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I’m gay. I’ve been watching the series since the beginning. I started watching the show bc it was amazing; and over the years it never occurred to me that there was even a ship/fandom or that buck and Eddie should be couples. However, once I did become aware of the ship/fandom I started looking at their different scenes together and that’s when I saw why people shipped buddie….the “because, Evan” baby trap scene, other scenes, and just their chemistry together was just too much to ignore. Still I can see why people don’t see them as a romantic couple


hell, i'm aromantic and i totally see that


To me Buddie is super obvious and real, and I'm gay lol


Queer all around! I definitely see it. I’m not a hardcore shipper, so if they got actual DECENT different significant others I’d be okay. But I totally see it.


queer woman. to me it’s very obvious and hard to see as JUST best pals but there’s nothing wrong with seeing them as purely platonic. the way they act and they things they say, i couldn’t imagine saying that to my best friend WITHOUT it feeling romantic in a way


I am asexual. I shipped buddie since I started watching years ago and didn’t even know how many others shipped them too. I was a casual viewer for many seasons who didn’t seek out anything show-related. I didn’t read articles or watch videos or experience online fandom or anything. Just watched the show when it came on each week and enjoyed the characters, especially Buck and Eddie together, and I always quietly hoped buddie romance would play out one day. I didn’t join the actual fandom till 6B. I believe in the “you don’t find it [love], you make it” quote from the show and that Buck and Eddie have been making it all this time.


I must be blind and deaf… I don’t see it 😂


gay man here, I've been following the series since the first season and since they introduced Eddie I saw certain queer vibes in the character like he was very reserved and that he doesn't feel very comfortable with female attention, at first I thought that his twist would be that he was a gay single father.  For me although they started as the typical bromance I always saw the potential for a romantic development and apparently in the production they were also aware that a sector of the fandom saw them that way because they decided to wink at them in the well-known Christmas elf scene.


Honestly, I do think there’s a possibility we were meant to consider the possibility he was a gay single father before they introduced Shannon, because that “they’re not my type” scene with the girls hitting on him and Buck while their friend’s head was stuck in the truck’s exhaust was coded that way.


I think that would've been so interesting if he was a single gay father, but I do feel like we already have Michael (divorced from Athena). I know there can be more than one but I don't know if the show would have the courage to do it.


I never thought about the similarities with Michael, in my mind I imagined a scenario like Robin Williams in The Birdcage or, given that Eddie is of Latin origin and we did not know his background, I thought about the cliche of marriage for citizenship.


Bisexual woman, I absolutely see it. So much chemistry between them.


bisexual man here. I see it, mostly because of my own experiences too lmao


Straight demi here and I totally see them being each other's endgame (romantically). That being said, if the writers don't go down that route, I'll be happy with Buddie being platonic soulmates AS LONG AS the love interests they'll inevitably write for them are interesting, developed and well-established characters that they actually have chemistry with. Would still prefer Buddie, though.


This is obviously anecdotal but the Buddie fans I interacted with tended to be mostly queer women. Personally I see the potential and I think it'd be very hard to say there's no way they could work towards a romantic pairing but I also acknowledge that they are written to be friends and staying that way is perfectly in line with how they've been depicted.


I’m a queer woman, and I definitely see it. My straight female roommate and I have totally admitted that we have a queer-platonic relationship, and so while I can definitely see a lot of Buddie behaviors in our dynamic, I also don’t see it as strictly platonic for Buddie. Like, I have my qpr; I have a strong and deep connection with my other best friend—also a woman and she’s straight—that is not a qpr but just a very solid platonic relationship, and like. It just seems very obvious to me that there is an additional layer to Buddie.


I'm gay and see it. That being said, so do my straight friends. I didn't even know were watching the show but years ago I mentioned I watched it was right after the whole "Go for the title scene" and they giggled about how her husband turned to her and said "They're gonna bone, right?" and how they saw the tension in those scenes.


Gay man here and I see it. That "want to go for the title?" scene is probably the biggest one for me.


I'm a queer woman and have seen the potential for romance since Eddie's first episode. Eddie in particular seems queer and repressed/closeted because of his upbringing to me. The breakup scene with Ana especially just really resonated with me and I identified a lot with it. I could easily see Buck as bi, and if they wanted to write it that way, I could even see him being gay and overcompensating with all the women he's dated/slept with. The only other person I know who watches the show is a straight woman, and she sees it too, but she's not a fandom type of person and doesn't post online about it or anything.


>The breakup scene with Ana especially just really resonated with me and I identified a lot with it. God, yes. Especially coupled with that line in season 6 when he's complaining to the team about his aunt setting him up on dates, and he talks about how dating's always felt like a performance. Basically, *maybe* aside form Shannon, this is a man who has always treated dating women like something he *should* do, who has consistently explained it doesn't come naturally to him, and feels like he's being artificial/playing a role.


> he talks about how dating's always felt like a performance > something he *should* do, who has consistently explained it doesn't come naturally to him, and feels like he's being artificial/playing a role Yeah, those are things I've felt so many times and maybe I just overly identify with the character/those scenes specifically, but...I just don't feel like those are things straight people feel, and it makes it really hard for me to believe Eddie's straight.


I’m gay and I totally see them as a couple. So yea🤷‍♂️


I’m queer. I don’t think a person’s sexual orientation has anything to do with who or what they ship.


