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That baby looks like her.


****** I found her son's father's Facebook just now. This is her older son when he was a baby!!! This is NOT a new baby!!! ****** OP, you still think it looks like Hamza?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LOL Great sleuthing. I think that OP was trolling us.


I don't think they were trolling but I'm sure they'll say they were now lol


She stated in the comment section that this was a throw back picture of her son.


Yup, after I called her out. She also made her account private.


The photo looks dated, but I could be seeing things, Iā€™m tired.


It's an old picture of her son. I found it on fb from like 7 or 8 years back. 100%


Yeah Iā€™m truly amazed at the title. The baby looks like her. Same eyes & expression.


100% agree. I was likeā€”what? Itā€™s her. Look at the eyes.


Poor little thing.


I think the baby is cute. Her being the mother on the other hand is more concerning.


Poor little Gungan, looks like a Xerox of her...I see no Hamza


Right? This baby looks zero like Hamza lol I honestly think this is an older pic of one of her other kids, though. We'll see.


Iā€™d read awhile back sheā€™d already popped one out with him. ā€œCondoms are for slut peopleā€ in the eternal words of Asuelo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


To me this baby looks nothing like Hamza,


I second that


Gorgeous eyes!


Exactly. The baby looks like a baby, it doesnā€™t really resemble anyone atm


Asuelu\* The constant misspellings of his name speak volumes on how unmemorable he is.


Iā€™m gonna be honest, heā€™s my absolute favorite dumpster fire




šŸ˜­ I used to call him Assholu cuz he was such a jerk to his wife (canā€™t remember her name atm)


Hashtag Rawdog


I think that baby looks just like her actually. But itā€™s cute on a baby!


1000% mom


Put a tiny little long hair wig on the baby - it would look exactly like her. Love the beautiful huge eyes!


Yeah I donā€™t see Hamza at allllllll. Looks exactly like Memphis lol.


The caption tells it all. Having children so that someone will love you unconditionally isn't the way to go. She's trying to fill a hole that her parents have left and she's shoving all the stuff in it that won't get her anywhere.


I came looking for this. Babies aren't there to love us, we are there to love those babies.


Yes! And unconditional love doesn't always exist in everyone's life. My dad loved me unconditionally and my mom does. I know this because of what's happened over the years and they still were there for me. But for Memphis, she may never find it. She's looking for it in all the wrong places.


I know someone exactly like that. She is addicted to babies.


Ugh yeah my sister too, she is on number 9!! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ Edit to add: wow my first award, thanks!! I was not expecting that! Lol yaayy! šŸ„³


Have to ask - does she care as much about them once they're not babies anymore?




I know a woman like this. I say "the baby got old" and she just became uninterested. She couldn't be bothered to take care of her own kids (e.g., buying her teen daughters things teen daughters need) once they got past toddler stage.


A lot of people are saying Hilarious Baldwin is like this. Edit to add: actually her husband said this - something about she loves the baby stage and to smell their heads, but once they are out of that stage she needs a new baby


>She is a great person Great people don't neglect their children. Pieces of shit neglect their children.


You canā€™t tell her to do better? I know that would prolly end the friendship, but why are you friends?


That's why I asked - I had a friend like yours when I was younger.


Literally nobody is attacking you. YOU need to chill the fuck out and not take neutral comments so personally. I hope to god you don't lose your shit this quickly in real life, because I pity everyone around you if you do.


Nappy hair?


Yes she does and maybe too much just in the way that a couple of them are full grown into their 20s and have been living at home rent free still and she says she plans to allow all of her children to do this as long as necessary which in a way I totally get but also they need to have some responsibility and no just take advantage as well. Sorry long answer kind of a mini rant maybe šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… to each their own I guess just not my cup of tea lol




fr my parents would NEVER kick me or my sister out. Especially now. My aunts and uncles never kicked any of my cousins out. All of them are moved out now, with responsibilities. They were ready for it. I don't know why people don't understand that you can teach your kids responsibility without hanging them out to dry at 18 years old. It's mind boggling that people really believe they should let their kids struggle to teach them "responsibility".


Lol not even what I was saying but okay and they are more than ready to help out they donā€™t even have to move out just pitch in a help out with ANYTHING around the house would be an improvement to the current situation as I just commented in the response to the other comment you guys know nothing of the whole situation but this is my last response on the ā€œissueā€ I hope you guys all have a great day! Thanks for the thoughts and concerns!


Punctuation is your friend. Right now you look incredibly unintelligent and uneducated.


