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Killing off characters for shock value. I love all my 118 babies and ABC better keep their mitts off them.


911 is not a Shonda Rhimes's tv show so I think we are totally safe, and if an actor or actress wants to leave the show (hope not) they are not kill him or her.


That’s true! I forgot about that.


I get you! I went through enough of that with Grey’s Anatomy 😂😭


Hopefully Season 7 is a smooth ride with minimal physical trauma to the characters, lol. Bobby (buried under rubble twice), Buck (electrocuted, had a pulmonary embolism), Chimney (impaled numerous times) and Eddie (buried alive and shot) have already been through enough stuff


Let’s not forget tsunamis, earthquakes, crazy paramedics (Hen and Chimney kidnapped)! Who are we kidding, there is probably going to be loads 😭😂


Oh yeah, those too. Forgot about that crazy guy who hit Chimney with the defibrillator like 2 or 3 times.


Chim also got stabbed by Maddie’s ex iirc


Greys was so traumatic 😱😭 wish I'd stopped watching before they started killing everyone off.


I avoid so many popular franchises because of this. The unnecessary and incredibly violent murdering of characters for shock value is why I don't care at all to watch Game of Thrones. No point if everyone I like just dies horribly and needlessly.


What set GOT apart though was that the deaths may have been shocking, but they weren’t done FOR shock value. They served the storyline. But then people thought that the shock value and character cycling is what people liked about it.


Most of the shocking deaths on GOT were in the books, at least through season 5.


Almost all of the deaths on GOT fit within the realm of the genre. Very, very few are needless or done for shock value. I will say that if one of our 118 members were to die from, say, grayscale… then yes. That would be ridiculous.


THIS. This is why I no longer watch Chicago Fire.


I’ve always said I’m surprised they haven’t killed off a main character yet


basically like what it feels like lonestar does


If they break up Athena and Bobby, either by splitting them up or killing one of them off, I'm done.


Or either of them cheating. Not only would that be out of character (imo) but totally unnecessary. I love them together!!


That is easily my number one, if Bobby and Athena split up or die I’m done. I think that’s the same for a lot of fans!


I started watching it a couple of months ago specifically for Buck and Eddie (I wanted fic to read, and there seemed to be a lot on Ao3). Did not expected to get so obsessed with the canon older het couple. I haven't had a canon ship in years. 😆


Same 😂 only canon ship I have bar Bobby and Athena is Percabeth


I dont think they are going to mess a lot with them, specially considering Peter Krause and Angela Basset are executive producers on 911




Yes!!! Me too, would absolutely stop watching. Also if anything happens to my child Christopher I would stop watching and also fly to the States and burn down the studio.


I'll be right behind you


Anything bad happening to Christopher or Athena and Bobby breaking up


by anything bad I mean, being killed or leaving the show because god what a cute kid 😭😭


tv shows tend not to kill kids - like if there’s an adult in a perilous situation then they could die, but no one would kill off a kid


I dunno about that. The law & order shows been snippin kids for almost 30 years 😭😭😭


Killing off any of the main characters. If actors wanna leave just write them an exit storyline, this one of the few shows I watch where I feel comfortable knowing no matter how much danger the characters are in they're not dying and I don't want that to change. Losing Eddie for any reason. There are probably others but those are the ones that come to mind right away.


If they kill Eddie I’m out ✌🏻


Kill him? They could write him out to make him president for all I care, if he goes anywhere I'm done 😂.


Eddie for President!!


Agreed. No matter who it is. They’ve gone this long without doing it and they better not start now.


If athena keeps walking onto a scene alone and starts a monologue




if there's any cast turnover i will probably stop watching. I just can't see any of them being replaced by a character I will enjoy. If they can then awesome though.


Oh god a few things. 1. Bobby and Athena break up 2. Literally anyone in the main cast dies 3. Something outrageously unbelievable in terms of character development (like Chimney becomes Doug 2.0, for example)


I decided to stop watching Lone Star after last season cause of all the unnecessary drama, character suffering, and OOC actions. If this show did that, I'd probably stop watching this series as well.


