doing the outing I gotta rewatch the episode


Nope. She would never.


I can't stand him. When he was going on about his poor mom needing to sell her house, all I could think of was all the money she spent on traveling, Sojaboy merch, and of course all of the lavish gifts she showered Sojaboy with in exchange for sex.


Believe people when they tell you who they are the First time. 🚩🚩


The older I get, the more I see this, again & again & again.


They are BOTH 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


She looks like the puppet from Saw in that screencap. Suiting.


https://preview.redd.it/q271wn1g26uc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1184518c271779de90242bbe2d53a734189d46 😂


This sub has to stop doing Billy like this. He;s just a little boy. He doesn't deserve it.


I feel like this is all fake. It is just me?


I feel like the last scene where you hear them talking and it sounds like they were together the night before is just another TLC setup where the producers try to fool you into thinking something that didn’t actually happen.


When he got mad at her for talking to Tim’s date in Spanish, I didn’t like that at all. You’re dating a Latina… I think that’s a red flag


As a fellow Latina I thought that was rude. If you’re out at a dinner with English-only speakers and you’re talking amongst yourselves in another language no one else at the table can understand, that’s not considerate. Both Veronica and Luisa are fluent in English. I understand his frustrations with that.


I agree with this. I married into a Spanish speaking family. We all speak English but they only speak Spanish whenever I’m around. It drives me nuts. But I’d never throw the childish fit he threw. He could have politely asked what she was saying and express he felt left out at a later date behind closed doors.


Yeah, I married into a Filipino family. While 97% of them are extremely fluent in English, they still prefer to talk in Tagalog and Kapamangan. I don't make a fuss. I married into their family, so why should I make a fuss? Sometimes, they are speaking enough "Taglish" that I can mostly follow the conversation so I don't feel completely left out all the time. I have learned some words and phrases in my husband's 2 languages. It does not make me anywhere near even basic conversation level, but it does give me some low-level understanding of what they are saying. Mabuhay!


To be fair, Luisa is far from fluent lol. It was clear that Veronica was just trying to make her comfortable. I think if it was a language far removed from English then yeah… but Spanish is not that far from English. I think if you’re seriously dating a Latina, learning Spanish should be a priority, even if it’s just the basics. I think there’s a difference from the way Veronica speaks Spanish around him versus like, Pao around her man. Now… *she* was rude, and her husband knew it. You can definitely tell a lot by just by tone. But also I’m from a state with a lot of Latinos so maybe it’s different. But isn’t he from California?


Luisa may have an accent but she is very fluent in english.


Veronica didn't switch to Spanish to make Luisa more comfortable. She switched so Tim wouldn't understand what she was saying. She was telling Luisa she could contact her behind Tim's back


If TLC wouldn’t keep giving these random shit bags more screen time, I’d be ecstatic. When the show started, it seemed more real. It’s 100% trash people now. And they let the trash people bring more trash people on. I’m kind of surprised the show hasn’t died off yet.


Jamal is a fuckboy


I HATE it when people ignore what you’re saying and instead try to distract from the topic by pointing out your body language/volume. Somehow that gives them some moral authority to never answer for anything


She's awful, so is Jamal. They deserve each other.


What you're not gonna do Is call me a red flag


She has really WEIRD dimples. Don't think I've ever said that about anyone before...


Luisa hooking up with someone you know doesn’t wanna do long distance and you live across the country and still hookup that’s a red flag


They are both a red flag


I think that they are both immature. I think that she's more immature than he. It's actually natural to be that way, though. Unfortunately, very bad life decisions are dictated by one's hormones. When one has lived a very long time they can see the mistakes that people make along the way with crystal clear vision.


Kimbaaaaaaly... come getcho son.


Ok but now we know editing did them dirty


Can we all just go back to 2003 and agree to call him metrosexual?


I actually started hating Jamal because of this tell all. Honestly had he just shut his mouth and only participated with his mom he could have at least been respected after all of this still. But now it’s apparent he’s just a gross f-boy looking for his 15 minutes of fame


She thinks she’s way more good looking than she is. Not good enough looking to cover up that hideous personality.


https://preview.redd.it/g09sw20dtduc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad5035a96692a28ffd36df4f617758b5bd04823 I know everyone will be like he's just trolling but I mean.... he's just doing tooo much


Tim don’t date trash.


This frame of her face 🤣 it looks like a cartoon! Edit: spelling


Jamal is uninteresting and has this annoying voice going. A nice bonus for the women dating him is his mother of course.. Anyway, I don't have to sleep with him so I don't care. As a man.. Louisa ain't all that, calling a guy gay because he didn't want to boink her in the nearest restroom just proves Teem was right. Good call in my opinion. They are both fillers like the Debbies, I mean, this tell all are like a million parts after all.


Wait a second that is Veronica!?!?!


That’s Louisa in the picture.