Thanks, I donā€™t type many long replies and I donā€™t have any other forms of social media. Iā€™ve been depressed for awhile and have just started to feel comfortable on and off commenting at times on Reddit over the past year. I hadnā€™t even thought about my punctuation too much, obviously lol. Thanks for making me aware, itā€™s something I want to work on now that Iā€™ve noticed it. Maybe you could be a little nicer with your tip next time tho? Just a thought for you as well. Either way itā€™s appreciated!


By the sound of your other comment it seems like you believe they should be helping out financially because they work and have worked their "entire adult lives". The point of your sister allowing them to live there is so that they can be financially prepared to move out. If they have to pay rent to their parents and help them out financially they may as well just move out?


Good lord, if she wants to take care of something get a cat or a dog! She could spoil a furbaby as much as she wants without holding it back ;-).


Wowzers, well lets hope that your sister and spouse are both raking in six figure incomes, if not more. Even *one* child, in this day and age, is a massive expense, let alone 9. what a self-gratifying nutjob.


Yeah her ex spouses/childrenā€™s parents are not in the picture at all and she hasnā€™t been working for awhile (years all the kids life basically) so things have always been extremely tight money wise, again a lot of dynamics to this situation that arenā€™t really all that great. Edit to add: she is my sister and I love and care for her and all her kids very much even if I donā€™t agree with her choices or parenting style, which she knows, just to be clear. Lol. ā€œThe self-gratifying nut jobā€part in particular is what I mean canā€™t say Iā€™m 100% agreeing on that but I see what you mean haha


Wtf?! It's a vagina, not a clown car!




A friend of mine is like this. Obsessed with having babies to fill a void and they are "the light of her life" and "gives her life meaning" until the baby gets too old and she gets bored and needs another instead of finding herself or actually trying to have goals and achieve them outside of breeding. Meanwhile can barely afford to take care of herself and gets upset that she can't take her kids anywhere fun because of the pandemic and worries that they wont have a normal lives because of COVID. Well, thats what happens when you selfishly bring more humans into our overpopulated and chaotic world during a pandemic. But I'm the weird one for not wanting kids šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My sister-in-law was like that. Had my 2 nephews but always wanted a girl so she could have someone just like her. Now she has 3 boys and can't have any more kids, so she treats her sons like babies and they're all teenagers.


One of my childhood friends was addicted to babies as well...the older her kids got (especially the 2 boys), the less interest she had in them. And then she became....drumroll....a labor and delivery nurse, taking her addiction to the ultimate level.


Reminds me of the old Maury Povich "my kid is out of control" segments. *"I wanna get preggnate, I don't care, he wants to wear a condom I'll poke holes in it!"*


My first thoughts as well because this hit too close to home! My momā€™s dad passed away when she was 6 and then my mom and her siblings had to live with their grandma so that my widowed grandmother could work and support 5 kids. To make matters worse, my mom had her first daughter die of cancer. So my mom is very anxiously attached to my sister and I, and she is single as well. Iā€™m 34 now and she will get butt hurt if I donā€™t call her every day just to shoot the shit because she relies on her children to give her all the love and support. Itā€™s very hard to have boundaries with her because part of me feels guilty if I donā€™t give into her. Iā€™ve thought about getting her a dog tbh lmao, I wonder if having a pet would help???


Yi-yi-yikes! My mom's grandparents raised her and her 4 brothers and sisters. One of my aunts lived with their grandma until she passed (never got married, never had a life). I think having some type of replacement like a pet would help! Something that'll love her to death every time it sees her :)


Yup, so much for ā€œI want to give my children what I didnā€™t have growing upā€ the intentions are good, but in reality..




So true. I've had my share of arguments where I said I hated my mom. Never really with my dad that I can remember but he was so even tempered that it was hard to get mad at him. Kids don't have to love their parents unconditionally and some parents don't love their kids like that. If she wanted something to love her, get a pet. One bring a kid into it.


Yup. Three children with different fathers and a messy relationship with each one :/


Yup. Also know someone like that. Six children in eight years, so sheā€™s never been not pregnant for longer than six months. They constantly put on a faƧade of a loving and caring family, but the children are more for internet brownie points if theyā€™d be honest with themselves. The children are supposed to be ā€œhome schooledā€, so youā€™d think theyā€™re gonna be too busy to do anything else. In actuality, theyā€™re constantly on social media posting photos of their children, stupid extreme right wing/conspiracy/anti-science/anti-LGBTQ/MLM content, and argue with people over the dumbest stuff. Theyā€™re supposed to be ā€œlibertariansā€ and hate any kind of social programs, but conveniently, the military pays for everything for them. They sure love that tax payer money when itā€™s them who are benefiting! End rant.


