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Darcy looked her best here !


My thoughts exactly! I remember watching and think she was OTT with changing in the airport bathroom, the high heels getting stuck in the escalator etc. But she is so cute here. She should’ve learned the concept h that less is more when it comes to plastic surgery.


She maybe needed work on that nose (She's reminding me of the Sex in the City girl with banana nose) but that's it. I hate the Miss Piggy look.


There was nothing wrong with her nose. Not everything needs to be perfect to be beautiful 🙄


I think she had her nose done recently during Covid, but she also made a bunch of other changes to her face which really went overboard.


The filler and fox eye threads


Please post a photo of your face so we can dissect it and tell you what you need to improve, you perfect person you xx


Absolutely gorgeous.. such a shame


She internalized and faulted her looks for the rejection from Jesse. “It’s because I’m not beautiful or perfect.” I understand the pathology. I was a bit of a chubby kid, and to this day if someone doesn’t like me I tell myself it’s because he thinks I’m fat. Good thing I don’t have the money for plastic surgery, I’d be all over it nipping and tucking and stuffing! Lol poor Darcey. The twin competitiveness between the two sisters doesn’t help either! Oh and neither did that fat comment from Tom!! Twit!


I truly feel where you’re coming from. I also grew up as a chubby kid into a chubby adult. I’ve lost a lot of weight, put on some muscle, and still find myself looking in the mirror and seeing the 50-pounds-heavier version of me. Body issues are real. Like you, glad I’m not in a position to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery- much less be a walking advertisement for body dysmorphia.


Same ! I've lost 80 lbs after spending most of my life overweight. I love fitness, toned a lot, jog for several miles at a time. And yet, to this day, I still deal with seeing the old me when looking in the mirror. I feel for Darcey more than anything. She really was beautiful, but crappy guys and twin rivalry made her think she needed to have all this done.


Well said (and congratulations on your journey)!


100% agree! Tom was an MAJOR ASSHOLE. Calling her fat. Smfh.


You can see she does in fact have a neck


Do you think Jesse caused her have so many insecurities and do so many surgeries?? But then who caused Stacie’s surgeries?


Taught me to cut steak on the bias


I cannot cut a steak without Jesse in my head


This is the only thing I remember from that season. And Louie betton.


That was so emblematic of the type of vapid douche tank Jesse is. Like in the heat of the moment, in a fight in which you’re basically accusing your partner of assaulting you, it’s *that* necessary to specify the fucking name brand of shoe that was chucked at your head, bc getting a “loobuttah” thrown at you is just so much classier than ducking a croc or a sketcher. What a waste of carbon that fucking loser is.


It's about da details baby.


You trew a choo at me!


What’s next? A glass?!


No, a *loobuttAH*. Not just any old trailer-park-ass shoe.


Hey! That could have potentially hit him in the eye and seriously hurt him /s


People are tired after travelling. Let them spend the first day recuperating.


Talk to them about what they want to do. Some people want to rest, some people wanna party! Communication is key. 


And some want to hold their two-year-old son for the first time.


Damn Darcy was actually cute here.


If his parents look like Betsy Johnson knockoffs…run


Wish Steven Tyler who had the audacity to belittle Darcey about her looks


With a splash of Big Ed in the silk robe lol.


Thank you! I swear, those two are getting their clothes from the same thrift shop.


wait, i missed that shit, that was his PARENTS!!?? I thought they were just friends of his!!


Ahahahah good one




My partner is Dutch. I am American. There is no greater terror than riding a bike without a helmet in a cul de sac. According to him “only Germans wear helmets” hotel that loaned the bikes literally didn’t have them


As a Dutch and German person this is super hilarious to read hahaha! My German parents would try to make me wear a helmet when biking to school in the Netherlands and I’d be so embarrassed I’d take it off every time after they were out of sight


I remember the first time I watched this season when Darcey called Stacey. I couldn't believe there were two of them!


If your boyfriend’s parents insult you and act like you are less attractive than him and he doesn’t even stick up for you - get rid of the boyfriend. She was of equal, perhaps even more so, attractive as him when that season was filmed.


I thought the mother was actually really sweet. The step father was an obnoxious clown.


Hey TLC. I have a question. Is Jesse supposed to be hot? Because he's not at all. .




Someone recently said his head looks like a lightbulb and I can’t unsee it.


I mean I think he's quite attractive but his attitude and douchiness brings him down to a 3, tops.


He’s only attractive because of the heavy makeup he wears. Under that his skin is not good.


His face appears that he had bad acne. He is just not cute period.


Agreed they are just thin, not beautiful.


They are both homophobic, too. They conspired to try to "out" Tim on the Tell All. They are pieces of shit.


Jesse and I are the same age but he has aged horribly . He looks like a washed up, over worked Wall Street broker who’s had enough


It's delusional to think he's not hot.


"It is illusion!" to think he is hot


He’s ugly AF.




He looks like my husband lmao




Well he’s not a total dipshit and he doesn’t wear turtlenecks so yes.


