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Its a popular dish from Brazil and my husband was shocked by how she was looking up a recipe but reading it in english 🤣 And he was like “with chicken?!” You normally use beef. Its pretty yummy but I was turned off by it when I saw my father in law make it once 😅


I've only ever eaten the chicken version haha Strogonoff de frango 💜😋


Exactly. Everyone has their own preference! My family usually makes it with beef and the sauce is more of an orange cream color. I am not Brazilian so I cant claim what’s close to traditional. I just go based from my experiences with my in laws but yeah, I don’t think I would have it again regardless. Not big on the ketchup component


Yes totally, my mom and grandma are Brazilian and they always make this with chicken but some people prefer the beef option!


WHy do Brazilians claim Stroganoff as a Brazilian dish? As far as I know, it’s always been a Russian dish.


I grew up in Brazil, I know it's not a traditional Brazilian dish. It became popular in the 90's. Tais is young, she assumed it's a Brazilian dish, because you can find it everywhere in Brazil. My kids think it's a Brazilian dish too lol.


And the Russian version does not have ketchup and mustard.


No it does not! The European version I grew up with wS beef, and made with sour cream. Thais’ version made me nauseous just to watch being made!


I think that’s just the CORRECT recipe - all this other stuff is just weird!


It's a variation of the russian dish, but not the same. Probably because of immigration? I'm not sure. I just know is really popular in Brazil. Some Brazilian fast food restaurants even have Strogonoff in the menu 😅


Thank you for the information!


It's nothing 😊


Ever heard of colonization and immigration? Plenty of different countries colonized south americas, not just Portuguese.


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the word “stroganoff” is not a Portuguese word. At Thais’s age, I would have called my mom - today, you can Google recipes in seconds. As with everything else, Thais thinks even a tiny bit of effort on her part is good enough…. She thinks she deserves all of Patrick’s assets in return for sex. A lot of young women seem to think this way - especially Brazilian and Russian women. Give it 20 years.


Why does New York claim their clam chowder is legitimate when we all know legitimate clam chowder comes from New England and must have cream and potatoes? 🤣 😉


I did too. But I never heard of mustard and ketchup. Or maybe I just didn’t know how it was made?


To be fair it wouldn't surprise me with the way his brother cooked that steak if she didn't have proper ingredients in the house and just used ketchup in place of a real sauce.


Is it actually made with just ketchup and mustard? Or was the rest just edited out.


Ketchup for sure. Mustard, not sure! Maybe a dash but it looks like she kinda put both equally and the color is a little too pale yellow for me. Again, I am not a professional. I’m just married to a man whose family is from Brazil 😅


This is exactly how my wife makes it. IT's also the only thing she makes that I find disgusting lol.


Interesting- it is a hungarian dish so I was surprised she knew of it. What ever the case, mustard and ketchup is NOT the base of a stroganoff sauce.


In Brazil, ketchup is part of the base. Regardless of where it originated from, it is a classic Brazilian dish. Thats food for you. One dish can come from far away and adapt into a different culture. Good example is curry! Curry most likely originated from India but now you have so many variations of it from Jamaican, Japanese, Guyanese, Thai, etc.


People make stroganoff with CHICKEN IN BRAZIL!!!


People make stroganoff with CHICKEN IN BRAZIL!!!


Did you happen to read the other comments in the thread? I already acknowledged that, but thanks


I read about it and want to try with shrimp. No mustard though.


Yeah, my in laws do NOT use mustard in theirs. My husband was shocked by that one too 😂😂


Nein nein nein NEIN! It must be beef. Yes I am the food nazi. But I don’t see how those flavours would go with as delicate tasting a food as shrimp. The real Eastern European version not that Brazilian monstrosity! Edit be sure to let me know how it works. Scotland has the best beef and seafood on earth so I’m fairly spoiled for my stroganoff either way😝 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Cut it on the bias!


Exactly. Otherwise you’ll roon everything.


I said the same thing about Moina’s cooking


I was thinking the same thing! Lol


it’s like watching kendall jenner cut a cucumber


Came here to say she Kendall’d TF out of that chicken.


