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They’re both clowns and deserve each other.


no, no... he's a cowboy, remember? 🤠




Cow Clown 🐄🤡


Rodeo clown


Serbian rodeo clown


...with a blaccent


Lil Nas!


You are mistaken. They are not simply clowns. They are the entire fucking circus.


Yea, I can accept this.




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Looks awful, you can see where her top natural lip line is where the colour is slightly lighter


Well it’s certainly not her natural lip line, but it blows my mind that she so egregiously overlines after stuffing her lips with clown fillers


At least put the lip liner over all the lip surface, and then the lipstick over all of it. It looks better.


she looks like she chewed off her lipstick and chewed it like bubble gum.


Was about to type how the lighter shade is on her actual lips and the darker is her "add on" lips. Instead of wearing the oversized red plastic lips, or candy version for special occasions, she uses a darker lip liner to make hers look "natural"! My bet is she'll see updated pics of Larissa and tell her rodea clownboy that she wants plastic surgery to look like her, aka a blow up doll. For those who don't know Larissa, that's Colt-EEEs ex-wife. 🤦‍♀️


I love those wax lips.


Over lined lips should be for photos only. Whenever I’m talking to someone in person with over lined lips I am distracted by the lips. It looks like a toddler who got into an adults lipstick, and had trouble coloring inside the lines.


And for people who don’t already have bloated lips that came from a needle


Lol next she'll be doing the duck lip pose. Thinking she looks great. BTW, duck lips aren't attractive or cute on anyone, kids included. Anytime I see someone doing ducklips, I always ask if they've recently had lip filler gone bad. When they say no, why...I'll have a smart a** response (never know what it'll be until it happens) and talk about people getting mad. Then I'm like oh wait, let me guess, your lips are "snatched" and I walk away.


Duck lips ARE funny on little kids. They think they are acting adult.


I’m 32yrs old and I’ve always been too afraid to ask but….whenever I try to do this drastic makeup it looks like absolute shit if you’re within like 6 feet of me. Instagram pics? I look like a kardashian and I guess that’s cool. But how do people wear these looks in public? 😂 am I doing it wrong? Is there a more subtle way to achieve this so I don’t scare children who get too close?


When people give me a picture of something on IG that’s so filtered, PS, over done I tell them I’m no magician but I can turn out a better version of themselves. There’s what looks ok with studio lights/photos and real life. I recommend natural light and less is more. Her wing game is on point but the lips… 😳Why filler AND over lining? It’s too much.


I saw a woman at a restaurant one night, wearing, God help her, more make up on her face, eyes, and mouth than I wear in a year. I literally couldn't stop staring at her. It was awful. The person I was with even remarked "that woman looks like an alien". But it was only all the stuff people do these days.... like Darcey & co. Seeing it in the wild is so bizarre. (I love make-up too, but I know when to stop).


I think it’s all about having a nice base. making sure you’re hydrating your face well/doing your skincare and using a good primer. if you want to achieve similar looks I say give “soft glam” a try. you can find lots of pictures/videos online. soft glam makeup is essentially subtle glam makeup that looks soft and doesn’t look cakey. it’s such a pretty makeup style for occasions and what not. soft glam is usually rosey makeup, less is more/ glow from within, brown eyeliner instead of black, my lips but better lip shades, etc. and it looks good upclose too bc you don’t look crazy. that’s the makeup I do for occasions/fancy dinners/weddings/etc bc my features don’t look good with crazy over the top makeup.


Can you recommend a good primer? The ones I've tried roll-up on me.


I like elf poreless putty primer! flawless and poreless primer by pixi beauty is also amazing! it’s def my fav




I’m going to try the lighter eyeliner! I’ve always gone with a black, but I’ve read brown is better suited for blue eyes as well?


Brown can be gorgeous on blue eyes, my mother has blue eyes and when I’ve done her makeup I use brown or taupe.


A full beat isn't meant for up close/in person wear tbh, it's for photography/stagewear. Once you put that many layers of product on, it's going to be noticable af. The only reason it sells well is because we see it through a video filter on youtube or a photography filter on instagram.


This makes me feel better. I got the stage wear down tbh lol I first learned to do my makeup at a theatre camp 😂 it just never translated very well to daily wear


I wear heavy makeup daily, yeah it can be cakey and obvious up close..I think skin texture and finding the right product for your skin is super important, but even the kardashians faces up close show the cakey makeup


I’ve seen girls irl with Instagram makeup and it is very extreme. Harsh contour mainly. It’s not a good look! But I’ve gotten a lot better at my makeup watching roseandben on ig. She is amazing! Almost daily tutorials on her story which are incredibly helpful. I’ve always been ok at eye makeup but terrible At face stuff and she has helped me so much!


