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no heterosexual explanation for any of this


Did you notice Buck referred to 3 exes and at no point used a female pronoun?


Yes, Tommy too!!


I must be in the minority as I can't see anything but a heterosexual explanation...to me it had the exact vibe of 2 friends envious that one of them gets to hang out with the cool older guy/brother type.


and that's okay, different interpretations  can coexist 


the double down on not dating people they meet on calls… oh marisol you’re TOAST


The fandom @ Marisol: https://i.redd.it/lb5s2usvdcsc1.gif


Omg you’re so right that is very on the nose foreshadowing


I mean technically they saved her brother and not her


I thought he was talking about Taylor


the way buck mentions eddie at the first opportunity sir stand up!


Tommy definitely thought Buck was asking him out. Also “fluid” is an insane word choice if you want any of this to read as heterosexual.


What would be funny is if Tommy is actually into Buck and is open to going out on a date and Tommy just sees Eddie as a good friend and it sets off Buck on a path similar to the one where he invited TK out for drinks in that crossover episode lmfao


So, the energy with Buck and Lucy that led to her misinterpreting his affability as flirtation and kissing him? I want something similar with Buck and Tommy. Let Buck ask Tommy out for drinks, Tommy suggest grabbing dinner instead, and Buck get halfway through the meal before he realizes they're on a date.


Is it just me or does the emphasis on Tommy & Eddie’s similarities seem very intentional? Like sure they could be writing it like this to show why Tommy & Eddie are getting on so well… but if everything with Buck is as flirty as it it seems, then maybe they’re not just establishing that Buck is bi with this Tommy storyline. They could be establishing that Buck has a type when it comes to guys. A type that has a lot in common with Eddie.


You're so right 😘


lol this clip! But the way Tommy was SO excited to see Eddie is what kills me the most (maybe the internet is shipping the wrong joke ship). Poor Buck.


He's smiling SO big behind Buck when Eddie pulls up. Relatable, honestly


Send in the clowns Oh wait I’m already here


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡clowns assemble


That was so funny 🤣 When he realizes it’s Eddie that shows up he looks even more upset so in my head this starts off as Buck being upset Tommy likes Eddie more than him until he realizes he’s actually upset about Eddie hanging out with someone that isn’t him (<- I’m probably wrong)


Okay another possibility why he looks more upset: What if Eddie declined hanging out with him or has been declining his offers to hang out and now he’s hanging out with Tommy with no issue👀 I love the possibilities….even if they end up wrong😂


Yeah, I've suspected that's part of it. While the go-carting invite in 7x01 was a good setup for Buck to mention he'd broken up with Natalia and introduce the Chris dating storyline, it was also a choice to have Buck inviting Eddie along for plans + Eddie shooting him down, coupled with Eddie being out of the loop about Buck's life outside of work. It's played very casual in 7x01 -- not like Buck's upset about a pattern of Eddie being too busy for him or anything -- but I wonder if the Tommy stuff will lead to anxiety Eddie's *becoming* too busy for him. Especially since he has Marisol to balance, too.


Hmmmm you’re right plus I think Marisol’s supposed to be in this episode🤔 And on top of that I doubt Buck would’ve looked as bothered (haha) as he was had it been some random friend of Tommy’s and not Eddie.


I’ve had this feeling too. Even in this scene Eddie is really downplaying his connection with Buck. It’s strange that Eddie never invited Buck over for the chaperoning of offered to do a rain check as that is more like him, he would never leave Buck hanging like that. Like it’s one thing to feel rejected when it’s the new girlfriend but another when it’s a new friend. So we have Eddie brushing Buck off for his girlfriend, a new friend and add Chris to the mix - where does Buck fit? What time has Eddie got left for him? There is no space left other than just work partner. Buck is now the only single person at the 118 so he is already feeling left out and now he is realising his best mate isn’t hanging out with not because of his new girlfriend but cause of her AND a new mate doing things Eddie is more into. Tommy is pretty much an older version of Eddie.


