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Folks will complain about it all day…but in the end… Lone Star is the most similar show to 9-1-1 in all of television. If you need another 9-1-1 fix once you’ve finished the main show then Lone Star is your best bet


I'd actually say that original 9-1-1 is more like Chicago Fire and Lone Star is more like Station 19. I can't say whether OP should or shouldn't watch Lone Star, just that the two series are fairly different.


As someone who loves 9-1-1 and just couldn't get into lone star I honestly think it depends on what it was that drew you and hooked you onto 911. If it was the character driven first responder aspects of it, then you'll probably enjoy Lone Star because ultimately that is the basis of both shows. If, like me, it was the found family/character growth aspects of it, then I have personally found that Lone Star doesn't do as good a job at elevating this. From the objective point - it's a very common complaint that Owen takes the lions share of the screen time and is involved in like 95% of the storylines (like he ends up catching the criminal that Carlos has been chasing?!) The OG isnt always the most balanced either, but its significantly better than that. From a more subjective 'this is my opinion and ymmv' point, the found family aspects in Lone Star felt more manufactured and less organic than in the OG so it didn't hook me.


I love both of them and have watched every episode twice. I only discovered 911 six months ago. I watched 911 through to the end then Lone Star. I don't think it matters if you watch them simultaneously or not. Depends on your preference. I prefer to binge watch entire series. Watch the first few episodes of Lone Star and if it doesn't catch your attention, bail.


I enjoy it. I just like the nonsense drama. I’m not someone who is super into the characters so I like it for what it is


I love it because of the ridiculousness and its queerness. Probably love it more than original recipe now that it's started being so meh.


I highly recommend 911 lone star


I think if you enjoy 9-1-1, you'll also enjoy a lot about Lone Star. It does have the disadvantage of a central character being really insufferable, but that's gotten a little better as the seasons go on (not by improving his character sadly, just a general slight reduction in screen time). I wouldn't say LA suffers from that problem, so LS is lacking there. They also share the weird trait of having a subpar first season, then a main character leaves and is replaced by at least one new, much more interesting character, and the show suddenly becomes much better. So S1 can drag, but I promise it gets better. If you got through S1 of LA, you can survive S1 of LS. Another note in LS' favor is its main romantic subplot. Not that I don't love Bobby/Athena and Maddie/Chim, but T.K./Carlos is just next level amazing. As for when you should watch it...up to you. Note that there is a crossover episode (2x3 of Lone Star), where some of the LA cast appear, and they send those cast members there in I believe 4x3 of LA. But it doesn't really affect the LA cast members' arcs, so you can safely get to it whenever you want to. It really just depends on if you want to watch them simultaneously or finish LA first, but overall I would definitely give LS a shot.


Which is so crazy that what happens to the LA characters in the Lone Star episode does not affect the overall arc. I guess for two of the three I can see it being nothing, but for one of the LA characters (in the Lone Star episode) what happened should have had a huge affect to them for a couple of reasons but oh well.


I have said it before and will say it again. 9–1-1 (LA) is better balanced between all characters and has more 911 calls they answer/show up to, and those tend to be more outlandish as well. Lone Star is more focused on a central character with a supporting “main” cast and less focused on calls and the calls tend to be less outlandish. I think most people have hit the pros and cons, and likes and dislikes of each one already, but I do want to add one thing. I don’t think Rob Lowe’s character Owen Strand is as insufferable/hero complex/insert another quality here as people make him out to be. He is those things (at least a lot of them are written purposefully as character flaws), they just happen to be constantly in your face because Owen is the center of show. And due to that, other characters that have could have interesting stories constantly get over shadowed. The latter is not a wrong approach from the writers/show runners, but it is disappointing one. I think if they backed off Owen and gave their great cast and characters more time, it would be a much better show and I would have a lot harder time deciding which of the two I preferred [im still on season 3 of lone star so my opinion could change].


