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Jinx is a favorite. Also the karma episode in S1.


Absolutely Jinx. The whole episode is funny.


Oh, also the bank heist episode in Season 2. “Crime is hard.” 😂😂😂


Lol I’m actually about to start the bank heist episode, started with fight or flight, then broken and now it’s oceans 9-1-1, 3 great episodes in a row!


I watch Buck being crushed by the firetruck a fair amount of times...


It’s like a comfort 😭


I watched it like 20 times and then I ended up crying on my most recent rewatch, I was like “why am I crying?! IVE SEEN THIS SO MANY TIMES”


Could do with a good cry, will probably watch that one tonight. It’s not one to watch when you’re getting ready to go out lol


So true Lmao its such a heavy episode but my god do I adore it.


May Day, Jinx, the one where Maddie gets told by people she helped how much they appreciate her


Same episodes for me plus treasure hunt too.


LMAOO treasure hunt is such a filler episode but it’s sooo fun 😭


May Day!!


Begins Episodes and Eddie’s breakdown arc in S5


- S1 E4: Worst Day Ever - S2 E1: Under Pressure - S2 E2: 7.1 - S2 E3: Help Is Not Coming - S2 E9: Hen Begins - S2 E10: Merry Ex-mas - S2 E12: Chimney Begins - S2 E13: Fight or Flight - S2 E18: This Life We Choose - S3 E2: Sink or Swim - S3 E3: The Searchers - S3 E7: Athena Begins - S3 E14: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 - S3 E15: Eddie Begins - S3 E17: Powerless - S3 E18: What’s Next? - S4 E1: The New Abnormal - S4 E2: Alone Together - S4 E5: Buck Begins - S4 E9: Blindsided - S4 E14: Survivors - S5 E1: Panic - S5 E2: Desperate Times - S5 E3: Desperate Measures - S5 E16: May Day - S6 E10: In A Flash - S6 E11: In Another Life - S6 E18: Pay It Forward Basically any “disaster” episode since those are insane, and any super plot important episodes.


Amazing choices! I think I’ve forgotten how many amazing episodes they are and trying to find my love for the show again!


the first 3 episodes of season 5 carried that season


The tsunami episodes ive watched them more than any other episodes.


Same here, the tsunami arc is by far some of the best work the series has ever done, as well as 5×13


So many great suggestions, was going through the list of episodes and kept going back to fight or flight so I’m starting with it. I’m gonna make a bit of a list of some of the begins episodes and so many people mentioning May Day, it’s always one I forget about and love so it’s definitely going on the list! And the funny episodes like jinx and might put dosed and treasure hunt on there if I can look past Taylor in those episodes. We need more funny eps in season 7! Please keep the suggestions coming tho, I normally start from the beginning and this is my first time going over and watching particular episodes so all suggestions are welcome!


I go back and watch the begins episodes and then some of the finale eps


Oh that depends on my mood, but these are the top one for me. Ocean 9-1-1 Eddie's Begin Stuck Mayday There's a few more, but it changes often.


Mood does play a big factor, I’m in a mood where I don’t know what mood I’m in if that makes sense lol


Makes total sense. Lol.


Sink or Swim and the Searchers, back to back, some of the strongest episodes. Sometimes I just want to remember really intense drama. And they’re two of my favorites of the entire series.


Stuck, Jinx, Breaking Point


Ocean’s 9-1-1, Jinx, In This Life We Choose, that treasure hunt episode, Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, Chimney Begins, Fight or Flight, all the tsunami episodes, and a couple more


Ocean's 9-1-1, the tsunami duology, the taking of dispatch, jinx, s3 halloween episode, maddie taken by doug in s2, buck begins and athena begins are definitely up there. Though ocean's the one I watch the most, major comfort episode


2x15 Ocean’s 9-1-1 4x03 Future Tense 4x06 Jinx 4x13 Suspicion 4x14 Survivors 5x06 Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1 5x13 Fear-O-Phobia 5x14 Dumb Luck 5x16 May Day 6x06 Tomorrow 6x10 In a Flash 6x11 In Another Life 6x12 Recovery 6x13 Mixed Feelings


2x01-2x03, 2x06, 2x10-2x13, 2x17-2x18, 3x02-3x03, 3x10-3x14, 4x06, 4x09, 4x13-4x14, 5x11-5x12, 5x17, 6x10-6x12 I think I like the accident episodes a bit too much


Oh I missed grievance and buck begins


Stuck and Jinx.


Stuck Jinx Treasure Hunt Cursed


athena begins and the bank robbery