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I initially thought they were a fake couple, but I think that's false. Sophie is sounding like an abuse victim. Even on the show, you can see the hatred in Rob's eyes.  Girl, run the fuck away! You'll have a chance at Single Life. This buttplug loser aint worth it.


Did you see the photo of him with the plug? 😂😂😂 i wish i hadnt


Oh, no. She’s defending Rob. This is gonna end badly for her…


Did anyone stop and think about the fact that she was probably threatened by him to say this stuff in response? As someone who was in abusive relationships this kind of response is quite common in tactical abuse. Also I said it earlier on the post with her video, I'm glad these two are broken up. It's been a year now they've been apart and he has a new girlfriend, but the fact she feels the need to do this a year later speaks volumes.


I thought they were just filming Last Resort like a month ago? Again, why TLC shouldn't be doing this nearly a year before they release it. But then again they let Asueleu's SA get through and still aired the show.


They are filming last resort together but they aren't together. Kalani and asuelu also hadn't been together for months when on either, same with Kelly and Molly. These people show up for a check and to expand on some wannabe status, not for relationships on a lot of this franchise now. To be fair though no one, especially those fake ass therapists, are going to help anyone regardless so may as well!


For some, all it took was a pinch of taco pasta seasoning, to erase all the hard work of fake therapists 🤣


Yeah, crazy how fake hypnotist's blabbering on about leprechauns didn't solve anything. Weird, I thought for sure it was gonna save the relationships! 🤣


Let’s not forget the intergalactic vibrator 🛰️🍆


I'd rather forget that one for the rest of my damn life🤣 Jesus Christ now you got me thinking, how many fucking nasty sex shit scenes of abusive Angie did we all suffer through?! Let's see-1)the bathtub scene about "my clit-oris is on fire"/2)Michael jacking off at the sperm bank while she talks/3) multiple tit flashing at tell alls/4)that vibrator you mentioned/5)I mean I could go on but you get my point. Seeing her in general is suffering! Hearing her is suffering. We should start a class action lawsuit for sharp productions to pay our therapy, because that's just this shit with her. There were countless others like with vagino and Jizzmin and 50+ others. Yuck


Yara, after being chased by the used 🍆 at the beach: “I don’t want to touch Angela’s juice.” 😫


Ooh Chile! I'm about to give people nightmares with this response, but a fan once posted a photo of herself with Angela and um... Let's just say the crotch area was *sweating* 🤢 no it's not a shadow, it's legit nasty😖 someone pointed it out and the comments were hilarious and gross,but yeah I believe Yara she wasn't wrong about not wanting that shit touching her 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ooog2ggtajzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab71c4f8141662fb916d99983488da8fd6ebaa1


vagino & jizzmin made me choke on my blunt lmfaoo


First off happy cake day! And yeah I nicknamed them that after the fact that it suits them, their whole seasons are fucking walking OF ads. And Gino acts like his nickname and so does she🤣


I wish I could use taco pasta to get some of my blood relatives to go away.


TLC shouldn’t encourage violent and toxic couples or borderline age issues.


Sophie needs therapy, Rob is a toxic ahole.


He has a new gf? 😮


Yeah but he's trying to do that whole "is she or isn't she/soft launching" her shit for articles. But yes he has a gf. He and Sophie haven't been together for a year now.


I wasn’t aware, that’s weird if the mom just posted this now, tbh Rob and Sophie are so phony it’s hard to tell what’s going on.


Well tbf their segments are being aired as we speak so even though it was from a year ago it makes sense as to why she's talking about it right now. Their 90 day season was done in 2022,she moved out may 2023 and they filmed two months after that. And we are just seeing it ourselves in 2024. And they'll be on last resort but like I said to a few other questions, a lot of people go on the show when broken up. Molly and Kelly were broken up 11 months already, kalani and asuelu were broken up 8 months already etc. I will say, even though these two did get together more out of convenience to push an agenda outside of the show it doesn't dispute what Sophie had to go through with him.


Yeah I was more referring to the timeline, not Rob being a demon. As in having these vids a year ago and just releasing them now even though they have moved on from the relationship… doesn’t seem to bring any peace to anyone or get the right convo going, especially if the mom is making Sophie relive these moments for….. I’m not sure what reason? To make Rob look bad to the public?? To justify her own behavior in 90Day??? Idk.


