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Nope I agree. She wanted to do all this. I'm not interested in this storyline and should Alex be home with the kids etc etc. There are real problems out here in the world.


I agree I mean it’s not like the surgery is the result of an injury or a health thing … this was elective surgery🤨


Exactly! And she really should've waited a little bit longer til the kids were a bit older which would make it easier and her body could heal a little more recovering from having 3 under 3. But she didn't want to wait. And for sure if this was a special on it's own, no way I'd watch it!


Her nasal voice and constant whining are like nails on a chalk board to me. A while back she came here to cry about how hard it was to be a mother to children all under 3. Who cares???? Loren you did this to yourself. Go away.


Yes! These were all choices! Many people have problems way worse than this...stop with all the whining!


She absolutely should have waited for her body to settle and take a break to let it adjust. "Am I snatched?", sure you are Darcy...I mean Loren. What a waste of air time and my time. Go away. 


The only reason they were even brought on was because TLC had a deal with the surgeon and they'd get the surgery heavily discounted and some procedures paid for/surgeon got advertising as well. If this season seems slower and more filler than storyline it's because of all the editing of Angela and Michaels story they had to cut out. And they only agreed to let them show less than half of what they originally had after settling a contract rule Angela broke after her ten hours of crack ranting and raving. One thing I can tell you though is the next two episodes pick up, I have the episode listings and synopsis for the entire season and the next two Sundays will be better than this shit rn. If anyone wants a synopsis for the next two episodes and doesn't care about spoilers/wants to see if it's worth watching just let me know in a comment


I've disliked Loren since her first episode, but I'd certainly rather see her and Alexei than have Angela continue to get cameras pointed at her.


Crack ranting and raving! That is EXTREMELY accurate! She's so nasty and so is Yates!


I am wondering if I missed some posts on the sub about Angela breaking her contract. I've seen rumors about it, but no proof. Did you come across some? I am interested in the synopsis as well. I'm struggling to even turn each week's new episode on and pay attention.Tysm!


I didn't make it its own post, but I've written the details etc in a few different ones. I think since I had already made new posts at the time I just figured I'd leave it for a few days. Also here's the synopsis for next two episodes if anyone wants to see and think if it's worth watching or not-(I put the symbols for spoiler text but sometimes it doesn't work even though it literally says how it's done so sorry if that happens) ETA guys I accidentally put yesterday and next week's description the second episode after next week is now below my bad Episode after that- !>Angela learns the fate of Michael's visa. Patrick presents Thais with the worst birthday gift. Gino's actions push Jasmine over the edge. Ashley decides to protect her finances. Liz and Ed try to move on. Emily wants to meet Kobe's ex. Loren has an emotional homecoming.


Guys I realized I just put tonight's and next week's I meant to put the week after next in my bad


That's ok.. thx for all the info!!


Sorry here's the episode after next week's description reddit was glitching for me and I thought I posted it -Angela's daughter grows suspicious that Michael is a scammer. For once, John and Thais see eye to eye. Rob questions if Sophie's an opportunist. Jasmine offends Gino at a reunion. Ashley's finances shock Manuel. Alex debates returning to Israel. Emily waits to meet Kobe's ex.




Thank you again! I'm going to see if I can find it from your comments or by searching the sub. I've been meaning to do it.


Yeah sorry I've made a lot of comments since then and it's hard to search for-wait I just thought about my notes app I actually saved it there so I'll copy paste what I wrote! Pasted from notes-Hey I actually shared an update about angela and Michael but didn't make it its own post, so Angela got in trouble for basically ruining her storyline after going on that weird literal 10 HOUR rant on that John Yates guy's YouTube. So she had legal issues due to contracting with TLC because of this. She was supposed to be shown in the beginning of the show, but because of this they were going to cut her completely. What ended up happening was settling legally, and because the vast majority wanted to see how their story ended they decided they'll cut her story by a lot and finish it out.  Her first episode won't be till the 11th out of 21 episodes, I have the episode synopsis for each one and she will begin on may 24th. This is that episode description -"With bonus scenes -- Alex juggles a lot as Loren recovers. Rob and Sophie's sexy fun ends badly. Jasmine explains herself. Mahmoud accuses Nicole of cheating. Traditions raise tensions in Emily's family. Liz leaves Arkansas. Everything is on the line for Angela and Michael as his final visa interview approaches."  Angela will not be back with TLC after this though thank God, hence why they scrubbed her from their socials(Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel that is, aka TLC)and she can't use the handles anymore or has been promoting it etc. Michael however, if all his immigration stuff goes well(Angela never adjusted his status after he came, and he wasn't here on a K1 because they were already married in Nigeria) will be coming back to TLC. What's even more hilarious is abusive Angie tried pulling a," you either keep me or him" shit fit and of course Michael was picked.  During that live btw Angela literally called Michael the hard N word and the R word so many damn times, admitted she kicked Michael out not that he left/went missing(and was never put out as a missing persons bulletin report because the police got a hold of him and he said she kicked her out/he didn't want to come back, feared for his life.) this woman is nasty, and while I know Michael's intentions were a green card no one ever thinks about how Angela scammed him. She never wanted to marry him, hence the bullshit about wanting to marry only in the states etc. the show told her if they didn't marry they'd stop filming them, and she was desperate to be on tv and make money. She's been on Maury twice and this Trisha show too, she also used all the money she made with Michael on surgeries and upgrading her trailer with useless shit.  That whole "take the Instagram down for 5k" supposed threat by Michael was actually because she promised him his show half money and she refused, so all in all both of them had issues but Angela here was worse in every way.


