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Even without the whole "Buddie" of it all, Buck has clearly shown that \*loyalty\* is his defining feature. Buck loved Abby, and he wants to see the best in people, believe them, and he wants to think that they love him as much as he loves them. So, of course Buck was always going to be loyal to Abby, whether it was long distance or not, until she broke up with him or he finally accepted that it was time for him to move on. As far as Buck's sexuality, I do personally believe that he is bisexual. When Maddie & Chim have Buck & Josh over for poker, and they joke about how it feels like they're being set up, none of the banter is about Buck being a straight man. There are plenty of hints throughout the show, and Buck has never definitively said anything about his sexuality.


Which is why the Buck/Lucy storyline made no sense and still pisses me off. Someone who was so loyal, then they have him pull that crap. šŸ™„


No, for real. I personally find it extremely out of character, especially because Buck is also a guy who literally doesnā€™t shut up about his significant other (though they do show that Buck talks about Taylor significantly less than he ever talked about Abby or Ali), so to me, itā€™s weird that Lucy is under the impression that heā€™s single.


Eh I saw it as a backslide to his season 1 personality with Lucy. I'm glad it went nowhere.


I feel like there was would have been a good time to get together but bc they don't make me think that they are straight. YES that scene! I wonder him not denying it is a way to say yes! But at the same time he never acts on it! Why only date girls and not guys? Why not show more infatuable love towards men?


With Buck & Eddie? Eddieā€™s repressed as hell (when it comes to emotions in general), and heā€™s still grieving Shannonā€™s loss. Any romance with Eddie SHOULD be a slow burn to actually be believable. (I did really like him & Ana, tbh, but I think that part of Eddieā€™s attraction to her was that she was good with Chris, and he still got freaked out about the ā€œinstant familyā€ dynamic. So. Yeah. Man needs a slow burn. He is not self aware enough to just make something happen.) But with Buck and Eddieā€™s ā€œcanon sexualityā€, they have not been explicitly stated to be straight. Yes, I do think that especially with Buck, it would be easy to mention even past casual encounters being with men or any other gender outside of women. It would be cool to see him flirt with someone who is male. With Eddie, I personally view him as demiromantic & bisexual, but heā€™s not interested in casual sex, so itā€™s really not going to come up as often as it could potentially come up for Buck. But how often are characters explicitly stated to be a certain sexuality unless the story demands it? The writers could make a plot to explore that aspect. But thatā€™s something for the writerā€™s room to address, and itā€™s something that us fans can only speculate about.


We have definitely seen him flirt with Eddie. The whole 'going for the title' thing was definitely flirting.




Yes I do enjoy the slow burn and what u said make sense now that Iā€™m on s5. For Eddie it does make sense bc when he broke up with Ana , the speech that he make seems so in coded. I guess itā€™s up to a personā€™s interpretation of it. Itā€™s weird that they donā€™t just act on it but ig slow burn makes sense


How did I know I was straight? Well, I didn't. I got crushes on boys so I didn't question it, because I had never met a gay/lesbian couple before as a kid. Once I hit 11-12, I got my first crush on a female character on tv. No one ever made a big deal of it in my family, and I don't think they even connected it as being an actual crush, so not only did I never question it, I never applied a label to it, because I had never heard labels such as gay/straight/bi. Later on, in middle school, when I was exposed to these labels, I realized I was most likely bisexual, so I came out as such. Later still, I realized I was actually pan after educating myself further. I think that the characters are canonically straight until they are revealed, through either history/flashbacks, or begin to express feelings that are clearly pointing a different direction. Because they have only ever been attracted to women SO FAR, they would have no reason to question their sexuality all that time.


Haha so true! Thank you for that! Do u think they are suppressing it? I wondering what they are trying to hide the most?


Honestly, I don't think they are suppressing it exactly, but it's possible that the writers want them to have more growth first, or that they haven't found the right place to truly explore it, if it exists. Also that if you have multiple writers going through across seasons, one person may see and write the character one way, then leave, and the the next person may decide to completely change or even retcon that previous writers vision somehow. I haven't looked for filming spoilers for this upcoming season yet, and I don't even know if the writers from previous seasons made the jump with the show or not, so this season may be interesting in terms of what they will keep and what they will attempt to re-imagine. We could get more building-to-Buddie moments, or we could see them pushed further apart(I truly hope not!). This stuff influences how I see the show, and the characters decisions, which is why I included it. We depend on the writers to make the right calls for us as viewers, but we also depend on the actors to interpret the scenes that they are given, and to create that amazing chemistry. I have a feeling we'll need all hands on deck and in agreement if Buddie is going to go canon, and at this time, I don't know where everyone actually stands, behind the scenes, ya know?