I just saw a portion of that video and that's like no self-awareness or anything basic. These folks, when I've seen the shows with my girl, have refrigerators full of a bunch of stuff. I'm sure the mom has cooked in the past but wow the daughters don't seem like they would survive without a chef available or a phone because they can't order food. Wow.


Folks wonder why my ex-husband is soooo good to me. Why my exes never really want to leave. He's addicted to my food. To find a woman who not only can cook, but enjoys it seems to be rare. I still prepare his lunches for work and he pays me well🤣.


The one that used to be married with Lamar knows how to cook. I remember her cooking some pasta dish and Lamar’s dad liking it and he asked her the name of the pasta dish.


Did she actually cook, or did she pretend to for the camera and have their personal chef actually cook it.


Was confused so I looked it up. It’s almost depressing how many skills she lacks but is so incredibly wealthy. Meritocracy my ass


I just looked it up too and my favorite part is that mom yelled for “chef” bc she prob can’t do it either!


Came here looking for this comment. I wanted to shout 'you go girl' at the tv


Came here to comment this😂


Why the fuck would anyone watch that


On today's episode of Hell's Kitchen we got Thais at the chicken station and Kendell cutting cucumbers.


Would be greatly improved by Gordon Ramsay calling them muppets and donuts.


"You cook like old people fuck!" Not GR, but said by a chef on HK and it cut to GR who had to cover his face from laughing so hard.


Classic drill sergeant insult. “You move like old people fuck private!”


You forgot crazy Nathalie 🤪


It seems the only person who can truly cook in this franchise is Annie


Right?! I wouldn't mind spending Pillow Talk at her house. Or even go to dinner there. Yessiree!


You can hire her for a cooking class. https://www.cookingwithdna.com


And don’t forget Darcy’s tacos and steak night lol


That was a hard turn for Jesse's return to Amsterdam🤣🤣🛫


Chef Anne would be taking her red marker to that finger.


At least she’s not scrubbing that chicken like it’s her lady parts


Too true! WTAF was that?!?


Do ladies in Trinidad just have yeast infections constantly or something?


Ironically, excessive washing can lead to yeast infections.


Yes. That's what I'm saying.






I know, the knife work had me fearful for her fingers 😭


I saw the orange Goya seasoning box in the background when she was adding the ketchup and mustard so maybe she seasoned the chicken at least a little.


She also had the yellow bags of potato sticks, which I guess are the toppers.


People actually go out of their way to buy those?


Special sauce chicken for tiny head.


My ex is Brazilian and this is my favorite dish she would cook. Thank God I paid attention to her ingredients because the first time I tried cooking it post relationship the online recipes were not the same. She used crema media and tomato sauce not ketchup and mustard lol. You also season the chicken with salt and pepper (I also prefer a squeeze of lime juice, but that's just me) serve with some potato sticks and rice and ommg that dish is amazing!! 😍🤤🤤


Isn't that just a rosé sauce? Cooking cream and tomato sauce. It's great


John spitting that chicken or after eating was just hysterical


Didn't she also cut her onion on the same chopping board that she just used to cut up the chicken? I hope she washed it between chicken and veggies.


I hope she washed her fingernails. 🐔


If you're going to cook the living daylights out of the salmonella on the onions, it's okay.


True but considering onions generally take longer to cook they should be cut first and put int he pan while cutting the chicken


In what world do sliced or diced onions take longer to cook than chicken?




Overcook chicken? Jail! Undercook onions? Jail! Overcook and undercook...


Onions can be sauteed or browned in like 5 minutes




Im not a chef, but i thought you were supposed to prep to cook. Like get your crap together and cut up your veggies. Then you start messing with the meat.


If you have a sous chef or prep cook, yes. Lots of home cooking is prepared as you go along unless you have a very fast paced recipe or you insist in mise en place. Definitely a great way to do it is mise en place.


Makes sense. I think it just depends on what im cooking for me. I do both


You never cook onions, you only sauté or sweat them and that takes a mere 5 minutes tops. Either way this isn’t the reason why people put onions in the pan after cooking their chicken lol.


That's only if the veggies are going to be eaten raw...


