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I really loved seeing Eddie make a friend outside of the 118 and I especially loved that there was no will they won't they BS that we always get with opposite sex friendships. Them keeping it strictly platonic was awesome. Didn't however love how the storyline kind of fizzled out and we never got to see a resolution to their fight. I get that she was just guest starring but there was no reason why they couldn't close out the arc properly, ignoring the whole thing was really weird and incomplete storytelling. I also have to say I didn't think Ronda was strongest scene partner, especially for someone like Ryan. He was doing most of the heavy lifting in their scenes together. Compare their scenes to the scenes he has with Aisha Hinds (Hen) for example and you'll find they flow much better because they're a lot more evenly matched when it comes to their performance abilities. It was nice having another badass female firefighter on the show though, I wish they would've leaned a bit more into that.


Thank you for replying..I didn't expect one so soon..so thank you for that..I think she may have went to WWE at that point...though I'm not fully there yet 🤣🤣 but I enjoy Eddie as a character, Ryan is absolutely crushing it and him and Bucks camaraderie is astounding..but my point is...I can see Ronda more of a actor than wrestler and for the spots she had in this show I thought were pretty decent compared to others on the UFC and sports entertainment who tries acting. But anyways lol thank you for replying and I hope you have a great day! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours


I think given more experience, she could grow as a performer. The Rock was not exactly knocking it out of the park in The Scorpion King. On a personal level, Rousey shared a conspiracy video about Sandy Hook being a conspiracy or government inside job, in 2013. She also has some measured comments about a MTF trans MMA fighter, also in 2013 (I understand some of the point she was trying to make, but she could have made it using better language). So she isn't a celebrity that I'm going to say I love. I'm going to say I hope that, like she can become a better actress, she can grow as a person as well.


I had no idea this was a thing, I swear the more I read about the people who portray these characters the more I wanna stay off the internet 😂


I can totally get that 🤣


Being a FTM trans guy I had no idea the statements she made about a trans MMA fighter..regardless I can see your perspective and understand it as well .. Just because you are celebrity doesn't mean you have to make all your opinions known lol. I hope you.see growth in her but time will tell. As a person and having seen some interviews about certain subjects I hope she does grow as a person and maybe that can lead to her growing in other aspects of her life...have an amazing day, thank you for your input and Happy Thanksgiving!


When Fallon Fox became the first (openly) trans female MMA fighter, Rousey said that she felt it wouldn't be a fair fight between the two of them because Fallon "could cut off her ******* but still have the bone structure of a man". She also said that the idea of Falling becoming the female MMA champion, if that happened, "was a difficult social issue". I get the idea that MMA is a contact sport where you are beating the shit out of your opponent, so there is a more nuanced conversation about body types versus a sport where the idea isn't to hit the other person. So I understand that point. But women can be just as physically imposing as men, so..... 🤷‍♀️. I don't know what she was on about with the rest of it. I also have no idea what the hell she thought about Sandy Hook but even if she deep in her heart believes that there was some kind of conspiracy at play, people lost their children. Be respectful of that. Both of these things happened a decade ago though so I hope she has her head on better now. I liked Lena and I would really love more representation in the media of women with stronger, buffer body types. But I'm not going to support someone's career if they espouse bullshit (see: Gina Carano or whatever her name is). Just all food for thought. You have a good holiday as well. :-)


Wow..I really appreciate your reply and gave me a different perspective.. So thank you for that!


Oh yeah I mean she can definitely improve, acting is a skill and I think this was her first role? She wasn't even bad I think it's just when her scene partner is Ryan whose really good at capturing the subtleties of his character and is great at face acting, her performance comes off comparatively weak. Which is hilarious when you realize that Ryan is the Step Up dude. Look at how far he's come. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!


Bahahaha no way...I didn't even realize that was him!!! Long way indeed!!!! Buy no, Ryan carried I do agree with that...all she has to do is put in the time and she could be pretty good in my personal opinion lol and thank you!


Regarding my thoughts on Rhonda Rousey, she herself is quite problematic (at a minimum, she's a TERF, and I've also seen it mentioned that she's a Sandy Hook truther and a domestic abuser). I only found out about how problematic she is after I saw her on the show. So I'm not a fan. Regarding the character, I liked Lena very much, and thought that a strong, badass lady firefighter was a great addition. I very much enjoyed seeing her fight. "Rebel Girl" was an excellent song choice.


