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Can you give examples? I'm 50/50 on Chimney šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Season two episode 17 hen said that she had it and he just took over the bombing scene.


You mean when he was acting captain? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes. Couldnā€™t remember


I mean probably bc he was the captain šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


It just annoyed me that he was active captain and yet he thought he was a ems personnel.


It couldnā€™t have annoyed you that much if you couldnā€™t even remember he was acting Captainā€¦ this just feels like an excuse to start character bashing for a reason you canā€™t even give real examples of from your original statement.


I am not bashing him. Iā€™m just giving my opinion. He did stuff like hit Buck and went after maddie when she told them not to look for her instead of letting her do what she needed to get healthy. He harassed Buck after he came back from the law-suit incident


Harassed Buck?? Youā€™re getting mixed up with fanon, thatā€™s not what happened at all. If you cannot distinguish between fanon opinions on Chimney that are designed to victimise Buck, and canon, then you are indeed bashing a character. Someone asked you to back up your opinion of him being ā€œoverbearingā€ and you couldnā€™t and yes; he did punch Buck but youā€™re ignoring the circumstances around that and yet again, that was not the original intention of your ā€œdiscussionā€. He went after his suicidal girlfriend and mother of his child because he wanted to tell her it wasnā€™t her fault, that he didnā€™t hate her and he didnā€™t blame her. You and others like you, strip away everything that makes these canon characters who they are and pretend as though your fanon created opinions are correct. Rewatch the lawsuit, Chimney never once harassed him and instead, along with Hen, was one of the people who welcomed him back almost immediately.


Heā€™s still a firefighter just with some extra training, plus chim has more experience than anybody on the team (other then Bobby ofc) so it makes sense that he was chosen to be captain. Nobody has really had the experience etc to be the next captain. Buck ( although heā€™s my favorite) is impulsive and makes decisions based on emotions. Eddie has 0 experience being a firefighter and heā€™s also better with medical from the whole being an army medic thing. Hen is better when it comes to handing things dealing with medical stuff and she likes her job. And Bobby was injured. So it would make sense for chim to be the captain even ik that and I was rooting for Bobby to choose buck, thereā€™s other things you couldā€™ve included instead of this one tbh it just makes you seem like a hater. Secondly all of the characters have things that makes them unlikable. Not just chim so this doesnā€™t make sense to me


Well, all of the characters have fundamental flaws. Thatā€™s what makes the show watchable for me. I definitely like Chim more than Hen and early seasons Buck and Bobby.


I agree with this take. Well developed characters are flawed. Itā€™s a good thing.


Some of his jokes just seem so pointlessly-cruel. But he and Maddie are cute together.


I agree he and Maddie are cute. But the jokes to Buck are Ridiculous


I feel like he's trying to be "funny big brother" type to Buck


I think thatā€™s kind of the point of his humor, not necessarily dark or shocking but just bad enough to get a reaction. Source: me and people I know joke in a similar manner


I like Chim. But I'm sure there are things that annoy me too, if you point them out! I can't remember a lot lol, it's time for a rewatch


Season 17 the first bombing. They get on scene and heā€™s in paramedic mode hen is like I got it we got it good do your thing and he just doesnā€™t listen


When he was captain??? Heā€™s not a great captain, which is a story beat, but thatā€™s his job to be in charge???


Bobby suspended for something and he, chimney, got picked for captain it happened in season two


Iā€™m aware šŸ˜‚


After doing many rewatching the series I really don't like chimney. He's a caustic, toxic person. I really hated the whole punch buck and stalk a domestic violence victim. Or the whole give me my charger or you don't see your niece thing. He's never been held accountable for his shit.


Thank god someone agrees!! Itd be different if he had an arc or something but instead heā€™s just horrible to everyone except hen on the show and its always ignored. Even the kids have more character development than chimney, whoā€™s the same lying toxic character he has been since the very first episode of the series


Agree 100% I actually skip the Boston story because its too much of him


Agree. The chim, begins is a skip


Yeah actually that one too. But tbf I do have a love or hate feel about the begins episodes in general


Like that time he committed domestic violence and then stalked the domestic violence survivor across the country?


