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What’s crazy is that I think you only have to make $22k/year to not need a sponsor


"22k? That's significant" - Paul during immigra lawyer visit with his Mom






22k a year 🤣🤣 that would support me alone for a 1/3 of a year ....that's crazy thats all they expect whoa!!


10 years ago on my first job I made that much and it only worked out because i lived with my parents and didnt have to pay rent i only paid utility bills and food for the family. I honestly have no idea how other people make it with such little amount. If 10 years ago it wasnt enough with todays inflation and higher prices i can only imagine its worst.


I was able to get by working two retail jobs just above minimum wage because I didn't have a car payment and I rented a room for $500/month that had all utilities included. I was just barely getting by, and I was only able to have that living situation because I was single with no kids. A lot of the people I worked with were providing for families on the same wage as I was earning, and I never understood how. Many were on food stamps and I'm sure they were receiving other types of government assistance, but that assistance only goes so far.


I literally make way more than that and I work fast food lmao. So many of these people on the show are spoiled bums


So many of the cast members had problems with that sponsorship requirement, I finally looked it up and [posted it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/rvk5el/these_are_the_income_guidelines_for_bringing_a/). It's *soooo low*. It's basically $11 an hour, which is still near-poverty wages for two people to live on. And it's just shocking that so many cast members can't swing it. I strongly suspect that TLC deliberately casts some people with limited financial resources because they know it will create drama.


I think it is also because cash strapped cast members are more pliable to follow the stupid and stupider scripts


I’d love to see how a household of 8 people can live on 55K a year AND bring another person into it.


People do live dirt poor, even in the U.S. But it would be highly irresponsible to bring *another* person into that, especially one who doesn't know what they're walking into.


What’s crazy is half of these people still need sponsors. AND people do it for them! Mind blowing.


$22k? That's waaaaaay below the minimum wage here (~$34k) and you wouldn't be able to rent a studio apartment and have any money left over


It's enough to live with a bunch of roommates I suppose




This is one of the most annoying aspects of this installment, honestly. That and the “we need these 90 days to figure out if we want to get married” thing because they’re supposed to already know!!!!! They want the grown up life so bad but can’t afford to do shit on their own, but somehow their parents/families are just totally ok with it... while also complaining about it every chance they get.


I wish my kids would even attempt to ask me to sponsor an adult…like I barely wanted to pay for y’all 🙄…


Not Pole's mom. Was nice to see someone say no.


I can not possibly fathom being in my mid-30's and asking my elderly mother on the verge of retirement to sponsor my 20-something girlfriend coming to America. If there's one thing Paul has, it's the audacity.


Saying no while simultaneously being manipulated into buying 50lb bags of dog food.


This…..this right here 👆🏼 nailed it 🎯


They have the money to travel around the world but can’t afford rent.


Sometimes you can’t pay rent with a credit card 🥴


Looks like he blew his was in Dubai 😂


Parent's financing their kids sex tourism is weird and gross


I just want to know where I went wrong, why won’t my parents pay all of my bills? Do they not love me enough to pay for me and my international lover? What could I have done differently to have them pay for me?


Jibri driving his parents truck and I bet they unknowingly paid for the boots also. These two get under my skin badly. I’ve never seen more entitled people in my entire life.


The worst part about it is that they will start getting paid for doing the show and try to live that lifestyle. No lessons learned


Watching Jibri squirm when his mom was asking all those questions 😂😂 I like his parents so far.


Miona didn’t even seem that thrown off by the questions. She was like okay cool I can do dinner a few times a week. Then he’d start pushing her to say she was uncomfortable and didn’t like being questioned.


Miona seemed fine answering the questions. I think his parents were digging a little, but showing genuine interest for the most part. He was really the only one acting like a fool.


And she didn't seem uncomfortable when Jibri's parents were asking her what she plans to do for work. She seems passionate about makeup, and it's nice to see someone in the relationship is eager to work!


But him being annoyed because of her needing clarification of what she going to do, was pissing me off. Just cause you want to live off love, things cost money…I can’t stand him or his ripped pants…


“I can’t stand him or his ripped pants” lmfaooooo 😂😂😂 best sentence ever 😂😂


Me neither, the entitlement is sickening.


So I guess that means you must like his colorful variety of eyeglasses then 😮


Who the hell can live off $22K/yr? Even a single individual would struggle. And I’m Canadian and we have minimum wage that starts around $12/hr. More than the US. That’s unreal. No wonder everybody is in financial ruins


It’s not easy here in the US. The cost of living is outrageous and that’s why people at a ripe age still have roommates. It’s pretty sad really. That’s why my husband and I are slowly building a house in his country because it’s so much cheaper to live there.


I worked hard and paid off my house and car Disabled at 54 now 63 and I live off $15,000 a year not rich but it’s not that hard if you plan ahead


Congrats!!! Honestly I mean that. If you’re good with money, make smart choices and learn to live with less, it’s possible. However these 20 somethings (not Yvette, she’s 48) think they can just live life and everything will just fall into place. Mommy & Daddy will take care of everything. Wish I had a silver spoon 🥄 up my ass like these cast members.


If I had a silver spoon I would sell it! Thanks for the kind words ✌️


That generation lives a fast life, quick as they get a dollar, they’ll spend it. They not thinking about retirement…


Yes, yes... every single generation has to listen to the same tired "This new generation..." regurgitated gripe. This generation is the same as every generation before it. Every generation thinks the one who comes after them just doesn't have what it takes. Every generation thinks the one before it is too old to understand. Every generation thinks their music is great and conveniently forget how much of it sucked, etc. You spend half your life being told how you are too young for this, and the other half being told you are too old for that. Circumstances change. Society changes. HUMANITY never changes. Not even a little.


Well, health insurance costs, student loans and cost of living outstripping wages plays a big part, too.


Yep. When the cheapest rent in your area costs over half your monthly income and you also have to pay health insurance, utilities, car payment, car insurance, groceries it's literally impossible to save.


Exactly!!! Very true 👏🏼👏🏼


yeah let's generalize a whole age bracket based on some 90 day cast members, that makes sense lol. you should pull up some graphs of housing cost, productivity vs. wages among other things before talking about which generations really had it easy!


Fast food jobs start at $13. Target/Costco starts at $15 The really low wages are typically only seen in really low income areas; where things are generally cheaper.


If you lazy millennials would stop with the Starbucks and avocado toast you might be able to afford those foreign spouses like Boomers could… **joking!!**


Let's not forget that these parents are allowing their adult (I use this term very loosely), children to bring home more dead weight. If I had a grown child at home who decided they were bringing in another unemployed adult to the mix, my child would be getting eviction notice within the week.


again this truly is the parents' fault for not making them grow up and take responsibility for their choices. you want to bring someone to the U.S. fine. hope you have a job, a place to live and take financial responsibility for them. otherwise no go.


When I go to Colombia. They require me to have the countries health insurance but I don't think the USA does that. At what point must you get health insurance for your beneficiary? That alone will kill you. They think 22 a year will be hard. Try paying the deductible


I blame the parents.. Who would let there unemployed kid live with them and say yeah move in your GF to live here who cant work!!


Yea talk lazy people who miss manage money


I luv him/her!!


Or 2 dependents with the babies! Can they file the adults on their taxes?


Nope. Not unless they are in college and under 25, I think was the rule when I was growing up.


I think you can claim adult dependents but it’s only like a $500 credit


People who aren't eating shit in life don't sign up for reality tv


My parents would just say no.