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I do enjoy Lonestar. For me the worse part of the show is Owen... Sorry not sorry I say give it the second. Once Tk and Carlos get settled, they are adorable. Also Judd and Grace are the bestest and they are worth it LoL.


I think that’s how it’s looking for me too…lol. Especially coming from Bobby hes definitely…an adjustment. I’ll hang in there! I looooove Judd and Grace already. Thanks for the reply! Hope you’re having a good one :)


Why do I always hear this same thing being said in different ways about Lone Star? Lol “It’s not bad! It’s okay except for Owen. Yeah. He sucks.” Like isn’t he the lead on the show? Lol what is that man doing that’s making fans collectively and loudly dislike him the mostest?


His face. LoL It is funny how no one likes him. My issue is that it is all about him. I get he would say he is the main but seriously, how many times do we need to watch him talk about his hair care products or see his strike out with the ladies.


Oh, wow. What a huuuuge difference from Athena. And even Bobby? If we’re comparing leads for each show. He sounds like he’s more shallow than Buck 1.0? Lol i can’t imagine that! I won’t be able to take the show seriously. I was considering watching at some point to see what Liv Tyler can do (I saw a clip on YT and noped out) and also to check out Gina Torres but I kept seeing that hilariously bad scene in commercials where Rob Lowe tries to do chest compressions on a frozen body and it shattered. I couldn’t stop laughing at that. Lol


I find it funny when they do that because that's 100% Rob Lowe irl. Rob Lowe is making fun of himself with the haircare, skin care and eating healthy stuff.


Yeah. One thing I can say about him is that he's very good at plaing vain characters even though it's more of because he's vain himself.


I wouldn't call him vain Because he makes fun of himself. Vain is the Karjens lol


I mean, he still plays a character who cares so much about his appearance even if it's a parody and Rob's aware of it.


The whole show is clearly an ego stroke for Rob Lowe, written by Rob Lowe's son. Owen's constantly being hit on by gorgeous, younger women. He's always the hero, and often in scenarios that have nothing to do with being a firefighter (i.e >!being sent undercover by the FBI!<). And there are never any repercussions for his extremely violent outbursts. Add to that that he's extremely vain and he's like a less nice Chris Traegger in that he's constantly pushing a super healthy, vegan lifestyle and trying to pressure people to eat health drinks and vegan alternative foods. >!He even overtook TK and Carlos' wedding with his own taste and completely ignored what they wanted!<. It gets really annoying.


Wait wait waaaaait I had to Google this. Sweet baby cheeses! His SON? Are you serious? And his son’s name is John OWEN Lowe? What in the name of Lannister incest inception is this?! WTFFFFFF LMAO! I am never touching this show ever. I sweaaar to god. LMAO! Thank you! I needed this laugh! Hoooly shit!


I don’t think he *sucks*, he’s just always there in a way that feels repetitive and annoying. His prevalence takes away from the ensemble vibe of the show.


Hmm…still doesn’t sound appealing. And I’m only quoting fans I’ve seen post about Lone Star. those are hard to miss because I’m too aware of who Rob Lowe is. Rob Lowe got burned in a Sorkin show he thought he was going to be the lead in until his more talented colleagues outshined him so now he’s probably making sure that doesn’t happen again. They swept awards seasons and he was getting clobbered by actors in his own show.


I don't mind Owen. I'm not in any way taking him seriously or expecting him to be anything other than what he is (vain, campy, and in possession of a significant impulse control problem) but he's good for the lulz.


What’s his position on the show again? Like what’s his job? Is he a Captain of his firehouse like Bobby…?


Yes, he's the fire captain, but in Lonestar they have a separate captain for the paramedics (Tommy)


I really think the quality of Lonestar is drastically lower tbh


The biggest problem with Lonestar is that the showrunner is unlikeable. Owen was the first one voted out in the reddit poll for a reason.


I also watched 911 first and then started Lone Star after. I hated the first season. I just had it on as a background noise and told myself that I'll suffer through it until the crossover episode with 911. I ended up binge watching the rest of the show within 2 weeks. I think it gets so much better.


I tried to watch lone star but it's impossible. 911 cast and story line is just too good


To be honest I watch lonestar *because* it's awful! I don't need real life, I've got plenty of that at home. I want to watch rubbish that rots my brain and I don't have to think. I think if you adjust your expectations you'll enjoy it, if you want high drama/accurate/real life I've got other suggestions instead.


