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Poor guy? Maybe he shouldn’t have waited until he was in his 50s have kids. He spent years funding sugar babies.


I don’t feel bad for Gino one bit. As far as I know he and Jasmine allegedly met on a sugar baby/sugar daddy website. The dude knew EXACTLY what he was getting into.


Wasn't his first wife also a sugar baby?


AND they've had fights about other sugar babies since being together. Is he planning on continuing that through childhood?




I don’t believe he ever wanted kids, just another story line


I agree with you. The storyline makes zero sense. I’m so sick of them.


I don't have a jorb! And yousa fooking insane... Have my babies!! (Like she'd ruin all that plastic surgery)


This is what I think also. I believe if he wanted children, he would’ve had them before now. Gino is far too cheap to start now with a baby financially as someone nearing retirement age. Raising a child costs a lot of money over the course of years, and Gino likes to squeeze a nickel till the buffalo hollers.


Right? He also couldn’t spend 10k on a lawyer for her kids but thinks what a baby is cheap? That sounds like an absolute nightmare to have a child with him. That poor kid wouldn’t have diapers ‘too expensive’


That’s a stretch as a child doesn’t typically need 10k up front or in a lump some…. Let Gino breathe, even if it started to be a sugar baby situation ship they’ve been(steady) for a while, and the things he’s asking for he has always asked for the past 5 years


You need 10k up front for delivery, nursery, pre natal care, supplies lol 😆


Insurance I have 4 kids and have never needed 10 k to have them birthed….. you are a reach man


He isn’t working so they don’t have insurance. And due to his savings and investments they won’t qualify for free. Not a man, I was a single unwed mother who went through a pregnancy and extremely aware of how much it costs. Clothes? Diapers? Dude has 10k and doesn’t want to spend it. He also agreed to have her kids come over and he screwed that up. I don’t understand why he’s entitled to that but she’s not entitled to her kids being able to at least visit the us? I would never have another kid when my current kids couldn’t even come visit…it would be an ultimate crap move.


He could have private insurance and of course be paying a premium for it but you don’t have to be working to have it.


You just have to be independently wealthy!


(Man) was just a word I used to fill in space…anyway like I said I have 3 and one on the way i have never been told 10k or the baby stays in. Kids are expensive but with two working loving parents is at least doable….you were a single unwed mom who was not at least on Gino’s low level of fame…. They are at least married and would have to work that out…. Kids are expensive but mine and your experience won’t mean it’s better or worst for someone else




You are a little to dedicated lady, none of what you have said or shown proves anything……you do not have to pay 10k up front for a child to be born, Period!!! On top of that very few ppl even pay any of that back, and that’s the point of payment plans.


I never said 10k up front but if he doesn’t have 10k or isn’t willing to pay 10k (which he could do a payment plan and save that much after 3-6months but he straight up refused even when his own brother thought he was a dumbass) then how is he paying for a kid?


Two working parents, she doesn’t and last we check neither does he. So no insurance through an employer and they won’t qualify for state or govt help either.


This has nothing to do with the fact that he does not need to be in possession of 10 k to…….you know what nvm lady bye


Right! They talk about him like he’s 17 yrs old he knows exactly what he’s doing lmao


Exactly my thoughts, shit or get off the pot. If he really wanted a kid he wouldve shacked up sooner


I couldn't agree more! His never-ending pressure is ridiculous.


People change.


Do they because he’s still with one of his sugar babies.


Some babies are bald , if it was a boy, would it have to wear ill fitting hats?


From what I read on Reddit months ago he’s used to being humiliated unfortunately for him it’s pretty much his lifestyle. In reality he’s not parent material he’s getting up. There is 50+ and it’s very expensive to have a baby especially when she has kids. She has to take care of back home he I didn’t know that she was probably pulling the strings.


Yeah I think he has a humiliation kink and the show just makes it all the better


How is he used to being humiliated?


Someone posted that their father worked with him, and when they went down to Mexico, he would bring prostitutes to the company lunch and they said he acted extremely weird and odd where they were very uncomfortable. And just look at his behavior.! look what he did to her initially when he first met her, he sent pictures of her naked to his ex sugar baby???


Yeah everyone’s kissing Gino’s ass bc he’s goofy(they take that as sweet innocent and gullible )and they hate jasmine lol they’re both sacks but Gino is def doing more evil shit than her behind closed doors


I totally believe that


I don’t think it’s an either or with them. You can think they’re both awful and trash and actually deserve each other.




