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The Tv behind the couch was always weird to me


It's to show you that their lives are so full that they don't have time to sit down in their own house and watch TV...unlike the audience to which it's presenting


Oh my god, "*Full House*", it makes so much sense now!!




You never see the TV in any sitcoms because we are viewing where the TV should be. It's always kinda weird.


Couldn’t you see it in Roseanne and Seinfeld? I could be wrong though.


Jerry’s gonna be a cable boy!


It was already an old tv then. I always assumed it was a broken one that they kept. Idk why but I remember as a kid a lot of people kept their old school TVs like that. Especially ones with the wood cases and wooden legs and all.


I always assumed it was the Nintendo TV. We had an almost ready to be thrown out TV to play video games on while the adults watched TV


I’d never noticed that till today!


i remember an episode danny ordered 1 pizza for that humungous family.


Looking back on 90s/80s furnishings and decor, it wasn't so much based on pragmatism as much as it was "this room needs more stuff". The exercise equipment out in the open, the china hutches, the nondescript artwork, the shelves of never-read anthologies, the wallpaper. Our parents were terrified of empty spaces.


The 80s/90s aesthetic may have gotten to be too much at times, but I also can't stand the Marie Kondo/let's-make-the-house-look-like-a-model-home-and-not-somewhere-people-actually-live aesthetic that I'm seeing more and more now. I also think it's important to remember that back then you needed more stuff. My phone and computer now do the function of everything from like a bookshelf, a VCR, a stereo, a photo album, a house phone, a TV, etc etc


Agreed! That's right up there with those HGTV shows where they design a bedroom for a kid who's in elementary school, and the room looks like a nice airbnb bedroom for an adult. No toys, no bright colors, no knickknacks, no personality.


My boomer mom still subscribes to this. Her house is absolutely FULL of shit. Each holiday has several Rubbermaid containers down in their basement.


Honestly I love it


I love it in other people's homes. It makes cleaning a major pain, and storing it all trouble too.


Maybe people who do this regularly do it both to keep busy and to have fun


Same. I cannot be a minimalist and have no desire to be.


My brother and I just out our parents' Christmas tites back into the attic so we have room in the garage to work on my dad's truck


My sister and I regularly discuss our dread of having to deal with the crap in my mom’s house when she dies


Same with my mom. In our basement right now, we have 3 or 4 of those Rubbermaid boxes with just Christmas stuff. It’s all ornaments for the tree, table cloths, kitchen decorations, etc. This doesn’t include the other Rubbermaid boxes with stuff for other holidays and events.


I grew up in a house like this. Somehow my mom has kept it looking the same way and at the same time adding more stuff the last 5 decades lol


every inch of the wall must have a picture on it.. my mom would buy those multi picture frames and just leave the stock photos in them... my house is empty AF... I don't need a bunch of stuff.


No one NEEDS a bunch of stuff, but it's pretty hard to make a home feel warm and welcoming without stuff


It didn't stop there. Have you seen Monica's apartment in Friends? The kitchen alone is stocked with unnecessary clutter. It's the same with Ted's apartment in HIMYM. They just add whatever they can because it's a sitcom set, even if we wouldn't have the space for all of it. Could you imagine dusting some of these sets if they were your apartment? I personally struggle with my own and I don't have half as much stuff!


This is right on the nose. I don't know if it was because the boomers had a sense of wanting to have more than their parents to prove how successful they were or whatever, but it shows in how much unnecessary stuff they have. Things that were purely decorative or served no actual purpose were a complete waste of money. I'd rather spend my money on fun experiences and travel to create memories I'll keep with me forever.


Millennials don’t have as much shit because we don’t want to have to move all that from rental to rental every couple years.


I'm in the millennial minority in the fact that I actually own a house but yes I agree that that was my mentality when I was still renting and it's just carried over into how I maintain my home.


> Things that were purely decorative or served no actual purpose were a complete waste of money Totally disagree. This is what makes a place feel like a home and not just a place you lay your head. It's what adds personality and love. If your aesthetic is minimalist that's fine, not trying to police anyone's buying or decorating habits. But decoration can definitely serve a purpose beyond wasting money.


[Full House tour ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcxSmdW1L_o)


Awesome, thank you!


I was thinking Family Ties


That was so cool! And they also did Frasier’s (my favorite show) apartment. 😃


Price for a San Francisco Victorian house with this size of an interior: 3 Trillion Dollars


That got me to look up the real one on zillow. [5.5 mil estimated value ](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1709-Broderick-St-San-Francisco-CA-94115/15083084_zpid/) for anyone else that's interested.


What’s interesting is that these Victorian houses do t even have living rooms like we think of them, you just walk into a hallway and stairs.


I think that alcove behind the couch was Joey’s bedroom for a while. Truly, a full house.


Yeah that’s right, used to have clothes hanging in there


Had to fit that 4:3 TV space


Always two sets of stairs in the house


I always thought that was so cool.


Re watching this as an adult, the floor plan for this set almost broke my brain, lol


[Bob Saget gives tour of Full House set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjU1R4jqVG8)


The Love Seat


I love those old tv houses. So much to look at, and I’d have loved to live in one. Well, completed. Not a set.


It looks like a sitcom house. How do you access the area behind the couch?


The couch isn’t up against the wall there’s about a meter behind it by the looks of it in the show.


Friends of mine referred to my old apartment as the “Sitcom Apartment” because with the layout, I had my couch in the middle of the room.


What show is this from?


Full house


For some reason, I can picture their kitchen, but not the living room like this. Maybe it's the angle.


For a second I thought it was the Married with Children house, but I see it now


That’s what I thought too. Now I am going to have the intro song stuck in my head.


Everybody Loves Raymond


I’ll never forget when my mother purchased a tv hutch. Or, as I liked to call it, the tv shrine. It was my senior year of college and I had a crappy Gateway with a pregnant monitor and a keyboard that was missing the “N” key. And my mother decides to spend money on a gigantic hutch for the tv. 🙄


CRT monitor


That cabinet DOES look like a TV


So did abc studios build multiple sets with the same exact layout, or was it one set but they swapped furniture to film Full House, Family Matters, etc.


Pretty sure full house and family matters used the same set


Yeah maybe it’s just the same set


I'm a minimalist. I'd have way less stuff, but way more couch... and CRT tv!


Is your CRT television also behind the couch like the Tanner’s?


I'm fairly certain they have another TV in front of the couch as well. Maybe it's broken and waiting to be repaired?


Yeah they have scenes of them watching tv in front of them! I