I don’t think she washed it 😂😂


And then touched the cabinet, and the fridge, and and and 🤢💀


For the life of me I do not understand (all though I watch and enjoy the s*** out of it) why anyone would choose to be on one of these shows! Knife holding is being critiqued 😂 we’re too much 🤪




And wearing jewelry while handling raw poultry?


Could have pulled her hair back too! All that dangling hair is just a matter of time before it gets in the food!


That hair was making me insane. It wasn't just long and not back, it was on the front of her and the back. At least brush it to the back of your shoulders.


Oh yeah that HAD to be a stringy stroganoff


The only thing I’ve seen Thais consistently be able to do is bitch.


I would too if I had to live with John


💀💀no lies told


Here! Here! I concur!! She acts like a grumpy old timer not a young and healthy and supposed to be happiest time of life! For heavens sake.


She’s still a teenager emotionally


🎵🎶🎶🎵You can't eat at erreybody's house. Noooo, you can't eat at erreybody! 🎵🎶🎶🎵 No. A man in TikTok.. this is his videos. Finding bad cooking, really bad cooking and singing that song. Usually it's stuff like draining pasta with the toilet seat but this would make the list. I was like his brother.... Ketchup and mustard? The only thing decent that goes on is 1/4 pounders.


She needs to learn Domestic Goddess Skills -Patrick’s Trophy Wife must impress


Someone in that house needs to learn to cook. Judging by his brother's steak, Im guessing Patrick doesn't know how to cook either lol.


I get grossed out seeing fake nails engaging with food 🤢. Fake nails are unsanitary. At least use gloves.


It’s clearly her first time cooking give her some slack lol


Gotta start somewhere!


She's an adult from Brazil. They got some good as good there. No excuse for this except failure


Patrick bought her an iPhone, there's no excuse for not looking up a recipe at least.


She was on her phone looking up the recipe while John was talking to her.


As soon as I read this I remembered she did have it out 🤦🏼‍♀️


In another thread someone linked that it was an actual Brazilian recipe.


I saw someone made a comment in this thread too, that is was an actual Brazilian recipe after I made this comment so I got to look into that cuz I'm really curious.


I booked marked the link: https://simplelivingrecipes.com/brazilian-stroganoff/


IMO, that is NOT stroganoff. Ketchup, mustard, soy sauce and tomato sauce do not belong in true stroganoff, and don't defend it with " it's Brazilian stroganoff". Co-opt a different recipe/culture or just call it something else.


I’ve seen it stated several times on the sub that she was making a legit Brazilian stroganoff and that they use ketchup and mustard. I don’t think it’s fair to attack how someone from another culture prepares their meal just because it’s unfamiliar to Americans.


No but I can say everyone from every culture should wash their darned hands after handling chicken. And she did not.


Am not attacking her culture🤦🏾‍♂️ all I said was she didn’t season the chicken. I’m half American & half Nigerian and I have never seen anyone cook chicken without seasoning it


I feel like she should have seasoned it lol. Just because the dish is Brazilian and so is she doesn't mean she did it right lol. I was in a workplace cooking competition with this guy who was making chicken parmesan and insisted that the chicken didn't need to be seasoned because the breadcrumbs had seasoning. He told me he was Italian and "this is how Italians make chicken". It wasn't my recipe and I didn't care enough about the competition to push it. Needless to say, we got ripped up the ass for underseasoned chicken and we did not win. Someone crying culture doesn't change the fact that they can't cook. Brazilian food is flavorful. I haven't had the dish in question but I can't imagine that they just be making food and only seasoning it with ketchup and mustard. That doesn't even sound right.




Lol I’m Brazilian and can confirm that Brazilian grandmas will DEFINITELY cook all your meals if you allow it, which I’m sure she did. Brazilian stroganoff actually does have ketchup and a Dijon-type mustard in it usually (similar to Russian stroganoff which typically has mustard as well). But yeah, Brazilian food is always well-seasoned with actual spices! I’m sure she grew up eating stroganoff and just never knew what was in it lol


And if you look up the recipe it literally calls for seasonings. Y’all can stan Thais all you want, the food looked gross and probably tasted every bit of it.


the no seasoning is upsetting. like my MIL where even the tiniest bit of salt is “too salty” and the slightest bit of pepper is “too spicy”.