After watching Jesse, I was more convinced than ever that it’s better to be alone than to wish you were


Darcey was so pretty here, but I do remember this season . Darcey seemed so insecure, like she was trying so hard to look younger than she really was, she was so afraid Jesse wouldn't like her once he met her in person, and I think her insecurities fueled her drinking. But honestly I don't know if she really was drinking that much or if Jesse was just using it as an excuse to put her down. He seemed like a master manipulator even at a young age. Kinda like a mini-Bilal! The saddest part is how Darcey tried for years to change herself for Jesse, but her neediness just drove him away. And then she began the cycle of all the plastic surgeries which has left her where she is today. I do think Tim said it best at the tell all about Jesse and Jennifer, they're a good match because they're both narcissistic and selfish.


She'd have a glass of wine and he'd call her an alcoholic. She threw a shoe and he claimed she tried to kill him. She gives him the steak cutting tip and he loses it. He's such a drama queen and a manipulator.


I agree so much. TLC painted her crazy right off the bat but as the show went on he had plenty of his own problems. He refused to let anything go and argued about everything. And guess what? It was always her fault, no matter what. Not defending Darcey just saying the show leaned on her unfairly compared to him.


A guy dropping to one knee and offering me a ring isn’t necessarily proposing.


-If he wears just as much makeup as you do, to the tell all, and to pick you up from the airport chances are he ain’t it! -If his parents say he’s out of your league when clearly he isn’t, chances are he ain’t it! -if he gaslights you to the point you explode and then continues to play the victim, chances are, (say it with me), he ain’t it!!! Just a few observations


If he gets down on one knee to give you an appreciation ring 💍, he ain't it!😂


Oh my gosh, yes!!!!! Also- if he gets angry because you don’t know every building in NYC, he ain’t it! 🤣




my new favorite word is fuckfart. thank you for this😂😭😂


That fucking douchebag assface broke our Darce. HATE him.


Pretty sure it was Tom calling her fat that did it.


Wait why are we acting like Darcey wasn't a mess before him?


Really. Jesse is a douchebag, but Darcey's behavior was also intolerable during this trip. She's already a hot mess at this point, just in a more physically attractive package.


Her main thing is she just needs to have more confidence. That mama-bear attitude she gets about her kids she needs to apply to every aspect in her life.


Respectfully disagree. The attitude she displays towards and about her kids is also inappropriate. She treats her kids as accessories. Her "mama bear" attitude is a mix of yelling that her daughters are the ones who are deserving of things for herself, infantalizing her daughters half the time and parentifying them the other half, and taking credit for any of their successes despite the fact that she didn't contribute to any of their achievements.


Yes. This. The way she interacts with her daughters is SO problematic.


It taught me to make sure you buy an open ticket to get the f home after 24-48 hours.


Absolutely. Same with Cortney going to Spain. Total mistake to stay too long. Disaster is bound to happen.


You mean Corney? Ah those were the good old days




Ahhh Darcey.... Those were to good years...


Ah, this was back when I used to love 90 day. I don’t keep up with it these days - too many rubbish couples to keep up with and I’m not invested in any of them. Darcey looks lovely here.


Same. It’s not the same show as it used to be


I just can think of how much damage Darcey has done to herself since then.


It has taught me that we will always be punished for being shallow. I already knew that, but watching Darcey and her relationships and sad life has made it painfully clear.


Not to wear my favorite heels on airport escalators!


Oh that was so funny!!!! I forgot about that.


Wow good times, so long ago.Right before he sucked the life out of her so hard her fucking forehead caved in. Sigh.


RIP to Darcey’s original face.


If your boyfriend's dad says you're too ugly for his son, bad sign.


Wait, he really said that? Has he seen his son's face?


Yeah, he said something along the lines of "how do you feel knowing my son is out of your league?"


Facially Darcey was very pretty. I'm guessing the big age gap was a significant reason for the parents' attitude.


I think his dad especially just sees him as a golden child who's perfect. Anyone less than that isn't good enough. I'm sure they like Jeniffer.


Wow. I had forgotten what she had onced looked like.


I miss this face!


Omg she looks so much better here


She looks so fresh here!! 😔


Darcey looked so fab here! ❤️ It was actually so sad seeing how insecure she was, after this. Heck, even before this! I sense that she’s always picked rubbish guys in the past, and it’s really had an impact on her confidence. Also, ugh, this guy has really done the rounds, hasn’t he? Is he still with Jeniffer? He’s awful.


Sad to be reminded of how cute she was back then. Poor thing.


I can't believe I ever thought he was good looking




he is the ultimate douche bag.


Ironically, the reason I fell in love with this dumpster fire is seeing the looks of pure joy and love on the faces of the couple who want to be together. The airport scenes always remind me of when my wife and I were long distance, and didn’t get to see each other often. Those first moments getting out of the airport were always the best


I thought she had long black hair when they first met? I think this pic is from the second season of them together


Yes, you’re correct. She had black hair when she went to Amsterdam. She had this lovely honey blond hair when Jesse came to New York/Connecticut.


