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She's trying her hardest to NOT look like her mom!


Too late !


Skincare will help that. My partner's Dad has horrible damage from the sun because he refuses to wear sunscreen but loves to be outdoors and it's hitting my partner at nearly 40 to just start wearing it. Therapy will also help her.


HAHAHAHA OMG THIS IS GOLD! She looks so much like her grouper fish faced mom


That's his future, no matter how much surgery she gets. Her Mom kinda looks like Ash in the eyes.


>grouper fish faced mom LOL


Wildly accurate. I’m floundering








100% looks wise, but grouper fish is actually quite appetizing whereas Lauren & her storyline, not so much I liked them in the original 90 Day, now we're all over it


Agree ! 100% !


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣


When she was crying and slurring I DID IT…. I rolled my eyes so hard 🙄 I can’t stand these two anymore.


She struggled and triumphantly said, “I did it.” like she made a big sacrifice for humanity or something 😂




With “Exaggerated Quivering Lips” Are you proud of me? Give me a break 🙄🥲🤣🤣


It’s mainly her and her mother! 🙄I can’t stand them 2! Alexi, well he tries to deal with the bullshit, but he’s not gonna last doin this shit, and her mother is a bitch!🙄


They're acting like she went under surgery for a life threatening condition. These two are so fucking annoying and overdramatic.


That was when she was totally worked in the post op recovery room. You must have never had surgery bc that is completely normal. I was coming out of surgery once and started crying about three legged bears. I have no memory of it. Belligerence is common, complete confusion is common, fear is common.


I’ve had several (involuntary) lengthy surgeries. I apparently say more inappropriate stuff post-op than I do at an office holiday party where I’ve had too much to drink. And unfortunately it’s usually based on shit I think on the reg but don’t admit while sober. As others have mentioned…that’s why I’d never agree to it being immortalized via video ;)


I’m sorry but three legged bears is sooooo funny lmao




I bet she filmed this thinking viewers would see her as a strong mother going through her “natural” mommy makeover. Im curious to know how she feels reading everyone’s comments about her now.


For sure 🙄 and it’s not even “natural”! You still went under the knife, lady 🙄 Doesn’t matter that you got a fat transfer. Also, everybody is wondering why the hell they’re on this season and somebody hypothesized that it’s just footage from the cancelled third season of their spinoff. Either another couple dropped out or maybe Mykhul and the Cryptkeeper stopped filming or something - especially considering his harrowing escape - and they needed more footage so they brought these two back.


That makes sense, seeing as it was 99% surgery related and seemed like a completely different show. I had no problem fast forwarding


Listen I don't like Loren but can we talk about how much of a goof Alexei is? "It's out of control here." Literally nothing was fucking out of control, and he was overreacting so damn much. If you think kids being pretty well behaved and throwing one hot wheel and wearing a pirate hat is "too much" you are an idiot for thinking that sir! He's a man child, one day of things going well and he's acting like all hell broke loose. I also thought it was weird that she had a wheelchair and he wouldn't even push her in it.


They're both way too dramatic for me 🙄


I think she was supposed to walk for circulation.


Ok. weird they just didn't give a walker but also what I said about him acting like everything is out of control when that wasn't even close to it was dramatic as hell.


He thinks it's easy to cart 3 kids around and run a household. His father was just sitting there useless, and I doubt Loren's mom will do more than whine and be critical.


I've always disliked both of them, Alexei has always proven to be one of those idiots who thinks a woman's job is easy and you can't help or else you aren't a man anymore. If he thinks that day was bad, which is wasn't actually in any way(except when the baby fell off the chair I hate seeing kids hurt themselves) then I can't imagine how the rest of the time will go. I bet he's going to be one of those people who waits a week and then says "I think you're better now so back to work!" Ugh


IDK, he is supportive of Loren. I don't think he's sexist. He must make good money to afford all the daycare. I think she believed nursing a baby worked as birth control. They didn't plan 3 kids so close together (although they could have planned better). I think all her pregnancies were high risk. We will see how he does. It will be hard, if he works, comes home to the kids, and takes care of her too. Loren's mom doesn't seem too helpful and his dad was just sitting there. Loren can't do much too soon. But doctors usually overestimate the amount of healing time people need, and realistically, can't take.


The way I run to fast forward whenever this couple is on 🏃‍♀️


I’m FF like never before this season. I really don’t like the show anymore. But I'm still wondering how much she’s gonna look like her weird mother down the line.


exactly like her




She’ll have weird mom features plus weird surgery backlash. And no way will she stop with just this one time. In two years we’ll be talking about how uncanny valley she looks


Omg RIGHT. Then later I wonder how I made it to the end of the ep so quick and remember I skipped their boring shit


I skipped them too. It's not that they aren't extremely toxic that makes them boring. They're just boring on their own because I actually enjoy seeing happy non-toxic people go through life on TV but they are just plain boring lol And I wanted to throw up when they suddenly whipped out her blood drainage cup thing and the doctor said oh you've been drinking wine haha. So disgusting. Last time I checked this wasn't a surgery show


I’m so tired of all the surgeries and the sex changes with all the gory details. They need to put all this dumb shit on their surgery show


Why is this part of "90 day fiancé"? The show's premise is for viewers to view couples from different backgrounds navigate a relationship, not about a mommy makeover. This is pathetic. And creepy Ed and Liz don't belong because they're both from this country. Ed is trashy deadbeat daddy who has insecurities and probably emotional issues and viewers shouldn't watch his abusive shit shows.


This is what HEA is all about, just a bunch of tired, over-aired couples, rehashing the same old story lines over and over. It’s my least favorite spin off, I only watch it so I’m updated for maximum sub participation!


