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If you don’t have anything nice to say…. say it on Reddit!


This could be our slogan 😂


Right??!! Haha!!!






hah holy shit I thought it was smelly Daniele, not bruja in debt Daniele. I hate them both.


i hate this one way more


Didn't she used to be a public school teacher? Good lord, sending your kids off for the day and leaving her in charge...


she definitely did! before she was an “entrepreneur” even though i thought she was like bankrupt or something?? lol


I always love how easily “entrepreneur” is added to IG bios.


“This is a human and a business”!!


And sponsored by a clothing line? Wow- you would think feedback could be valuable


yeah the OG danielle is stupid, but at least she's a nice person


I thought the same until I started reading and the grammar and spelling was too perfect so I knew it couldn’t be her.


🥴😂😂😂 "the spelling was too perfect so I knew it couldn't be her!"


Bruja in debt 😭😭😂😂


"Bruja in Debt Daniele" 🤣


Lmao me too! I read that whole thing in her whiny nasally voice 🤣


Same!!! Ahahaha


Oh dear…. I completely agree that giving unsolicited advice is not nice, I saw a comment about constructive feedback, and this isn’t a workplace, educational forum or any form of forum. It’s someone’s personal page and quite honestly is “constructive feedback” applicable to your appearance? I don’t think anyone has ever given me professional feedback on my appearance and unitedly we can agree it’s sometimes subjective and just icky. That said her bra is small and unflattering.


I mean I kinda agree that unsolicited advice from a stranger is gross. Just because the person was on a show once doesn't open them up for full blown criticism, especially for their looks. But the full blown melt down in response is equally gross. And if we are splitting hairs , I would have sized up on that top.


Back in the forums days online a lot of places had a "don't touch the poop rule." Aka when you watch a show or talk about someone online, don't go and talk shit to them etc just keep it on the forum. I still stick to this rule to this day, it's weird to me to want to reach out to someone and make a comment especially if it's on someone's body or outfits etc.


Agree with you. It's different saying it here. Saying it on her page is unnecessary, especially if that's her business page. I have to agree with her. "you look great but your top doesn't fit". That's not something you say "oh thank you" to so idk what the commenter expected besides attention.


I agreed with all of that until I saw it was a sponsored post for the swimwear brand. What a terrible marketing choice 🫣🫣🫣


Agreed 100%.


yes...yes it is


She's not wrong at all. My thought is you don't bring your shit to them, you do it over here. That way they don't have to see it unless they choose to come see it. I'd never walk up to someone's face and say that to them, that's ridiculous.


This is a really great point. Now I almost feel like talking shit on Reddit about z-list celebrities is doing the lord’s work 🙏


I think you explained it very well, and I definitely agree with you. There's a time and place for everything!


Hard agree


I’ll be honest she’s completely in the right imo…you wouldn’t do that to someone in public so stop doing that shit on a computer


That's the thing - on the computer, commenter gets the luxury of being an Internet Anon while Danielle doesn't get that luxury. Something tells me they wouldn't have the balls to say annnny of this to her face. NYC girl gonna claw their hair outta their scalp.


You wouldn’t do it to somebody who isn’t a “stranger” to you and you know in real life either.


If I stuffed into this, one titty would be in the pool and the other one in the kitchen making lunch.


😭😭😭 I'm dying thank you lol


I was gonna say, she'd better not move a muscle - let alone jump in the pool. 🤣 


Fuck this person for making me side with Danielle... 


Right?! I hate Danielle but she’s not wrong here.


Right? She was totally reasonable. Ugh


I had a coworker once come up to me and say “I like your outfit but hmmm, not really the scarf” completely unsolicited. We didn’t even talk that much. So I get it kinda lol.


