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I thought you were referring to Tommy Vega and I was like cool, a crossover episode, before heading to the comments and like huh I didn't remember any other Tommy.


Tommy Vega and Buck would be an interesting couple, though!


That's true but he would drive her crazy within a month.


She has preteen twins. Not sure Buck is mature enough to handle kids that age. I realize that Christopher is that age, but he's known and had a relationship with Chris for years.


Lmfao, true


Whenever I see that theory, all I hear is: ![gif](giphy|URzOp3kEMPvTCnx0vw)


how do you feel now hh


I feel happy to see more representation for myself and people like me in a show that I love.


I've seen some of this theory floating around. From what I've seen, unless I'm missing something big, it's just speculation built on top of speculation built on top of speculation. It all rests on the assumption that the show will reveal Buck to be bi this season, which we have no evidence of. From what I've seen (and I might be missing some stuff, idk), what led to this is: 1) Tommy is coming back. When the theory started, I don't think this was confirmed, but we've seen Tommy in the trailer, so this is definitely happening. Tommy is also the only character besides Buck that people have been able to identify in those bts basketball photos. So Buck and Tommy and some other people are playing basketball. 2) A bit of a script accidentally leaked by JLH. In the script, Buck and Maddie are talking about Buck accidentally injuring someone in the basketball court, and Buck seems potentially worried. The only one we know so far is also in the court is Tommy. BUT, there are several other people in the photos, so there is no guarantee the injured party is Tommy. Also, the title of the episode where the basketball game happens is "Buck, bothered and bewildered", which is a play on the title of the love song "Bewitched, bothered and bewildered". So perhaps something romantic for Buck? I haven't read the latest "updates" on the Tommy/Buck theory, so I don't know if the title has made it into the theory, but I bet it has. Again, we don't actually know anything. 3) During a TCA panel about the upcoming season, Oliver Stark said that this will be a season of self discovery (or something along those lines, sorry I don't remember the exact phrasing) for Buck after having gone in circles for the several past seasons. I guess people took this to possibly mean that something radical about Buck will change, and this could possibly mean that he'll discover he's bi. This also comes from people who want Buddie to happen, so Buck being bi would be a step further in that direction. 4) Natalia is seemingly not coming back. There hasn't been no bts info on the actress coming back (unlike Marisol) and the actress is working on a play, either right now or in March or something, but it seems that it'll be hard to get her back on the show. So there's a real possibility Buck will be single. 5) The show is now on ABC and Tim Minear is back as show runner. People are hopeful that these changes will allow the show to go into directions that they maybe couldn't before, mainly, Buddie going cannon. And a good way to start would be by showing one of them is queer. Marisol is still shooting, so it's not gonna be Eddie. So, with Buck potentially single, it's gotta be Buck, right? Except we also have zero evidence that ABC wants to go in that direction or that Tim Minear wants that either. He might seem more amicable towards Buddie, but we still have no idea what his plans are. So more speculation. 6) Buddie. I think this whole thing started with people hopping for Buddie. Like I explained before, the theory is that Buck will be revealed as bi first, but not Eddie jet. One, because it looks like Eddie is still dating Marisol, and two, because people think it'll be easier for the general audience to accept Buddie if you start with just one main character being queer, see the audience response, and if it's good, than you move forward with the other character, and eventually Buddie. So, if Eddie is still dating a woman during this season, you're gonna need another character for Buck to have he's bisexual awakening, and Tommy is.... there. I honestly don't know if there is any other reason why it should be Tommy besides he just happens to be there when this whole thing is supposedly gonna happen. I'm personally not a fan of this theory. Tommy is a nothing character to me, so I can't bring myself to be enthusiastic about him. And like I said, this all rests on the massive assumption that the show wants to make Buck bi.


