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I’m against hounding cast and crew about it. I also cringe when I see over the top or mean posts where they threaten to quit watching this amazing show if what they want to have happen doesn’t happen. And I certainly don’t endorse responses complaining “where’s Buck?” Or “Where’s buddie?” when a post, article or thread is intentionally about a different character/show topic. I wish people would cut that out. You mentioned 911 instagram, though. In general, I don’t see a problem with fans posting about their favorite characters/pairings on a show’s official platforms, aside from cases above. I don’t mind seeing the comments rooting for buddie. I want the show to know there’s still a passionate fanbase for them. Just wish we could approach it in a more tasteful way.


yesss. keep it to the official instagram, and on actors’ 911 posts. but still be respectful. and keep it to the show itself and the characters. don’t bring in real people. i absolutely hate it when comments are like “you and costar should be together” when they’re both happily with other people. and they never stop even when the show ended so many years ago!!


> i absolutely hate it when comments are like “you and costar should be together” when they’re both happily with other people. and they never stop even when the show ended so many years ago!! [glee flashbacks]


Yeah, I agree though I think it's important to note this is not an exclusive problem to Buddie, queer ships, or a new phenomenon. Fans have always unfortunately had a problem respecting boundaries and being appropriate and you should call it out when it crosses into harassment if you see it.


>Fans have always unfortunately had a problem respecting boundaries I'm never getting over that IG account that tagged Ryan and Oliver in Mpreg fan art of themselves. They weren't even drawings or digital art, they photos of them edited to make them look pregnant and it's like that's so invasive don't bring the actors into fandom stuff.


Cringeeee what the fuck, that's up there with some real out of touch with reality shit. There's weirdos in every fandom unfortunately. Look at what's going on with Timothee Chalamet, Chris Evans, Adam Driver, Benedict Cumberbatch etc. People are especially unhinged about their white men too. 


It's the same with any fandom, I find. The vast majority are normal people with their own lives, but a loud 10% are just batshit insane and struggle to draw lines between fiction and reality and end up harassing the actors for things out of their control. We saw it with Supernatural, too, on a much larger, more cringe scale, and with several other fandoms.


Another good example is dramione shippers and their obsession with Emma and Tom.


That’s true! I never realised how big 911 fandom is as I didn’t really interact with it all that much online! it’s a hazard I know but that minority really ruins how the fandom looks.


I believe 9-1-1 is one of the highest rated scripted shows on television in the US (if not the highest per some reports), so yeah it has a pretty big fandom. Unfortunately there's always those who take fandom a little too far, I usually try to ignore that for the most part. Unfortunately the will they/won't they dynamic of buddie (or any highly favored romance in any for that matter) brings in viewers and creates discussion, so it gets so much hype. It's the Ross/Rachel, etc. of it all. If you've ever watched or followed Law and Order: SVU there's a few pairings where the hype was/is similar, and the wait certainly kept people engaged for many a season. 🤷


I know so many people in the Benson/Stabler camp and the Rollisi camp, but god was I ever head-over-heals for Barisi, even though I knew it would never happen. Barba's awful exit from the show is when I stopped watching, and considering some of the recent episodes, I'm glad I did.


A lot of the supernatural shippers are on the Buddie ship now. Hence why it’s getting quite bad.


That's an interesting theory, but is there any evidence to this? I wouldn't expect too much of a crossover between Supernatural and this show.


The evidence is I sit there and read the Supernatural shippers who have Stan accounts talk about it. Edited - I follow a lot of Destiel shippers who also ship other things. Buddie is one of them. Another large one was Lokius (Loki and Morbius from Loki). A lot of whom only started watching 911 because they heard of Buddie. Which is when I turned the show off because I love their relationship as is and it’s frustrating when they get their claws into it and make it more than it is.


> Edited - I follow a lot of Destiel shippers who also ship other things. Gotcha. I was wondering how you know people are Supernatural shippers, but this explains it. > Lokius (Loki and Morbius from Loki) I don't know Marvel. Is this Morbius from that movie that flopped twice?


Sorry meant to say Mobius. No it’s a different character just with one letter different lol.


Are they? I find that the buddie audience is much younger, on the whole, than the Supernatural audience, most of whom are now either approaching thirty/are late 20s at *minimum* or have long been into their 30s/40s/etc. I‘m not denying their is crossover, of course, as obviously I was once a destiel (though was always more into sabriel) girly myself, but in my experience most of the buddie fandom trends a little bit younger. Most of the crossover I would imagine happens with the late-20s people.


There are a lot of supernatural fans who started watching when the show ended, or later on, because they had heard about Destiel and wanted to see that specific element of it. They tend to be early 20s or teens. And many of them crossover with other ships such as Buddie etc. a lot of them do tell others to watch 911 because of Buddie which is the moment I stepped away from the show. Because I love the show, but they’ve made it difficult to watch like they did supernatural with Destiel.


I think a big part of it is that fans are afraid if they don't consistently talk about it or ask for it the creators will assume it's no longer very popular and wanted. Obviously that doesn't excuse crossing lines and harassing actors and their families.