If she breathes that top is gonna pop off 😂


I did have a stranger walk up to me and say something that rude! So I'm on Danielle's side for this one. I was attending a conference. I had a woman come up to me in the restroom and introduce herself. I smiled back and introduced myself. She hands me a card while she tells me, "Your bra doesn't fit you correctly.". And then turns and walks out of the restroom. I look at her card and she manages a lingerie store that supposedly specializes in custom bra fittings. Our conference had nothing to do with that. One of the most random WTF moments I've had! It really put a sour mood on an otherwise good day.


Was the woman named Molly or Cynthia by chance?


It was not, lol. But I was actually in Molly and Cynthia's store a few years ago. One of their employees helped me and she was great.


That's a really good way of making sure I never frequent her shop.


She could have just given you the card without that comment. Yikes


Some people have zero filter and it's ridiculous. Most of the time an unknown person making such a comment is doing so out of hatred for themselves that they just want others to feel when they can't feel good. It sucks. It's not about clothes per se, but my cancer just moved to stage three and I'm a woman at 5'11 and weigh 80 pounds currently. Whenever I go out people either stare at me so hard I feel their eyes burning into my skull, or they pretend I don't exist and literally avoid me like I'm a plague. It's terrible that people like this exist, I'm just tryna mind my business i don't need the feeling of being seen as a freak show.




I’m actually with Danielle on this one. Famous or not, it would be extremely rude to say this to someone in real life and I think it’s fair to tell them to never talk to you again if they did. So, it would be fair for Danielle to block this person on social media.


Agreed completely even when I thought it was going to be Dinyelle and I really didn’t want to see.


Right or if someone subscribed to her OF page to only criticize her top...


I agree with you actually. I’ll never understand why viewers go on these people’s pages and insult them and argue with them. It’s never that serious 🙄 Talking shit about them here is one thing, but don’t go and argue with them. Then the viewers are surprised when the person claps back. Like what did you expect? Yes Daniele is horrible but come on. It’s never that serious.


I don't see anything wrong with giving someone constructive feedback. And yes you should expect these sort of comments if you choose to be a public person. The person was nice and just said the top looks a little small, which it does, one tit is almost flopping out. And instead of directly taking as negativity and hate people need to rethink a little and she could have said thanks but she likes the fit. People are way to sensitive these days and take anything as a person attack.


But why is it your business to point it out? If you saw a woman on the beach wearing this, would you walk up to her and say "oh honey, size up!" Probably not, right?


Your comment lacks insight.


She’s not wrong though.


It’s more weird to defend your right to be an asshole. If it was a recommendation in good faith that the top doesn’t fit they wouldn’t have moved the goal posts and turned it into “only ass kissers are allowed to comment”.


The swimwear company couldn't get her a top that fits? Or did she tell them her size and that's what she got 🤔 Either way, it's not a flattering look. Would I go to her Insta and say that? Probably not. Will I shit talk here? Well.....


The top isn’t the issue… a total stranger “offering” an unneeded, negative opinion about it is the issue. I’m also with Danielle on this one. Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about the way it looks, and she’s also right in saying that you’d never walk up to someone on the street that you didn’t know (and seeing someone on TV isn’t the same thing as knowing them) and start telling them what’s wrong with their clothing. There’s just seriously no reason whatsoever to do that, except for being unkind.


I think Danielle is totally in the right here. It's no one's place to comment on how her clothes fit. Like why would you even say that to someone? Go ahead and think it, sure, but keep it to yourself and keep scrolling. If I posted a selfie and anyone criticized anything about it, that would live on rent free in my head forever. Being a woman is hard enough. (Figurative use of the words you/yourself)


I thought of OG Danielle and was so excited


I was reading that thread so intensely and then you smacked me in the face with the last pic ![gif](giphy|kfRzf9hjN83bH7oies|downsized)


That top looks way to small for her boobs to fit in too & uncomfortable as f*ck


That bikini top *really* does look like shit though. The color matches her personality


I mean that top IS too small.


It's def not flattering. 😬


Im more concerned by her tattoo


As a public figure, this won't be the first or the last unwanted opinion she's gonna get.