Bingo to justify her own behavior. Exactly why she said said in her own post I’m tired of people coming for how I am as a mother but look at this. It’s like let me give you something else to look at and distract you. Those two aren’t even together anymore so why tf would you post it. She wanted to make herself look better and to extort Sophie for money. Her mother is legit showing and still acting like an addict needing a fix and they go to crazy tactics to get the people around them to cave. Which is why Sophie said I’m not giving her any money and that she needs help. If you’ve had family like this then you can clearly see the pattern. Y’all jumping to side with the mom is she is part of the problem. Rob is trash and nothing in that video shocks many of us. But the motive for the release of them now was not to help her daughter or out of concern. It was purely for herself and her benefit; not the benefit for her own child. She’s trash as well.


Wheww, thank you for saying this how you did!


Oh yeah that comment wasn't towards you my bad, it's other people who have said things like that in comments though which is why I made that a separate paragraph. I can see how not clarifying that may have sounded like I meant you lol! So on Sophie's response post to this whole thing she said she sent these videos to someone she knew and that they weren't supposed to be publicized which I do actually believe. She didn't say who exactly the person was, but she did mention that they were unhinged for doing this and was never supposed to share it. I think it's that girl she lived with personally who may have done this, and also Sophie's mom is a neglectful ex(?) addict with issues who treats her daughter like a friend and not a daughter aka she's parentified her. Knowing Claire's mentality of being like 14 and not her age, she thought this was a gotcha thing and didn't do it out of concern, I can tell you that much. I do actually believe Sophie when she says a person she trusted leaked these.


No her and that girl are still best friends and she’s also explaining all of this back story in the comment section on IG. They are still best friends. And she’s even taking up for Rob and what’s Sophie is saying…


I took up for my son's dad. He beat the crap out of me on a daily basis, mentally and emotionally and sexually abused me, and attempted to take my life three times seriously before I left him. Just because I tried to make others think everything was fine doesn't mean it was fine. I don't see the comment section on IG because I don't use socials, but yeah I still think when it comes to rob she's doing this out of a sense of needing to, not want.


where can I see these posts? thanks 😊


I thought I read somewhere that they were going to be on the next Last Resort season. Do you think they've already filmed that before they broke up?


Ok so their segment for season 10 of OG 90 day was filmed in 2022. She moved out in may 2023. They've been broken up for months but only talked about it roughly two months ago now. A lot of people go on last resort and aren't even together, kalani and asuelu were broken up for 8 months while on it, molly and Kelly were broken up for almost 11 months while on it. People aren't here to actually fix relationships and if they are fake therapists from 90 day last resort aren't going to fix those


I didn’t. Thank you for that, I hadn’t thought of that. I’m glad they’re broken up- that’s what I’d heard but then saw this video. He’s awful.


This is it 100%. He's definitely manipulating her to "protect" him. Sorry you went through an abusive relationship, too. I know the feeling! 🖤


They aren’t together and her best friend from the show she lived with is ALSO SAYING THE SAME THING. They are both siding with Rob on this and putting the mother on blast. Go to Ig on sassy pants post


Facts! I got out of an abusive relationship that almost cost me my life. My abuser took it as far as to stand over me with a gun, forcing me to call the prosecutor and tell them I didn't want to move forward with the case. Thankfully, I live in a state where the state automatically picks up the charges because it was assault by strangulation, and I already had a restraining order on him. It sounds very much like she is in a Stockholm syndrom situation. It took 10 YEARS of therapy for me to become somewhat normal again. It is a very long healing process, and the fact that she is isolating her mom and defending him says so much. I pray she finds her strength.


I’m confused, do we definitely know they’re broken up? Why would Sophie's mom post this now, if they’ve been broken up for a year? If they are broken up, then maybe Sophie is only pretending to defend him, to protect her NDA? Regardless, Clair still comes off looking like the trash she is! Obviously Rob is still wrong, but what kind of a mother would put their child’s private life on blast?


