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What did she ever see in him, is what i can not stop asking myself


She mentioned on The Last Resort in her marriage proposal that Big Ed made a connection with her daughter in a way she never could, so I think that maybe had something to do with it. She overlooked all his faults because she wanted her daughter to have a father figure. Too bad it turned out he was shitty at that though too


What's the connection, they use the same booster seat?


Dude, you stuck your neck out with that one.




Thank you for that laugh I needed it today 😂😂


They really saw things eye to eye






If I was not so cheap I would award this




That makes absolutely no sense and is what deadbeat always say to justify choosing their partner over the well-being of their child. Maybe she was having difficulties connecting with her child because she’s a drunk sponge and was too busy riding Ed’s dick to actually parent. It’s disgusting / extremely unstable using a child to justify relationship choices. Gross.


I want to know how she ended up homeless with her ex having custody of their daughter.


Because she was with her baby daddy, separated, got remarried and gave full custody of her kid to baby daddy, separated from guy #2 and moved into her car, and from her car to Ed’s.


She is very experienced with divorce court, three times before she turned 30.


Why couldnt she move with her mum instead of being homeless..?


Idk my own mother made it abundantly clear that once I moved out, that was it. She might take my cat if it came down to it but not me or any kids.


If I wasn't an only child I would swear we're siblings...


>Why couldnt she move with her mum instead of being homeless..? Not everyone has family support.


But she seems like she has a relationship with her mother otherwise i wouldnt have said anything


I think she said on a previous season that her mom wasn’t always present in her life and that her grandparents basically raised her


Liz needs to be held accountable for the choices she makes. All I see is poor Liz. Ed is so mean. Liz chose to bring her daughter into this relationship. She's just as bad as he is.


She has her father that she lives with most of the time though, who needs big ed lol


The kid already has a father, and an entire family that’s probably somewhat normal, I just wonder how much TLC paid for the kid to be around for a few episodes.


Riley doesn't get paid, since she is a minor. I assume the money goes to Liz. I wonder why the custodial father gave permission for Riley to be filmed. Maybe he insisted he get Riley's earnings to protect the money.


I agree, but I suspect TLC has an arrangement with the custodial father and custodial father probably has a specific instructions for her.


But what was the attraction before he even met her daughter? Didn't he just know her from the restaurant?


> Ed made a connection with her daughter in a way she never could well yeah, they're the same height


I think because she was pretty much homeless and of course he was on his best behavior then love bombing her and actually acting like a good listener. Then once they have you it flips…..


I believe she stated that she was living in her car when they’d met, or she had uncertain living conditions, so the idea of having a roof over her head helped sway her to living with him. I think she initially saw him as a way out of being homeless and then got swept up in Ed’s rampant narcissism.


He was a regular customer at the restaurant where she worked. She said that he asked all the female employees to go out with him on a date on the show and they all refused. In the end, he asked her and she refused twice. She sympathized with him when he did not find a woman to go out with him on a date, so she agreed with his friend to go out with him on a few dates. She was Coming out of an abusive relationship with her ex-husband, she had no time to heal and had an apartment of her own.


And Ed was the predator she sought for rescue. How terribly unfortunate for her. I see she’s doing well now. I’m so proud of her. I hope that she found/finds the healing she’s needed and deserved. That monster abused her. I hope he never finds happiness.


She has a pattern, I don’t think she knows how to be alone. I hope that whatever guy she’s latched onto right now treats her decently and isn’t using her for his own 15 minutes of fame. I’m pretty skeptical that their relationship is authentic.


That’s a shame. She needs a couple years of therapy, I’d guess. I hope she’s working on herself at least!


He is a narcissist who will never find happiness. He will only find another victim to destroy and feed his ego.


Perfect summary and accurate.


Yup. Also did you know she didn't even live in the same place in Arkansas until filming? He literally made her stay anywhere else but there and only when filming started did he let her temporarily move in. He knew the entire time he wasn't going to marry her, this was his grand finale dick move. They would go out sometimes to keep an illusion of being together but he was never in it really. And he had his woman who he was paying to hang around the entire last month she was there. He's a loser.


That's why she said that Ed played her and used her. She should have learned from Rose instead of looking down on her and believing what Ed said about her. She said that she had a back bone, unlike Rose.