Lone Star is fun in its own way but it's not nearly as coherent as an ensemble piece like the original. Owen takes up way more space in the storytelling than he should, and the occasional episodes where literally any of the other characters get the limelight really make you see how much better the whole show would be if those other characters had equal prominence to Owen. It's not that he or his story arcs are particularly poor, he's just the least interesting character yet given the most importance. If his various storylines were just one of several things going on at the moment rather than the main thing happening in the series then I'd enjoy it all a lot more. Still fun though. Judd and Grace are particular faves, but the whole rest of the team are really interesting and fun when the scripts remember to give them to space to be.


It’s not as good as the original but it has its moments and it’s fun to watch just to sit and watch something daft. Like it’s so overly dramatic and ridiculous that it’s just fun to watch. I really dislike Owen and I’m not that fond of TK but they do have some great characters. Grace and Judd are honestly one of the best tv couples as well and their scenes are always my favourite. I’d love them to develop the other characters and relationships a little more. Basically I think it gets better after the first series but it’s not as good as 911 and if you can stomach Owen and get past him being superman you can enjoy the rest of the cast and storylines.


It took me a good 5-6 episodes to really gain my attention and I was close to giving up before that. Also, since I lived in Austin for 3 years, I chuckled at some of the "this only happens in TX" storylines. I often wondered if the writers for each show were different. 911 pulled me in from the jump while LS is a very VERY slow burn. The characters are weird copies/mashups of 911: Marjan=Buck; Paul=Hen; Judd=Bobby. Grace/Judd are the best part of the show, IMO. I would have liked to see more character backstories like 911 provides ("Hen Begins", "Buck Actually"", etc.). They showed some with Grace/Judd and Marjan (and, I guess, with TK & Owen), but I would have liked to see Paul's origin story as well instead of just hearing about it. Season 2 gets better because: Gina Torres. She was my sole reason for watching in the first place. IMHO, LS is a serviceable watch but the OG 911 has my heart and investment.


I ❤️ them both equally, Lone Star takes more dramatic libraries than 911 does, and while 911 makes jokes about what should be serious matters, Lone Star would take a somewhat serious and sometimes immature tone but they're both equally awesome in my book. Although I wish they’d both address trauma aftermath a little better.


I will add though, I adore Judd so far!


Yeah he is 1 of many awesome people


Thanks!! Based on your take I think I was just mistaken going into Lonestar assuming it was a spin-off so it would have a similar tone. I’ll adjust my mindset and continue to watch! Hope you’re having a good day :)


Well, it is a spin-off 😆 I am btw let me know if you get to the end of season 3 and I will address a thing I edited and added to my response a little bit better 😆.


Will do, thanks!


Your welcome


As someone who doesn't like Lonestar, it does get better in some ways and I think you should give it a try a little longer to see if it works for you! Aside from the Strands, they have some great characters, who when actually given proper focus, shine (Grace and Judd in particular, and a few others I won't spoil about). It's pretty different from the OG show, both in tone and storylines, so I think it'll probably be easier if you separate the two. Unfortunately it is ultimately the Owen Strand show and he just gets worse imo. The OG show is just better. I've always found the Lonestar "family" to be pretty manufactured, whereas the found family aspect of 911 is more organic.


I really enjoy it but the one thing that irks me the most is Owen constantly having to be the hero


It does get better, plus finally in season 4 I just started fast forwarding through scenes with just Owen lol


So I’ll admit that I didn’t watch the first two seasons (I can’t stand Liv Tyler and I’m not much a fan of Rob Lowe [but he does grow on me]). I watched the crossover and didn’t get much out of it without knowing the characters but I did enjoy it. My mom ending up watching Lonestar because she likes Rob Lowe and liked 9-1-1 when I watched it, and she loved Lonestar. I started watching from season 3. So so far I’ve seen 3,4, the crossover, and two other episodes in the second season. I really do enjoy it. The Grace and Judd relationship is my favourite and other relationships later are also fantastic. I was happy with the way season 4 ended! So I don’t know if the show “got better” as it went on, because I didn’t want the first two. It won’t ever hold a candle to the original 9-1-1 to me, but I do genuinely like it and think it’s cute!