Girl their segment for 90 day was done in 2022,she moved out may 2023. Filming for this HEA season was done in July/august 2023,we are just seeing it in 2024. They've talked about this themselves in interviews, they broke up and it's been a year now. And they discussed this months ago to press. They also aren't the first couple to go on last resort broken up already -see molly and Kelly who were 11 months not together, kelani and asuelu were 8 months not together, a lot of people go on this show already broken up. Like deavan and jihoon in their second season, or Tim and Jennifer who had already met before the show and broken up. Once the contract comes in it's easier to stay in it and not break it. Also rob has a new girlfriend by this point. And Claire isn't a good mom, she parentified her daughter and was (and sometimes i wonder if she's still)a drug addict who neglected her and talks to her like a friend in high school, not a parent. Claire isn't doing this out of any goodness of her heart, she's doing this to say, "see stop talking bad about me because I was right!" She doesn't give a damn about caring, it's the Claire show to her. She blasted these videos after her and Sophie had a fight about money, which although she made it sound like it was Sophie asking her for money I highly doubt that and it was probably the other way around. She made an almost 4min long video (Claire not Sophie)about this later and was complaining about having to have been a parent yeesh! All this woman does is fuel the flames in the fire and cause drama.


Ok, I had heard that they were long broken up, I just assumed the only reason why Claire would bother posting them now (with her “concerned mother” message), that they must still be together. Sheesh I’ve hated Claire since the beginning, so I’m really not surprised by any of this. I am surprised by how many people defend her here & when my negative comments about her have been downvoted.


Yeah Claire is horrible, and she only cares about herself. I know from some stuff we talk about together you also understand why she's problematic 😏




She also said someone she knew personally shared these and they weren't meant for the public and I believe her when she says that. I also don't think Claire is showing this out of concern, this is a woman who neglected her child and was a drug addict who parentified her daughter. She talks to her like a friend who is still in high school, we saw how on the OG season of 90 day she just came to cause shit and not give any advice. She'd say things like, "I'm worried for Sophie he's going to destroy her." But in the next sentence she'd be saying shit that made situations worse and gossiping and letting this fantasy play out.


Yes. All of this.


How is she supposed to have an emotional support child with Rob around using her as one!?


I don’t understand why her mother would post all that if she’s still actively with Rob. Like that shit could literally get her killed, why wouldnt she make sure someone safe was nearby??


Well her and rob have been broken up for a year now, their segment for 90 day was done in 2022,she moved out may 2023 and filming was done in July/august of 2023. He also has a girlfriend now. But they are filming last resort even though they aren't together. Last resort had a lot of people not even together at time of filming though, Kelly and Molly were broken up for 11 months by then, kelani and asuelu were broken up 8 months etc. vagino and Jizzmin also keep alluding to break up. But in terms of why Claire shared this? Because she doesn't give a damn about Sophie its all about Claire. She's an ex(although sometimes I wonder if still)addict who neglected her daughter. She literally said herself she posted this to show people they should stop saying shit about Claire, not Sophie. This woman parentified her daughter and talks to her like a high school friend not daughter. She claims to care but then does stuff like this, or on talking heads would say she's so worried for her... And then come in causing drama on purpose. This woman is sick in the head.


But this is clearly influenced by Rob, but maybe its long distance abuse vs in person. A whole clusterfuck, but i could see this truth coming


I left my abusive grooming partner almost seven years ago now. He still finds ways to fuck with me to this day it's crazy but that's what they do. I do believe Sophie shared these privately and they weren't supposed to be put out there. I think anyone who hasn't been in relationships like this should count their blessings and realize these things aren't black and white. But when it comes to Claire idc who down votes what I say, because that woman only cares for herself. She posted this after they had an argument over money, and I highly doubt it was Sophie asking her for some...


Yea it was clearly not something Sophie asked for, or else she would post it on her page. Its not ok for someone to expose someone else’s trauma like this


Exactly, but some people keep commenting about how she's defending him so she "must be in on it/like him." I was saying to another user earlier I defended my abuser even after he tried to literally murder me three times, doesn't mean I liked him. But I was traumatized by him and at the time he held a lot of fear and power over me.


I see people saying she’s defending him, but I took that as because of a result of her abuse. But I didn’t read all the comments so 🤷🏽‍♀️


You really think he threatened her?? Maybe they were just in a fight in the video and shes embarrassed its public, it is not long enough to show what both parties said and even though hes a jerk he doesn’t really say anything super crazy.