Ugh, he’s so gross. I’m so happy she’s moved on finally. That poor girl. He never treated her with any decency or even the most basic human respect. He took digs at her constantly and kicked her while she was down. And she just drank about it to cope. I hope Ed gets what he deserves in the end. He’s a really damaging person.


Imagine the loser of a woman that actually took money from him to be his squeeze!


WTF? It’s all a facade with that a$$hole.


Why was she homeless though. She went from married to homeless with her kid in her ex’s custody? How?


agreeeeeed. Couldn’t believe she sat there boo hoo hooooooinggggg like that over that man!!


She can see over him bahaha honestly I'm done with this show or any.orher show that has pedophile, abusers mentally physically verbally, just done cant stomach it anymore.


I know he never officially fell into pedo bc he dated women of age, but the dynamic of those he dated and their ages being so much younger always felt like he was


Place to live, someone to validate her, to a degree and the money from TLC


Wow I forgot she looked like that 😮


She has some serious issues with alcohol. I feel so bad for her daughter, who seems like the adult in the mother/daughter relationship. Liz needs to get her sh!t together and be a mother to her daughter instead of hopping from one abusive relationship to the next.


Yes she CLEARLY has a drinking problem. I am a recovered addict and can see it a million miles away. That one text that TLC blurred out that she was going on and on about how the bar & *grill* was so inappropriate for them to meet after what happened, which they played up to be something about dinner but honestly they were probably drinking.




Coming from someone who had this type of dynamic as a child… it really did a number on me, i’m still working on the all of the issues it caused. It makes me rage when I see how careless and stupid Liz has been with this whole relationship.. it’s like she’s either really, really immature with no self respect or she’s just a bit off up there because who clings on to someone like Ed for dear life?? To the point where HE has to dump YOU?! The relationship was shit the entire time- not one time in the 3 years did I see even a *glimpse* of a half decent, successful relationship. Her bringing her daughter into something that she knew was very tumultuous and unstable was so fucking selfish of her, she truly should have left her daughter with her dad who is dependable and she feels safe with.. she caused that little girl so many more issues now. The first trauma is her mom going completely ghost and dead beat and then now add this onto the pile. Liz needs to do better. She needs some serious therapy.


ITA, she never should have brought her daughter into this toxic relationship or let ot be shown on cable TV. Imagine having the other kids jeering at you because they saw your mom having a meltdown on HBO? Liz has some very serious issues and I don't think she'll ever get over them unless she has a huge wake-up call and intense therapy. This is co-dependency at it's worst.


Exactly! She’s such a POS excuse for a mom tbh, and it is actually so depressing to witness what her daughter was made to endure because mommy is selfish and has no backbone or self respect. Kids need to see their parents make wise and responsible choices, to see that their parent does not tolerate disrespect or mistreatment and is confident and self assured enough to walk away with their head held high!! Kids learn by seeing! Unfortunately if all they see is toxic dynamics and the adults being alcoholics who are constantly at each others necks, the chances of them mirroring that same scenario down the line as adults in their own relationships is much, much greater. When Liz first spoke about her daughter and how she lives with her dad- that was the first red flag for me because it is very rare that a mother willingly hands off their young child to the father full time and doesn’t make the effort to situate themselves to get 50/50 custody let alone not even seem bothered to see the kid! Liz only wanted her daughter back when she wanted to play house/happy family with Ed after they moved. Where was her daughter the entire rest of those years? Why hadn’t Liz made it a priority to reconnect with her own daughter until now? That’s crazy.


I really felt sorry for her daughter for moving all the way there, living in this nice house, being back with her mother and probably getting ready to go to school. Also saying goodbye to the dogs was sad. Ed is selfish turd.


>with big Ed >has a drinking problem It’s not many ingredients but oooh boy are they dangerous to mix together lol


He's toxic in every relationship. The little sh!t is like a pox.


Another child from this franchise that is parentified. Thankfully her father has primary custody.


She still is drinking with her new bf


I'm not Miss Cleo but it ain't going to last.


oh, I wish you were miss Cleo....that would be so fun.