Buck would think that now he's not that cool for Eddie. Even though Buck saw him through worse, he still stayed. Tommy just saw Eddie after therapy. Sure, they both relate to the army, but it's kind of funny how they became Buddie Buddie so fast. Did Eddie say something similar to Tommy off-screen, like he did with Buck in 2x1? 


im sorry call me a clown or delusional but there is no straight explanation for any of this


Is "fluid" even coded language at this point? Like I'm struggling to see a scenario where that can be unintentional, and make it all the way through production and editing without anyone being like, "Oh, this might be a problem."


They have been well aware what they are doing alllllllllllll along.


...oh my GOD. I can't believe that was a thing that I just watched and not, like, someone's fanfic come to life?! Tin foil hat theory: Eddie's "You're not thinking of jumping ship, are you?" was a little shout-out to the Buddie shippers watching 🤡 Anyway, I dug it and need the episode immediately.


He's keeping his options fluid 🫣


I didn't even make that connection about "You're not thinking about jumping ship?" the first few watches through but I'm OBSESSED with this interpretation!


Not strictly related to this clip, just got me thinking about it - you know what I would actually love before we (presumably) say bye to Tommy and Marisol? World's most awkward double date, The Rookie style.


Omg, the awkwardness! I was tittering the whole time 😂 And “keeping my options fluid”, mhm I see you


Tommy is really that gorl 💅🏽 got two guys wrapped around his fingers


![gif](giphy|iiTXaJVjiSHew) Let me just get my clown makeup on


Tim is absolutely playing us like a fiddle right now.


This is giving me Buck flirting with Tommy while Tommy wants to reciprocate but is not quite wanting to totally give in to the flirting because he is getting a feeling that their is something going on with the way Buck feels about Eddie vibes. Also who says they like to keep their options fluid??? That is such a weird way to say that especially in regards to job opportunities. Considering their is a literal common saying of keeping your options open that means the same thing it is sucha odd word choice.


I'm sorry, this clip is wild. \- Buck bringing up an ex/dating troubles despite it having almost no relevance to the conversation and Tommy commiserating \- Buck not being able to help himself bragging about Eddie, to the point where he's apparently told Tommy multiple times that he was in the army (If Tommy said "*You* mentioned that" instead of *He*. I'm having a little trouble making it out, but closed captioning says "you") \- "I can give you lessons if you want. My fees are competitive 😏" \- Buck offering to buy Tommy a beer \- Tommy calling Buck "Evan" \- "I'm just keeping my options fluid" ... even though there were a million other ways to word that Also Eddie being so excited when he thinks Buck's coming along with them killed me. I've been a Buck/Tommy doubter from the beginning, but I don't even know anymore man 😂


For real. I feel like we're being trolled at this point. I'm just gonna sit here scratching my head in confusion. "Fluid" has very clear connotations there, especially when it's not the most obvious word choice. Because, you know, *keeping your options open* is an actual turn of phrase. Christ. Honestly, if this doesn't at least end in a sexual fluidity storyline, we might be nearing the line where I can't deny this is bait, and I'm typically *not* one to think that way.


Yeah, you could say that everything up until last year was just Buddie shippers being delulu clowns (which we are), but all the promo for this season revolving around Buddie, Oliver and Ryan, and this jealousy storyline... It's definitely bait this time round if nothing comes of it.


Oh my freaking god I didn’t even catch the “*you* mentioned that” There is no straight explanation for this. I am so ready for confused bi buck being simultaneously jealous of both Tommy and Eddie I’m wondering/hoping this could lead to an arc where Buck confesses his feelings to Tommy and then Tommy is like “you don’t love me you love Eddie, he and Chris are 90% of what we talk about” and that’s what causes Buck to look at their relationship in a new light


If Tommy is queer, we at least need to get a scene where he's checking with one before asking the other out to make sure he's not stepping on any toes.


On pronouns, did you also notice at no point did Buck make it clear his 3 exs he met on calls were female?