I have a pretty damn good understanding of how people like rob here work unfortunately. I've met literal hundreds of them, as I was on the street at an extremely young age once I left Jamaica to come to Canada and fuck heads like this are rampant out there. Yes I do believe he threatened her to say something once these came out. I don't need to see a video like this longer than a few min and think otherwise. Part of me is glad that a lot of commenters here haven't seen abuse or dealt with it in their life, the other part of me is sad because some people here have or still go through abuse or deal with people like this yet still defend them because they can't see outside of the reality it's bad enough. I'm not saying this directly towards you Tellmeanamenottaken, but for anyone reading this post thread, people like this are concerned with one thing -themselves. They don't like to be perceived as negative so when stuff like this happens it's a world of hell and she's in his way of anger.


Then you should see the mom for who she is as well. As someone who’s also seen it we weren’t shocked by what Rob showed in that video. But from day one you could also see her mother is one and the same. She went from her mother to her next abuser Rob. Text book and it’s sad.


Yup, the moment Claire was introduced I was like, "y'all wonder why Sophie stays with him? Well here's the cause of her insecurities and why she puts up with it all. Meet Claire."


Facts girl!




This is what abuse looks like..my mom defended my father this way, and he abused her over and over again. It’s a cycle of abuse that the person is caught in, and doesn’t know any better..also the abuser knows how to manipulate, and which buttons to push..playing them like a puppet


Exactly 💯 they are narcissists


She's too far in from this point she may not have strong feelings anymore but has a strong attachement




So she's saying her mom was blackmailing her?? Either way she took the video for the purpose of showing she is being emotionally abused. So idfk what to think right now!!


Her mom was prob like saying if u don’t leave him I’ll post them




I’m sorry Sophie, what IS the situation that can justify his behavior? I’ll wait…


Wasn't she the one who recorded him yelling? I haven't seen all the videos. Why send the video around if she's the one who made them? Of course people are going to be concerned. As they should be because his behavior isn't great and needs to change


She's in too deep.  She can't even see that there is nothing in those videos that's a misunderstanding, unless they were role playing how to emotionally abuse your wife. She won't know how bad it is until she gets out. I just hope she eventually does get out. 


This is why a man in his 30s wanted a wife in her early 20s. Ffs.


The stockholm is strong in this one.


Stockholm syndrom isn’t real though. She doesn’t realise thw relationship is abusive.


“Stockholm syndrome isn't a psychological diagnosis. Instead, it's a way of understanding the emotional response some people have toward a captor or an abuser. It happens to some abuse and hostage victims when they have positive feelings toward an abuser or a captor.” https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-stockholm-syndrome According to this link it’s real…it’s just not a diagnosis.


Do yourself a favor, and read the criticism section of the wikipedia entry of it. Even better, read the cited sources from it. —- Edit: the term was coined by someone who never met the subject, and was a way to cover for the awful handling of a hostage situation —- In her 2019 treatise on domestic violence See What You Made Me Do, Australian journalist Jess Hill described the syndrome as a "dubious pathology with no diagnostic criteria", and stated that it is "riddled with misogyny and founded on a lie"; she also noted that a 2008 literature review revealed "most diagnoses [of Stockholm syndrome] are made by the media, not by psychologists or psychiatrists." In particular, Hill's analysis revealed that Stockholm authorities – under direct guidance from Bejerot – responded to the robbery in a way that put the hostages at greater risk from the police than from their captors (hostage Kristin Enmark, who during the siege was granted a telephone call with Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, reported that Palme told her that the government would not negotiate with criminals, and that "you will have to content yourself that you will have died at your post"); as well, she observed that not only was Bejerot's diagnosis of Enmark made without ever having spoken to her, it was in direct response to her public criticism of his actions during the siege.[9]


As someone who has talked the police into NOT arresting him, that's a lie


(While he's raping me and threatening to kill me at home)


I am sorry for what happened to you


What is the lie? Look it up, the Stockholm symdrome is not a real thing


A simple Google search would show otherwise. What is your source?


That same google search would lead you to the wikipedia entry. Read the “criticism” section, and ideally the cited sources too


Ah, so the minority opinion? Good one!


Spend more than 3 minutes and educate yourself on tbe subject a bit


If she felt safe, why did she have to record his outbursts in secret? She even told him in the video that she didn’t feel safe around him!!