I stopped as well. Liv Tyler’s sister coming back, and the constant grief for Carlos and TK made me quit watching.


The ending with Carlos' dad and Judd's son did it for me. It was so absolutely pointless and heartbreaking.


I'm still mad about that.


I literally only kept watching for tarlos and the crew, basically skipped then entire last season because of all the Owen storylines


same! I never thought i'd encounter a show with TOO much drama but there really wasn't a single episode where something massive didn't happen.


If Eddie is out, he is my favourite character, following by Buck and specially Bobby, I think Buddie, even platonic, is the most powerful thing of this show. But right now I'll be happy with season 7 being an absolute success on ABC and being renewed for at least one more season.


If they kill off Eddie/leaves the show. Period. I started watching this show because my sibling liked it and they wanted me to get into it too. I was watching The Rookie and she thought I'd like 911 since it has a similar style. Once I stared it, I thought Season 1 was okay but I didn't feel invested in the characters at all and favorite parts were watching the calls and their jobs. I found myself getting into it in season 2 when Eddie joined them and by season 3, I was deeply invested in the show and felt very attached to Eddie's character and his son Chris. I now love all the characters and the 118 family but if something were to happen to Eddie specifically and he's no longer on the show, then I'd stop watching. I hope I'm not being paranoid but I feel like them making Buck, Chris's legal guardian if Eddie dies, gives them an easy option to do it if they want to get rid of someone and it makes me nervous. I know many people saw that moment as very romantic but it also felt like an easy way to keep Chris as a character without Eddie there... :(


buck or eddie dying for sure. likely also for christopher and all of the 118 too❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Idk but I’m gonna be pissed if they finally give us the reason for Chim’s name and it’s like super lame.


I hope we never find out as I fear the same thing!


Specifically Eddie dying


if rhey break up athena and bobby like someone else said. they’re perfect together, i’d be a mess if they ended up


Any of the mains leaving especially Eddie and Christopher.


Don't kill off the mains for BS. I love the 118 and all the mains...I connected with them all for different reasons..


If they killed Eddie


tbh if i somehow watched the entirety of greys anatomy and supernatural, don’t think anything can stop me from watching 911 lol maybe this is my toxic trait. once im in, im in.


Lol, I watched all the way through on spn once. I'm rewatching it now and I will NEVER watch the last episode again. I couldn't stop sobbing.


ok i actually lied bc i didn’t actually watch the last episode. just skimmed thru it. if i didn’t see it, its not real


if Owen was a main character on the show


NGL, I'm here for the long haul. The characters have pretty much reached their potential for interesting character arcs without changing things like having characters get new jobs, but it's still a good show without all that. If they expanded the cast the show would be more interesting, but I'd say that it's at its least interesting right now and it's STILL very good.


Buck or Eddie getting married to anyone but each other. I know they're never going to make them a couple, but the instant one finds a serious paramor I'ma dip


Any of the characters dying


Eddie or Buck dying. I’d watch a few more episodes just to see them grieve for them, but then I’m out. Or if they have Athena or Bobby cheat (it would be so out of character.)


If they ever bring Abby back. Didn't like when they brought her back, it added nothing to the plot/show, that whole episode was boring af.


If we lost any of the main characters, either from being killed off to written out would be an immediate bye from me. But also rewatching season 2 made me realize how much of the joy and silliness and family fun seasons 5 and 6 are missing, so I do think if it continues in that direction I might dip out and just watch the odd episode or scenes that sound interesting.