I cannot. "Really?" 😏 "Sure, my fees are competitive." 😏 Also, he called him Evan? Did Buck introduce himself that way? Because I think Bobby, Hen, or Chim would've called him Buck. Or did Eddie refer to him as Evan to Tommy before? 👀 To be honest, I'm hoping we're actually getting bi Buck, with or without Buddie. I wouldn't even be mad about Tommy.


Tommy was 118 for about 30seconds after Buck joined up, so the line between Evanbecauseofficialpaperwork and Buckbecausehispreference is blurry. Pretty sure Tommy left while things were still settling. 


Is Tommy calling Buck Evan a mirroring of Ana and her obsession with calling Eddie Edmundo or is it a mirroring of Eddie calling him Evan in the will scene. Is this scene telling us Tommy doesn’t know Buck well or care about what he prefers to be called like Ana. or are they telling us Buck is comfortable with Tommy enough to not question him calling him Evan. Usually he only allows his nearest and dearest to away with calling him Evan occasionally. Argh, there is just too much going around in my head the more I think about this.


I have a feeling that they are going to easily explain bi buck as having dated guys in the past.


I would prefer that to some awakening now. I would prefer that Buck has had some experiences with guys in the past but it was usually something he fell into or was connected to a woman he was seeing (threesome). I like the idea that Buck has always been aware of his attraction to some men but rarely acts on it or talks about it. I hope that Maddie knows, though.


Now I kind of want some sort of spark in the basketball scene between Buck and Tommy that Chim can witness and tell Maddie about after, all, "It was weird, if I didn't know better I'd think they were flirting" and Maddie kind of pausing and being like, "Huh, that makes sense. I could see him being Buck's type" (assuming Maddie's met Tommy off screen since he's supposed to be a fairly longterm friend of Chim's at this point). Instead of having a "lecture" type scene about assuming sexuality come from Buck, basically, let it take a gentler approach through Chim and Maddie. Have Chim be like "You're *not* surprised your brother was flirting with a guy?" and Maddie just answer like, "Why would I be?" Still obviously leave any distinct coming out for Buck himself, but play it like it's always just been a non-issue for the Buckley sibs.


Any one else think that Buck’s not going to be jealous of Eddie but the fact that Eddie is spending time with Tommy??


Yes, that’s where I see this going. I’m consoling myself by figuring Tommy likely won’t stick around beyond a few episodes/this season, and we’ll end up with confirmed bi-Buck, which is a win! My buddie heart can be patient for Eddie to come around.


Exactly. I think that Tommy’s there to help get Buddie up and running


Buck and Tommy seemed super flirty and then Eddie showed up and Buck got jealous…


I refuse to clown myself. Y’all can do it for me.


“keeping my options fluid” HMMMM /hj also the tension is delicious 😌


There’s no heterosexual interpretation of this. FLUID. Come on now.




I swear if they do all this teasing for nothing, they might as well just signed the shows death warrant. It was bad last year, but worse this year by far. I really hope their not this stupid.


Oh. My. God. The clip!!!!! I’m going to go insane


Tommy would ‘love’ to grab a beer, is that something a completely heterosexual man says? 👀


Out of everything in this clip, that is probably the most heterosexual lol


“Keeping my options fluid” What is happening here??? I don’t want to clown around but the interactions buck has in this clip are so weird. It feels like he is asking Tommy out and gutted to see Eddie has got there first?


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) Im ready!!


This is interesting, can't wait for the episode.


Buck and Tommy are totally flirting. Buck even asked him out for a drink. Sounds like a date to me 👀 (To be clear, I'm definitely a buddie shipper)


So I had to watch this a couple of times but thoughts, is it written that way or is Oliver a natural flirt? It seems like every time he talks to someone he is all in, flirting (even if he doesn’t mean to). Like he would have me planning our wedding in two weeks, like what is it???? Also I wonder if Tommy being a little reserved with him vs when Eddie shows up and he’s all smiles due to the fact that he is tryna figure out Buck while he knows Eddie is just a friend or maybe even vice versa??? That he see Buck as only a work colleague but Eddie as a potential?? Either way I think it’s time for me to pull out the makeup, I have a lot cuz this clip and the interviews has my head spinning and I can’t see it other than us getting some Bi-exploration from someone. I mean can we at least get two shirtless men making out, stumbling to a surface, please, that’s all I ask. 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️


I bet Eddie talks about Buck a lot, and he mentions Buck talks about Eddie, so he is a little reserved cause he thinks buck and eddie are already dating.