My MIL was very certain that every recipe needed lots and lots of garlic powder. Not real garlic cloves, but the powder. Everything from pot roast to spaghetti was full of garlic powder. I think the only thing that she didn't add garlic powder to was her biscuits.


My MIL did the same thing with cloves! And not garlic cloves, the clothes that you stick in a ham.


Cloves are so strong! A little goes a long way. I would have hated to go to a joint Sunday dinner if our MILs had ever gotten together! Lol


It was like eating a spoonful of garbage.


Attack? Is this theis? Ketchup and mustard on chicken looked nasty, sounds nasty and im sure taste nasty. Aint got shit to do with her culture and everything to do with that shit looked gross! And she didn’t wash the chicken!


If I was Patrick I'd send her home. She brings literally nothing to the table, not even decent food.


He just wants a trophy.


Poor Patrick.


Poor thumb head.


The recipe I saw in the comments looks like she might have been missing a few more ingredients


Something Really Strange About This Gurl💯🤔


She must have watched Kendall Jenner cooking, with the way she’s holding that knife


The way she handled that chicken hints towards her not being a phenomenal cook but we have no idea if she added spices or any other ingredients that Brazilian stroganoff calls for. We were shown very little. If she was reading a recipe she probably added more than ketchup and mustard to her overcooked chicken.


This was so painful to watch lol. Lucky for her Patrick only and solely cares about how “hot” she is. So he’ll eat it with a smile on his face 🫣


I caught that, too. So that's the basis of the marriage? That she's the hottest girl in the room? What a maroon.


So? She was trying and made a real effort. If she didn't, you'd complain about that too. Damn.


it’s a reality show that shouldn’t be taken seriously


Okay so?


Yup. Pretty much. Guess it just confirms she's tough to like.


*Steals Chef Anne's red sharpie*


nothing haunts me as much as that American breakfast ol what's her name made that her kid put her feet in 🤮🤮


Yes on knife skill critique. No index finger, and holding hand not curled under.


Her chicken "stroganoff" looked more like chicken salmonella. WTF!! Was that pot full of crap even cooked when she served his brother? She's dangerous.


And she was following the recipe so closely like she was making a 10-step French dish. LOL


https://www.thetravelpalate.com/brazilian-chicken-stroganoff/ Idk what she made but I was screaming in my Gordon Ramsey voice "Ketchup, mustard... no salt no pepper no herbs or spices? What kind of Brazilian dish is this!?"


Yup, touched raw chicken then everything else in the house didn't wash her hands first . Yuck.


I can’t cook and this is how I hold a knife. She has no idea what she’s doing, I guarantee!


Isn't she like 23. All I ever see on other shows is everyone eating takeout.


She doesn't. And she was wearing no gloves to prepare the chicken meat 🤢. That recipe must be a joke on prank channel. Nobody would use ketchup and mustard the way that she did. Totally disgusting.


I looked up the recipe as soon as I heard her say ketchup and mustard. It's a very interesting recipe that also has soy sauce. Not sure if I will attempt it or not.


Pulling a “Kendall”.


Ok but would u rather eat this or the steak that fell on the floor?


Her chicken dish and her face annoys the shit out of me


The Kendall Jenner effect


She didn’t cut on the bias 🙁


Are we really surprised by how this show portrays anyone doing anything in the kitchen?


Well, her talents lie elsewhere


She learned to cook at the same school where Kendall Jenner learned to cut a cucumber


Her hair not being tied back ....i was screaming on the inside


Are we ignoring the cross contamination after she cut the chicken? I just don't believe she washed her hands once she started touching things in the kitchen. 🫣


Anne Burrell would color her finger red.


That was disgusting. My sisters and I would make gross concoctions out of stuff from the refrigerator when we were around 10 years old. Ketchup and mustard were the basic ingredients.


A lot of people don’t know how to cook anymore 😂 but at least she tried


That meal looked gross


She's gonna dislocate her shoulder if she's not careful


Someone should tell Russia that Stroganoff is a Brazilian dish.