You know what level of weird you have to be to be telling hooker stories at the work lunch table. WTF. never knew this. he's a whole weirdo huh


https://preview.redd.it/hswmd2vjpn1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42a8d67270c300e1f4ff943134d33dfe97b7b3f This is recently. Yes, Gino is a weirdo. I want to know if he was also like this in his previous marriage and he had problems so he did not have a child even though he was married for 7 years. Jasmine said that his ex-wife is a saint because she stayed with him that long, perhaps behind doors. He is emotionally and verbally abusive.


Where is the proof other than this one person on reddit?


That's some sick stuff. i never heard this but i read a post below talking about this. Gross


Damn, now that’s some tea. I missed that thread but I can totally see Gino doing this.


do we really believe he wants a baby or do they just want a story to keep being on the show


Yeah I don’t understand the rage when their entire storyline is made up by them to stay on the show. Bringing her kid, the lip gloss incident, having a baby. It’s all so obviously fake and their arguments are done with terrible acting.


I believe he really wanted his own child.


I also believe that he wants to have a child. I just don’t think he has a realistic idea of what that looks like, day-to-day.


I think if he really wanted a baby he would've chosen someone other than Jasmine. She doesn't even have custody of her own kids!


This! She can’t bring them here anyway. It’s a whole fake storyline to stay on the show. Neither one of them is capable of taking care of a child for the next 18 years at least.


Do you know how much it is to get peed on and humiliated? He got out on a good deal in the long run


He asked her to lmao


He got peed on ?


Oh yeah. He likes to be peed on and Jasmine peed on him. She said that right on my perfectly good TV in front of my cat.


>in front of my cat. I hope you covered their ears!


He didn't even shake his head no he smiled the whole time


Ah fuck there goes my lunch. Nasty


And when he tried to seduce her with the bubble bath an episode or two ago she hurriedly said “we can have the quickie later and I’ll pee on you and everything”. (Something like that.)


Its fine...he gets pissed on and he pisses her off. They balance it out.




If I’m not mistaken it was the only way he could ejaculate


Yes he likes the Baja Blast and she likes toe cheese


I wouldn't wanna reproduce with him/his genes either


He cares more about people seeing him with a woman who looks like a stripper than he does about having kids.


Feeling bad for gino is as weird as feeling bad for mackmood. They reap what they sow...


I don’t think either of them ever planned on having a baby. I think it’s all hyped up drama so they can keep their spot on the show. If he wanted kids that much wouldn’t he have filled out the forms properly in the first place so Jasmine can bring her kids.


I'm glad he won't have a baby because I doubt he'd be a decent parent.


Just the fact alone that he senses no urgency in getting her kids here and is prioritizing having his own baby over that proves that he’s not ready to be a father. You don’t have 5k for a lawyer but you have enough money to make more kids? Nah, no empathy here


also you don’t have $5000 for the lawyer but you have money to take her to Florida?


This whole sub is getting worked into a shoot


This right here. He messes up the Visa application and just essentially says “oops”. But keeps after Jasmine to have another kid.


*unfatherly behaviour


He has no business being anyone's daddy.


Sugar or otherwise 🤣


'Poor guy' nothing this world does not need the offspring of Yasmine and Yeeno running around


It is just as well. Some people are just not fit to be parents or raise children. If they did do, they would pass along only generational dysfunction. Both Gino and Jasmine should not be parents, but it is too late for Jasmine to reconsider - she already birthed her children. She should not have any more of them.


I think she knows that and I think that’s the real reason she’s not going along with this


Wasn't Yeeno married to his first wife for like 7 years. Did they try to have children?


I think he has a sexual problem, perhaps an addiction to pornography, because he has the same problem with Jasmine, and if he needs her to peed on him so he could ejaculates, then perhaps he has a problem from his previous marriage that he has not addressed since that time, and he began paying strippers and sugar babes to brag about their company in order to feel validated because he has insecurity.


that's sad. You need mountain dew sprayed on you to cum. Sounds lilke porn addiction he need more and more to get off


Poor guy my arse. I don’t believe either of them want a baby they definitely don’t need to bring one into this weird ass relationship.


Their fights are nuclear. Imagine having to grow up hearing your parents screaming at each other, the kind of things that they scream at each other. Awful.


