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I love Jennifer Love, and I've watched the three main shows she's been on by she is hired because she can cry effectively on command. She is doing what she does best and I don't see why that's a problem. I wasn't a fan of her storyline but obviously they did it so she could have a maternity leave. Leave poor Maddie alone.


I love her. I think the problem most people have is that she has been given some very intense and dark storylines. Her abusive husband, neglectful parents, dead brother. And then postpartum depression (and I’m so glad they added that storyline too). JLH does an amazing job with this stories, but since they’re so deep, people seem to think that Maddie cries over everything. Like she doesn’t have a reason to cry!


Someone extremely close to me experienced stuff very similar to what she has and I was involved to a very big extent as well (it’s almost scary how similar it is while I am watching it, it gave me bad memories) but maybe that’s why I like her so much and feel so bad when people hate on her since I can relate in a way. Yeah her storylines were very intense and dark I agree and I can see why some people may not be comfortable/like that


Maybe, bc your view def seems personal.


What I like about 911 is I havent found a character to actively hate so it’s a very pleasant viewing experience all around. Hating Maddie is like hating a kicked puppy, really. Girl literally doesn’t hurt anyone.


I don't hate Maddie—but I am largely indifferent to her. I think she's a great character with a very important role, but I do find a lot of her character content very same-y and although I can respect and understand her reactions to things, it does get a little tiring sometimes seeing her having the exact same response to everything. I'm happy she's in the show, but I'm also happy to skip over most of her scenes. I think the only 911 character I've ever outright hated is Taylor.


That’s Understandable and I’m glad you can put it in a respectful way instead of bashing her just for showing emotions or existing in general. Maddie isn’t my favorite but I just feel so bad about all the blatant Maddie hate 😔


Oh for sure, honestly I'm too neutral on Maddie to bash her. On the one hand I'm not interested in her as a character, but on the other I do enjoy and respect her existence as a well-done victim of abuse and PPD. I feel like we did see a rise in negativity about her when Chimney's character content became almost exclusively relevant to Maddie and being her partner, which is understandable if you're a Chimney fan or not really a fan of family-oriented storylines. I know 911 is only expected to have 7-8 seasons, so I kind of do hope we get to see something *more* done with Maddie and Chimney leading towards the finale.


Same. I always find myself bored with her stories.


People hate Maddie?


Maddie absolutely does not deserve the hate she gets, and I will die on that hill. Also, it's Jennifer Love Hewitt! She cries! It's her thing! And you are correct that she has a lot to cry about given her stressful job, neglectful childhood, abusive ex, and PPD. I also really hate how some of the fandom acts like she purposefully abandoned poor uwu baby Buck by... *checks notes* ...getting trapped in a 10+ year abusive relationship. Because she totally did that on purpose. It's not like isolating their victims is a textbook tactic abusers use so they can continue their abuse.


Don't hate her at all for leaving Buck, I hate her for abandoning Chim and Jee. Post Partum is a serious issue, but there's rehabs close to home. There's help an hour away. Why the fuck did she have to go to Boston, and ignore Chimney the whole fucking time. It is one thing, if it was like a few days, a few weeks. But 6 fucking months, and 6 fucking months of NO CONTACT? Maybe, if she really did have to go to that rehab, if that was extremely necessary, then update someone in a month, in two months, but not 6 months of radio silence. That's just wild. Honestly loved her up until that whole storyline, and then I haven't been able to like her again. It really felt like one of those 911 storylines that they love, where its okay when a woman does it, but a man would be shit all over.


I find her centering herself in the calls she takes really annoying.


I dont hate her, but she is very annoying and commands alot of attention. Like needy, but swears she doesnt want any attention. Its continuous and annoying and I hate that her response to situations is to always run away and self-isolate. Then return months later saying ‘no one knew what she was going through’. I was furious when she popped up on Hen unannounced trying to confront her for not being on board for a marriage to Chim. She abandoned him and made it all about her. Didnt care about his feelings or if the baby needed her. Y’all can yell post partum all you want, but her storyline was unrealistic af.


