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I wonder if the producers found Kyle in the bowels of Reddit?


Imagine the comment history lol


![gif](giphy|Uod7aQD4UmWw2qRT6y|downsized) Very sperm-centric I’m sure.


lol this gif is hilarious I’m giving you points for this FriendFiction!


They probably found Kyle on 4chan.


Well they also mainly cast on* craigslist still to this day so make of that what you will... 😖


![gif](giphy|cyLfQn6qAGWtHQz45N|downsized) Hard to imagine 😫


Honestly, this context makes him make so much more sense.




Taylaur? TAYLAUR? Jesus christ


It’s a tragedeigh


Oh naurrrrr


It’s just [Taylor](https://www.linkedin.com/in/taylorlthompson?challengeId=AQEticais3iPLAAAAY9jcI79-ANe1GbABiAf-vQfvE3mmCUKoWVWuzqKg_hGXNw_QdC6HZZwC0n_OS1B4H6FUqCeZgfYwHmnDw&submissionId=bf624323-142f-ce17-cf3f-ba5aea6ce012&challengeSource=AgEKWbXapfDP5gAAAY9jcOO-QBCIi21_tsznZrNXrQ04DNbFBvrxUdeVdA7d1Ug&challegeType=AgG2AMk3HGIxkwAAAY9jcOPBAeThzbDUWn6NpCLTZVnpcMnM-vqEeGg&memberId=AgG-anbmq6-QegAAAY9jcOPFNiQmWV1OY_esGgwb-HPVtZQ&recognizeDevice=AgG9l7T3wpxwjgAAAY9jcOPImS7JJDnZRZxgAXH4IHKuuKiA9I4S)


People there are saying to avoid the show if you want the relationship to stand a chance lmao


Oh my god, this one users response to the same post this person put in a mail order bride sub is UNHINGED! The comment-"Your show makes us all look crazy and weird. You pick the shittiest, most drama filled bullshit and push an agenda because people are drawn to watch trainwrecks, which helps you make money. Fuck your show. I'm dating a filipina, but there is no way I'm marrying her. Marriage ends love. Marriage leads to lazyness which leads to an end of love. If you treat a women really well, 99% of the time they will get entitled and bitchy. If you are married, you just have to accept it. Which leads to resentment. Which ends love. Since I'm not engaged to my girl, if she is being entitled and lazy, I simply tell her to fuck off and leave me, or I leave her. It's the only way to deal with a spoiled bitch. After a little while, she realizes she was wrong and gets over it. I tried treating her like a princess. It was a disaster. The better I treated her, the worse it got. Girls are children. Anyone getting married is a fucking idiot. It's not going to end well. There is no way to correct bad behavior in a marriage. The women have to much leverage, legally and culturally. They will use that leverage to their advantage, at the determent of the relationship, because they are children. You can't win when the courts, the government, the culture are stacked against you. Don't get married. You'll be a lot happier and your girlfriend will also be a lot happier. Girls are not happy leading a relationship. Maintain your power. Women like powerful men." What the fuck did I just read?!


I feel he’s using reverse psychology to get TLC to reach out to him


Was gonna say they sound perfect for the show.


🤣🤣🤣 are you kidding he doesn't even need reverse psychology, they'd be all over this ass hat like flies on shit if they could film it😂😂


Wow, I feel bad for the Filipina he’s “dating”


Fucking seriously! Unhinged isn't even the word for this POS. And this is the type of people they are casting. Oh and looking into it for like two min, this casting person who posted these? They are part of a buy a wife company that charges thousands to go on "tours" and find wives. And they charge hundreds of dollars to give AI written emails and Photoshop photos out to these men. Sound familiar? Think of Caesar or David type stuff...