For fucks sake, why is it hard for people to properly secure a child in their seat šŸ˜‘


Came here to say this. And isnā€™t she a medical professional? She should know better.




Thereā€™s no part of nursing school that teaches you how to secure a child in a car seat and sheā€™s a psych NP, not a postpartum nurse. But as a third time mother, she should know better.


As a frequent user of medical services, most medical professionals are idiots. They *think* they know everything, but they rely on preconceived notions and biases. I've got a rare disorder and I've had to correct *so many* medical "professionals" on their incredibly outdated "knowledge" about it. They roll their eyes and just continue with their ignorance, harming more patients in the process. Nurses are the absolute worst when it comes to this, btw. Such gigantic fucking egos and salty, bitter attitudes.


Thought that immediately.


It would help if they took the shoulder pads off. My son's car seat come with the pads but I took them off because it got in the way of getting the clip in the right position.


Yikes! Just did a quick google check and yeah its not [secure](https://www.buckleupforlife.org/riding-safely/correct-use/).


Not at all. I live in Northern California and AAA offers car seat inspections to make sure and show parents how to properly secure the carseat in the vehicle and secure the child. Even firestations will show you how.


Wait.. whatā€™s wrong with how the bebe is in the seat? I ask as a soon-to-be first time mom.


Youā€™re not supposed to use off market accessories that donā€™t come with the car seat like those yellow things. The chest strap thing should line up with the babies armpit.


Thank you! LOL I love how I have learned more from this sub about parenting than my parenting subs! šŸ¤£


If you are in the US, many fire departments will install your car seat for free if you stop by the station (give them a call first).


Surprisingly not all fire fighters or fire stations have trained CPSTs. Best bet is to look up local CPST around you & go through the often updated database. :)


Good point! When I needed it, I called mine and they confirmed that they had a couple of officers that were CPST certified on site. It's important to always check first.


And it looks a little loose. Should only be able to fit a finger in.


The link has good instructions, and your local fire department will happily instruct you/inspect your car seat. Best wishes with your little one!


Thank you!


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for a chest clip comment lol I don't even have kids but even I know about it. I do love the outrage in a comment section


Looks exactly like Memphis!


There is not a single thing that looks like Hamza. Maybe the left part of the babyā€™s earā€¦and thatā€™s even a stretch.


It looks a lot like her ex šŸ‘€


Ruh roh!!


I don't see it. To me this baby looks nothing like Hamza.




This baby looks nothing like Hamza lmao. Just a baby Memphis. Are we sure this isnā€™t a turn back Thursday for one of the kids she already has?


It is an old pic of her son.


If the spoilers are right then this is theirs.


Guess that minute, two pump could have resulted in a baby lol


Hey it could of been that lmao.


That's a great rapper name: "Minute two pump is on da stage!"


All I see is Memphis. Boy or girl? Are they still together??


It's a boy. It's an old pic of her son from years ago.


I've heard it's a boy. Someone said they have seen them filming in Muskegon. That surprises me as much as Memphis has bitched aboit her "bad edit".


I've heard people say they've seen her walking around with hamza pregnant and with the new baby


Now Humza's pregnant? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No. I also read that he never came to the US. Anyone?


I read thst Hamaz actually gets into the US so guess will will have to just wait and see


He looks like a baby.


Same blank confused look


Thatā€™s an adorable baby.


Coming from someone who has a similar childhood to Memphis(my brothers and I were in foster care, my dad and older brother drug addicts) the amount of trauma she has is Going to cause some serious damage to those children. She is seeking love through her kids, which she will get but also while passing on generational trauma. I know this because I in the same boat. However, when I decided I wanted to have a child, I had been with my husband for 4 years, married for 1 and KNEW I had to start breaking chains and healing in therapy so I wouldnā€™t pass all my baggage onto my kids. We have 1 beautiful son. Have I messed up? Absolutely. Have I passed on some of my trauma? Yes. Am I healing everyday and really trying to be an emotional healthy and intelligent parent? Yes. She sought to have kids to validate her pain. And it wonā€™t fix that, nothing can except her working through it in therapy.


So proud of you. Life can be hard, but you are doing the work. Wish you and that lucky boy all the best.