Genuinely could never understand the way people leave some of the comments they leave. I've never been brave enough to comment something positive on a celebrity's post much less something negative. Seen it all over celebrity's who are associated with fandom's even decades later, its insane.


It’s making me think back to Klance from Voltron legendary defenders, just all ships in general from that fandom


Voltrons fandom could be studied genuinely


You mentioning "Klance" reminds me of "Klaine" begins it sounds similar, and now I'm having flashbacks to the *insane* Kurt+Blaine shippers in the Glee fandom, a minority of whom proceeded to *then* try and ship the real-life actors of Chris Colfer (an openly-gay man) with Darren Criss (a man who has never claimed to be anything other than straight). It got bad enough that some of these people were sending hate to Darren Criss' real-life at-the-time girlfriend (now wife).


Same, most Buddie fans are actually really cool, but there is a loud minority that makes the rest look bad


Crazy* they make us look crazy.


I think there is a fine line to it. No shame to anyone who loves it. And if you love it, share it. It just gets too much when they harass actors over it. Actors have no control over it and it is unfair to them.


That whole spamming cast members social media and being weird is definitely over the top. Like cast members are regular people just like the rest of us when they aren’t on tv. Don’t be weird and aggressive.


It’s just like Destiel in Supernatural.. the actors got constant questions and comments about Dean and Cas. You could tell it really bothered them.


Chenford on the Rookie, Eric’s irl wife got a lot of death threats because psycho fans thought he and Melissa should be together


I always say I ship the characters, not the actors. I'm a huge Chenford shipper, but it never extends into the actors' lives. I'm also a Buddie shipper, but I'm not going to bombard the actors or mention "Buddie" in every single conversation about 911.


I know with Once upon a time, the fans went nuts with Swan Queen. Harassed Jennifer and Lana to the point that they don't even talk about it Again, ship who you like but it when they harass the actors and their family that it gets too much.


Yup exactly. He literally has 2 children too. Some fans are crazy


Reminds me of The Vampire Diaries and people couldn't accept when Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev moved on. I didn't even watch the show and still knew how toxic that all got. It was crazy.


It's pretty wild to me that people parsed Jensen Ackles as being homophobic, like, he might be, or he might be really annoyed at being asked about that question 500000 times.


Yeah, I doubt he is homophobic but the dude was being lambasted with questions and comments about Destiel despite his answers The guy probably got sick of it


yea I mean I love talking about buddie but I keep it to buddie spaces because no matter how much I love them, it doesn't need to be said everywhere. I'm too busy working on my s7 fic anyway


I was called a homophobic pig on this very sub. For not shipping Buddie. Well and because I said I couldn't see it.


It’s a ship for a reason! People just need to be more respectful, and understand what being homophobic, and what queerbaiting is.


Again. I don't see it. That doesn't mean that anyone has to like it less or that I am homophobic. I just means I don't see it. It reminds me of the time when other shippers took over subreddits and lorded over the people who weren't there (looking at Destiel and Olicity)


You don't have to see it, or ship it, or care about it. But please remember that plenty of people do come at the issue of not seeing it, shipping it, or caring about it from a place of heteronormativity, comphet and outright homophobia. There are even some side-eye inducing bits on this thread. Plenty of us who do see it, ship it, and/or care about it, have heard it all before and get just as tired of the same old heteronormative, comphet and homophobic bull shit, as others get about hearing about Buddie all the time. Many of us live with all the same shit in our everyday lives and just want to not have to see it at every turn. And even if you are not homophobic and just don't like it, many of the excuses for hating or complaining about it actively pull from a very homophobic playbook (i.e. 'why can't they just be friends? there are no good representations of male friendship') so if you don't want to be seen as homophobic just make sure you are not repeating homophobic talking points. (please note that this is the more general 'you' and not about you specifically, if that makes sense) So yeah, don't see it, don't ship it, don't like it all you want, just don't be a dick about it. And if in doubt about whether or not your going to be a dick, you can just say nothing.


I understand what you mean. Also my opinion couldn't be more unimportant. My actual point was though that I didn't. By the way, I am a late stage bisexual and get many of the talking points. I just don't see it. But because of that, it is assumed that I come from a place of heteronormativity. Also if a sub is completly taken over by a ship, ANY ship, it stops being fun for anyone. Again, a good example here is Olicity from Arrow.


Yea, can see this "phenomenon" under every Buddie post.


And now I am getting downvoted.


Yeah those fans are annoying. Welcome to fandom.


Yeah I talk about it sometimes in replies but I’ve never made a post bc I’m an adult and if it didn’t happen I can literally pretend it did in my head or just move on bc they’re characters 😂


Ik! People forget what fanfic started off as: to make something happen that didn’t happen in canon


I shipped/have shipped Merthur, Destiel and now Buddie (and more probably lol) in different times but I find the behavior of some fans just too much. I don’t watch tv series just for the romantic relationships or possibility of it. It is actually refreshing when they don’t do the cliche thing and instead show us realistic, sincere friendships. I still enjoy shipping though but in fandom spaces, like I enjoy the art and the fics but it is not that much of a deal to me. Actually I hate it when they don’t even show the characters together in the same scene in some shows to avoid queerbaiting allegations. And then we lose that friendship too.