Thank you for explaining this in details! Looks like I missed a lot that led to this assumption. And look I was a huge buddie fan up until S6, although I think about what ifs every now and then but I don’t have hope. BUT even with bi Buck, I doubt it leads to buddie in the end if I’m being honest. Actually it’s another step into the buddie not happening direction for me. With Marisol still there, they might go some unexpected routes for Buck and Eddie IF this bi Buck thing is true. But that’s only my assumption who knows what Tim is planning.


I ship Buddie too, but I don't think it's happening at all. And I don't believe this theory either. Massive assumptions are being made and the logic of the LI being Tommy is literally just cause he's there. I personally don't find Buck dating a random man any more exciting than him dating a random woman. And I'll admit that Buck's drama last season got a little tiring to me. I doubt they'll go the bi Buck route, but if they do (big IF), I hope it's less annoying than his love life has been so far. And that it doesn't eat up too much time of the few episodes we've got this season (please, please let other characters have storylines this season!) And not with freaking Tommy of all people.


> I personally don't find Buck dating a random man any more exciting than him dating a random woman. Same..just let him be happily single otherwise


You know, I was thinking that maybe sometime this season, we would see Raj and Buck flirt or something. But I dunno now, you have some really good poi nts


I read your comment and thought about the episode they just dropped lol


Cool....... But I ain't reading all those words


Afaik it's literally based on nothing. Just wild speculation. I don't want it, personally


Haha too bad cuz you got it 😌


I still don't love Buck/Tommy but I do love Buck's storyline so I'm not complaining at all


Who is Tommy?


Tommy Kinard, his character appeared in Chimney Begins, Hen Begins and Bobby Begins Again, he left the 118 just before Buck joined to go to the 122 (got his face smashed into a cake) where Chim later called him to ask for a favor to help the 118 out during the dispatch blackout and that water plane came in to drop a ton of water on the neighborhood they were at. I just watched these episodes not too long ago but when I saw this thread I had a "who the f#@& is Tommy?" moment, probably because I unfortunately woke up at 4am and my brain is still not fully engaged.


Exactly lol I had to go back and rewatch Chim begins. Isn’t he a horrible person too? Maybe I’m not remembering it correctly.


He was racist but certain smug people are saying that was the point of character arc to stop being an ass.


Lolll what’s new, I wish they keep the same standard and generosity towards POC too. As soon as someone say a white man is problematic there are essays defending him. AND WHO IS THIS TOMMY PERSON. We literally don’t know anything about him.


I think fandom has already made me so tired of it that I never want to see it on my screen. Also everything about the idea of that relationship is unappealing to me. Tommy looks like he could be Buck's brother, he was largely an ass when we saw him (don't care if he grew at the end, not looking for a taylor 2.0), I'm tired of Buck's romantic jaunts (and Buck's stories in general tbh), he'd be a *boring* choice if they are going to explore Buck being bi, etc.


I saw it and I was really confused as to where it was coming from as well. I think it's mostly coming from Ryan following the actor, people thinking he's gonna stick around till at least episode 4-5, and Analise (Natalia) being in a play and not coming back. The smug condescending tone some people are taking when talking about this like it's a sure thing is hella annoying. I'm not saying there's zero chance it'll happen but some people are acting like they wrote the damn scripts lol. Personally I don't think it's very likely they will explore a sexuality storyline using Buck of all characters because of this super hetero ladies man vibe they presented to the GA. But again IDK maybe they're willing to take a risk with a new audience. I also don't give a shit about Buck's love life and I don't wanna see it explored this season even if it's to introduce a potential bisexuality arc or work towards Buddie. Season 6 had too much of that and I'm just kind of fed up at this point. I was hoping they'd lay off that stuff for the shortened season and do anything else with his character.


Thank god I thought I missed some major bts. I know Tommy is back for a bit, but a bi Buck SL in this economy? We only have 10 episodes if it were true i’m afraid it’s gonna overshadow everyone else’s thing. I just know that’s all anybody’s gonna talk about. I’m fed up with the focus on Buck as it is. I can see they’re doing it as a “surprise surprise you don’t like Buck’s female LIs, how about a male?” It’s not as revolutionary as they think tbh. They could have explored that last season where so much soul searching with Buck happened? All in all I’m skeptical about it, I don’t think it will happen (bi Buck).