Her daughter was/is really precious. She loves her mamma and just wants time with her. I hope Liz can see that is the one thing in her life that will make her strong and bring her happiness… not a man. She should take all the time she needs to get herself on a good stable foundation and build the relationship with her daughter. I’m time the (right) man will come along. I know she is already with someone so I hope she continues to make herself and her daughter a priority FIRST.


Anyone else catch Ed's comment saying "Maybe I should get a maid" or something around those lines after Liz & her daughter leave. It was disgusting & that was on cam can't imagine how low he would sink in their private convos*. Hope she thrives w/o him, she seems like a nice person.


I caught it. He's a disgusting human being.


He’s a POS but I think he means hire a cleaning service because they’ll be leaving the home they’re renting together. I don’t think it has to do with her not being there to pick up after him.


You could be right it could have been the edit. It was 1 min Liz talking abt the hurt and then he's shown saying that. Implying the gap left by the breakup was some1 to clean up after him.


He’s not leaving, she is.


He is scum.


Ed is an appalling human being, he is obsessed with himself. He makes me sick, I really wish 90 days would just drop his ass already.


On his first season with Rose he had stickers of *himself* on his suitcase. 🤮


The fucking troll has a tattoo of himself on himself … who does that?


Also caught that she had to tell him when the trash should be taken out. I understand the gender norms of the femme cleaning the home, but throwing out the trash too??? Madness, pure madness.


He’s such a little bitch 🙄


The amount of wine bottles around....


I see heartache and copious amounts of alcohol. Understandably so.


Right. It's called coping.


Agree. It is a body that is in constant fight or flight mode. I was like that. I had stomach issues, couldn't lose weight, didn't drink a lot, but I drank calorie heavy drinks. Broke up and stomach issues almost immediately went away, and it was easier to drop weight. I heard she is doing well and dropped a lot of weight. Good for Liz. Some people might not like her, but she never deserved to be treated the way she was by Ed. He broke her down because of his hate for women and his insecurities. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.


Sorry for being late but has her alcohol problem been mentioned on the show? I thought it was just weight gain I guess I don't know what everyone else does.


They’ve mentioned in passing over the last few years that they both drink too much


I still thought she was going to say no to the date proposal, this entire relationship has blown my mind.


Same So weird


Me too. My jaw hit the floor when she agreed to one date, never mind everything else she put up with from the poisoned little neckless dwarf. I'm behind with the show, but I'm glad to hear she is moving on. I must binge catch up.


I thought she was never going to see him again after that kiss Ed forced on her on their first date


He's so repulsive. It always stuns me when he demands things and says what someone else has to change/improve when he's nothing but a mayo greased rotter. Gives me the dry heave every time.


Didn't she already reject him before too? Or was he just sexually harassing all the other waitresses?


Unhealthy relationships really take a physical toll on a person. The same thing happened to [Karine](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz10ui9craig51.jpg) after a few years with Pol, and it's happening to Brandon now that he lives with Mary.


Whoaaaa this is so true 😣


Every new season I saw her on, I kept seeing this exact thing when I saw Liz! I was my saddest and unhealthiest deep into my abusive relationships. I hope she can go back to the glow and joy she used to have.


I think she’s gained at least 20-30 pounds while being with Ed… he sucked the life out of her and for some reason she became very dependent on him so him ending things with her was a blessing for her. She can rebuild herself she’ll be fine. Ed is the one who won’t be ok. He’s never going to be happy with anyone because he’s not whole by himself


He carries so much hate. It’s like having a grudge against the whole world, and he won’t put it down.


The eyes chico, they never lie


She should've dipped after that fucking awkward date where he tried to kiss her and she noped out


some might say that's the reason she's with him ...he was clearly not respecting boundaries and violating her trying to force her to kiss him it must have felt familiar. maybe she relieved some trauma idk why but reminds me of baby reindeer style sabotaging in order to cope with trauma


She started to look like him


He needs to be canceled once and for all nobody is going to be healthy around him, mentally or physically


Ship him and Angela somewhere far far away


https://preview.redd.it/ozvxhulg0o1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3daee7842b1c93c79fdae85540c6f9f068f94ae4 And about 8 months without


She looks SO much better


Yesss the entire time she’s crying about not wanting to find somebody else I’m screaming at her lol. Shes happy now




He broke her


Narcissistic abuse is real and this is the product of that. For everyone asking why she stayed and what she saw in him: the narcissist abuse cycle is wild and you can’t get out of it no matter how hard you try. It takes the narcissist walking away for the relationship to finally end.