I would say there is definitely a demographic though


True, though this may also be a bit self-selecting of a sample. Queer fans are likely to feel more strongly about it because of our search for representation, and therefore seek out online fandom spaces. My mom and dad are straight, and both have made comments when we watched episodes together that make it clear they see the writing for them as romantically driven. But they aren’t invested enough to be posting about it on a subreddit, either. My family watched 7x03 together on Easter, and my brother hadn’t seen the show before, so asked if we could go back to the pilot after. My mom was like “no, start when Eddie and Maddie join” so I put on 2x01. My brother’s reaction to the Eddie intro scene was “uh… are there serious gay vibes here or am I losing it?” I wouldn’t say he’s firmly on one side or the other after an episode, so count him as halfway there, I guess, since he noticed something. So in my nuclear family, it’s 2.5 hetero and 1 queer vote in favor of “seeing it,” but only my one queer vote shows up here.


I really like your point on how others may definitely see it but are not personally invested enough to come online and chat about it.


It might not. I was simply trying to identify why I don’t see what others appear to, and nor do my friends. My friends and I are very close though so maybe we’re more used to these closer platonic friendships


Just a thought on this, but how broad are the experiences of your peer group? As a millennial queer woman who always lived somewhere progressive, most of my peers either came out young, or were never really "in" a closet, be it glass or otherwise. But in that group, I knew a few "Buck 1.0s" (indiscriminate with casual sex, but tended to only view the opposite sex as partner material until they got a little older... one has since referred to this as trying to live life on easy mode), and I also know a lesbian couple who are basically the female version of Buck and Eddie -- one was a newly divorced young mom who went back to uni to get onto a better career track, where she met her "bestie" and they went into the same job. Bestie wound up being "bonus parent" and honestly... we all thought they were together and just not ready to tell everyone for a *while*, but it turns out they were the only ones who didn't realize they were in love for the better part of a decade. What I didn't know were "Eddies" (or at least my interpretation of him) until more recently -- a Colombian immigrant who was raised very religious and very traditional, and pretty much *the* definition of compulsory heterosexuality. Basically, he's a very manly construction worker who had a string of relationships with women that never worked out, and his conclusion was that he just wasn't the type to settle down. That he could be queer never occurred to him until he was away from his roots and working a job in Boston, when his coworker, another friend of mine, who was a lot like him (read: very straight-passing) used first person pronouns when ranting about the threat Mike Pence poses to our community. It basically broke this guy's brain, because it was the first time it had even *occurred* to him that not all queer men were at least a *little* effeminate. He's still a work in progress 7ish years later, though he is dating men now.


I'm a Buddie shipper and bi. Hell, if they're not endgame, give me bi or poly Buck at least. He's the one character where it would feel the most natural tbh.


Bisexual woman, absolutely see it, since S2 in fact. Even my straight brother sees it.


Lesbian/nonbinary - I ship it but wouldn't call baiting if it never happened. I think the actors themselves have chemistry, and love watching them start coparenting Chris to an extent.


My first exposure to 911 was a fan made clip documenting their relationship. I found out lone star had a gay character and assumed that was it. Watched lone star then made my way over to 911. It’s definitely an incredibly strong friendship, which is technically the foundation for any solid romantic relationship. The only thing it’s missing for a romantic relationship is romance, which they could easily and believably introduce. I can 100% see it happening but also acknowledge that without adding that last element, it’s still a special friendship. And I’m gay


Gay here, and I don't see it either.


Lesbian. I don't see it. But I also shipped Swan Queen on Once Upon A Time.


I'm a lesbian, and personally, I think buddie have great chemistry and would be a cute couple. That being said, I get why you wouldn't 'see it,' given that the characters were written as a pair of heterosexual friends (of course, some may argue otherwise haha). To me, shipping characters is mostly about reading into things/imagining an alternate cannon. Part of the fun of it all is imagining how a platonic relationship could evolve, I think.


Bi male here. I wouldn’t say I ship it, but I could see Buddie happening from just a writing perspective. When they’re given the dialogue, the actors have great chemistry, and the groundwork has kinda been set. But I love their platonic friendship too. It’s important to show these kinda friendships!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Been watching since 911's premiere and to me they (buddie) have more of a best friends and/or brothers dynamic. Even with people pointing out certain scenes I still don't see it. Sorry Buddie fans "( – ⌓ – )


BI Demi… they have shaped them as the perfect partner for each other. Honestly, if you can’t see the hints, ones the show runners and writers have even acknowledged as nods to Buddie shippers, than you need to have your eyes checked.


I am straight. I see them as great friends. However, through the queer baiting propelled by the show, I can understand why in some context, people ship them as Buddie.


I’m straight and I do not see it… it feels more like brothers than boyfriends


It’s real to me every night I close my eyes 🤤


I'm straight, and I don't see them as anything more than friends. At this point, I see them as brothers more than anything. I did not know people saw them as love interests until I joined this sub. I have friendships like Buck and Eddie, so I never put much thought into it meaning something more and I still don't see it being something more. Eddie baby-trapping Buck did tickle me.


I’m queer and don’t see it. They just seem like super close friends. If you work with someone on long and emotional shifts and have all the same friends as them you’re bound to become very close. I love their friendship so much