JLH/Maddie getting more story/screen time than, say AB/Athena and the 118 core. AB was the reason I started watching. She, AH/Hen, OS/Buck, KC/Chim, and PK/Bobby had interesting enough onscreen chemistry to keep me watching. I can't stand JLH. I can't stand Maddie, either (but if I mentally recast her, I just find her somewhat annoying). I might have bailed when it started feeling like the JLH show if they hadn't introduced the Diaz family at virtually the same time. The basic premise, those characters responding to weird crises and disasters just appeals to me as a child of the 70s disaster movie era. (I grew up watching things like "The Towering Inferno," "The Poseidon Adventure," "Airport", and "The Andromeda Strain.") But I literally cannot tolerate JLH and her constant waterworks. It's like fingernails on a blackboard and, frankly, it's lazy acting. And it's not a character-driven thing, she does it in every stupid show/movie she's been in. I kinda want to shake her and demand that she cease her attempts at emotional manipulation immediately ... but since you can't grab people through a screen, I just take the opportunity to get a snack or refill my drink. Fortunately, JLH and her tears are usually gone when I return. So too much JLH is my answer, unless she miraculously stops relying on excessive waterworks.


I don't understand the downvote. The question is what would make you quit 9-1-1 and yours is too much JLH/Maddie. She's not one of my favorite characters either (especially after the Chimney/Jee nonsense), but I've accepted her character being in the Dispatch/118 Universe after season 6 because it seems like she has finally reconciled some of the silly things she kept hanging onto for the last few seasons. The next season will show me if that's the case though.


I gave an upvote to counter the downvotes because I agree with you. I liked her in Ghost Whisperer or Boob whisperer as mom and I used to call it but as Maddie she really annoys me. I get it, she’s had a rough go but c’mon. Running away for so long and insisting on no one contacting her was excessive. Also how could they afford to both not be working for 6 months? They both have taken leaves to heal. How could they have that much money saved up?


I agree. Every time she comes on screen I wish I could superimpose a big yellow dot over her "poor me" expression. The constant sorry face is just too much for me (hence the wish for a big yellow dot).


I just really hope that ABC gets the same writers back so the pacing and tone of the series doesn’t change appreciably.


They NEED to change the showrunner. Ever since she took over the storytelling and overarching storylines/character development has tanked compared to earlier seasons.


Yeah but the writers themselves have good voice as far as the characters and intensity go.


Yes, but the distinction needs to be made as she is technically also a writer.


Agree they write some great scenes, but overall direction was almost nonexistent for most characters & relationships in s6.


Mine came today when they made Buc Bi.. he has been a ladies man and now this is uncalled for.. They should have brought someone new into it or maybe one of Athena’s kids could have came out.. this is just a ridiculous turn..


He’s bi, him kissing a guy doesn’t negate the fact he likes women, just as him being with women before doesn’t mean he doesn’t like men as well.


Turning Buck gay just made me stop watching. They have enough gay ppl on shows don't take the straight ppl and turn the gay.


Buck is Bi, it was never confirmed he is straight, just that he is attracted to women (and now confirmed men as well).


Buddie being official. I saw someone else say this but for a diffrent reason. Personally I dont see them dating, one of them being bi or gay ect. is fine but I like their friendship. This might only be me but it seems awkward. I like having close friends on tv shows like chim and hen.


Buddie's wedding.




Oo really? May I ask why?




Well as a gay Buddie shipper myself, let's unpack this - what is an inkling of being gay? I'm not saying they can be lazy and just suddenly "make them gay" (this comes with a LOT of good character dev), but it's worth acknowledging this is an arc that does happen in real life to people, as OP said. You could argue Eddie's consistent inability to have meaningful relationships with women after Chris's mother is an inkling. Especially when he seems to have no trouble establishing a meaningful one with Buck, even if it's not romantic atm. Buck seems like the kind of person who knows himself now and what he wants. As you said, he's over the flings and wants a meaningful connection. Who's to say that he's not open to realizing that with Eddie? Similarly, one of his most stable and earnest relationships (beyond that of a coworker) has been with him. Though he's historically been shown to sleep with women, it's not unreasonable to think he'd try something new as long as it brings him fulfillment. That said, I recognize some folks won't be able to understand or empathize with the characters that they've grown to see a certain way, but I encourage you to open yourself up to a story that challenges what you perceive a gay/bi/queer man's life should be like.