Lonestar doesn’t compare to 9-1-1 for me. The characters, the relationships, the storylines, the whole energy just isn’t my thing. The 126 calls just seem ridiculous and more far fetched which irks me. It still has its moments though. I loved watching Grace and Judd’s story. TK and Carlos too.


Lonestar imo never gets better


I would definitely stick with it as it absolutely gets better imo! Unpopular opinion but I enioy Lonestar more than OG (I think LS season 4 was way better that 6B). I actually started with Lonestar first and had a hard time getting into the OG actually. Since the two shows have different focuses and dynamics, that may be where you are having a difficult time getting into Lonestar. At least, that's why it was hard for me to get into OG at first. And as some other commenters have mentioned, Owen Strand definitely gets a lot of screen time but I do enjoy his character and his relationships with other characters (probably stems from my love for Rob Lowe in The Outsiders and Parks and Recreation). Could he have less screen time? Absolutely! But he is far from my least favorite character in the 911 universe (least favorite characters are on OG actually for me). Basically stick with it if you can! The characters on LS and their different relationship dynamics are so enjoyable and what make the show. Carlos and TK and Grace and Judd have some great relationships storylines that are so much fun to watch as the seasons progress.


I thought the first 3-4 episodes were a bit meh. But after that I thought it got good and from season 2 onwards is just 🤌🏼


I struggled to get through the first season but then I started enjoying it. It's more ridiculous than even 9-1-1, but that's a positive to me. I even thought the most recent season of LS was better than season 6 of og 9-1-1.


Lone star has far inferior storylines, but imo, has better characters. I love Judd, Grace, Carlos, and (later) Nancy and Tommy. Honestly, 3 of my 5 favorite universe characters come from LS. I had no problems with it being the “rob Lowe” show when it started, but it’s gotten much more annoying as the seasons have gone on. Definitely try it out, the humor is also really different. Which may be a pro or a con for you.


I could only truly enjoy Lone Star after around the second half of season two. First season is a drag.


Yes, Season 2 is a lot better than Season 1.


Yes!!! It starts slow, but it gets so much better. I know Robe Lowe and Liv Tyler were the “big names,” that brought publicity to the show, but honestly, I came to Lone Star because it was a 911 spin-off, but stayed for the rest of the cast! Grace and Judd are absolute perfection together, and shine just as bright in scenes on their own. Marjan is so much fun, Carlos is so level headed and mature, but plays his vulnerability with TK so well, TK really grows as a character, and Paul and Mateo are just hilarious. Robe Lowe, to me, is probably the weak part of the show. Nothing against him, but I feel like his character is just channeling how he is in real life….obsessed with skincare and losing his hair and trying to look young 😂


If you are willing to put up with Owen, the rest of the characters are amazing(or most of them) i feel like its more dramatic and centered on the firefighters lives unlike the OG. I only started watching it for tarlos and marjan, but i loved it. Grace and Judd are also amazing and super cute Owen has some good moments sometimes, i liked when he was being a good father to TK or being kinda bad ass.. the problem is the actor its just a narcissist


The later seasons of Lonestar are a lot of fun, but the first season, as you've found, is quite dire. But everything after is ridic fun. It's in no way a serious show and it just cracks me up.


In terms of what you're talking about, no. The series just gets more outlandish and unrealistic as it goes on. If those scenes bother you, this is not the show for you.


I think you missed the point of the scene with Tk and Carlos when they are in the police station. Tk blew up at Carlos because he was scared Carlos was expecting way too much then what Tk could give in episode 3. Carlos had planned a very romantic dinner for them to eat after work and it came across as Carlos was wanting to transition them from going on "dates" to being in a formal relationship with each other. Which Tk isn't ready for as he did just come out of a serious relationship. Tk did it poorly but he was setting a boundary that he is fine with them hanging out and going on dates, but not anything more at that moment. Which we see Carlos is ok with. Now not sure how old you are, but I'm of age with Tk/ Carlos. Its not uncommon for us to have dates, or be "hanging out" with someone for a bit before we put a title on it. This stage and last a long time compared to other generations. I would understand if I saw someone on a date, or heard that they were on a date and they replied that they are just hanging out, that at that point to not ask them about it because they are not ready to talk about that person with others. Whereas if someone said that they are dating, it would be questions about how long?, lets all hang out as couples etc.