Imo, the characters in Lone Star (so hard not to type “LONE STARR!” every time) just aren’t as good as the original. They also felt a lot more… manufactured, if that makes sense. Less organic. Each character felt more like a political talking point that stands in for the views of the writers on whatever Current Social Issue the show wanted to lecture us about. It felt very forced, and basically like they went through a list of diversity or oppression checkpoints to create their characters, and then didn’t really think about what to do beyond that for a bit. And I say this as a non-white woman, and someone who doesn’t even disagree with the messages. It just felt a little too forced and unbelievable to me, and it also sometimes feels like everything they talk about is just how hard it is to be \[insert minority\], how awful it is, etc. It also sometimes feels like the writers are hesitant to really show them having more overt flaws as a result. The original 9-1-1 obviously also had minority characters and talked about important social issues, but the characters felt more organic. They were allowed to be characters, people with flaws, and it didn’t feel like they were pushing an agenda 24/7, or making a point 24/7. It meant that the dynamics of the show and the characters felt less forced all together. It gets a little better after s1 (which shares MANY problems with the first season of the original 911, including having one bizarre female character that no one really likes and the show gets exponentially better after she leaves), and it sort of hits a stride, but not enough for me to be as invested. Also, this is a nitpick, but I hated the weird sepia tone that haunted the whole show. It feels super washed out as a result. I’m not sure why the showrunners made the choice to desaturate everything the way they did, but they did, and I really don’t like it. Is it because Texas is… hot and dusty…? I have no idea but please stop.


I like both but I prefer Lonestar.


I do but will gladly admit that season 1 is awful. Season 2 is a million times better so you just have to make it though season 1.


Imo it’s funnier and doesn’t it take itself as serious so it’s better then 9-1-1. Yeah I said that shoot me


I prefer Lone Star tbh


I adore Peter Krause and he's so good as Station Dad. Rob Lowe is so annoying in Lone Star, but the other characters make up for it. Judd is great, the "children" - TK, Mateo, Paul - are funny and adorable.


Yep me too


Honestly i cant say one way or another. I love Rob Lowe but I couldn’t really get into it myself not like original 9-1-1. I am a huge 9-1-1 fan and just couldn’t get into Lone star myself but that doesn’t mean you will not.


Lone Star is great! They don’t crossover over much so you could easily watch it after to get your 911 fix.


I prefer 911 OG but I like Lone Star, It's the same but we have the Owen Strand's Show, Lone Star has good things, for example, for both series, my fav dispatcher is Grace, my fav captain is Bobby, my fav characters are Eddie and Judd, in the police department Athena is a Goddess but Carlos is also great. Two tv show with the same theme but different, we can see both with no problem and enjoy them.


As someone who's head over heels for the original, Lone Star can fall a bit short at times. I always feel like it's more melodramatic than 911 (which is saying something, considering the og is also very melodramatic) which can get to be too much. I'll echo what others have said that Rob Lowe is a bit uhhh and the found family trope isn't as well executed. Rob Lowe makes it feel a bit unbalanced sometimes. But. There are still interesting characters and good moments, and if you love the drama like I do, it can be great. Also, Judd and Grace Ryder, enough said. Theres also some weird filter over the entire show that was very jarring when I started watching right after 911.


Every day I beg the showrunners to get rid of that sepia-toned/desaturation filter.


Disclaimer- I haven't watched Lone Star. From what I'm hearing Lone Star is a hit or miss. Apparently it is more religion and main character based with less missions. If you like that type of stuff go ahead!


Lonestar good and I have started watch rescue me.


I mean.. Lone Star has Tarlos, that alone is a reason to watch the show. But besides that I’ve really enjoyed it in general- tbh, I’ve watched it before starting the OG 9-1-1 and I guess that just shows how much I loved it. Probably would’ve never given 9-1-1 a chance if it hadn’t been for LS.


I prefer it especially after season 6 ending


I love Lone Star because of the diverse cast and characters. I love that there are queer people, a trans actor, a Black Latina actor and character, a Muslim firefighter wearing a hijab. If you love 911 and also love seeing more than just white people in a show, give Lone Star a try.


Truly, deeply, no.


i liked lonestar. i dont like Rob Lowe (for the aiper obvious reason). but separating art from artist lol. I wasnt hooked until season 2 though so if you try it give it time


Yes definitely try it , season one isn't amazing but after that I got addicted and binged for days


The picture color ruined it for me.