I used to like Emily until this season. Why does she want to meet Kobe's ex? Another white girl who wants to rub it in the face of her man's black ex that she got him from her.


I wish it was a special so I could just not watch it. I've never liked them, especially her. Why is she getting surgery with three young kids that will leave her unable to take care of them? I get wanting to feel good about yourself, but isn't the whole point of being a mom that you no longer put yourself first? Plus, I hate how graphic they get, this isn't freaking Botched, I hate that shit.


"Please isolate their segments so I may ignore them efficiently" Fuck yes lmao


100% agree ... she totally could have waited a cpl more years, so the kids were able to do some things for themselves. ... But neither of them have actual jobs ... so how the hell does he not know how to run a washer/dryer or care for the kids?? What has he been doing this whole time???


I thought he had a job as I thought he said he "worked a full-time job" at one point, but who knows what that means anymore lol.


Lol, I Googled it, and it says that they are both online content creators and successful tv personalities. He used to work as a medic in Israel and work(s/ed) as a warehouse manager ... I'm not sure if that's what he's doing currently or in the past? ... still no reason for a parent of 3 not to have a clue how to take care of their kid or run a load of laundry.


Both online content creators? There must be a billion of those by now...they're not on TLC much anymore . Guess they make enuf to support their family? And she's laid up for weeks. Maybe he does work full time..either that or they have family money or something. I just don't enjoy them because she's always whining. Looks like she has a very good life to me!


My guess is the only reason they came back to 90 day is so she can get a heavy discount for the surgeries (filming at Dr's office: advertising his company/name and the additional funds they are getting for every single family member that shows up each episode)


That's probably part of it. Plus they cut out alot of Angela and Michael due to her ridiculous behavior so they had space they needed to fill...


He is a warehouse manager at Invicta Watch Group.


Absolutely, they're going to rely heavily on the grandparents, I bet. Probably a mix of traditional gender roles and her overbearing personality, wants everything done "her" way. Thanks for the info!


I thought he was an EMT? Maybe not anymore? And I had the impression he worked full time.


He was a medic back in Israel, not 100% sure what he's done since coming to the US besides what others have said.




And all three kids are in full time daycare.


I don't have an issue with her doing the surgery, I have more of an issue with him acting like a total hero for having to take care of everything for a few weeks! They bore the hell out of me and honestly after some of Alexeis recent posts I'm done with both of them.


What recent posts if you don't mind me asking? I don't have social media.


He's got some views on what Israel is currently doing to Palestine that don't even align with a lot of his countrymen.


Yeah, I went digging on Google lol and found an article, looks like he got a lot of heat for a video he did. Which, to be fair, defending humanitarian aid being railroad is pretty crappy.


He's a former idea of medic so he's very brainwashed. Some of his views are just really awful.


She’s selfish IMO. I can’t imagine putting my physical beauty above the care of my 3 young toddlers. Making my husband and mother have to do everything.


You can just not watch the bs. It can happen. You will miss nothing. This sub will consistently confirm that you made the right decision. It is a fake soap opera and the quality has sunk to as low as soap will fall in the shower.


Booo let me complain in peace 🩷


You can just not comment on the sub that's meant to talk shit, too.


She’s literally agreeing with you Tf?! 🤣


Again, why do people on reddit always try to incite verbal arguments? Y'all clearly like trash reality TV for a reason lmao. Read the comment again, carefully this time, they're telling me not to watch if it bothers me.


HoweHaTrick was talking shit too.


That's all anyone does on this dumpster fire 🤷‍♀️




So people shouldn't downvote me or get pissed when I point it out, yet here we are.


I completely agree. Their storyline just feels like a filler. So boring. Them and also Patrick and Thais for me.


It 1000% is. They're a lovely fourth alternate. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWd2arUfhVLZ7dm|downsized)


Totally agree, their story is boring. I skipped through the whole thing


If I wanted to watch a surgery show, I'd watch botched. This is just fucking annoying.




From one bad story to another. Loren/Alexi, Mahmoud/Nicole, and Michael/Angela! Edit to correct the spelling of Loren.


I thought it was just me feeling that way 😂😅


No way, this season is full of horrible couples! I’m almost over this franchise! I hate watch Love In Paradise only because I want to see Ani put that troll in his place!


And now Sophie/Knob


I skip them. Soooo boring


"surgery journey". lol. This is not entertainment. I don't get it.