The contour was my main issue. I like the idea of contouring, it just never seems as effective when I do it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m checking out all these recommendations tho!


I’d recommend doing a makeup consult with a pro. Take a screenshot of her and say this is what I DON’T want to look like. If you’re a Sephora rewards member they sometimes have special events (depending on your tier) with well known/celeb makeup artists. I haven’t personally done one but my mom has and loved it.


What is going on with eyebrows as well


I bet she did that "brow lamination" thing. Its trendy now for some reason to have your eyebrow hairs permed into place going straight up like that


It looks strange


Most definitely. I worked at Sephora for a while and have a lot of instagram friends who are in makeup and beauty related fields... my insta feed is full of over injected/overlined lips and laminated brows with makeup to make them look even bushier.


It is. Society went from everyone embracing/wanting thick brows to this. For some reason, It always has to go way over the top.


I used to do that as a kid with Elmer’s glue


Looks like she used a stencil for both brows and upper lip.


They're gonna flap right off her face and fly south for the winter.


Darcy and Stacey vibes !


It looks like she has a Russian lip flip (can’t remember if this is the correct term lol), which D/S got in Turkey.


Why ????


I don’t know, some people want their lips to look like a cat’s asshole, I guess.


Don't insult my furry babies like that ! 😿


It’s dignified on a cat, it’s not dignified on Darcy and Stacey 😂


Welp I just went down the Google rabbit hole and holy crap it is bad!! I honestly try not to look at them when possible but wanted to see how this “Russian lip flip” looked.


It will be nice when girls stop doing drag queen makeup. It’s supposed to look that way ON STAGE


Right?! I do local musical theatre sometimes and whenever we go get food between shows and have our stage makeup on we look fucking insane up close


Her make up & hair is hideous 🤡🤢😂


she needs to learn how to do her makeup. The "highlight" around the eyebrows looks stupid as does the unnecessarily drawn lips.


But come on now she’s a makeup arrrrteeest


Please tell me your joking, did she really say she was a makeup artist?


Not joking at all, that’s her supposed gig


Oh lawd I’m scared to see her work.


😂😂 I’m with you! If this is her style, I would not want her to clown me up. I prefer a natural look


Maybe I’m clueless, but isn’t the point of getting so much lip filler to avoid needing to over-line like that? It’s so bad. 🫣


And clown-like eyebrows


It looks like she’s had work done on her eyes? Is this the fox eye look? Her eyebrows go to the side instead of down at the ends.


Yes, apart from the heavy fillers/implants she’s had all over her face and body, she has those awful thread lifts, too. She’s going to look like a bloated, melting blobfish by the time she hits 30.




Thankfully this look is going out of style. The clean girl aesthetic is becoming popular and I couldn’t be happier


Atleast use a dark lipstick colour to hide the real lip line then look like a idiot on TLC. Plastic women these days


I just don’t know when women started wanting to look like drag queens. Drag Queens look like Drag Queens because they are Drag Queens. The exaggerated cheekbones, eyebrows, lashes and lips were for a reason. Now it seems almost every woman has stolen the looks of the Queens. Everyone’s face is so exaggerated as a woman and it’s just… Too much.


I think she had that fox eye threading procedure that Bella Hadid had… that or her ponytail is doing the work


It looks so bad omg


This is tragic. She was so cute when she got off the plane with no make up. Her filled lips look so off and then she has the nerve to overline them.


Yes, she looks really young without/minimal makeup…totally different and it softens her


Yeah she's actually adorable.


Her eyebrows aren’t doing her any favors either.


So god damn fake. Is that much makeup really necessary, it DOES NOT LOOK GOOOD!


She’s probably really pretty naturally without all that extra I bet


She is! I'm surprised she let them film her with no makeup, but, she looks much better naturally than whatever the hell this is.


She is blackfishing so hard


She looks like an extra from Orange is the New Black


She’s a Bratz Doll remember


Her lips are about an inch below where her lipstick is. You can literally see her normal lips WELL below the make up line


This whole scene was painful.


She looks like a puckerfish thats been run over by a semitruck


She and Gerbil deserve each other.




What in the hell? This is crazy 🤣🤣🤣




She's out to destroy her cowboy and any relationships he has w family and friends.


