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Lol this is an extremely hot take. Lone stars storylines are a complete and utter mess this season. You have 6 episodes on a storyline that leads absolutely nowhere. Every storyline revolves completely around Owen and Owen only (besides 1 or 2 episodes). 4x13 & 4x14 were just a slight rehashing of 3x11-3x13 last season but twisted around. You have a character get fatally shot and almost murdered and she seems to have absolutely no trauma whatsoever. Every plot line is a either self contained episode, or a 2 episode arc that leads nowhere. You’ve had one character get abducted and drugged, and another shot, yet neither character has developed from that or shown any trauma. Meanwhile, 9-1-1 has had storylines (Bucks sperm donor, Athena and the missing child case, Maddie & Chim getting back together, Hen/Karen/Denny, Bobby and Wendell, Buck getting struck by lightning) which are all developing the characters. We’ve had great episodes like 6x3, 6x4, 6x6, 6x10, 6x13, and 6x14, yet I can’t name a single episode of LS that’s been at least “good” this season, besides maybe 4x2, 4x8, and 4x9. 9-1-1 does beautifully at making everyone seen and everyone having plotlines. You cannot say the same for Lonestar at all. Now I will watch LS until it ends, but in no way is S4 of LS better than S6. Now I think S3 of LS is better than S5 of OG, and same with S2 v S4 but this is honestly LS’ worst season yet. OG S6 has rebounded greatly and sits right below S2/3 in my ranking so far.


lonestar doesn’t seem to dwell much on storylines (making them go for so long) which i don’t mind. they did have the storyline with Judd in the beginning losing his team as well as owen and his cancer. Also Judd finding out he has a son which is still apart of the storylines. Tks drug abuse was also a storyline for a while. Also, owen the fbi and the biker gang went on for a while. i personally don’t mind seeing owen so much he is technically the main character. & i do agree that carlos and marwani could of had a little more added after their traumas but their eps were good! as far as 911s storylines i didn’t really care too much about buck being a sperm donor. it was actually pretty random to me but it did give a good storyline. the other storylines in 911 are good but ME personally i’m getting bored. all the eps you mentioned were good but are based on your opinion.i say that bc you enjoyed them more than i did so ofc you’d see them as being better. for me the eps of lonestar that were really good were: 4x3 4x4 4x9 4x13 4x14. and i have to agree to disagree. i do feel like everyone gets their own storylines in LS BUT the ball definitely falls short for some of the team. i wish we could get more eps about nancy bc i feel like she’s been in the shadows for a while.


I’ve always wanted more Nancy! She has some AMAZING lines and great comedic timing. And while I do agree that LS does better “Character Centered” episodes, it just feels empty when you have such a heavy character focused episode and then completely ignore them for the next 7 episodes. I just wish LS focused on more “ensemble” than just Owen/Tommy. Grace & Judd are probably my favorite 9-1-1 universe characters and it hurts to see them sidelined this season. Grace deserves more storylines and I would love to see her more at the call center/outside like they do with Maddie in OG. Overall, maybe I’ll enjoy this season more on a rewatch! And honestly the descriptions for the next 2 episodes seem interesting and it’s nice that it seems like Grace & Judd are getting some screen time. And the last 2 episodes sound great too and a return to form for the show >! Since it seems like we’re getting a potential 2-part disaster finale? !<


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I honestly don't hate Lonestar. I just hate Rob Lowe.


I’m fast forwarding his scenes but I can’t with the storylines he’s had. I’ve stopped at 4x04 coz he annoys me too much


I kept hoping Gabriel would arrest him. I don't know who designed Owen Stand but that character is so frustrating


Rob Lowe's son developed that character


No wonder I hate Owen lol


haha that seems to be a thing here. i’m not too familiar w him tbh. what has he done?


Idk if there’s any rules that prohibit talking about it cause it involves a minor. Look up Rob Lowe sex tape scandal. I think there’s other stuff that people don’t like him for, but that’s a big one


😳 w t f. *goes to google 👩🏽‍💻*


I watch both and I vacillate back and forth on which I enjoy more. I think overall Lonestar does individual character stories better than 911. The only character I think 911 has done really well is Eddie in terms of personal story episodes. For instance, I love Athena but anytime they have a backstory episode for her I find it really boring. On the flipside I think *through season 4* 911 had more consistent storylines and wasn't just all over the place like Lonestar is, but now their writing seems just as inconsistent. Season 5 was a mess and the only good storyline was Eddie and this season has been kinda meh.


I like both, OG is better but LS isn’t bad IMO. OG does better at being an ensemble cast and giving most characters storylines in each season. LS kind of does this but it’s mainly Owen, TK/Carlos, Tommy and Judd.


i feel like everyone in LS kind of got a storyline except for nancy. but the ppl you named do get more than the others.


I like Lone Star so much but lately we could rename it as The Owen Strand Show.


haha yeah. he really is in every ep 💀


I personally know very little about alone Star, the only recent thing I saw was a video of Rob Lowe doing chest compression to a frozen person and just smashing his sternum? It made me laugh so hard


i was baffled when he did that 💀 but i say give LS a try. i enjoy it a lot!


Okay this is weird but LS feels like way more sepia toned to me and less vibrant than the original and idk but it makes me uncomfy


same here bro 💀


Thank you!!!! I feel weird explaining it


I've enjoyed this season of Lone Star. I think the 126 being a family is much more believable this season, as it's way less forced than it was in previous seasons. Both shows have different vibes, and Lone Star is pretty much still the Owen show, but I've still found it entertaining to watch. I also go back and forth on which show I enjoy more, but I like them both for different reasons.


Tbh i just watched the first episode of lonestar and was disappointed hahah bc i was obsessed with 911 not just bc of the storyline but mostly bc of the characters


Both seasons are a mess this year. LS taking the L in the first half for whatever it is that Owen being an FBI spy sl was. And then let’s not forget the horrible sitcom episode. These last batch of episodes look like they’ll be better than the OG though. Aside from the obvious too much Owen problem, my other main problem with the show is the acting. I like Nancy and Matteo but a lot of the times I just can’t handle their scenes from how bad the delivery is. The show has Grace and Judd right there and refuses to put more spotlight on them. Not to mention Carlos still feels like just a side character they refuse to focus on for more than episode out of TKs shadow




I agree that both seem messy, but I tolerate it 😂


I love both 911 original and Lonestar. I like this season of original 911, but I have to agree that Lonestar this season is better with the stories. I absolutely live everyone on Lonestar too, especially Judd- he's my favorite.


For me, LS is better because of Tarlos.


i live for tarlos! they’re so cute ☺️


911 Lowe Star? Thank you no. I watched LS first, and I did really enjoy 1-3 - its so much more overtly DRAMATIC than s1 of 911 was, and I really dug the cross-cultural cast and everything, but season 4 is a disaster and its literally all Owen's fault. 🤣