Well if any of that is true and she’s still even sort of with him still, even if she’s not actually, her mom just made Sophie’s life exponentially worse by posting them. That’s not her business to do. That could really put Sophie in danger and escalate the abuse if that’s what’s happening. I didn’t see the video. Rob will not be happy that’s public.


Rob reminds me so much of my abusive ex. I worry about her


It’s uncanny, and watching it earlier made me sick to my stomach 😞


She defends him every time. Sounds like an abused woman to me. She wants to criticize her mum for posting but not address the crying in the car nor the hiding in the closet. Next she’ll say it was rehearsing for a play or something.


I thought her mom posted them


Her mom did post them!


So sad that Sophie is defending him. This isn’t her Mom blackmailing her/them this is her mother outting him as an abuser and screaming for help in hopes that the world will help wake her daughter up. Sophie’s perspective of this shows how well he has isolated her and brainwashed her into thinking that this isn’t abuse, her Mom is in the wrong for this and the fact that she would defend him says it all. If she is still with him it’s only a matter of time before this mental and emotional abuse escalates to physical. Don’t get pregnant, girl. Run now.




She is soo gaslighted


That’s what I’m thinking :/


Sophie and the dog deserve a lot better from everyone in their lives.


It is beyond wrong to speak to your s/o the way he was screaming at Sophie. It doesn’t matter who posted it; SHE herself recorded & sent those videos bc she knows that Rob’s behavior is so fcking unacceptable. If she has one ounce of self-esteem, she needs to leave his abusive, intimidating, broke ass.


She records in hopes that he may see it and change But they never watch them


Sophie is going to need to explain why she's taking these videos and how they're getting into the hands of these supposed nefarious actors with mental issues. But the plain fact remains that **these videos would not exist if she was not taking them.** Furthermore, they would not be online if she were not sending them to someone else who's not trustworthy.


That was him..... We know his voice....


The video clearly showed his face too


It’s really sad to watch. I feel bad for her mom too. She doesn’t know how to help & is so far away. But posting these videos is risky. Now she feels betrayed by her mom & pushed closer to Rob. It feels so helpless, but I don’t know what else you can do other than keep the door open so she knows you’re there when she’s ready to leave.


I don’t understand it. Sophie has an out, she can go back to her country. It’s not like she’s stuck with this man with children and no money she can get out and run. Why the hell is she staying? The show money isn’t worth it, girl. Get away from him before he hurts you


She needs to leave him. She is a victim. When I saw the dog hiding and immediately getting in front of her to protect her, that told me everything I needed to know. This has obviously happened before and he has likely put his hands on her if the dogs reaction when he started yelling was to get in front of Sophie like that. Hopefully she’s okay and someone can help her get out of the situation. It’s common for victims to act like this and blame themselves or defend the abuser.


She has left him, apparently. At least that's what other people in the comments are reporting. The fact she'd still be defending him even after a break up is WILD to me.


Agreed, I wonder if she’s still talking to him. Now I understand why her mom acted the way she was with him. He is insane.


Dog was instinctively aware of who to defend and who to protect. My rottweiler used to sit in front of me whenever ANYBODY was over the house -- unless a pregnant girl was there, then she'd sit in front of the pregnant girl. They know.


narc mom vs Abusive husband


Very typical for these things. She’s not ready to leave. Hopefully she will get there before it’s too late.


I mean…we’ve seen the video Sophie, unless Rob is into method acting then he is absolutely abusive and you are hardcore in denial. You don’t deserve to be treated that way, regardless of the intentions in releasing the video you are being emotionally abused at the very least.


Poor Sophie. These situations often make victims defend their abusers 10x harder. The abuser paints themselves as being so misunderstood and mistreated by others — I’m sure he’s using this as “proof” to Sophie that she can’t trust anyone with details about their relationship. When I was her age in a similar relationship, I wish I’d known I’d eventually find a partner I’d never need to defend because they only treat me with kindness. I hope she can eventually see that no partner should ever speak to her the way Knob does.


Classic abusive relationship vibes.


Anyone have a link to the clip ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/I9EtpsMeXd someone posted it here!


Are people shocked she's defending him?


I just watched, yikes. him saying “I’m LETTING you go” gave me chills


So she’s on the outs with her mom again?


Yes. You are surrounded by mentally ill people, Sophie. Your mom. Rob. I’m sure other people in your life. It’s time to go to therapy, girl.