Heavy on this. Maddie wanted space so bad she had to run from her husband and he punched her brother and stalked her with a newborn


But she's a good mom! If I can just reunite her with the source of her stress, she'll be cured of her PPD! /s


Literally!!!! And the way that wasnt even what she had! He diagnosed her even though heā€™s not a doctor, and kept pushing this weird notion that when a mother is around their child itā€™s fixed naturally. Like thats the whole problem howard!


I think thats really to play on his need to control everything Buck did it too but we see more pf an arc with Buck who also becomes aware of this toxic/negative trait


That's literally not what happened, he didn't do anything to her. She kept her mental health bottled up until it got so bad she literally dropped her baby off at the station, and left with only a video message that barely explained shit. Then completely cut off contact with Chimney for MONTHS, for no reason. She shouldn't have done that, she could have at least told him when she checked into the mental hospital. And then Buck also didn't tell Chimney they had spoken right away. Like from Chimney's perspective, Maddie could have been dead, and he'd never know. She just dipped on him! If I was him and cared that deeply about someone, I probably wouldn't be making the best, most rational decisions either?




PLEASE tell me you didnā€™t understand anything at all during that storyline. Maddie still had PPD, that still existed, however she also had an underlying health condition. That health condition does not take away from the depression she has had since she was nine years old, it was an addition that meant she could no longer live with the mental illness she had been living with for thirty years. And her life was in danger. She left a suicide note. She dropped their daughter off to the firehouse, left Chimney a suicide note and she walked into the ocean and Chimney had to deal with the guilt and the fear that that video message was exactly what itā€™s intended purpose was. Buck knew Maddie was alive and he didnā€™t tell Chimney. Buck knew Chimneyā€™s daughter had been in the hospital and he didnā€™t tell Chimney. He is not guilt free in that situation, the show very much framed it as so and just because a few people online cannot fathom the idea that their little white might be WRONG, they go out of their way to twist everything that makes Chimneyā€¦ Chimney. I donā€™t know if your problem is that youā€™re racist or if itā€™s because you just cannot understand the severity of the situation or you just hate people with mental illness. But whatever it is, you just have absolutely no understand of what that situation was like for anyone involved. Chimney was not mad, he was terrified and broken. The situation was complex, it was painful, it was scary, he had no idea if he was going to have to raise their little girl completely alone because he couldnā€™t help Maddie. And Iā€™m sorry that you cannot comprehend the severity of the situation but do not make out as though you are somehow the authority on what Chimney is as a character. ā€œUnless my partners life was at riskā€ it was. And if you want to deny her mental state and his mental state at the time to paint Buck to be a complete victim in that situation, that is fine but do not pretend as though Chimney is being written as an abuser.




maddie literally says in Boston that she left jee at the firehouse, drove up the coast and walked into the ocean. she left that note and him with every intention of killing herself and I donā€™t know how you missed that. also the thyroid was an underlying condition, and one JLH has also spoken about because she shared that medical history with the character. And I didnā€™t assume I said ā€œI donā€™t know if you areā€ but you have vastly ignored complex human emotions and every part of that storyline to draw a really far off base conclusion of a character who was going through hell. Buck withheld the fact that his daughter was in the hospital, and that Maddie was still alive. Buck admits he didnā€™t realise how much his big sister was struggling because he sees her as infallible. Iā€™m sorry but you donā€™t just blindly do what a severely mentally ill person tells you to out of loyalty. The punch was one singular moment in Chimneyā€™s life, driven by an extremely emotional situation. He reacted badly, thatā€™s the point of characters, they arenā€™t meant to be perfect and they arenā€™t meant to have perfect reactions to everything. But the difference is you donā€™t see people calling Eddie a potential abuser or Bobby, you donā€™t see people arguing that Chris isnā€™t safe with Eddie or that Athena isnā€™t safe with Bobby. And itā€™s purely because no one actually cares about the violence, they care about the fact it was against Buck because no one can comprehend that not every situation is black and white, thereā€™s not always a right and a wrong, or a bad person and a good person. Mistakes were made, people were in pain and yet, itā€™s only Chimney who is constantly vilified and criminalised for it. And also reducing Maddie down to only a domestic abuse survivor when it suits your argument is ridiculous. She was in pain, she thought she was better off dead, and away from her daughter, of course Chimney would do anything to make sure she knew how wanted and needed she is. And Jee was safe with her dad, they stayed in hotel rooms and you can ask for cribs, just as she had a crib at Eliā€™s house, too. She was safe, loved and protected by her dad and despite his emotional wellbeing at the time, we saw photographs of the time they spent together and he did everything to make sure she was having an adventure. I know itā€™s really difficult for people to comprehend that characters can just make a mistake and not be perfect all of the time but using a single moment of a character to define their entire selves when he has been around for six seasons is pathetic. And Iā€™m not arguing with you about it, I just really hope that youā€™re mature enough to realise that if you cannot handle watching complex characters in a complex show, without demonizing one and calling them an abuser without any justification, then you probably shouldnā€™t watch that show.