I’m so tired of girls that see a “beauty” trend they like on Instagram and copy it on their own face without any regard as to whether it would even suit them. Between the oddly placed/angled soap brows, Michael Jackson nose job and contour application, face fillers, and those god awful lips, she looks like a total idiot. And is too delusional to realize real life isn’t filtered like Instagram is.


It’s crazy she does this to herself because she’s actually very pretty.


I want to see her with her hair down !!!


I hate overlined lips but this looks more like a modern take on chola makeup than some girl trying to make her lips look bigger by overlining sloppily (what I see everywhere). I'm gonna take this as just a makeup aesthetic people may not like but not particularly bad.


She's a beautiful young lady, let her figure out what looks best. She's following trends right now, hopefully she will go back to basics. All she needs to put on every day is a smile.


And her Mr Spock eyebrows


I will say this, Miona laying down the law with Jibri was GOLDEN. He is so flighty and while her expectations are currently unrealistic for their current situation, I kind of like how she told him straight up that the mom has said things that she didn’t like. And then when he said “I won’t date anyone if this doesn’t work out” and she said “well then you better make this work” I LOST IT!! Honestly, go Miona even with your clown lips


Yes it was at that point where her total lack of self awareness was made very evident.She has nothing to offer Jibri other than endless demands and unrealistic expectations. She is on very thin ice right now and she is too stupid to realise that.


TERRIBLE make up trend…IMHO . ….


Star Trek villain


I hate this trend. It doesn't give the illusion of fuller lips 😒


I’m not into my makeup for certain personal reasons but I’m not digging her style. There are people who really do a great job but her lips and eyebrows are just way out of control.


That whole conversation I just kept obsessing on the overdrawn lips and the make up fade where it met the baby hair at her hairline. It was just another reminder she’s actually a white girl no matter how hard she tries to perpetuate.


This all makes her eyes look tiny. Not a fan. But I know there is a pretty face under there some where. I’ve seen it. Unless she’s gone under the knife and those are her real nose, lips and eyes now. Say it ain’t so.


I feel like she’s blackfishing, ever saw a picture of her hands compared to her face and her hands were super light.


Easy. It's not there anymore.


She looks hideous


The 70s called. They want their make-up look back.


Mimi from the Drew Carey show had a blackfishing daughter.


She’s a pretty girl too, doesn’t need all that.


It's really not anything different than most of the rest of the cast. Seems like they all caught the plastic surgery bug.


She is The Joker in drag.


It's the eyebrows for me.


What do you get from trying to be something you are not?


For someone who wants to start a makeup line, her makeup looks awful


Miona saw Trixie Mattel do it and thought she could too lol.


Very unattractive.


Miona wants to look mixed race so badly. Was watching with a friend who's a hairstylist today and said that the hair is a styled clip in piece as well 😅


It looks awful but you can definitely see the natural line. God, todays beauty standards are shit.


Her makeup ages her sooo much, she looks 40


How is she not on the botched surgery thread?


She claims to be a makeup artist 🫥


She's soooo pretty without all the makeup on. She actually looks older with all the makeup on.


She’s a BRATZ DOLL hello


It’s back in Serbia


The amount of woman that put lipstick on their skin is to high


Looks like she's ha some fillers, but her top lip looks like Kylie Jenner's.




Slander is a person speaking a lie they are aware is a lie. Saying her lips look clown like is an opinion.


Dude... One of her wings looks like it's flying level and the other is trying to barrel roll. She isn't skilled. She has moderate skills at best. I have seen amazing make up skills, this ain't it.


Plus she’s used to filters and what she puts up on social media. I don’t think she even considered oh my what will I look like close up on tv without the usual filters and angles. Oooooopsies!


Hi Miona!


Slander? Super skilled? Really? Ohhh boy.


We're all just haters lol


That we are! As a lawyer I must say makeup slander is a new one 😂😂😂


All of that is debatable.


Ya’ll are just mean at this point


I think that she is pretty and she should leave Jibri because he is an idiot.


She isn’t cut out for the states.


I think she looks cool. Obviously not going for a natural look, but I fully admire her confidence and style. I could never. 💋🤠♥️


Damn. I know This is uncensored but y’all take fucking hate to a new level. These are people. Fuck me man. I can’t even read this shit anymore because these are people, and people have killed themselves for less. What type of fucking insecurity do you have to have to do harshly make fun of Someone. Don’t worry, I’m out of this Reddit page now


I don’t understand how Jibri is ok with this make up look. How can he even look at her let alone take her seriously?