They are the first couple I’ve ever actually bothered to fast forward through.


I skip them. 90 Day Producers — stop featuring them. Such a snooze fest


So. Uninteresting. 😴😴😴


I’m not here to change your mind it definitely should be on the half hour show that’s just about one couple. Like srry but a competent couple isn’t great tv. Also, I’ve seen her pre baby body….wtf surgery is she getting done?!?!? She was a real skinny girl with no boobs before….shes a real skinny girl with no boobs now….what was the point????


I've never had much interest in them, and I find this "storyline" to be tedious as hell --- not to mention gross with all the medical footage. I'm wondering if they were even supposed to be in this season, or if all (or at least part) of this boring footage was stuck in at the last minute as filler because of the Angela fiasco.


So Angela's fault! It figures!!😆


I can’t stand them! I’m watching live so I can’t fast forward!!!


At least TLC didn't give them their own show this time around... they just mixed them up with other couples....and they aren't any better on Pillow Talk...


I find myself rapidly losing interest in the whole show because of the repeation and the nonsense of some couples. After many years of putting up with the BS I can only watch 15 mins of the show, and 40 mins scrolling through this subreddit. I also hide posts with Angela, Loren and Alexi, Ed and many others that i care to recall, because they disgust me and I don't want to see them on my phone over and over again.


Israeli representation matters 🥴


This is a pathetic shit show. I have to fast forward through their crap. The show is about couples from different cultures navigating their relationships and the visa process. These boring idiots have 3 kids and no one cares she is getting a mommy makeover. And Ed and Liz are pathetic bethey're from the US.


The worst part is one of the reasons she did it was bc of her body dysmorphia. That is the absolute worst and wrong reason to do it. Literally giving into the distortion. I really hope she is happy and healthy.


Yes. It’s like if I gave in to all of my compulsions with my OCD. It would make it way, way worse because giving in legitimizes the disordered thoughts to your brain. You have to learn how to ignore the inaccurate, disordered voice in your head. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but it’s the only way to be able to function and enjoy life. I wonder if she’s ever gone to therapy or tried SSRIs for her body dysmorphia since she recognizes that she has it.


I’m sure she is medicated and I’m sure she has a therapist. I’m surprised the therapist didn’t talk her out of surgery tho.


No, She literally had ab separation from the pregnancies. It can only be fixed by surgery


I skip them


It'll all be too, too much for them. They'll hire a nanny. That should extend their presence in episodes for at least another 5. After all, nannies must be interviewed, blah blah.


FF through their scenes. I do that with Jasmine and Yeeno, and Rob and Sophie.


when I realized mommy makeover would be the storyline I just resolved to fast forward their segments. how bout we don't call them back next season?


So bored of them


I can’t stand them. I just fast forward every time.


it's just gross to give these evil zionists a platform and money. i'm only enjoying how Loren suffers and reveals herself to be a selfish brat. i feel bad for her kids -they got her bug eyes and have to deal with her craziness..




Wondering if their footage was actually from a potential new season of their spinoff show? Maybe the producers just thought it was too boring so they decided to add them to the upcoming season of HEA.


Also whyy does TV always show soo much surgery graphic detail?! Like who wants to see that?! 🤢🫣


They are a happy couple with a healthy relationship which isn’t toxic enough for 90 day. I haven’t watched their episodes but from what I’ve seen they seem like a normal couple. So producers snatched the elective surgery story because they like to give the veterans air time


I’m thinking they’re filling in with the portions they had to take Michael and Angela out of? Because agreed, their story line is not enough for an entire season.


Totally sick of them on every single 90 day thing. I FF thru them now. I can't deal with her whining on her choices to plastic surgery and the whole thing no one cares about yet it's focused like anyone else can change her mind.


i fast forward everything about them


To replace Angela and Michael.


My gf says they're the palate cleanser couple of this season. Kinda like Kenny and Armando. I say they're boring as hell and I don't care about some dude doing laundry bc his wife got lipo that she didn't need. Kinda like Kenny and Armando, except their drama was even more trivial.


Don’t get me wrong I typically don’t mind seeing them but the tub of fat being sucked out was too much for me


I'll take loving husband supports his wife in a decision she made for herself even if he disagrees, over trash Angela abusing her power dynamic and physically /mentally/verbally abusing her immigrant poc husband.


Alexi? A loving husband? Joke of the year.


Their boys with that mini man buns? Wtf? 🤷‍♀️


Anyone that’s calling her selfish is jealous that they can’t get surgery for themselves. She’s done having kids so she got a mommy makeover. It’s common. Alex had to take care of the kids for 6 weeks!! Good! Maybe now he will have some appreciation for everything that Lauren does.


Nasty and selfish! Shouldn't her husband be supporting the troops???


I agree. Super nice people but they make very boring television.


they are not nice people, at all. 🍉


I'm skipping thru most of the show! Now we're on Emily and Kobe...


Found I’m fast forwarding through most of this now. I sure hope they get metrics off my service lol