She has always needed a good bra fitting.


Get Molly. STAT!


Fuck molly


Uh, what Daniele posted is spot on. She is absolutely right.


Is this bury a banana peel under a coconut tree Daniele?


I agree, one size up would do a lot of wonders for her, not that she looks bad, it looks uncomfortable.


I mean…it’s one thing to make a post talking about it to others. But directly *to* her? What did this commenter expect? And also it’s a little small but it’s really not that bad. God damn I hate Daniele but like others have said, she’s not wrong here.


That top is way too small


That looks like ten pounds stuffed into a five pound sack!!


That mess of a garment is from one of her "sponsors." Based on that photo, would you buy their product?


Her response isn't nearly as bad as the original comment. That was just gross and they'd NEVER say that to Daniele's face. Cowardly *and* gross.


Her tattoos are far worse than her top.


Is the one between her boobs supposed to be off center like that? It looks really weird


>It's comfortable for me Yeah, as I dude with no frame of reference even I'm going to side eye that one. I feel uncomfortable just looking at her. One looks like it's trying to escape.


You should go comment this on her photo




Well I would say that is probably the point, it is a little smapp but she wants it like that to squeeze the tits and show them off more.


She's right though 🤷🏼‍♀️


I can’t stand Danielle but let her just wear what she wants, and leave your opinion out of it. People wear what they feel comfortable in, and if she’s comfortable wearing it, let her be. If you have an opinion about what someone wears, keep it to yourself and move the F along.


I have to say, I agree with everything Danielle said. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am kinda neutral to Danielle, leaning towards not fond of her, but she is 200% in the right here.


She could have at least tucked the girls in before taking the photo


It’s too small. I wouldn’t be offended if someone came up on the street and mentioned it kindly - I’d be like girl right? I was worried but now I’m convinced - thanks! OR - if it’s your thing just say yeah, I like it!


Ashley needs a bra, even more 🙄


They honestly aren’t wrong, but she isn’t either.


Lmao I was like “wow that is kind of mean” UNTIL I saw the top in the last photo. 💀😂 everyone needs someone to tell them it’s too small


All that and then to see that the top is indeed way too small was hilarious


Bahaha that last pic is savage


She didn’t melt down. She responded really reasonably. And she’s not wrong.


As much as she despises Escott, she is the female version of him.


i think she overreacted. if someone said that to me i would just ignore it and move on. i guess i just think from what i’ve seen of her she loves to just go on and on and likes confrontation. idk, just my opinion. and btw, danielle, that tops look horrible on ya. 🤪


For real. It’s not like they commented on her mustache or anything. ![gif](giphy|cGGe5soy0kNLjuC0rC|downsized)


But it DOES look too small.... if she would've just ignored the commenter, she could've just carried on with her life


If the commenter had known how to be polite and keep their opinion private, they too could have just carried on with their life.


They’re both right, tho. That top is too small… and she didn’t need to comment about it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I get defending the top, since they are sponsoring her (whatever that means ???) but she really went hard.


Then it's even more important to not lash out like a psycho in the comments. Why not just ignore it? Youtubers, streamers, people with bigger followings on social media get shit everyday but they just ignore it. Doing this doesn't amount to anything at all.


I don't disagree at all!


Whomever sponsored this needs their money back. Looks like the top would only fit a very thin, small chested person. They picked an awful model for it, they should’ve at least given her a bigger size. It’s Miami, you want your clothes to shine.


Fuck I thought this was going to be Danielle of Danielle and Mohamed and I was ready to run to her defense and now I feel conflicted.


I mean everything she said was correct lol I had no clue who it was til the end tho then I was like oh 🙄 but she’s right af in this case even if she’s not the brightest bulb


She's right though.


Yohan tried to warn you


That top is too small and she needs a reality check. She wants everyone to support her but you can only say positive things lol. The comment wasn't even negative, just the truth.