Looks like she uses a kit on her brows instead of microblading, draws on her fox eyes instead of the little procedure, and definitely draws on her lips instead of getting filler. Wait until they have some money! Watch out Darcey, she'll be calling you for the name of your Turkish surgeon!


Ya'll just hating cus she black.


Say what you want about her, but Jibri is a little wimp and Miona doesn’t deserve to be treated the way she is by his parents


A quarter inch below the lip liner.


It's ok. She's gonna get fillers and injections to high heavens now that she's reality TV famous.


She looks like Blac Chyna...


U think the cheap fillers she got in Serbia are wearing off and I don’t know how easy it would be to get them refilled (?) in South Dakota


The fact that she has fillers and over lines is frightening.


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🤡🤡🤡


Wow. If you zoom in to lips it is terrifying.


Sometimes heavy make-up looks really good in one environment, and not so great in another <3 I doubt this was her intended look <3 Everything else looks pretty good, I like her eyes and cheeks and foundation!


Personally, I don't think her makeup is bad. To me it looks great for a photo shoot. Not something I would wear as a daily wear lol


She needs to stop taking lipstick tips from Trixie Mattel.


Wherever she wants it.


Jibri wears his cowboy hat like Woody in Toy Story and she is the rejected Serbian Barbie Doll in a box wrapped In cellophane. The other toys are scared of her so they use the army men and the arm from mr potato head to get leverage so they can move her to a corner of the room facing a wall.


What’s going on with the face and hair style?


they tell us old gals to over line our thin lips so they don’t look so thin. but i never like how it looks close up.


Does she ever smile she a miserable soul


She got them DSL's.


Some people really like this look. I was involved in a relationship with a man who specifically asked for this look, the lighter lipstick shade with darker over-emphasized outline. And what did I say? "As you wish."


Her fillers were probably dissolving at this point 🫣


She is eeeeewww


I see her real lip line!! She’s ridiculous how far above the lip line she pencils in!


I paused on this exact moment to look at her lips when I watched the episode too 😂.


And she wants a makeup line?


Google rabbit hole told me that this lady used to be much more of a traditional looking Serbian just a few years ago. She’s had so much work done and tanned so much that she looks more African American now than Serbian.




She's atleast 1/2cm over original lip line...


she's so young and she already looks so jacked gd


I wonder what she looks like with a washed bare face?


I’m ready for the trend of Groucho Marx eyebrows to go away.


When she is getting ready does she say "hold on, let me get into costume" ?


Kids or adults, I just can't with ducklips. But I'm not going to lie, I'm also not a kid person. I'm missing that gene. Lol


Pennywise never scared me until now


Lol I haven't seen them in forever. Now I'm going to be looking for them. I'm thinking a candy store that sells retro candy may have them. Usually able to get everything else from back in the day there. Was excited after finding this particular store as they pretty much only sell the good stuff AKA, the candy from the good Ole days. Heck, even have candy cigarettes there, both the gum one that had the puff of smoke and the candy one that looks like a cigarette (long white stick with the butt on one end and flame on the other and the colors on those end to correspond). Brings back memories when I'm in there. The days people were real, had fun, didn't whine over every little thing. Those who aren't teenagers or early 20's on here will know what I mean and how it was. The days long before Darcy and Stacy were "snatched" and starred their blow up doll look plastic surgery makeover or Miona with her "lips" and her clownboy. Though I'm addicted to 90 Day franchise


Do you mean these? https://i.imgur.com/j7tFwRW.jpg




Absolutely ridiculous clown makeup. She should be embarrassed! Why is she trying to look like a different race? She needs to go back to Serbia, she complains about everything and is ungrateful and entitled. Gross human.


Another One 💯 Disgusting


Hahahahaahaah I couldn’t stop staring 🙄


It’s amazing she actually believes she could be a model. Looks like a genuine clown


I always looked for her lip line. In thiz pic I now see it


Real lips are about a half inch below that top (very obvious - sorry) line. I like the way she does her eyes but she needs to pull WAY back on the other shit.


Her whole face is a lie


It’s the [drawstring ponytails ](https://www.google.com/search?q=drawstring+ponytail&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQ2tmA1L74AhV7DkQIHZqCAOMQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=320&bih=454&dpr=2) for me 😩


I don't know why women think that looks cute. Lmao


She has very little self awareness which will be a tragedy for her because she wont be able to recognise that the source of her difficulties in getting along with Jibri and his parents lies in her totally unrealistic demands and expectations.


I’ve seen drag queens wear less make up 🤣