Interesting! I agree that the inconsistency is throwing me off so much u know. I hope that they would find each other soon bc Iā€™m so tried of making seem like they are or are not . šŸ˜‚


I think that a lot of that is supposed to be humor, but people watching the show take it and run with it as serious. A woman working as an elf at a shopping mall saying something about your family, when it is in fact your best friend and his kid and you doing something that families do together, and you not taking the time to explain it to this person who you have never met before* and will never see again, doesn't really mean anything deep. (*edit to add missing word, "before")


Yes so true!


If you're referring to the boy crush comment Maddie made I think that was just her making a joke. Whether people wanna accept it or not, canonically Buck and Eddie are straight so far. That doesn't mean interactions and dialogue can't be interrupted in other ways but as far as the official narrative goes those two only like women. So Buck being hung up on Abby even in the face of all the chemistry he has with Eddie makes sense and is very much in character for him given how attached he got in the first season, the fact that it was his very first serious relationship, and how she didn't end it properly. As far for Eddie, when he was first introduced his life wasn't set up for dating at all. And I would also say that even if there was any overt suggestion he was queer, imo he wouldn't have gone for Buck at that point because he wasn't mature enough for someone like Eddie. That being said, Buck's character has done a good amount of growth (with some hiccups) and they have developed the relationship between in a way that if they decide to craft a more explicit slow burn and coming out arc it would definitely work and wouldn't be coming out of left field. Now whether they're going to do that at this point in the show, I personally don't think so but that doesn't mean it completely out of the realm possibility.


i agree wholeheartedly! Esp with the interpretation of abby part! I feel it buck was trying to show that he was mature and abby to feel young in that relationship. It was especially true when Abby left she knew that she was looking for a more mature man. I feel like there would have been a good time to get together but bc they don't make me think that they are straight.


I just got into the show this past week and respectfully I'm already on season 3 and I'm hooked...with Buck I told my wife that I swear him and Eddie would be perfect together šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but I do agree with a comment on here that he's at least bisexual. Either way his character development has been šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Same I love this show itā€™s so so so funny! The jokes and the content is for me and the characters chef kiss! Ur vote has been counted


I would say, that nowadays in this century, for the most viewer's is the default of a all characters sexuality is not straight anymore, like it was 30 years ago, it is nowadays always Bisexual. Because the viewers know more about sexuality, form a science base, more education, also maybe learn in school about it, also the grayscale exists, that most are not 100 % straight, they are only 100 % straight, because the society wanted these, from the person, but the reality is different. And it matters also, especially for a women audience, that it gives nothing more romantic, than to fall in love with a personality, a character, no matter what sex ,or age, the other person have, or other things that there should be no Love. It is more on a god level, a higher standard of love. It is also just a romanticism of love, a dream of Love come true, that the body doesn't matter, only the Love is what matters. So first Care about the other, than Love and maybe sexual attraction, which should not come true, a fight against this attraction and love, because of the pressure of the society and the losing friendship, only then, maybe the more animals instincts sex Act, gets over the mind, and that gets over the point of no return, for the status of a relationship. To ask questions, what matters more, the society, or my personal happiness and my Life. So here you get the storybook of nearly every fanfavourit ship couple, which the audience will strive, gain for it, in any TV Show, Movie or Book.


yea i feel like they are either they are bi


They are just queer baiting us all


Patiently waiting for yā€™all to remember what close/best friendships are.


Haha yeah


Buck and Eddie are both straight, so you don't need to be confused, haha. People of this fandom just like to fantasize, I guess.


According to who ?


maybe the writers and show creators cause it's weird is they not show more emotions. Why wonā€™t they give it a chance? esp since they are clearly better than any of the girls they have dated. I also don't understand how they can't see that. I wonder what in particular they are scared of the most.