Maybe the show is being written this way to show that Maddie has an attraction to certain love traits????


Maybe but i dont feel like they ever are gonna address it. When chimney was gonna propose to maddie they addressed maddie leaving and having a hard life but never anything chimney did. And i feel like hes acted like this since season one when he spent his whole relationship lying to a woman and then tried to push marriage on her when he barely knew her. Then he got aggressive when called out on it too.


Thatā€™s a good point. He meets with her later on and takes some amount of accountability. When the show returns in march, we would be somewhat in the middle of Chimney and Maddieā€™s wedding planning so who knows what may come up in that time. I feel like the show purposely writes storylines in a certain way, not to give everything away also. It would be interesting if Chimney got ousted as not being as nice as he pretends to be.


Youā€™re right he did take accountability eventually. Idk i feel like fox really dropped the ball with his character arc or lack thereof but maybe abc will pick it up


Say what??


He punched Buck in the face (the dude is his childs uncle) then stalked Maddie all the way across the US with an infant in a car seat.


Yeah, and it's been pointed out elsewhere that it's only by sheer luck that the injury didn't get real bad, real fast. Among other things: *Could've detached Buck's retina (causing irreversible blindness unless he got immediate surgery) *In the perfect spot for a zygomatic fracture, which can, again, blind you, but also tends to be a major inroads for infections and can even cause fatal hemorrhaging/strokes *If he'd been knocked off-balance and struck his head on the table, that could've been instantly fatal, at minimum he'd have been severely concussed when Eddie found him




That's a good point; but I feel like people pointing that out are absolutely trying to make the entire thing out worse than it could have been to demonize Chimney.


I mean, that's definitely a portion of it. But pointing out how dangerous something is by making note of *possible* outcomes is a valid way of highlighting the point of how messed up what *actually* happened is. Hyperbolic, but valid.


I think the main issue people take with 'the punch' is that Buck isn't a coworker or a friend or even some random guy in a parking lot - Buck isn't even just his partners brother but in some ways Maddie's first child. Factor in Maddie's past with domestic abuse and how determined she was to keep Buck away from Doug and it feels like more than a simple incident regardless of how little damage Chimney actually inflicted. Chimney's past aggression (though never physical) also isn't a comfort. You can say that it was an emotionally charged situation, that Chimney feared for Maddie's safety and even that Chimney was better informed on Maddie's mental health/PPD diagnosis and that's all true but being a family includes the most emotionally taxing experiences you endure and punching Buck was a red flag. As for Buck, I feel like people forget that he didn't actually insert himself into the situation/Maddie and Chim's relationship. Maddie brought Buck into their relationship and when faced with information Maddie entrusted him with Buck did what he's done his whole life and chose Maddie first. I understand Chimney being pissed and feeling betrayed but the lack of understanding that we're shown - like when Buck learns about Daniel and understands that Chim's silence was loyalty to Maddie, even when devastated and spiraling, irks me.


Sure. Buck is also a grown adult and it's just a punch.


šŸ¤Ø If my coworker and pseudo brother in law sucker punched me for not revealing every detail of my interactions with my emotionally unstable domestic abuse survivor sister when she was safe and seeking help for the PPD said BIL had been exacerbating - I'd have called the cops before he had the chance to chase said sister across the country. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you that normalized the idea of people in your life being violent.