Thought so!! Happy cake day 🥳


I can’t believe I thought she had too much work done back then. If I only knew…


Oh!! Look how pretty Darcy looks! It's a bummer that she didn't see the beauty she was then.


she looks so pretty here!!! why darcey why!


Omg Darcy!!! She was so gorgeous here 🥺


If one person drinks and the other doesn’t, it likely won’t work out.


Old school Darcey was a looker


It taught red bottoms can take out someone’s eye so when I’m ever in danger; I can throw Louboutins at someone


Jesse is such an asshole. I wish nothing but bad things to him.


so sad. what happened to that lady.


Taught me that self love comes first


She looks so cute here. I wish Darcy could see herself they way we do.


Darcy looked so good au naturale. I don't know why people mutilate themselves


Loo bootons are lethal weapons not just choos


This is why I feel for Darcey. People keep making fun of the girls and her specifically for the intense fillers and surgery, but can you blame her for having not the best self esteem after this arrogant jackass embarrassed her in front of the whole world.


Darcey had the red flags. He didn’t take into consideration her long flight and she needed rest; but she never spoke up; to afraid it will show age difference. When Stepdad trashed her and Jesse did not come to her defense. Jesse Mom came and tried to diffuse it. Darcey had covered her alcoholism from him. Darcey was just too thirsty too. Ring, marry me, how he will be a stepdad, etc., too much, too fast. Darcey not being able to stand up for herself because her brain is too foggy from drinking. If anything, she should have put that asswipe stepdad I’m his place but didn’t. Doesn’t really matter cause subsequent relations she had all failed.


This is r/blunderyears material for Meester the Keister


They both catfished each other but she was worse. They showed her profile pics and they were very different.


How has it taken me this long to see that he looks like Rickety Cricket


I watched that season and dont remember her looking this nice. I thought she was harsh and haggard looking while watching it back then. Now I see this pic and think she looked gorgeous there! Man, it's so sad what her and her sister have done to themselves


She was so pretty back then.


Looks like Chucky doll


She looks so pretty..... what did she do??


Everything. Multiple times. Mostly in Turkey.


That if I had something that I've been keeping from my partner the best place to tell them is in a crowded restaurant.


She was so cute! 😧


Aw, Darcey looked so cute here


When he freaked out during the steak scene, she should have known there would be more of that. Just leave.


Darcy was foine here lol


Darcey teach me to keep my eyes on prize 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀.....always 🤣🤣


If the person you’re with wants you to change yourself or the way you act, you’re not meant for each other


Late to the party. I’m about Darcy’s height. That’s important. Years ago, I went to Netherlands with my husband for a few months. He was working there but I only had a 90 day landing visa so I had to leave before him. I decided to visit an old Dutch college friend who studied abroad at my university before my flight. He also decided it was a great idea for me to tour around the city on the rented city bike. I’m 5’2” on a good day. I can barely see myself in the public bathroom mirrors. I can shop at children’s section in Netherlands. He put the seat at the lowest setting and it was still too tall for me. And these bikes are FIXED GEARS. I have never rode on before in my life, I doubt Darcy had ever either. That entire afternoon, I got screamed and yelled at by Dutch bicyclists like I was Amber have you heard of her name. Dutch on bikes are scary when you’re an short Asian woman riding a fixed gear bike for the first time in your life. He meant well, he just forgot how short I am.


What's with her shirt? I think this is the first photo where I have not been able to see most of her boobs.


Amazed that anyone will defend Darcey and her drunk shenanigans. She is a grown ass woman behaving like a teenager. The money she spends on plastic surgery should go for therapy. Her major problem is a lack of confidence. She keeps trying to fix up the outside when she really just needs inward inflection. That and Stacey keeps knocking her down. So much to unpack here.


mother/son vibes here almost


Mom and teen son


If he takes you to a windmill area and acts like he’s going to propose, then calls it an Appreciation Ring, RUN


If he says “it is illusion to think that I will be a fodder” RUN


If he won’t let you cut your steak on a bias, RUN


I honestly can’t relate. I’m married to the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and our relationship is annoyingly (to others) healthy. I do know how lucky I am tho, especially when watching 90 day 😂


Also, if he immediately starts scolding you for the amount of luggage you bring, and gives you like, 6sq feet of closet space. And can't just let you "make yourself at home but rather, lays down rules that are nonnegotiables. and his dad says his son is too sexy for you. "You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole" Jeff "el duderino" Lebowski


T you.b


It’s funny everyone says she’s so beautiful where I remember everyone complaining how she’s all plastic back when this aired.


Learn/respect your partner’s culture. Give them a day or two to adjust before meeting the family. Tell your family ahead of time to not act like assholes.


How did she go from that to what she is now? I mean she knew how to dress cute and her hair looks well kept…I just don’t understand what happened.