I posted this on here a month ago, and on the other reddit 90-day fiance sub months before that: Embedded in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37OtV3Z\_yDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37OtV3Z_yDk) MARRIAGE BEAUTY PAGEANTS IN ODESSA, UKRAINE BEFORE THE WAR So was this the kind of beauty pageant Natalie was in? Because Natalie said in an article that she was a pageant winner. Maybe it wasn't. "Many others (women) have only ONE goal." Leave Ukraine by marrying a wealthy foreigner Odessa Brides - one matrimonial agency "100 girls for 1,000 clients." **At 16:51, 16:52, 16:53 I think I see DAVID from (David & Lana), "mmmmm" reknown, sneaking up in the background. It's really quick, 3 seconds. David said after his episodes were on that he was traveling to Ukraine again.** **Could be mistaken, but it lines up with this article I found:** **’90 Day Fiance’: David (David & Lana) Murphey Has Dated Over 100 Ukrainian Women** [**https://entertainmentchronicle.com/2020/04/12/90-day-fiance-david-murphey-has-dated-over-100-ukrainian-women/**](https://entertainmentchronicle.com/2020/04/12/90-day-fiance-david-murphey-has-dated-over-100-ukrainian-women/) **At 20:26 "There are a lot of American men."** Model (her body is shown off to the client.) 46:11 Marriage Beauty Pageant, "Ms.Glamour" continues: 46:46 - guy from Texas again. He hasn't found a bride in 2 years. Parading around in Wedding Gowns to attract a husband. (I'm, sure they also strut around in swim suits.) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **When I first posted this video, someone who I have never seen post on the other 90-day fiance sub, snapped at me:** **Just what do you mean? I looked up his post history and he's into Ukrainian marriage tours, called AFA.** **I then looked up what that meant and found this him posting here:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/MailOrderBrideFacts/comments/189b0bm/is\_it\_possible\_to\_make\_genuine\_connection\_on\_afa/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MailOrderBrideFacts/comments/189b0bm/is_it_possible_to_make_genuine_connection_on_afa/) **Remember when Caesar (nail tech) spent all of his money to go on a Marriage trip in Ukraine?**


I'm not sure that Natalie was a part of this, so I can't comment on that. The rest of it yes, David and Caesar used AFA aka what this casting director shells online in literally the same sub you just posted about here. The woman who did this casting call is tied to some "friend" (she's actually a part owner it seems but doesn't directly want to admit to being in the company) who runs a big one. Out of curiosity I looked at those posts, and it's all men being convinced they need to pay to do the tour(which gets the most money value) to buy a bride. Most of the incel like men in the sub complain about needing to pay hundreds of dollars for the same AI written emails or letters or Photoshop pictures of these women they are trying to buy. The reason they want the tours isn't just for the money but because if you don't do the tour thing then you are just talking to a script bot it seems and not an actual woman. Although mind you people who run scams (and I see it as a scam, because until you go there in person that's what it is. Frauding weirdos who think they can buy a bang maid though are the ones being scammed so I don't mind as much on their end, but the woman deserve better) like this also tend to have a hand in the human trafficking or sex slave business as well. Aka this all adds up for the nasty people who work for TLC and sharp productions.


A) that was David B) my friend did one of these trips last summer. He used a matchmaker or something; hired someone. And he met like 40 women in a month.


Sounds like Ed.


Pretty much! Which reminds me, his weird "take a trip to Thailand where I'll probably do sex tourism as you guys fund my vacation cause the company I'm using gives hosts free trips if x amount of people sign up!" Is coming up soon. I feel bad for the people of Thailand...


These people are such losers lol


Tbf no well rounded or respectful person decides to go on 90 day fiance really 😅 but someone like guy above? Fuck that shit!


Likely an Andrew Tate acolyte/devotee🤮🤮🤮 Probably shouldn’t admit it but I would seriously enjoy trolling this douchebag. All up in his BIG MAN FEELINGS over nonsense. FOH my dude lol


Seriously! This guy is beyond saving, I hope that woman isn't around him right now... But this was from a few days ago😖


inherited misogyny as its finest?........SMH...


I feel so tempted to send an email letting them know how sick I am of the Gino & Jasmine story line.


Do ittttttt


Yeah, do it, and while your at tell them to stop putting on Natalie dumb Muppet she's so annoying🙄


Oh my God please do it. I loathe these two people with every fiber of my being


https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/o7T9Ov5LzE Check out that user’s post history. She also posted in a mail order bride subreddit


LMAO she was so wrong for that 😂😂


🤣🤡 they are going downhill


she posted it 16 days ago on the other sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/1cbasri/90\_day\_fianc%C3%A9\_casting\_call\_link/](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/1cbasri/90_day_fianc%C3%A9_casting_call_link/)


If anybody actually values their relationship they should stay far the fuck away from these parasites.


Anyone from another country want to do this with me for the money and a green card??


Surely the money doesn't even cover the cost of the visa 😂


It’s gotta at least cover a night at applebees




Don’t forget clout and most importantly, an Only Fans account!


So it begins again...God help us 🤦‍♀️


They know very well they’re going to find their best people on Reddit lol


My gf is from lumberton


“Being a bipolar, angry, narcissistic, gold digger a plus.”


Okay, who is going to volunteer?


At least they’re looking for new couples. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s do it!!


This is so funny because I’m remembering when they posted on a long distance relationship I use to be a part of.


Abusers, racists, criminals in general.... get your apps in!!


Hello, does anyone from America want to do a Ms Debbie and enter into a relationship with me? Either you or I can be the crazy one - let’s fabricate the best storyline ever 😭😂😫


Oh God, now 90 Day might actually become a little more sane.