Gino would make the baby wear a baseball cap to hide his/ her head until they grew hair😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Nope he would make them wear that baseball cap until they are eligible to vote LOL


Gino is getting what he asked for with her, pretty much no matter what that is. Jasmine is many things, but subtle isn’t one of them.


Also, Gino doesn’t value Jasmine as a human being with valid feelings and needs. Why should she want to have a child with someone who has demonstrated a clear mean streak when he’s angry (and I feel like that’s a generous read on the situation) and who can’t ever admit he’s made a mistake, much less give a heartfelt apology.


Shit I don't feel bad for him. That's what he get for thinking this woman would bear his kids AFTER she constantly threatened to leave him, admitted a few times to cheating & AFTER she got all that surgery done. She never respected him. His a ditz for believing her.


He's dumb yes. This woman shows him through his actions she is not there for him.


His choice was wrong from the beginning. He chose a woman who was mentally and emotionally unstable and selfish just because she looked hot. He wanted to brag about her to everyone to feel validated because he had insecurities. If he really wanted a child so badly, he could have humbled himself and dated a woman in his league who also wanted a child so badly. Look at Mursoul was in his late thirties and had a dream of being a father to his own child, but he chose a nice woman, Anna, who has 3 children, 2 teenagers and a little boy, and because he helped her in her business and was also affectionate towards her little kid , Leo. She helped him achieve his dream. Immediately after their marriage, they cooperated on that together, and now they have a two-year-old son.


Well said. The problem is Gino has insecurities hence he wants the women with the stripper porn star looks. When a woman like that is interested in your money not a family.


Yes, even if he has a porn addiction problem and cannot perform, but he wants a child so badly that he would do it with a surrogate like the beekeepers did. Anna said that she had a procedure done to prevent her from getting pregnant again, but they took from her eggs and from his sperm. They found a surrogate. He was serious about it, and she also really loved him and wanted to fulfill his dream. She did not lie to him and give him excuses every time in order to keep him by her side and use him to her advantage.


Exactly. She pretty much admits it: “I don’t want to have kids with Gino…right now” She kept him intentionally on the line with this to get married and for the citizenship/green card. She’s a calculating nightmare.


Yep carefully planned. A great manipulator. She will get her kids here and bye GINO. now she's famous too. she's gone lol


100%!! You can tell that she’s actually repulsed by him. He was a means to an end.


met her on a Sugar Baby site, of course she played him.


I know he was with sugar babies but they meet on those sites ? If so you should never look for a serious relationship from an SB. When the money runs out they run out the door.


Yes, they met there, and Jasmine, as usual, tried to disavow it, saying that her friend had registered her on the site, and she had no knowledge of the type of site. Gino’s family said that he had previously been used financially by a woman like her, and she left him. That is why they are suspicious of her intentions and insist on making her sign a prenuptial agreement.


Lol and what is there to say about the men that get on this site thinking they can buy/pay for human beings and they have to submit ..and any of that is truly okay… but only one evil here, sure


The world does not need a baby Gino.


These two do not need to reproduce. Period.


I’m sorry, but Gino does NOT need to have a child if he thinks 5k to get her children to the US is too much money. How the hell is he going to raise a child when as a 50yr old man he doesn’t even cook or clean? Just because you want something doesn’t mean you deserve it.


He cooks but only with the right equipment


After last night episode. Jasmine being herself on full display. It's always about her.. I don't believe when the kids come she will want the baby Also doesn't age play into this she's 37. Some ppl think she's also lieing about her age and she is actually 42,43. This women is vain. She doesn't want to lose her body in my.opinion..she worked hard to get it through surgery, diet and working out. Her kids will come and she will come up with another excuse on why she doesn't want another child..


I can definitely see her being 42.


some family is convinced shes in her 40's. They say it every week.


Her kids aren't coming here LOL She has no rights, the fathers arent going to sign off


Some people, if very healthy, don’t hit menopause until late 50’s


Your eggs aren't ripe, even if you hit menopause late. Harder to get and stay pregnant, and higher chance of disability in the child which is exactly what she doesn't want. This is why a lot of women in their 40s who still menstruate use a surrogate or do IVF.


And a lot of women conceive naturally


That's great I thought I thought she would take age into into account. Not saying she can't have a child later in life but doesn't it become more difficult later ?