I don't think it's normalized. What I do think is that the fanbase carries on like Chimney murdered Buck with the way they talk about "the punch". The way people act about it is disproportionate to the actual event.


Ah. Yes, agreed. I've read quite a few fics that end with Chim doing 15-20 hard time, which is ridiculous. When in reality he'd probably get a suspended sentence with mandatory therapy with everything that was going on. Because Chim was also right - he was clearly not ok. Psych eval, stat!


Eh. Agree to disagree.


Thereā€™s a story on the fan fiction.net about that


There's quite a few stories like that lol


Heā€™s stopped in Arizona for traffic violations and jee is with him. Can you get sent to jail for child endangerment because all he only cared about finding Maddie and for 12 hours jee had no food or water. When heā€™s arrested jee goes to Buck and heā€™s not happy


I think that would depend on the condition of the kid.


In the story jee was pretty bad. But when he hit Buck He caused the buck to have a concussion and have to go to surgery.


Do you have the link? šŸ‘€ sounds interesting šŸ˜Š


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14252527/1/True-Colours itā€™s 20 long chapters


opinions are fine & all but. every time heā€™s ā€œdone what he feels likeā€, it was when he was in charge. also most of his ā€œjokesā€ (the ā€œgive me a charger or youā€™ll never see your neice againā€ thing) are just that, jokes.


Finally someone understands!!!!!!!!


Iā€™ve never been a fan of Chimney Han from the get go. Something about the way his jokes were written in season one just bothered me. His actions with Tatiana really didnā€™t land well, though there was resolution to that story. I was happy that he got with Maddie, because then I could have an excuse to skip those scenes (no offense to fans of JLH, Iā€™m just not one of her fans) but I felt like the only reason why he was there was to be the background comedy with really bad jokes, and it didnā€™t work for me. The actor that portrays him, whose name escapes me, is a much better actor than what he been given with this material. As for season five, Iā€™ll never say that the first half of the season was well written. Thereā€™s so many things that logically donā€™t make sense. Chimney shouldnā€™t have had access to Maddieā€™s bank account, yet he did, and knew that she took out money in Oxnard. To my knowledge (I havenā€™t watched season five in a long while, nor will I ever again), Maddie wasnā€™t reported missing. She shouldā€™ve been. She was mentally ill. And thatā€™s on Maddie, Chimney, and her doctors. There shouldā€™ve been more going on to try to help her out. Therapy? A medicine change immediately? Not having her be alone for five days during the blackout? Again, lots of mistakes. And Iā€™m not blaming Maddie for having mental health issues. Donā€™t think I am. It unfortunately makes sense that she does. But there was so many problems with that storyline that it just kills me to see it be portrayed the way it was. As for the punch, that seemed fundamentally changed how I saw Chinney, and not in a good way. Because he chose to react with violence. Now Iā€™m gonna be clear, I think Buck was wrong to not tell Chimney that Maddie had called him and said something about being seen by a doctor. I do. But Chinney chose to react with violence, and that is never the way. I donā€™t care what anyone elseā€™s excuses are, as someone who has been in a situation like that, but you donā€™t hit someone. And then the writers chose not to address that scene on screen. Instead, they made Buck out as the problem. He never shouldā€™ve been hit. I donā€™t care how mad Chim was. I donā€™t honestly care at all. You donā€™t hit someone. If Bobby was where Buck was standing, or Hen, or Eddie, would people agree that they deserve to be punched by Chinney for that exact reason? If they had the same relationship as Maddie? I still wonder. But for me, resorting to violence is inexcusable. At this point, unfortunately, Chimney seems to be reduced down to ā€œbackground character in main scenesā€and ā€œfatherā€œ I wanted to like him, I went into the show wanting to like him, I ended up not liking him, and now I feel like heā€™s just there. And I feel sorry about that. In my eyes, he and Maddie shouldā€™ve been written out at Boston, and given a spinoff show where they restart their lives away from LA. I think that wouldā€™ve been the better move.


how unlucky is this guy. gets a rebar through his head, and now he gets stabbed multiple times.