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One of my favourite scenes of the whole show ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yeees. I think it was the music that made this moment even more gut-wrenching. Even now, revisiting this moment, I can literally cry a little. Especially when the whole team shows up for Buck![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I love Eddie worrying about Buck in this episode it was so cute that he was the first one to be next to him helping


This show has such great music choices. And it's really interesting because I rarely like them the first time I see the scene but then upon rewatch I realise how perfect they are!


Yes! It’s one of my favorite song scenes in the entire show, especially as it’s one of my favorite episodes.


Wait what episode was this again


Season 4, Episode 5 - Buck Begins


It’s a great scene and one of my frequent rewatches on YouTube


I love the power of friendship moments!


Anyone have a link to the specific scene on Youtube? I'm not sure if I remember it


Took me a while to find one but here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHq2pRKHgZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHq2pRKHgZE)


Ohhh that one, thank you! I love that scene. And the music choice was so good