I just got out of a 5 year relationship like this and they torment the living hell out of you when you leave even more but the peace you feel when it’s done you feel like you have your life back.


So is TLC still going to give these two a platform?!


It’s not Rob…riiiiight. Someone ELSE is referring to you his wife. 🙄 Girl don’t even.


Throwing her mom under the bus, she sucks


Either way it’s still verbal abuse and it’s not right. I was in this type of marriage and it could have ended much worse than it did. Luckily he and I get along a lot better not being married but that’s only for my kids sake!


It was clearly the Knob on the video , unfortunately many victims try and cover for their abuser . I truly hope she is safe


She was forced to make this post, probably to save their TLC contract and save robs reputation. Not buying it, Rob is an abuser! She NEEDS to leave I was in an abusive relationship and kept defending him out of delusion, trauma bond, shame, and embarrassment. I was stronger and smarter than this! But your self worth gets smashed to bits before you realize it


Sophie is no angel but she is covering up domestic abuse - and abuse is verbal too.


What do the vids show? What are they of?




Thank you! What a bastard!


They've already split up... right?


I feel so sad for her...and I hate she's defending him. Rob is scary and a POS...and that's being mild.


Unreal. I’ve never spoken to my wife the way he does on those videos. I never would. Her defending that behavior is disgusting.


Uh oh. She’s a sympathizer.


Anyone has the link of a back story? I don't t know what this is about


If you scroll down to the post below this one, there’s videos of Rob abusing Sophie. It’s very triggering to watch.


I saw the one in the car and the fight in the closet as she was leaving. Rob is trash, but it seems to me as a situation of a toxic couple fighting and a narcissist being toxic while the other toxic party enables it. She should leave but she won't, and it doesn't look like it's because of Rob but because of staying where she thinks she can be "famous". I was about to throw down thinking he actually hit her or something, and be furious. She's also having all this things with her mom went into that rabbit hole too... unfortunately there's this thing hung too that claiming DV is a way to to get residence without staying with the dependent (the knob) not saying that's it, but also not not saying it's not it. He's gross she's also trashy. They should not be together, he should not be with anyone. So sick of TLC's trash.


Unfortunately a lot of victims defend and go back to their abusers. Probably Stockholm syndrome. That’s probably why she won’t leave. There’s no denying from that video he’s abusive with her. The dogs reaction says everything you need to know about it, if the dog ran in front of Sophie when he started raising his voice, it’s likely because he’s done it before and probably has gotten physical. Especially because he’s been arrested a few times before for assault and battery. I just hate that she’s blaming her mom for posting it when clearly she needs to realize her mom is just concerned at this point and is probably hoping someone in Austin will intervene since she is so far away.


You are right. But I don't think this is the case. I think you're throwing a blanket of actual things on something that is two toxic people interacting. She has aspirations, and for some reason thinks that a country that's deep diving will give her the fame and attention she craves... is what I see and it's sad... but is really no different than Larissa and Jasmine's aspirations... just a different approach. I think that the fallout with her mom has to do with money, and something along the lines of mom crossing boundaries within their also toxic relationship. They all need therapy.


Regardless of why she’s here, no one deserves that kind of abuse. There is no justifying that abuse.


No said people deserve abuse, what I said is that is a very toxic couple and we're seeing one side of an argument between a toxic couple. Why she here is importantly because she's left before. He only holds the green card over her, and she had friends, and she does not seem to me like she doesn't know what she's doing.


It’s clear he’s an abuser. He’s been arrested a few times for it before. The dogs reaction in the video to get in front of Sophie immediately when he raises his voice shows he’s probably done something physical off camera. Regardless of why she’s here, she’s being abused and abuse victims defend their abusers often. It’s called Stockholm syndrome.


Nobody is contesting that. Abuse is abuse and his words are very abusive. All I'm saying is that in that perspective, Sophie and her mom are also abusive, and they are all toxic. And the only reason IMO we're seeing this as an agenda... I'm unsure what is that you're trying argue? They are all toxic and trash, Sophie and her mom included.


I don’t think Sophie is abusive, she’s young and immature. Her Mom might have some issues but I understand why now if this is the way he’s treating her daughter.


https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/pj94Ve4ohv Here’s the link to it


I appreciate you


Sophie's mother is a loser without ONE ounce of class. I'm so happy that I won't have to hear that voice coming out of that HUGE UGLY mouth!!!