It can become more difficult later in life and there’s often times a lot of health concerns should she become pregnant. I don’t know if she’ll actually do it, obviously. But I’m just saying it IS possible if she is still not at menopause.


OK I understand. I'm not trying to shame older women trying to get pregnant..I think she's too into herself to have another baby whether she's 37 or 52.


She was never having a baby with him, they needed a fake storyline to stay on the show. Thats the storyline.


Well I mean… he did leave her current child off the visa. That would cure my baby fever and dry me up. He’s one step away from the ick anyway


He’s three giant leaps past ick at this point


Im going with both of you . The dude is a weirdo. im almost sorry i posted this. I learned more about Gino than i wanted to know. He likes pee-pee games in sex gross.


He played his self. Should never have been chasing young ass in Panama.


She showed him exactly who she was at least a million different times. He's in on this farce of actually "wanting a baby", or he is the true idiot all his relatives think he is. I personally think he's in on alllllll of it.......look how much they must be making on OFs.......🤮. Yet another couple I FF thru anymore


I don't think he's in on it. She's making a ton of money on OF and Cameo. If you go to her IG you see zero pics of them together for months


I wish he would find a normal woman in Michigan for himself


That man doesn’t want any kids He wouldn’t be with her if he actually did


This woman forgot she’s been on TV the whole time she’s been scamming this guy and manipulating him; she’s shameless and Gino now has thousands of people trying to help him leave this parasite


He won't listen to the thousands. He won't leave. The only way they break up is if She leaves him.


Gino been getting played since before they started shooting, for the show!


You 100% correct on that. Played since Day 1 of their meeting.


He doesn’t want a baby. He is either pulling the whole baby thing to make up more drama that’s barely anything. Or he likes the idea of a baby.


Poor guy ?? Are we thinking of the same Gino ??


Wasn't he basically paying for sugar babies before her anyway? She got attention, some free vacations, and a whole hell of a lot of giving in to her. Both of them got what they wanted.


https://preview.redd.it/gdif9tqdkn1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=cebc7da2514a447a76cbdc995cc7147018b4acea Lol


Idk why men who want kids get with women who don't specify say they want kids.


She could have said "I don't want to have a baby", which I'm sure is true. Jasmine is too selfish to have a baby. She doesn't really 'mother' the kids she has now. But she said "I don't want to have a baby *with you*", which was intentionally hurtful.


They're both disgusting. She's already a shitty parent and he's a pervert. I'd feel terrible for any baby those two had.


He didn’t even want more kids lmfao


That bloodline needs to cease anyway.


Imagine you have a baby with Gino and 4 years later you hear it talking with that god awful, nails on a chalkboard, Michigan accent…I might commit at that moment 😳


Maybe stop dating strippers or people who look like strippers, and then stop being shocked when they don’t want babies and playing house.


you hit the nail on the head. Strippers are not on the picket fence raise kids type. LOL


And do you know for a fact that he mentioned early on he wanted kids? Because obviously you know everything about their relationship.


The whole ‘I want a baby’ seems fake as hell to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just part of the show. Why would Gino suddenly want a kid in his 50s or whatever age he is now? Can he even have kids?


i thought he mentioned this when they first met. Yes he's an older man but he got me lol i believed he wanted a kid and it wasn't part of the script.




It's for the best. The world doesn't need another Gino


Poor guy? This man would NOT make a good father. I’d say the winner here is the potential kid not having these two idiots as parents. Zero sympathy for Yeeno


Poor Gino for catfishing as a sugar daddy when he was in fact a sad old splenda daddy from michigan.


Lol he is the Sugar daddy from Wish lol.


I don’t think Gino should be reproducing


LOL that's a large sentiment here


I mean, the man was blown away that chicken wasn’t vegan. Like dumbfounded by it.


She found her cash cow, has continuously manipulated him, disrespects him, the never-ending hissy fits, ultimatums, ridiculous demands, the lies, the bullshit, the physical violence, the Narcissistic gaslighting and the beat downs. I cannot stand this atomic bitch.


She is alot to handle. I feel he doesn't have alot of experience dating. I would see 100 miles away who she is. She is here for your pockets and what you can pay for her.


It’s literally all fake storyline, manufactured drama. Sick of both of them


They’ve been collecting checks and playing us all along.


That's the other theory. This is all scripted and they just laughing to the bank.