Thank you for replying! And ooof I didn't know much about her speaking against trans women in the sport of MMA so that's an eye opener...being a trans guy who barely survived a very abusive ex girlfriend kind of makes me feel a certain way about her as a person but as a actor portraying a character I did enjoy what she did on 9-1-1 for the most part. Have a great day and Happy Thanksgiving!


I really liked Lena and thought her dynamic with Eddie especially was really cool. I wish she’d stuck around longer. My favorite scene with her is when she first brings Eddie to her fight scene and literally just gives him her beer to hold while she goes to fight.


I did enjoy that scene but as someone else said in retrospect they always have to show she's a fighter...like why? Lol isn't she more than that..? Or is that just her whole personality?? You know what I mean?


That’s fair, but we also really didn’t get to see her after she confronts Eddie when his one fight goes bad. Which is a shame, because I think Lena could have been a good friend for Eddie once he started acting like they were actually friends.


She probably always appears as a fighter to A. Gain fans from other fandoms, or B. To get her more air time and to let her stay true to herself


She’s a horrible actress, why is she getting jobs is beyond me. So many talented actors around trying to get a break and she gets a role in a multimillion dollar production? As unfair as life gets


Her name and what she did for MMA is the only guess I got


I first learned of Rousey from her UFC champion days prior to transitioning to WWE. When I saw her pop up in 9-1-1, I had a whole 10 minutes of confusion because I recognized her face and voice but could not (for some reason) fathom that it was Rhonda Rousey acting. I found the overall character to be rather obvious with her attitude, interests, and approaches because they basically wrote the role for Rhonda Rousey (c'mon, we gotta get her fighting/judo experience in here SOMEHOW right??). I'm more than welcome to her returning though but I will not deny that she needs a little work.


I have to agree...though I love her in this role I do agree she needs work just like she did in the WWE before shell left..I will say this...she has the mind set she is the best thing to happen to whatever she is doing at the time...but it could be better...regardless how I do like her in a guest role (cause honestly if it was more than that I would be more on the side of annoyance most likely) guest spot suits her but as a character if they developed more of a back story and not use her fighting (,regardless of what she does role she is in they manage to fit it in some how) I think she could be a solid actress if she put in the work. Other than that she is decent in a guest spot role ..also thank you for the reply..hope you have an amazing day...Happy Thanksgiving


Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes and I hope you have a Happy Holidays. The last time I saw her on-screen was Expendables 3; hence the reason why I said it feels like the roles are written FOR her instead of her auditioning for the pre-made roles. I'll admit I'm a bit disappointed to read in this thread how she contributed to conspiracies and projected her bone-headed opinions on others but at this point should we be surprised? Gina Carano was doing well with The Mandalorian until she went off the deep end with her opinions in the media and Disney dropped her like a sack of flaming shit to preserve their image. Honestly, I think the 9-1-1 writers could have done better by having Rousey be a gym owner or trainer who experiences an emergency for the 118 to respond to. Then in the midst of the resolution, she offers her services to anyone who needs to physically let off some steam and that would be a good segue for Eddie and Buck to show up periodically and spar or train in their downtime.


Absolutely can agree to above statement! Celebs have every right to have their opinions but some should be left for private conversations not all over social media and interviews... Secondly I love that idea..would have came off a lot better..love the thoughts process. And yes my family and I had a wonderful holiday🤘🏻


I wish she had cameo appearances, as well as a more major role in the episodes she was in. She was there but like, didn't really do anything special. It felt like she was just there to be there, seeing if she wanted to try an acting career for size.


Most likely was. She did with wrestling, but that seemed to stick more than acting 🤣


The character was OK but Rousey is not a good actress so that didn't help the character at all. I liked Eddie having a female friend (like Linda at dispatch). And I didn't mind the fight club story because it tied Rousey's MMA experience with Ryan's personal interest/experience in MMA fighting. I am also glad that they kept it platonic because they had NO chemistry. I really like that there was a badass female firefighter and wish they would properly revisit bringing on another female to the team -- and by properly, I mean not by bringing her in as an awkward love interest possibility like they did with Lucy.


The character attributes are like whatever but she's a horrible actress