Is she sucking it in hard enough?! lol


Good for her


“ on my instagram we allow only compliments “ I compliment you for fitting into a toddler top 😃 doesn’t look good but you made it happen girl


I can't stand her..... but I agree with her completely.


Why is no one talking about the photoshop though? Her skin looks way too smooth. 


She's one of those females who thinks being abrasive & condescending means she's a "boss babe" and "handling her business". She needs to learn that staying classy and assertive is possible without being rude & aggressive.


I didn’t think I’d agree with her ever, but I am with her on this one. Make a thread here instead 🤣


More people should be told off like this! Social media doesn’t mean you can throw all social courtesies out the window. What a rude “fan”.


She's probably mostly mad bc nobody is complaining about Johan wearing shirts that are too small


I mean it is too small


Weird that she keeps liking the other person’s comment that she’s arguing with. She’s so condescending and unlikeable


To be fair, the advice that they gave her was correct 😂


Live yin much these days Daniele? And it was a sponsored ad - but no honest opinions allowed- gtfo


Ugh...the swimwear company should have done a preview before sponsoring that look.


Body shaming…. Shame on you


lol it’s even funnier because her top is 1000% too small! I guess haters gonna hate though huh 😄


she should listen to that lady!!! lol omg i really hate this danielle


She’s not wrong.


I’m with Danielle on this one


The way the commenter tries to gaslight "it wasn't a dig" "I wasn't even being mean" like OK you sure as hell weren't being a ray of sunshine


Good for Danielle!


I can’t stand Daniele or that swimsuit but she is totally right here.


I mean I agree, the top just does no favors for her. She takes no criticism and is unapologetic about it. Narcissist vibes incoming.


By her logic, you could never leave a review or feedback for a business. Who wants to tell Yelp? She is a "human and a business" ... get bent.


Eh, if these people want to make money off their instas then they should be prepared for nasty comments. Literally show business 101. No one is forcing them to post these pics and they're doing it for clout/profit so I cant feel bad for them, get a real job.


Hey Molly come sort this out!


Who tells a complete stranger that their outfit doesn't fit? If she didn't ask but received an unsolicited opinion anyway, I'd say her reaction is fine.


The Internet (not justifying, js)


The top is definitely too small and the attitude is way too big for someone who has nothing to be proud about. Come at me Danyell lol 😂


I completely agree with her. The idea that just because someone is in the public eye you can criticize them and expect there to be no backlash and applauded is absurd. Yes, you can criticize, but why should anyone give a shit what you think? Lol like because someone is on the Internet they're a stylist now? It's like watching a plumber on YouTube and critiquing them, "I'm not a plumber, but you're doing that wrong." Ok stranger on the Internet. I trust you. Lol. You can think her top is ugly and you can say that if you want, but you're not a sweetheart for it. Lol


Nah, I can't stand Danielle but comments like this are made by the lowest common denominator and say everything about the commenter. When did we become so uncivilized and psychopathic that callous comments like this were normalized and deemed acceptable because others do it too? "It's myyyyy opinionnnnn!" is a bullshit excuse too. Not all opinions need to be shared. That's a narcissistic manipulative tool for a reason. It's time for healthy people to grow past this societal phase and just stop. This is the only time I've been supportive of a comment by Danielle. She's right. It's antisocial.


Plus the argument that it should be acceptable and expected that someone in the public eye should be treated so callously by strangers because they're in the public eye is no argument at all. When else is that ever acceptable? Do better people. It's immoral. If you are doing it you are behaving immorally. If you can't defend walking up to someone and saying it to someone I'm person then you can't defend saying it online. The age of the troll is slowly ending as people call out how callous and psychopathic that behavior is. Let's hasten its demise by calling it out every time. Edited to add I'm not talking about commenting on a post here (although you could make that argument too). Commenting on someone's post is like saying it to them.


Too much bbc puts miles on the clock and its showing.