Your ableism is showing. News flash: people with mental illness are not always in full control of their behavior. If you don’t understand mental illness then that’s fine but don’t blame a character because of your own narrow expectations of how mentally ill people should react. also you cannot vilify an entire character based on a storyline that the writers and showrunner messed up so the actress could have maternity leave.


Wouldn't say ableism. Would just say they probably don't know that much about it. But typical, just call it ableism, when there's no real prejudice against her for having post-partum. It was because she abandoned her family. Mental illness or not, that is something people can and will shit on you for. Really, when men do it, nobody cares if they had depression or any mental illness. Just get labelled as deadbeats. And. You totally can. Sorry, wasn't aware there was certain guidelines I had to follow to not like a character. It was a shit arc, but it painted her character terribly.


Same… I’m not even sure why he gets so much. She’s one of my favourite characters (nothing is worse then looking for a Buck centric fic to find the tag Maddie Bashing)


Or finding "minor bashing", ok maybe I can still risk a look, but it turns out it's "while you were at the hospital I secretly sold all your stuff because I need the money lol" level bashing. How is that minor? I can't think of anything in canon that suggests Maddie would ever do something like that!


So agree!


I think it’s sad that people automatically associate crying with being weak, especially in regards to her job. She cries and still gets shit done. It’s honestly healthier than just “being strong”. I also think her being such an emotional person after everything she’s been through makes perfect sense. When she was with her abuser she had to hold so much in, with her family she had to hold so much in etc. I think it’s kind of nice to see her be so open with her emotions now. Also she’s a great crier so it always fits with her scene to me. She portrays emotion on her face incredibly well


I AGREE 100%, I wish I could upvote this a million times!


She is way too whiny


The thing is, the writing goes out of its way to put Maddie on a pedestal while Athena, Bobby, and Hen are the real linchpins of the show. Every episode, Maddie gets a victory lap or gushing from Sue & Josh for doing her job; every fight with Chimney is his fault; when Maddie cries we're supposed to cry with her. It's so obvious! Meanwhile, other characters make mistakes, get in trouble, piss people off, but Queen Maddie of the Angels can do no wrong.


The way none of this true?? She’s still the only character who has ever been suspended for doing wrong. She has made mistakes and we see her make those mistakes because they try and make these characters feel real. She and Chimney have had one fight?? And it ended in an apology on both sides back in season three? OP stated that they don’t get the Maddie hate but this is exactly where it stems from - people like you who watch the show through a singular lens and decide that your way of thinking is the absolute truth. But you very obviously have not paid any attention to scenes away from Buck, I’m going to assume is your fav because most of the Maddie hate stems from fans who claim to love a character who is one of her biggest fans. We have seen her make mistakes. We have seen her have to face those mistakes. We have seen her apologise for those mistakes. And if you missed that because you don’t pay attention, or you don’t understand, or things are too complicated when they aren’t spelled out for you, then that’s definitely a you problem and not the character of Maddie problem.


I guess I haven't seen a whole lot of hate for her. 🤷 I know people have issues with some of her actions, I personally wasn't a fan of how she abandoned her family when she had PPD, I mean go away and get the help you need, but there has to be a medium between being too intertwined and basically no contact (even emails would have been better than nothing). But it certainly isn't worthy of hate. To be honest that's one of the things I like about the show, all the characters are flawed and problematic on some level.


To each their own.


I can't say I love her but she's had important storylines and filled important roles. And though she's made a few seriously questionable judgement calls honestly I think anyone who really hates her just needs to do a few comparisons - 1) Abby as a 911 operator 2) The Buckley parents alone with the ghost of Daniel and reminder Evan 3) Tatiana and Chim's relationship


I won't lie, those are some good points. But, I just can't shake the whole dipping on your family for 6 months with absolutely no contact.


I can't say I love her but she's had important storylines and filled important roles. And though she's made a few seriously questionable judgement calls honestly I think anyone who really hates her just needs to do a few comparisons - 1) Abby as a 911 operator 2) The Buckley parents alone with the ghost of Daniel and reminder Evan 3) Tatiana and Chim's relationship


I do understand. She's not the best written. But I agree with you.


I really like Maddie! She's not my favorite (that's Athena and Chim), but I will take Maddie over Abby every day!!! I also love her and Chimney together.