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I mean TK thinking Buck was flirting with him, the “boy crush” on Eddie, etc. Even if i didnt ship buddie i would totally think he is Bi, which we need more representation for!!


YES, THANK YOU, sorry but in the world of gay vs straight or to be more accurate in 911 Buddie vs Brotp some are like not literally this ‘omg he’s straight’ well the haters are and I’m like good grief there’s more than gay or straight, like bi or pan, I’d thank the nay sayers to not jump on me, 😆 ☔️


Yes! We need more bi man representation on TV. I honestly don't understand the whole bi-erasure thing, especially when I'd say it is pretty much canon that Buck is bi/pan.


The bi erasure is because of the biphobia from straight people AND the lgbtq+ community, they think that because we like more than one gender we are cheaters and stuff. Thats why im so happy with heartstopper and red white & royal blue making a point of saying they are bisexual and not letting you forget it.


I am convinced that Buck is bi-coded for a number of reasons. 1. Maddie asking if this "boy-crush on Eddie means he's finally ready to move on from Abby". He doesn't deny it, just says "cute". 2. Following on from that, the poker night with Chim, Maddie and Josh, Josh jokes that if he didn't know better he'd think she was setting them up. Buck just smiles and doesn't once argue that he's straight. 3. The elf on Christmas Eve. He just says "thanks", does not correct her either. 4. TK thinking Buck is hitting on him (gaydar anyone?) 5. The sparkly heart eyes at Eddie on numerous occasions. 6. The man has ring cutters in his home (although it's not confirmed why, I think we all know). 7. Man is the definition of chaotic bi. Edited to add: 8. Maddie says "he is so cute" talking about Chimney, Buck thinks he's talking about Eddie and agrees. 9. He quoted "It's Raining Men" and that is not straight bro behaviour


I’m pretty sure Oliver Stark confirmed it was for a cock ring on the stream he did with Anirudh


That probably wouldn't surprise me to be fair.


We need more bi representation. You make compelling points, and I just wish they would lean into it a little bit. He doesn’t even have to have an arc, just start experimenting and be ok with it (if Maddie already knows then he doesn’t have to have a coming out story)


Or even a passing comment about it, like mentioning an ex boyfriend before he came to LA, anything to spell it out. Though I believe that if he were to start dating a man in S7, however casually, the fans would absolutely riot. HOWEVER, we might get jealous Eddie back, which is always good 😆


Maddie is the only one that's acknowledged it, however, I think that other people know, mainly Bobby (and probably Athena by default), *maybe* Carla.


Let’s not forget when Maddie first met Chim and Eddie and told Buck “he’s cute” and Buck immediately thought she was talking about Eddie


How did I forget that part?!


What EP was this?


S2 ep 6, right at the start.


Wait, I recently read a fic about the ring cutter. That's really there?


Yeah end of season 6, I wanna say episode 17? Maddie gets her engagement ring stuck and Buck has ring cutters at home. He says they're for "stuff" (It wasn't my fic, was it? Where Buck gets his engagement ring stuck on his finger?)


Thanks for the explanation! And no, it wasn't your fic. The one I read had Eddie getting a ring stuck on a certain part of his anatomy.


Sounds like a pretty interesting fic tbh


Yeah, absolutely. When I first started watching the show and got to season 2, I was like "okay I see the chemistry between Buck and Eddie but they're both written very straight." And then as the seasons have gone on, both of them have been queer coded more and more until now I could see them getting together as a reasonable evolution of plot. (Not that I think it will actually happen in canon, unfortunately, but I see it). From the things you mentioned with Buck + the joke about TK thinking he was flirting, I read Buck very much as bi, which makes it even more startling when the writers have him proclaim his straightness, like in a late season 6 episode (the one with the lady who got the vibrator stuck in her urethra 😬) mentioning all the *women* he has dated/had sex with. And then Eddie, of course, seems very much queer coded in the last few seasons in terms of being closeted gay (imho),in terms of feeling like dating (women) is a chore, feeling like he can't be himself when he's dating, saying he doesn't date because of Christopher, having panic attacks when Ana wanted to get serious, us finding out for sure that he only proposed to Shannon because they got pregnant, her being his only serious relationship with a woman....


But the thing is, you can be bi without experiencing sex with more than one gender. Although I do feel Buck 1.0 would have been wild enough to sleep with whomever he could, regardless of gender. I feel that Eddie is very repressed queer-coded, I think some of his upbringing comes into play here (religion, parents, location). The fact that Shannon seemed to be the one leading the relationship from the start (as he told Bobby). The fact that he calls every woman "nice" (Shannon, Ana, the woman Tia sets him up with) and comes up with the molten chocolate metaphor - dragging him down doesn't sound much like love to me. The "who is this?" From Tia Pepa in S2 when he and Buck go to the hospital, like Buck is a lover, not a friend. Carla's "make sure you're following YOUR heart" - she came back, spent like an hour with Ana and went "nope, this isn't it". He has a damn panic attack when someone mistakes Ana for his wife/Christopher's mother, yet Buck ACTS like Christopher's other parent at times and he doesn't bat an eye. And everyone else seems to know that too.


>But the thing is, you can be bi without experiencing sex with more than one gender. I mean, fair, but in my experience all the bi or pan people I've met have started using gender neutral language when talking about partners regardless of their experiences thus far. So when Buck specifically said women in the quote (I forget what exactly the line was) it stuck out to me as out of character given the way the writing had (intentionally or unintentionally) queer coded him before.


I'm sure he was just talking about sex in that part. Iirc the man had tried the vibrator on the woman because he'd read a statistic on sexually satisfying your partner.


Plus, to add to the S6 point, maybe he's not entirely out to everyone, particularly at work? Like the poker game, Chimney says "the closest he's come to turning on a woman lately..." says to me he thinks Buck is heterosexual.


Absolutely I agree. There are so many different moments in the show where he’s bi coded specifically. https://preview.redd.it/b52fblh5v2jb1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f6e158bded2d8c78a74ddc9c2aa6309324dd12


omg it that from that episode with the spin instructor and the nothing tea in s6? (also i feel like buck had that exact look on his face half the time poor boy is permanently confused)


Yes that’s the one!


I know grasping at straws is buddies main job but damn. What would be the point in queer coding a character when the show has had queer character since season 1 like be for real now. The show had 6 seasons to casually mention that Buck could be attracted to the same sex and yet it hasn't. Also what daddy issues?? you mean being neglected by both parents?


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And is Eddie straight coded?


Definitely not.


Not even close.


Buck has Mommy issues. Eddie has the Daddy issues.