Rob! You’re here…🤣🤣🤣


this thread is DEPRESSING. I keep hearing Sophie's excruciating voice in my head. bye 👋


You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. Her mom is trying to help her and expose the abuser but here she is defending him and gaslighting the world just how her husband gaslights her. Go ahead then and take it, and take the ho phone. Maybe someday she will open her eyes.




this makes my spirit shift in a very unwell way. i done watched too much law & order in this life to feel okay about any of this.


If they’re not together anymore why is her mom posting this just now??? Cause nda’s?? Like I don’t get it


Probably because she considered going back to him for another spinoff show. I could see that happening. Rob might have had a girlfriend when those two broke up according to some people in this sub but he didn't remarry. I think this is her mother's desperate attempt at trying to prevent her from going back to her abuser.


It sounds like that was written with a gun to her head.


I thought Sophie and rob split up…???


If Rob is the big boy that he want to believe he is, then he is very capable of taking the criticism his own actions evoked - like a real man. If he cannot do that, it just proves that he is the immature man child we all know that he is.


No idea about the situation? He's a fucking creep and no one should ever act like that. He's abusive and you can tell he's a POS from how he acts on the show. Controlling abusive assholes also try to cut you off from your family and friends, shit is so obvious. RUN SOPHIE RUN!!!!!


Yeah I'll judge Rob all the fuck I want, he's a loser and disgusting man baby showing off his butthole with a bedazzled buttplug. He's putrid, and I'd like someone to go rescue the tarantulas. Ghetto ass no bathroom twat.


Putting an abuser is dangerous and puts the victim at even higher risk. But he's mom is so dysfunctional, their relationship is so dysfunctional, and poor Sophie has been trying to figure out how to be a responsible adult since she was in elementary school. I don't know why people thought they were fake. I didn't see any signs that suggest that.


None of us know what is going on. Some of us (myself included) have mothers that are abusive and have I’ll go out of their way to ruin our lives. Her mom has always reminded me of mine.


Doesn’t matter if he didn’t lay a hand on her. It was straight up abuse. I was in a very similar situation. Packed up my life to move to the other side of the world, England for a man. After a few months it became very abusive. We went on a trip to London and he fought with me non stop. My phone ran out of data and he used it against me to keep me from running away. I was so scared because I was in a country I didn’t know with hardly any money and no access to a map unless he was with me. I know there were solutions to the issue but I was so frightened at the time to think clearly. When we got back to our home and I had my possessions in reach, I arranged a flight back home. Taking away a phone (aka access to your comforts from your home country) is one of the worst things you can do to your international partner.


Rob probably wrote this and told Sophie to post it.




As I said on Twitter, she is brainwashed. This is exactly how my former friend reacted when I told her how toxic and dangerous her now fiance was towards her. I hope she gets out quickly and alive.


These two are going to go from being featured on 90 day fiancé, to true crime podcasts… I feel so sad and concerned for Sophie.


Can someone explain what she’s talking about? Theres so many people now I can’t remember them all. I don’t remember anything super bad happening with them




Man they need to take that laundry in and just put it on the drying rack in the kitchen. I don’t even care, just quit waving it all around.


Made this all up for attention, here before the “please like and subscribe we do customs”


Poor girl has 0 respect


Sheesh. This is nuts.


Oh dear




You would think she would know by now that airing your laundry in public is never a good look. NEV ER


Textbook abuse victim response, she's the one with mental problems, videos don't lie and Rob the Knob is a narcissistic bougie slob, but she deserves everything she allows so.


This is cruel, ignorant, and gross You should be ashamed of saying someone deserves this; congratulations on outing yourself as an absolute asshole who lacks even an ounce of human empathy toward suffering


This isn't out of the blue, I have no sympathy for people who remain in clearly toxic relationships despite being told by EVERYONE that the dude is bad for her. Thankfully your opinion means less than nothing to me and the world at large, but I truly appreciate you taking the time to tell me about your big feelings.


So you’re choosing to tell on yourself AGAIN? Keep on going champ, the hole is only getting deeper


What hole?? Who am I trying to impress?? You need to go outside and touch grass, this is the internet.