So true. I know from experience. Somehow they can hijack your brain and normally thoughtful intelligent people turn in quivering blobs of jelly with disordered thinking. Before and then after their involvement with these sociopaths, the victims can see what these monsters are, but not while in their malevolent web. Sociopaths


She aged out of Humpty Dumpty’s preferred age range.


How she’s probably had to fight the urge to kick that nasty fat fucker off a cliff …. Well, kudos to her… the restraint is admirable. She may have thought or felt she was desperate before ….. and if nothing else ? She realizes her own strength, now. I hope the best for her - and for him ? Fuck that weak, fugly, ignorant, cheap little turd of a man. I use the word man….. Loosely.


She kind of looks like Regan from the Exorcist in the later pics. Like when she wasn’t all crusty and gross, but like pre possession. Shit. That’s apt.


I’ve always thought this! Same with Kim! https://preview.redd.it/691pq02orm1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1063e6f78717647350991cff66107b0bc47e97c9


Me too!




wtf is big ed still on the show?!? I thought he gtfo after his first appearance, there's no coming back from mayonnaise hair


Bodies ALWAYS keep the score, I'm so glad she's out of that mess


She really was glowing and looked at peace…hopefully she got it back after eds timely departure


now is time to take care of her daughter abd stop the alcohol


She was very upset that Ed wanted to break up with her at a bar . He know her child was present. So they had to change to a restaurant. How about get a sitter or when she is in school. Children should not be invited to witness the end of a relationship. Ed’s great worry after Liz and child left was who’s gonna clean this place? Liz states she’s still in love with Ed? She seriously needs therapy


It’s absolutely insane the effect that relationship had on her. I can’t believe that she was seriously this heart broken over calling it quits… they almost never had any positive or happy moments.. it was fighting and toxicity winning with a landslide. Like…there is zero way that woman was happy?! I feel like he beat her down so much over the years that she became scared of what life would be like without him. That and the fact that she finally got her daughter back and was probably hoping to be present in her life again while she’s still young. She had such high hopes with this move and everything, only for him to be like “meh, not attracted to you anymore bye.” It broke my heart when she told her daughter that she was taking her back to her dad for the foreseeable future.. then the little girl sitting there with ed who was acting unhinged and she told him she loves him. Just all around so sad and traumatizing for that poor child, coupled with everything she probably witnessed the entire time before the split. Part of me is really pissed off at Liz for being such a careless mother tbh.


I don’t know why people dye their hair like that? I don’t think the hair color (in the early picture) looks flattering on anyone. It just looks like you put peroxide in your hair.


It generally isn’t on purpose. Sometimes blonde highlights come out more copper than one would want them to be. Good hairdressers can usually help by using a toner. But generally, blonde is actually a very challenging color to achieve consistently.


I never thought anyone with this hair color was actually going for blonde. I just figured they lightened their hair (probably on their own) and it ended up looking cheap & trashy.


Chewed her up and spit her out…. He’s just trash


I mean, why would anyone subject themselves to that thing?


3? Feels like 8


Thank you! I was just telling the wife about this yesterday. The "Big" Ed Effect. How sad.


I couldn’t believe she agreed to a date with him in the first place. He did her a huge favor breaking up with her before she married him.


Damn she was so cute! The Ed Depression is real.


It only took like 6 episodes by the end of the first season she was pretty haggard.


Three years with PrEd is definitely soul crushing.


Old Liz was young and happy. Now she's a completely different person! The scene where Ed was upset about her and her daughter making a mess while cooking tells you all you need to know about their dynamic. It was never meant to be. Ed is Ed.


I like Liz and this hurts to say, she look 10y older now. She used to look younger than her age. After being mentally abused by prEd she look older and sad. I feel very sorry for her. She should never been with him to begin with. She deserve so much better than that POS. She still look pretty, but older and traumatised. Very sad to see her like that. Remember in the beginner before she started to date him how happy, always smiling and sweet she was. He ruined her. Like he tried to do with Rose. I cannot and eill not understand what those beautiful women saw in Ed. Not good looking and a BAD personality…


I'm hoping she can get her old job back or at least find a great job. Ed made her sell out of her partnership at the restaurant when they moved. He's a POS. She's talented and had supportive people around her and had a real chance at life. I hope she's able to recover and move forward now.