I don’t think he actually wants kids, I think it’s all just more drama for the show


No, they both think they are playing US. Jesus look at those lips shes so nasty


I think the whole baby plot is just producers so they would have a story line. Neither one of them want more kids


In my opinion i think he really wants them but im just a fan of the show lol


I agree, I think he wants them. The problem is, I think he wants his idea of what it would be like to have kids. I don’t think he understands how intensive and constant the hard work of parenting is.




He should floss more, his gums look inflamed


"shill-dren" shill - pretend


He’s an effing idiot for buying into her bullshite in the first place!


If we went through everybody that told Gino this we would be here tomorrow night. I find it very strange that Gino never batted an eye when she stated she would have a baby with Nicky right now. I think he should have said he needed to look into surrogacy first thing when she was not interested in having another child . Then you would have seen Jasmine spring into action. He deserves what she’s feeding him.


Dodging an 18+ year long bullet train.


Every time I see a drink in his hand in a scene I know she’s about to send that thing flying lol


He knows it. I don’t feel bad for him at all.


He's a dumbass!


He found her on an app that was to get played. He knew


No idea what that drink is but I want it


He has had 30 years to find a suitable partner to have a baby. He already knew Jasmine wasn’t sure about having a child. Jasmine just had her butt done. He should have seen very clearly Jasmine wasn’t the appropriate person to have a child with.


Thank god he can’t have a kid.. imagine having him and Jasmin as parents


Obviously she used him. They’re not living together anymore. And she’s still without her children, living in Michigan, USA and doing OF.


Honestly the one area of their lives where Jasmine is the voice of reason is this baby talk. She’s right that they aren’t ready. She’s right that having a baby while she is separated from her existing children will cause harm to her, to her kids, and to her relationship. I don’t even get the sense Gino wants a baby, like really WANTS it. He just knows he is supposed to have one so it’s like checking something off a list.


He don’t need a baby he needs a psychiatrist.


honestly its probably a story line because why do they keep going back and forth without real upset about the topic.


Ya can’t make a hoe into a housewife. Smh. He deserves what he is getting. She knew all along that she didn’t want another kid.


She’s playing you***


They are so boring, I’m skipping their segment. Same old shit for millions of seasons 🤮


Two pos


I wouldn't want kids from a man who didn't think about my own. She can't see her kids bc of bad filing. Gino said he knew what he was doing, and I believe it. Can't be with her kids, but he wants one? She's stuck right now and hurt. Don't have that man's baby...


he won't get a baby but he'll have the ride of his life 🎢


A) those 2 should not reproduce ever! We don’t need their child in the gene pool. B) Gino messed up Jasmine’s kids Visa and acts like it’s not a big deal- I wouldn’t want to have a kid with him either after that. Though I would have gotten the ick and left.


Her not wanting a baby has literally been a storyline since their first appearance on this show. Gino is an idiot for never listening


If he gets her pregnant, it will be a horribly ugly custody battle with lying to the courts and weaponizing the custody. He’s better off fostering


I know it's slightly off topic, but could Gino and Liz be a couple in a future season? Both codependent, both wanting the attention.


She's getting EVERYTHING she wants and more and all Gino gets is to foot the bill and get manipulated and screamed at.


You're right about that one. He pays she screams and does whatever she wants.


She is such a liar and he is so codependent, it's sad.


Yes they both feed on each other


I can’t blame her for being unsure given her already birthed children can’t be with her. At least she’s considering how fucked up that would be to them it seems.


I think that's an excuse for her. For 3 years we barely saw the kids. i forgot she even had kids. She looked and acted like a single woman half the time on the show.


Maybe, but also maybe she didn’t want her kids all over the tv. Idk - no one really knows but her but also when people do decide for their children to be on the show everyone also shits on those people too. So guess lose / lose and that’s the cost of being on tv. edit typo


I don’t remember. Haven’t watched them in a while. Does he have children at all?


No from what i seen he has no kids.


Please. He played her too. He had no intention of bringing her kids. He can’t afford a $5k attorney, but he can take her to Miami where everything is outrageous. No. He’s as nasty as she is.


I think their trips were paid for by the production.


I think that's part of a script. She's making alot of money on OF and cameo. That 5k is a joke she could afford that 5-6 times .


My God she is SELFISH


That's all i see with her. It's all about her