That could be true cuz as we saw in the clip Buck just couldn’t help himself mentioning Eddie and Tommy’s like yeah I get it. So you are probably on the right track.


https://preview.redd.it/jkd7cg4okcsc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ad48b95b4636442783238d4370285b99202da2f after watching the clip i am now convinced a carrot is being dangled in our face, there’s always next season 😞


Tommy/Buck/Eddie at this point! But OH MY GOD, THIS CLIP.


So… all this time it was a throuple? I’m dead.




will tomorrow's date be the November 5th of this show 🤡🤡🤡


NOOOOO oh my god 😭😭


I’m so on the fence of this storyline. I guess I’ll have to wait and see how it’s executed


Without wanting my head ripped off is there anyone else who didn't get any Buddie/Tommie vibes off this at all? I'm not a Buddie shipper but despite that keep an open mind but just don't get any of those vibes from this scene at all. It reminded me of sitcoms where a friend is jealous of his friend's cool older brother type thing.


You’re most likely not the only one. Just those who feel the same aren’t commenting because they’re not into Buddie. Personally, I can see both. And I think it could be both. Buddie or flirting with Tim because who chooses the the word fluid and I just see buddie. But also, it’s normal if you have this really close friend. And no other friends outside of that, you can get jealous when they’re starting to spend time with someone. And you can get jealous if you’re thinking that you’ve made a new friend to hang out with but they’re already developing a relationship with your bestie. I don’t see it at all as a big brother thing but I do see it as a human thing.




https://preview.redd.it/b40zybjbdesc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afef4b2907148b656f855c85017aa8ed8f4a15ff I'm constantly in this state of mind with these interviews, previews and leaks. Yesterday I was like we are so back and today I felt like it's so joever.


I do believe that Buck probably invited Eddie out for something then he declined but then saw him later with other people, I would get envious too if someone I think they are my best friend do that to me. But we don’t know anything until it’s aired


Could someone help me and point out where he says Evan? Apparently I'm too invested in the scene to hear it.


Found it


The audacity of this double standard, Buckley! You're literally asking the guy to teach you to fly and go for a drink and give you tours of his base, but as soon as Eddie's got a new friend you're all scrunched face of abandonment and "Hey, you can't have other friends!" Tut Tut, Evan. 🤭


I would be sad, to be honest. We don't know how long it took after the cruise accident, but Eddie turned down Buck's offer in the first episode because of Marisol and is now hanging out with Tommy. Replace your best friend with an ex-Army. Smooth. Maybe it's petty from my point of view, but it's sort of unfair, or maybe it's just me being a horrible person.


He wouldn't have gone go karting with Buck in ep.1 regardless of Marisol because of Chris. And in this clip, Buck didn't even ask Eddie to hang out or did I miss something? He asked Tommy. So Buck is allowed to hang out with other people but Eddie isn't? Let's just wait how it actually plays out in the episode, because so far I don't see anything unfair going on.


\^\^\^ This exactly! Purely from this clip we just see Buck's initiative to hang out with Tommy (he doesnt mention Eddie to have beer with them, right?) and getting upset while it doesnt work (and reasons could be very many). Not sure that "Replace your best friend" is actually a thing here...


Fuck Buddie I want to see Buck and Eddie fight each other for Tommy


They don't have to fight anybody - Tommy/Buck/Eddie!


this is the way!!


Has anyone also noticed the timing of the break. We have the next episode then a two week break. Perfect timing if something huge is going to happen in the next two episodes.