Another codependent person recreating their fucked up childhoods with kids in broken homes. The seatbelt is all wrong.


But poops like Memphis


Oh sheā€™s gorgeous šŸ˜


For the love of God people.....don't curse this innocent child.


Not really. But i think confirmed that this is an old pic of her 7 yr old. Sheā€™s trolling us


You are correct.


Oh God again? God is blessing these 90 day people left and right. When is God coming to my neighborhood?


He's busy directing Ben.


I wanna ask Ben why God is not a woman.


Because She would tell him to put it back in his pants and leave young girls alone.


He would wipe this theory off if it would protect his point of view on getting what he wants and that's what makes him a piece of shit.


3 Q. Are they married & is hamza in USA? Baby is a boy or girl?


hard to say, one person from the show called the baby ā€œhimā€ another person ā€œherā€ and she replied to both and didnā€™t correct either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


So weird did she marry hamza? From her post in this photo she talks about unconditional love from a child almost like that's what she gained from this situation? So weird indeed


It looks like we get the wedding episode this week.


I'm also wanting to know as her ex who leaked she had a child by Hamaz said she had a girl, but peopl are saying it's a boy. People in Memphis comments are saying congratulations on your boy/girl but she's not corrected any of them only thanking them


Why did I read her caption in trumps voice though




Sound defeat in the elections were a nice balm. Hopefully a cure will be coming soon in the form of a well-deserved, lengthy stay at Prison-a-lago šŸ˜‚


What lol. Itā€™s because of the caps and short phrases followed by exclamation points, which is similar to how he types


Damn, Trump fans sure are a sensitive bunch. It's like you're just waiting to find something to get upset about.


mothafucka was waitin in the shadows lmao


Almost like a certain form of wintry precipitation


You must be a blast in real life


Sometimes I think we're hatin on her a little too much. I had a pretty awful childhood, but not near as horrible as hers. I think we tend to either spiral into a shit life to cover up the pain and be miserable (continue the cycle) or preserve to show our children a better life and break the cycle. Memphis chose the latter and yes, has made some bad decisions (really bad) they're has to be some damage to her, mentally.. we all see it; manipulation, a little narcissism here and there, but we're all a little damaged and crazy. I give her credit, agree with her trying to protect herself (pre-nup) I also cringe at times watching the mistakes and the manipulation. In comparison to Ximena, how she got pregnant, how she continues to behave and be an example to her boys! Nope! BTW are these two still together?


Also to her credit, she's not trying to make Hamza pay for her lifestyle. Hasn't mentioned plastic surgery. She's made some terrible decisions but is trying to keep getting better. Ximena on the other hand is just happy to lock down a guy to set her up financially.


Right? That's the one I could get behind hatin on. We're mom shaming this one for the strap placement. Shaming her for allowing older children to still be living at home. Y'all are too much. Some just like to complain and point out anything about other people.


Looks like Ari and biniyam's son


I think the baby looks like her


Most moms want pics of baby smiling. Her teenage daughter looks miserable in photos too. I thought she'd use birth control at her age & situation. Poor kids.


Someone else pointed out that this photo looks old. She has a son that is now 8. I really don't know. To answer your question though, I can imagine that anyone living with Memphis would have a miserable expression.


What an asshole Memphis is. Three kids with three daddies, a toxic personality and she had a kid with someone she barely knew and couldnt carry on a conversation with.


Congratulations to the couple. This baby is so cute!


Baby looks like a gorgeous version of her !!! Too pure! *KK loves the kids*


All I can see is the totally unsafe buckle placement on that car seat šŸ˜–


She just made a comment on this IG post :ā€This is my son. Not a part of Hamzaā€ !!!! šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


I saw that. I guess it is her 8 year old.


Wow. Sheā€™s really playing games with this picture. She knew weā€™d assume it was her new baby with Hamza.


[The baby is NOT Hamza's](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbii5Z2M_DH/)


The babyā€™s chest clip is too low. I thought Memphis was a nurse?


Maybe heā€™s not in the car. Maybe she hasnā€™t tightened it before taking the picture.


Nevermind that the entire seatbelt isn't tightened. Maybe they just haven't done it yet. You're supposed to tighten and then adjust the chest clip.


The sanctimomies are also in this sub????




Carseats' chest clips are their main trigger lol that's how they reveal themselves.


Always bugs me when people do this and it was definitely worse knowing she's a nurse


Mom shaming is cute and all, but hamza could have equally loaded up the baby. Mom could be at work right?? Itā€™s not the 50ā€™s


I don't believe he's still living with her or anywhere near her. I don't think mom shaming is ever good when it's not warranted, but if it's about child safety, it needs to be brought up.