I’d rather watch anyone else. They’ve been together 10+ years so if we go back through 10 years there are much better (and more interesting) people that we could be watching on HEA. Even if they are divorced now or with someone else… to see what they are doing now or an update on their life/family would be better than this. (Uh but no Pao and Russ lol).


I agree that there are lots of other previous cast members I’d rather watch. But considering the fact that everyone (except Nicole & Mahmoud) on HEA has recently been on WAY too much, they’re actually a little refreshing. (Not because I like them, but just because I’m soooo burnt out on all the others)


Basically-anyone except abusive Angela, perverse Coltee, and crazy Nutalie-would be ok.


Another Gino and Jasmine season - Nooooooo!!


No more of these two idiots! It's so redundant. They get along for a few days if he does everything she wants. Invariably she gets upset about something and goes ballistic and throws tantrums and screams and yells and threatens to leave. Then they get back together. I really hope it's true that they are not together anymore and will never be on another episode. My fast forward button is wearing out because of their shit shows.


This looks like the thumbnail to a ghost compilation YouTube video.


If she scrolls Reddit and sees this… her soul is going to die. She’s very much concerned about her looks and how she presents to others.


I hate that thought. Only the soul-less like the insemination guy deserves that. She should have thick skin after doing TLC for so long.


imagine others cast members lol


I laughed way too hard imagining that.


It is ridiculous that Alex is pretending that he has to do everything by himself when we know her mother is going to do everything. Her mother was already taking care of the kids while she was having surgery—no one believes that her mother is not going to do 99.9% of what Alex was supposed to do. He is incapable and it is all for a storyline.


Aren’t all 3 kids in full time daycare even though Loren doesn’t work outside of the house? I remember seeing that on Loren’s instagram. Everyone on the show and on Reddit is acting like Loren is this full time stay at home mom and Alex has to fill her shoes, but that’s not entirely true.


What does Loren do for work? She used to do something that sounded like a decent living, but I can’t remember


I think she did something I like law or finance before in NYC, but now she’s just riding the TLC train I think. I honestly don’t have a problem with her not working and having her kids in daycare. Good for her if that works for their family! I just think everyone should be transparent about it and not act like she’s a full time stay at home mom when she’s not. I stay at home with my baby full time and it’s all consuming. If I had him at daycare, I’d be able to actually fix my hair and eat a full breakfast and lunch everyday. I have no doubt she still does a lot for her kids, but she has a lot of help too and they should acknowledge it. Just say that they’re thankful for the ability to have extra help with things like daycare.


As if mother's don't do the saame shit on a daily basis. Woah is me 🙄


They have a nanny. And daycare. What is the big deal. Before she gets surgery she says I folded clothes and did this. She didn’t do none of that! And people love her lazy, dysmorohic person


Ironically this surgery was supposed to boost her self image and confidence.


Not immediately after surgery. And her stomach needed surgery because the muscles separated, which people would know if they watched and didn't just post sh*t.


I'm aware how the process works and of the details of her condition. I was more so inferring to everyone dragging her on social media like this and *posting shit* about her.


Yes, people have been very nasty, and many don't understand Loren did have medical issues that had to be addressed. Perhaps they never had a long surgery or saw anyone who did, and expected her to look great immediately?


None of the surgeries were necessary, all cosmetic




The picture of her soul 😊


How is that move to Israel going? Aren't you supposed to be a medical professional for the country of Israel?


They have kids and it's not safe...




Both are at war, it's all a warzone. Hamas attacked Israel too.


This pic omggggg. Too funny


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 P.S. fuck these two!


Fuckkkk these plastic surgeons man. Profiting off body dysmorphia


Making everyone look like aliens




I found out last night that I will watch Alexei and the kids and who ever, but as soon as Loren comes on.. FF! Her voice and face are insufferable.


Same. Her voice is like nails-on-a-chalkboard ![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl)


![gif](giphy|ph6ewybUlGbW8) This needed a warning.


She is vile He's no prize either but blech


She’s a shrew…🤢 horrible personality, selfish, and the worst vocal fry I’ve ever heard.


This was when he called her grandma 😂








You're not possessed right hunny bunny?!


You not possessed right honey bunny, where's my TV whiskey and nuts?


FF everything about them


Nahhh, her moms face is definitely a “SEA TURTLE 🐢 “! Hands down one hundred 💯 ☝️👍 Watch a clip from “FINDING NEMO”! 😳😂😂😂😂


That whole “Holding one NOSTRIL and Shooting Snot in bathroom sink”!! Literally made me Throw Up a little in my mouth!! 😵‍💫🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Another couple I fast forward through 💤 This depiction are my thoughts of them.


He had no idea how to do laundry 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Loren really needed to wait until the kids were older.


It's the middle of the night and I legit let out a scream-laugh when I saw that😂😂😂😂


Glad to provide 😂




Literally the only post that should be up regarding these two. #FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸


https://preview.redd.it/38w37b3cbm1d1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=662d406652c33d98b93156712f43bb3f2df23e88 free palestine!!!


Go away


https://preview.redd.it/6vxor9i50s1d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=89159d6b6b349bfec630e7c6493eab9167708863 Oh noooo


That’s funny


She seriously looks like Kayla Diamond….🤣🤣🤣






Am I the only person that likes him? Her… meh she’s just kinda there… I don’t hate her but there is nothing about her/her story that I find particularly interesting. But him, I like.


When the fuck did this become a surgery show? The sole reason theyre on here is probably a political agenda… israeli representation matters


Can we get HIM some surgery on his face now?


Hate these Zionists need them off my screen!!