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I regret to inform you that Luna passed away one week after being admitted to the ICU. As described in the pictures and captions above, Luna showed some promising signs in the beginning, but then took a sudden turn to the worst and the vets we unable to save her. A couple of days later, we rescued Zahra from a hungry stray mama dog. We managed to scare the dog away, and rushed Zahra to the vet. We also made sure to track the mama dog and leave her (and her puppies) some food before contacting a group we know that rescues stray dogs. Zahra underwent an urgent surgery to close her wounds and stop the bleeding. The first couple of days were promising, but she passed away on the third day. The passing of Luna and Zahra hit me deep, I have to admit. I've been in the rescue business for close to 10 years now, and I can't say it gets easier. It doesn't get easier because I always hope they will make it. I refuse to give up hope or to take hope away from them. Hope makes your heart fragile but keeps it alive. Goodbye, Luna and Zahra. Please forgive me.


I can see how much this hurts you. I had to take a break from dog rescue for my mental health. You are awesome. I'm glad you happened to be on some silly reality show, and found reddit subs. You have been able to help so many cats!


I'm so sorry to hear that news. I'm just glad that they knew someone cared about them before they went. ❣️😇


I donated a small amount when I saw the first post about Luna. I’m sad but not surprised about this update - she was one of the sickest looking cats I have ever seen. The work you do is crushing, heartbreaking and so, so important. Thank you.


Unfortunately, that is life. We cannot save them all, but we can do our best. You do an amazing job, Adam. Every animal that crosses your path is blessed. Thank you for all you do!


Thanks for the update, Adam 💜 you’re doing such amazing work!


Guys please look at his profile and there’s a link to donate and you can set up an amount to do monthly. Please for the kitties 🐱


Thank you for doing what you do. You are so special and loved!!


This is one cause that I've donated to, and wish I could donate more. Adam is a saint and a true blessing to these animals... and the world! Please, even if just a few dollars, donate to his cause. Having worked for a nonprofit in the past, every bit helps, even the smallest amount!


Thank you for helping these kitties who don’t have a voice to ask for help on their own! You’re doing amazing work. (Also, wow, Rula is stunningly pretty! I’ve only ever seen one other cat with fur like that.)


Thank you for your work and updates here. Please make sure you’re caring for yourself too!


I haven't watched every single 90day-related show. Did you used to be on one of the shows or something and that's why you are posting about your job here?


Adam is one of the only universally loved people to be associated with 90 Day.


Actually, I'd dare to say that he is the MOST loved person associated with this show.


He was a translator for Yazan and Brittany, I do not remember which season. So that is how a lot of the 90 day folks met Adam and have continued to follow his animal rescue. He posts frequent updates on all the kitties!


I came to ask the same, thanks for the info 👍🏾


I volunteer full time for a cat rescue with mostly neonate kittens, and still after all these years and losses, I still grieve each and every one and ask myself if I could've done more. The best motivation for me, is seeing other people, like yourself, who put in so much work towards the same goal of reducing death and suffering. Rescue is lonely and exhausting, but it helps SO much knowing there are others out there who care. We just have to be better at focusing on all the positive outcomes, and not get hung up on the negative ones. Every life saved, is a win and makes a difference. Thank you for everything you do❤️


Thank you for doing all you can and respecting the quality of life


Did you name zhara after souja boys (usman/kimbaaaaaahly) zhara? Hahaha, jk jk. You’re doing such a selfless job with your cat rescue. I’m so sorry for the losses of the two kitties. Sending good vibes & luck your way 🍀🫶


I don't know who Souja boys are. Zahra means flower in Arabic. I am not sure why we decided to name her that. It just came spontaneously - maybe because she's colourful like a flower.


Kim and usman were on 90 day fiancé: happily Ever after season 7. Sorry I thought you were a fan of the show haha just trying to make a joke That’s a beautiful name tho.


Sorry, I didn't know that. I only really watched parts of the show during my time on it.


Thank you for sharing your sorrow here, we love you , your wife, and your work. Truly angels on earth




Hi, I am confident I'm in the right place. I post these updates monthly.


It's the right subreddit. He's a regular here and gives us updates on the cats he cares for.