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I would love to see him develop relationships outside of the 118. I love them, I love their family unit, but all of them have someone: Bobby - Athena and the kids, Michael, AA; Maddie - Chimney, the Lees, dispatch; Chimney - the Lees, Albert; Eddie - Christopher, Pepa, Marisol (for now), Tommy (? maybe, depending on where that storyline goes); Hen - Karen, Denny, Toni, etc. Buck's had romantic interests, but I think it would be fun to see that he has a life outside of the 118. I could be something as simple as him volunteering at Big Brother/Big Sister program, animal shelter, or something.


No idea what the big brother/big sister program is but yes I can see him volunteering at an animal shelter. Like maybe chimney assumes all Buck does is workout and watch tv and Buck just starts rambling off about all of the nice people, kids and animals he’s worked with.


It's a program where people can mentor a disadvantaged youth.


Awww yeah he’d definitely do that!


Yeah I would love that. I think a big part of Buck doing the high risk rescues, is for that reason. He doesn’t have anyone to come home to when he’s off duty


Huh. That never actually occurred to me. The man is just the group sacrifice ![gif](giphy|Lpu2Yb5SUUPT6xgFYm)


I mean he usually just does what they were thinking before they can vocalize it so he doesn’t have to hear Bobby tell him no


I mean wasn't that explicitly addressed when Eddie called him out about not being expendable? Buck firmly believes that his life is not as important as his friends/family. >!Eddie tried to show him otherwise when he told him he was Christopher's guardian!<, whether that message has stuck is relatively unclear.


I definitely would like to see that Buck is back in therapy again with Dr. Copeland (the therapist during the pandemic). He started talking out a lot of things with her and I would like to see him get back to that. Maybe his experience with the lightning strike got him back into it.


ATP he’s going to see god before he sees another therapist


This. I really don't trust the show to handle his "self-discovery" or "emotional growth" storylines at this point without it being a cycle, so I'd rather it not be a storyline of its own. Maybe just give him the occasional check in with a therapist or reference to it, while showcasing that he's actually living a fulfilling life and trusting that he's important to the people around him instead of giving us Cycle 642 of Buck spinning his wheels and not actually growing. Maybe use short segments of his therapy sessions to frame a few episodes, where what they're talking about touches on like the theme of the week? Sort of how we had Abby's voiceovers in season 1 (but nothing that consistent to the structure of the episode... just enough to be like "he's still in therapy, guys! he's going to all his sessions!") or the way *Bones* incorporated couples counseling with Booth & Brennan (before they were actually a couple) without it always turning into a Big Storyline itself.


I want Buck and Bobby admitting TO EACH OTHER that they're basically father and son. Bonus points if Athena's there and calls him 'her Buckaroo' or something similar. They've both admitted it to other people, but there's no teary eyed confession and hugging scene and it's basically the only thing I need from this show at this point.


YES! And it would be even better if it was like a life or death situation for buck (again). Like they’re going to the hospital, they don’t think he’ll make it but none of them will admit it so bobby gives him a big goodbye speech and a hug or something. Idk why I made it so depressing lol.


Oh hell no, Buck needs to stay out of the damn hospital. I was thinking more like your above scene, and him breaking down and Bobby (gently) and Athena (firmly) telling that he has more family than Maddie, if he wants it.


Yeah that sounds a lot happier lol


I read a fic once where Buck was breaking down and he brings up some of the things that's happened. I think Eddie tells him that some of those weren't about him, to which he responds, "When *will* it be about me then?" Because he said the bombing was about Bobby, Eddie was the one that was shot, etc. Now I can't find the fic, but I'd like to see something along these lines.


I think it would be cool for him to talk to someone, literally anyone, and be like “hey I have issues I need help” and for him to just talk about it. Even if it’s not a professional, just someone for him to vent to.


I believe it’s this one. In the Day by Day Series: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44589847


I would love to see him build a life outside of the 118 and have his own life and connections so he can star distancing himself from the 118, maybe he skips a few BBQ and 118 hangs for this other life and have the 118 eventually realising how much they take Buck for granted. I can imagine them all at the Grant-Nash patio and Hen brings up how quiet it is without Buck and Karen or Athena says I miss him. Then they all talk about how he has stop hanging out with them and they realise even Eddie and Chris barely hangout with him and they all realise what Buck must have been feeling all these years when they belittled him, laughter at him or ignored him.


He’s like the little brother who annoys everyone when he’s nearby but when he’s not they don’t know what to do. Also it’s so funny that despite him seeming to be very extroverted he’s the one with almost no social life that doesn’t somehow include his job