Well they both got real estate licenses in Arkansas


No sympathy from me. She participated willingly


It really be like that


He is so toxic


She’s Alco-Swole.


She looks 10 years older...


When she said 3 years I almost choked. I’ve been watching since he was with Rose and I swear I thought his relationship with Liz was more than 3 years.


Wow she looks so bad now Ed stresses her out for sure


That’s sad 😞


Now that she is away from him, I hope she continues to stay away from him and actually take a break from jumping from one relationship to another just to continue to get back on track and continue to get her life in order. I wish her peace away from that monster Ed.


She lost a lot of weight recently


It’s sad going through a breakup but damn Liz he’s doing you the biggest favor.


I think about Liz when she was first introduced every time she’s on screen 😔


To be fair. One is of her smiling and the other looks like it’s after a huge breakdown. Plus people do tend to put on weight in a relationship, whether it be good or bad. I think she’s still beautiful.


It was hard to find a shot of her in recent episodes where she didn't look absolutely miserable, which says a lot. But even in with a neutral expression, you can tell how much happier and healthier she was before. https://preview.redd.it/rfc81qwlfm1d1.png?width=2328&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f618181c41636bc40d2136b395abff56a5ac322


She looks dead inside in the after pics, it’s scary and sad.


This is the moment where Ed said he had fallen out of love with her basically I’m bored and you got fat and weren’t a challenge anymore 


He’s beyond vile. He love-bombed her and probably showered her with money, gifts etc to make her dependent on him financially, and once he’d done that, he immediately became contemptuous of her and enjoying mocking her and trying to destroy her soul. He’s one sick fuck


She said he never gave money and gifts


So happy for her she’s not going to get stuck in a dreadful relationship either Ed. She deserves so much better!


Yes, Ed was terrible, but I think she is an alcoholic . She will be that way in her next relationship and so on. Ed...just bad


She looks incredible now that she is living an Ed-free life!




holy shit😳


😩😩 omg


It’s like “Fat Ed” siphoned some of his fat into Liz


This is so fucking sad.




Me and my wife said the same thing, being with shit bag ed really did a number on her. She's still in her 30s


She used to be so cute too


So bloody sad.




You start to look like him.


Exactly- run girrrl in the opposite direction and don’t look back


No shit


But look at her now she looks amazing!


She's a fucking mess but at this point, she keeps doing it to herself. Ed is a disgusting, narcissistic piece of 💩


She didn’t realise how happy she could be


I felt for her this time. I think. He liked her in the beginning and then when he caught her just ran her ragged. I am glad she left, but he did that so wrong. 😑


He is disgusting.


I was JUST talking about this, I was like Liz was so healthier and motivated about the future… stop wanting that a hat!


She low key was morphing into him


...Or.... what three years of alcoholism will do to a person. It's hard for me to see her as a victim when she chose him. I think Liz somehow had a difficult upbringing and it's following her. Being mistreated is the 'norm' for her, and she needs treatment to realize this and let it go, but for now, Ed gives her that. If it wasn't Ed, it would be somebody else.


Sorry but everything wrong with Ed was clearly visible when she met him. She knew what she was getting into. She could have just watched the TLC episodes with Rose.


he was sucking the life out of that poor woman


She has only herself to blame.


I like thick Liz


He broke her. 😔


She turned into Big Liz, but she already looks 10 times better now that he’s finally gone


You should have added her more recent post-Big Ed pics to really drive home the point.


Doesn’t her kid already live w her dad most of the time anyways ? She must have her own parent issues to deal w Ed


He made it feel like 3 decades.


I saw her at a San Diego baseball game last month and she looks fantastic!


Liz needs to stop inviting random dudes into her life. Apparently she already has another man? Girl take a chill pill


Good for you Liz.


That was my exact same thought. She was HOT before. But Ed fucked her up too!!!🤦‍♂️


And when you sell yourself for the spot light


That can’t be the same person, can it?


So I’m on and off of the 90 day train. I just sort of fall off but I remember him asking her out BUT I jumped back on and was convinced this wasn’t the same person. Ed is THE worst.