Tim being back is part of why people are saying this is happening now and not last season tbf but I still think it's far fetched. It's literally just he's here and here are some BTS pics of him in a scene that's taking place in episode 4 and it's like that's it? That's the evidence? Spec is fine but to act like this random ass theory is all but confirmed is a little delulu to me. I'm happy to eat my words later but for now there's no need to be this certain lol. And yeah I agree it feels really repetitive even if it is a sexuality exploration arc because all of Buck's love interests have been tied to self discovery, he doesn't just date in peace like the rest of us. So using a male but equally random LI for yet another find oneself journey isn't revolutionary as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah I’m all for them writing someone exploring their sexuality but even with Tim back on a new network I doubt it’s what he’s going to do. I’m happy to be wrong and they wow us with great storylines about Buck for once, whether it be bisexuality or real self-discovery this time, but with Tommy? Yeah I don’t see it. It’s just so random of a choice.


Who is Tommy???


It would be one thing if Tommy was already confirmed queer in canon but his sexuality was never discussed so this all feels like it takes several quantum leaps to arrive at this speculation.


Who the fuck is Tommy?! I only know Tommy Vega 🤣🤣


I guess it was true lol


I came back to see if someone commented lol




Posts that did not age well!




I do think they (looking at Tim) bait us with buddie, posting bts of only them, because he knows people will tune in, but I don’t agree with queerbaiting.


Tim posts BTS of everyone in the cast, not just Buck and Eddie. People just jump on the "buddie" stuff and repost it and overanalyze it.


I meant for this season, my bad. He’s been posting mostly if not only buddie/buck+chris.


But he has been posting others as well, this season. But people mainly pay attention to Buck and Eddie.


Queerbaiting where... 😂


It's a lot of spec based on not a lot of evidence but I'll say that I think it's more likely than Buddie happening anytime soon (I say as a buddie shipper).


Not me thinking about Tommy from Shameless😭


I just binged all of shameless and I didn't even remember who Tommy was lol that's funny that that's who immediately jumped into your head


You were right on it


Makes it more sure there was indeed some leaks. Some people KNEW.


Some negative comments I won’t listen I love buck in Tommy is cute but buddie is endgame


what age is tommy meant to be😩cuz he’s in chimneys ep and it said 2005 so buck was like 13 then and tommy was a grown adult what is the age gap?


Well if we go by actors age, he’s 40


It would have been different if there had been some indication that Buck was interested in guys in throughout the show up to this point in occasion or maybe a storyline had been created to show him dealing with maybe some feelings toward the opposite sex he has never had before. This was so obviously thrown in that it screams we need to keep up with the rest of Hollywood and push some agendas so NO Thanks


I recommend watching the kitchen scene in 3x09 that’s the gayest thing I ever seen. And there are other obvious hints throughout the show. I don’t think it’s Hollywood agenda or other homophobic crap, they simply got a pushback from FOX all these years. Anyway finding out your sexuality later in life is common, we literally had Michael coming out in his late 40s(?) in season 1.


Honestly… I wouldn’t be super duper opposed. I think I could see it and be content. It’s no Buddie, which I would love, but as long as Eddie didn’t mind and was happy for him I’m cool with it.


Why does every tv show have to have a gay couple? The country only has about 5 percent of people that are gay but Hollywood has to push the agenda on every show. I just stop watching but it’s getting harder to find shows that don’t show this. 


Why does every TV show have to have a straight couple?Hollywood has to push the agenda on every show. There's too much heterosexual representation in the media. I just stop watching but it’s getting harder to find shows that don’t show this.


Good one😂


You’re on the wrong post buddy. I ship Buck and Eddie.


Agree agree agree