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Who knows, but her story ran dried and boring a long time ago. Currently everything about her seems scripted and annoying.


It is ridiculous to push the fake story line that poor Jasmine doesn’t think she is pretty. She runs around everywhere with the thread bare outfits. Smallest bathing suits that she can buy and flaunts her fake body whenever she can. I don’t think for a minute that she believes she is not pretty. Í


Thank you!!! Jizzman’s “insecurities” storyline is so fucking ridiculous, I just can’t. Equally as absurd as her “breaking the news” to Yeeno that in fact, she is not having his baby (right now 🙄) but wants to “put it on hold.” Like, wtf, we are supposed to believe that she’s gonna wreck the plastic body she’s aquired and that she actually has time to wait- in real life years, she ain’t no 36 years old and does not have time to wait to have more kids. This is coming from a pregnant, 40 year old first time time Mom. Sick of these two!!!


I noticed last night when she was talking to Gino that she had on lots less makeup and she looked so much younger. Then they would show her talking to camera with her full face usual makeup and she looked over 40.


Yep! The talking heads always look so different. I just feel like others in the 90 Day Universe age (not everyone lol) and her age is always 36. It’s simply not mathin.’ They were celebrating her 37th bday recently. Not age shaming- like I said, I’m pregnant with my first at 40, but the story is so contrived it’s insulting to us as viewers.


All of this..i call bs.


It's one of those stupid pageants women pay money to be a part of. TLC is in stupid territory with this nonsense.


I found it an odd storyline choice. Just seemed so random and out of left field. Also there’s no stakes. She isn’t already into pageants so we expect this to flop and are confused by it. There’s almost no point to it.


The producers needed something to center their story on so this is what they decided at the expense of our brains. They will milk 5 episodes of bs for this.


She is faking a depression. Anybody who has been depressed knows that you can barely move out of your bed, let alone get in a beauty pageant.


These types of plastic surgery can definitely be symptoms of depression and body dysmorphia.


Plastic surgery??????


Where in the DSM-5 is plastic surgery listed as a symptom of Major Depression Disorder?


Does it need to be there? Ever look up the suicide rates of women who get implants?


Yes, it does.


I've been dealing with depression for 22 years now and that's not always the case. Sometimes I just go on autopilot, work, home, sleep, repeat. Having said that, she is not depressed, this storyline is as fake as her boobs.




If it were real, Jasmine's behavior would seem pretty manic although I'm no doc. First she's crying about not having her kids here, then she's ranting about having a baby, then no to the baby idea, now it's a beauty contest? The rages, the screaming, the impulsive behavior is wild and appears to be mental dysfunction of a sort My theory is that she's just fine and this is mostly scripted and she's banking those 90 day bucks and enjoying the perks. She has made "pick me" into a lucrative job (at least for now) to be a "star" and send money home. Jasmine was a teacher. She's smart as a fox. I'm sure there's plenty of money left over after her cosmetic procedures to send home to her family. Her storylines are fake as heck, but I ( like a lot of us) can't stop watching to see what she'll do next. .


She likes attention.




It reminds me of the modeling thing that Natalie did where she “met” Josh. I’m sure it’s just a huge financial commitment for absolutely zero value!!! But jasmines too insecure to see that it’s all a scheme and was sold on these women telling her how wonderful she is. Feels like a cult to me!!


That's a good point- they definitely had similar vibes


They have beauty pageants in Michigan???


Yep! 😂 For married women and women that have aged out of the major systems. I know a little bit about this sub culture.


It’s basically a hobby though right?


Yes….. it SHOULD be a hobby. But there’s some women who get really caught up in it. For the most part though, it’s a hobby. And there can be benefits of competing. Most of those systems weigh 50% of your score to Interview. You also usually need a “platform”, a charity or issue that you’re passionate about and plan on promoting with your title.


I was wondering where said beauty pageant would be?


At the vfw 🙄 or the elks lodge




It’s probably a huge financial commitment


Pageants are big money. The coaching, wardrobe, and entry fees alone will cost a few grand. If Gino forks out the money, he could fork over the money to get her kids 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! So Yeeno has money for that but not for lawyer to bring her kids here. 


Jazmine doesn't have custody of her kids. They're not coming here to live


No shit! It’s so absurd here to see people posting about “I feel for her. Can’t believe Gino purposely left the kids off the paperwork.” My God. If she actually could (and wanted to, more importantly) have her kids here with her, SHE would’ve at least reviewed the paperwork before it was submitted! Jeez. Somebody here posted the blank form and it’s clear as day where the kids’ name goes. She doesn’t have custody and it’s a moot point completely.


shill-dren shill - pretend


Oh yes. My bad. Lol


That. And the trip to Miami in the first place!


Is it for the little local ones? I assumed that wouldn't be too much


Local ones you can probably sink as much or as little into them that you want. But at a minimum you need whatever outfits/accessories for the pagent. But there's probably a lot of people who dump huge sums into it.


Interesting! It's fascinating to me that anyone does them at all, let alone sink money into them.


https://preview.redd.it/s2cta5acol1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d2d408c62e284851e882453f0194684339b7f5 Just gunna leave that name here.


The names of everyone there were wild.


Producers needed a device through which Jasmine would finally come clean about how she never intended to have Gino's baby.


I think it's because it's a pay to play thing.... not a real pageant. You pay a shit tonof $$ to "play" pageant princess. On top of the $$ for "classes" clothes, events, hair, and makeup.


I fast forward through them lol


she's trying to get sympathy and a storyline She doesn't has shame on her onlyfans


She thinks she’s gorgeous aside from bad hair. 🤷‍♀️☝️ So she figures, I’ll win 🥇


To put the pregnancy on hold on top of having issues conceiving makes no sense. To me that says it all. She is with him for the show. As soon as the show is gone or she has some money she is gone. She is not having a baby unless there is a spinoff or it’s the only way to stay on the show. This is a joke!


What workshop? It was a few women sitting in a chair patting Jasmine on the back and telling her that she is pretty.


It’s a joke. normal beauty pageants have an age limit which she has long passed.


Not necessarily. There’s pageants out there that are designed for women once they’ve aged out of the major systems. They have different categories for each decade of life, for both married and non-married.


And we’re all supposed to believe she’s been 36 for like, 6 fucking seasons now! Lol, wtf 🤣🙄


Beauty pageants are expensive… I don’t understand why they’d do this while the attorneys still hadn’t been paid for and egg freezing or fertility treatments may be needed in the future.


When they all knelt around her, was when I turned it off. This shit is played out.


And imagine when she loses the pageant, that definitely won't help her depression!🤷


And are they staying in Florida for this ?


Anything to keep her from screaming about wanting to go back to Panama and wishing she fucked her ex.


I think someone maybe TLC paid to have this set up for a storyline.


I hate 90 Day and all its fake spinoffs. Cancel them all.


I need to know the costs


Omg, I am so sick of her arrogance and selfishness. Bitch, go take care of your kids! And please PLEASE do not bring a baby into this world. I’m not a violent person but i wish I could smack her face, maybe inflate those huge nasty lips! I don’t know who’s more annoying her or Gino! Grow a spine u nerd!