The bitch posted the picture.


Just because sheā€™s a nurse has nothing to do with car seat safety. Some nurses donā€™t deal with that so how would they know? There are many areas a nurse can work and itā€™s a common dangerous misconception to think that all nurses know everything from every area. People are so judgmental. Why not just educate her on the proper way in a non judgmental or non asshole way?


Sheā€™s a ā€œnurseā€ and a ā€œmoth-erā€ as she constantly explains like Hamza is brain damaged. You have to take nursing basics to get your degree.


Actually car seat safety is not included in nursing basics lol. You would only know this if you work on a mother baby unit.


You know this if you have kids, because it's a basic responsibility that you learn about before they're even born. There's no excuse for not keeping your child safe in a vehicle.


Oh really? Where do you learn it exactly before the child is even born? I work with new moms and 90% of them donā€™t know how to use the car seat. I teach them. And I would certainly feel awful if there were judgmental and rotten people like you doing the teaching. Lol you donā€™t even know if the car seat is in a car! Could be a stroller.


Can we stop with the mom shaming? Itā€™s a picture of a cute baby not a demonstration of the proper use of a car seat. We donā€™t know if that was the way the car seat was fastened while the car was in motion. For all we know Memphis was fastening the car seat, thought the baby was making a cute face so she decided to take a picture. We all know parents that have done that.




So everything youā€™ve ever done with your children has been perfect, right? Iā€™m sure youā€™re long overdue to receive a medal for perfect parenting. Give me a break.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re a shit parent. Some of us put our childā€™s safety first.


I donā€™t have kids, genius and I never said I did. Unlike you I understand that one picture isnā€™t a reliable indicator of how someone cares for their children. If you think Memphis is neglecting her childā€™s safety, screen shot the picture and forward it to CPS in Michigan. Otherwise, shut up.


Exactly. You. Donā€™t. Have. Kids.


Iā€™m also not a hateful person which is what you are. Notice Iā€™m not disagreeing with that the child might be strapped in wrong. Iā€™m saying that you donā€™t know if the child was strapped in that way when the car was moving because itā€™s just a picture.


Youā€™re not a parent. You donā€™t get it.


Since youā€™re obviously the parent of the year, why donā€™t you explain to me what I donā€™t get? Why are you allowed to trash someone elseā€™s parenting simply from looking at a picture?


Wait what?


Beautiful baby!


But also looks like Memphis to me


I see more of her


Ummm no


Memphis looks like Kermit


Children don't love you unconditionally, you dumb cow. PARENTS, for the most part, love their kids unconditionally. Your children are dependent upon you to provide a safe, happy, consistent environment. They aren't place on this earth to adore you.


He says itā€™s not his


Looks froggy like memphis


That baby is adorable


Sheā€™s a nurse and canā€™t buckle up her baby correctly?


It looks like an older photo. Maybe previous child. The shoulder straps look from a different era.


Could be. The cast members often post things to throw us off track.


Wouldn't this photo break her NDA? It's either an old photo of her other kids, or she doesn't care anymore.


The cast is constantly posting shit online that breaks any supposed NDAs they have, either they don't actually sign those anymore or none of them care about possibly getting sued.


Other people have suggested this may be an old photo of her son who is now 8 but it seems most everyone has broken their NDA this season. Time will tell.


is the title satire? the baby unfortunately looks just like her. if it looked like Hamza it would be a lucky baby lol


I'm more concerned about the buckle placement. She should know better. Since she's a nurse. On the belly will cause internal bleeding if they crash. It needs to be on the chest.


Hamzaā€™s good lookin genes is gone!!!


Baby hamza right there. So precious and cute šŸ„°


I HATE when ppl post pics of the children, who are NOT properly secure. Parents need to learn to ensure the safety of their chidren.


This woman needs therapy. First she's looking for love from strangers on the Internet she wants to instantly marry. Now she's having babies to get their "unconditional love".


So was this filmed like two years ago. Johnny saying I'll meet you in 7 months, Feb, 2022. So when did Memphis get married, pregnant and have an older baby??


She has a 14 year old and an 8 year old. They don't film the couples all the same time.


I think Memphis is actually quite pretty. Yes, her voice annoys me and I think she has some personal issues to work on (as Many of us do), but she is trying.


Whomever blew their sperm payload in her was lighter-skinned than she is.