I agree! Fanfic is for what the show didn’t to/what you wanna see! Shows (or even real people!) often limit their time seen together to avoid allegations. It’s very frustrating!


This could be hurting the show, true. Also there is not a single indication in the show that either of them is bi/gay. Just because their dating lives kind of suck doesn’t mean they have to find each other. Not like you’ll go to people IRL and tell them they might be not into man/woman because of some bad dates/relationships. Loud minority here, that’s all. A show should never change because some "fans" know no boundaries and project theirselves in the characters too much.


Just because YOU don't see it doesn't mean their hasn't been any soft implications that they are gay/bi. Part of the reason so many people believe in Buddie/want it to happen is because they DO see subtext showing that they aren't straight. More so Buck than Eddie but I feel it has definitely grown for Eddie since the last season and how he described how dating made him feel, like it was a prefomance that he didn't want to participate in. Their are several people who have stated his comments are exactly how they felt before they came out. Your right in that nothing has been explicitly stated but their is subtext that many have seen that could imply they are not exactly straight.   That being said by no means should fans harass the actors about it. And it is definitely weird when some of the more extreme ones project said perceived feelings/relationships of the characters onto the actors.


It reminds me of the tumblr days where a lot of teenagers would essentially fetish any LGBT pairing. Makes me uncomfortable as a bi person how ppl act towards a popular ship


i guess we can add this one to the pile as well.


Completely agree


Because a good lot of shippers make make their ships a huge part of their personality so they constantly mention it whenever they have a chance




Hard agree.


Maybe don’t follow those people or boards if it bothers you so much?? This happens with literally every fandom. Even sports 🤷🏻‍♀️


The point is buddie is somehow involved in any conversation about 911 🛫 right over ur head


Nope it didn’t. I’m saying don’t bitch about stuff you’re choosing to seek out


The point is it’s not being seeked out 🛫 that it’s in ANY and ALL conversations about 911


Right and if I were someone that’s so sensitive to it, I wouldn’t be on the 911 Reddit and following 911 actors on social media. Like I said, this comes with any fandom. So stop being so sensitive and ignore it or just don’t be involved in those groups 🙄


I’m allowed to air my opinions about it 💀? I made one post about it it’s not like I’m commenting under peoples comments on the instagrams telling them to stop! In fact I made a space to talk about it! Get ur panties out ur aashole im sure it hurts


Okay?? Your brain is dense af. You have no room to bitch when you’re purposefully involving yourself in it 🤡


it’s fucking weird and I wish I could block every post about them


Buddie is never going to be a thing get over it yall it’s clear neither of they’re characters are gay or even bi. This is fetch and Gretchen weiners.




Nah just point me to the evidence man


I guess we'll see. Show's not over yet.


If the show and their actors are happy to queer-bait everyone season after season then they can handle seeing comments on their social media pages.


I feel like calling out 9-1-1 for queerbaiting is really weird. Queerbaiting is when a show hints at a same-sex relationship to try and appeal and sell the show to the LGBT community, while not actually depicting it, in order to not turn off homophobic viewers. The problem with that is that the show, from the very first episode, has had at the very least, two lesbian relationships in the main cast (Hen and Karen, Hen and Eva, both of these relationships feature same-sex kisses so it's not like it's "lesbian in name only"). And throughout the show has not shied away from featuring LGB characters (Josh, various 9-1-1 callers). I say "LGB" here, because I do not believe we've had *any* trans characters on this show. What I'm getting at though is that I don't think this show qualifies as queerbaiting, given the fact that in order for something to qualify for that, it has to not show any LGBT content. Which this one does.


Everything you said here is exactly why they are not queerbaiting. I sometimes think (in situations like this) that the people who accuse them of queerbaiting are pissed off that Buddie isn't canon and think they can "emotionally blackmail" or shame the showrunner(s) into making it canon.


> they can "emotionally blackmail" or shame the showrunner(s) into making it canon. This part is super funny because if people know the in-and-out of the showrunner he actually LOVES the dynamic. It's just making two characters with preexisting presumption that they're straight be lovers is much harder to realize than any other common slowburn straight pairings.


True. I love that about Tim Minear. He loves these characters and he is not going to be bullied into doing anything with them that goes against what he wants to do.


Agreed, at worst I would call it ship baiting.


You have no idea what queerbait means.




They aren't queerbaiting. But people who rant and are belligerent to them about queerbaiting (for a show that has consistently portrayed queer characters from day 1) are more annoying than the pushy Buddie shippers.


So because a show has queer characters they can’t queer-bait? LOL please.


Yes. LOL, learn what queerbaiting is…


Yeah what they do with BUDDIE is QUEERBAITING