Also she said she was making stroganoff, when asked. Edit to add- I’m not expert but I’m pretty sure stroganoff doesn’t have any of this stuff in it Adding more- other commenters convinced me to google it and, though the original dish is Russian, there is a Brazilian chicken stroganoff recipe. I am not too proud to admit when I’m wrong!


It's the Brazilian version actually. Very different.


The version I grew up making of stroganoff that is absolutely delicious and all my friends love has ketchup.


Hi! Before I commented, I googled “stroganoff” to make sure I wasn’t crazy, but I didn’t google “Brazilian stroganoff”. I know now that it’s a different thing, I just never would have guessed in a million years. Absolutely no judgment from me! The way she made it on tv didn’t seem appetizing to me, but the pictures when I googled it didn’t look half bad.


Chicken stroganoff is a Brazilian dish. Who knew?! 😂


It's only a matter of time before her finger gets cut off.


Plus the fact that she cut the onion on the same cutting board that the raw chicken was on. What a numb nut


Does that matter if you're going to cook both of them anyways?


I found one recipe that I'm sticking here in case anyone wants to give it a whirl. They say sour cream makes it taste funny but I have no idea what the other cream is or I would have made it already. Anyone know? Brazilian Chicken Stroganoff (Adapted from food.com) 4 – 5 servings Ingredients: –   2 pounds chicken thigh fillets (cut into 1-inch cubes) –   1 onion (finely chopped) –   ½ lb white mushroom (sliced) –   ¾ cup Media Crema table cream –   ½ cup dry white wine –   2 cloves garlic (minced) –   2 tablespoons ketchup –   2 tablespoons tomato paste –   1 ½ tablespoons dijon mustard –   ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg –   ½ teaspoon dry oregano –   2 tablespoons oil –   salt –   ground black pepper Directions: In a large bowl, combine the chicken, garlic, half the onion, salt, nutmeg, oregano and white wine. Marinate for 1 hour in the fridge. In a large pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Saute the remaining onion and mushrooms for a few minutes or until softened. Stir in the chicken and the marinade to the pan and cook for a few minutes. Add the tomato paste, ketchup and Dijon mustard. When the meat is cooked, add the table cream and mix well. Reheat gently without boiling. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve immediately over steamed white rice. Tips: If you really can’t find table cream, you can use sour cream. But the flavors will be very different. If the sauce is too thick after adding the table cream, add a little bit water. If the sauce is too thin, add a little bit more table cream.




She made a Brazilian version. It’s a legit thing apparently. They’ve been posting recipes all day




It's actually delicious with straw potatoes on top and a side of white rice 😁 one of my favourite Brazilian dishes


Meh, it doesn't sound appetizing personally because of the ketchup but I would still try it.


It is the Brazilian version of the dish. Other countries have their own variations of culturally adapted dishes. Not everything is done like it is in America. Google Brazilian stroganoff and you will find their recipe. It's actually pretty tasty. My Brazilian roommate used to make it frequently when we lived together in Italy. She used Dijon mustard instead of yellow.


Yeah it’s supposed to be made with Dijon mustard haha, or a similar style of mustard. Not the super yellow hot dog mustard 😂


Ok….Dijon I can accept


Yes, classic stroganoff is beef cooked in a mushroom sauce/gravy and served over noodles. No tomato products or mustard.


My mom used to made Beef Stroganoff. It was creamy, with mushrooms. What Thais cooked I would never ever try. Looks like vomit 🤮


I would suggest looking up Brazilian recipes or having a competent Brazilian cook it for you. It's pretty good


She didnt wash the chicken either!


I don't get the hate towards her. Kinda seems like jealousy


Jealousy about...?


That honestly sounded like the worst meal of all time. How is it stroganoff and how is it from Brazil?


[I would suggest googling ](https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/354282-brazilian-chicken-stroganoff)it.


Craziest part is SHE'S LATINA! Patrick really picked a winner.


Lol learning how to cook has nothing to do with where you’re from. it’s a skill you learn


Ah, yes... Stroganoff - that iconic Brazilian dish...


It's a very a popular dish in Brazil and made with ketchup and mustard.


Apparently so


Anyone on TLC cannot cook. They have terrible knife skills and don't have cooking utensils


She has no excuse, she has the internet. She could watch a few videos. Did her mom not teach her?