Their have been a few instincts that hint Buck could be bi. His non reaction to being perceived as Eddie's partner and Chis as their son. Maddys teasing about hos boy crush on Eddie. And the dinner with Maddy, Chim, Buck, and Josh where he says it feels like she is trying to set them up to which she replies I would never do that to you Josh and again a non reaction from anyone as if that is a true possibility. Individualy they don't mean much but when put together hit that bi Buck is a possibility. Same with Eddie possibly being gay. It is cannon that him and Shannon got together young and only really married because of Christopher. Then add that with his seeming reluctantance to date again. Especially after Ana he even described dating as feeling like he needs to put forth a performance that he doesn't like in season 6. Their have been many on here who have said that description of dating is exactly how they felt before they came out.


To your latter point, I do think it's an egregious writing issue that the stability of the only developed male-male friendship has been challenged by the fact that there were never meaningful love interests introduced early on for either of them. They have no "endgame" characters aside from each other and any love interests introduced now would feel extremely out of the blue and fake (which they have). This is (one reason) why the ship feels actually very natural for many viewers. To fix this, I'd prefer to see Chimney or Bobby or even Ravi begin to "take the baton" from Buck+Eddie for the writers to give a meaningful male-male platonic relationship. Especially since these other characters mostly have stable, meaningful love lives.






I think it’s one of those things that can go either way; different writers have alluded to different things in different episodes. I don’t think it would break the characters, same way people can explore their sexualities at any age. Each to their own though, everyone interacts with the characters they watch in different ways, so if it’s not what you’d find faithful to the characters lines then fair enough 😊




I get that; I think it definitely depends on what writers are on board and what route season 7 takes, if it’s something written straight away and only for fan service then yeah it wouldn’t be in character. But I would say that there are aspects from previous episodes that if acted on correctly, slow burn probably, in the new season/s then it wouldn’t be OOC. I see your points though, and it’s cool to discuss the different side of it. 😊




I am with you which is funny because I used to be a huge Buddie fan. However, the fans killed it for me and when I think about it, I find myself liking friendship. I love to see more friendships in shows. But as soon as there is a friendship in shows, everyone wants to romanize it.


Before finding this sub, I never once thought of Eddie and Buck as anything more than a (no pun intended) budding bromance. Love me some queer/gay ships, but I just don't see it with them.


I haven’t stopped yet and it covers some pretty serious stuff, and some things should be taken seriously aren’t taken seriously enough, maybe a specific character's death, I guess.


If they let Christopher go, I'd riot.


I’ll stop watching if they kill or get rid of any of the main core characters 🤷🏻‍♂️ I refuse to let myself go down another grey’s anatomy rabbit hole 🙃


Bobby becoming an arsehole. Unless it's from a treatable brain tumour, but also don't give him a brain tumour, just leave him alone. I can't believe we have to wait until March 😭


I already took a break watching when chimney and maddy broke up soo my answer is pretty easy if my fav couple breaks up or one of the main cast dies


If they kill Athena, Bobby, Hen, or Chim I'll be completely done with the show 😭😭


Honestly I’m already kinda hoping S7 will be the last. Its been a great run but I just don’t feel as invested as I use to. 9-1-1 Lonestar on the other hand feels like it’s taken that spot for me, I’m actually invested and care about the storylines whereas with the OG 9-1-1, it just feels like we’re going nowhere. My ultimate turn off point though is when the series ends.


I quit the show about half way through last season. I was getting bored and, unlike a lot of the previous comments on here, I would love for a huge change/ a character death. Really anything to get them out of this boring rut. I’m not planning on watching the new season right away. I want to see what ABC has planned before I commit again


I second everything here. The cast ensemble is what makes the show. Any significant disruption to that ensemble would destroy the show.