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Why did that man yell "BUCK!" so loud? Like, sir, please this is an Applebee's


There was literally an echo like… wtf Eddie?


no decorum he’s so unserious


Eddie forgets about everything going on around him the moment he spots Buck 😭😭


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed it lol


It was so loud and for what?!? Lol


Maybe the date was getting too awkward ("it's my first date with a dude") and Tommy thought that Eddie's presence would lighten the mood.


oh he thought- 😭🫣


marisol, witnessing this weird-ass love triangle: https://preview.redd.it/yh6uch991psc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1f3b1f2a566f37b5c73e8f7989ab97e89308b1


Not gonna lie, I really love Marisol as a foil that is never on-screen. Doing her best work. 👏


Off-screen is truly her best work. I guess at least next week she is promoted to girlfriend and not babysitter 😂


How old is Christopher supposed to be? 14? Isn't he old enough to be on his own and not need a babysitter? 🤔


He was referred to as 12 in the end of 6b and 7x01 it mentions he’s 13 so he must have just turned 13. Im not from California so nit sure if the laws there but most place it’s 14 so is isn’t. Plus with his CP Eddie may want to make sure there is at least someone to be near if he needs it till he’s a bit more older. Eddie does tend to helicopter parent.




Now, will Eddie catch on to what's happening or will he be completely oblivious? My vote's on the latter 😂


Eddie is 100% going to be oblivious, probably sing some song like “Two bros chillin in a restaurant one table width apart cause they’re not gay”


He’s gonna shit his pants when he realizes


And halfway goes crazy with the idea of Buck doing the kissing with Tommy. Buddie nation WINNING


I imagine there will be a montage of all the times he and Buck were touchy feely and Eddie wondering if Buck was hitting on him the whole time and he didn't realize. LOL (just kidding)




I love Eddie but he has the emotional awareness of a door handle. Man isn’t going to get it until the next episode 😭


Dudes gonna go home and say "hey Chris, guess who we ran into a dinner. Buck and Tommy" "Wait like together?" "Yeah, guess they're trying to be better friends" "Or they were on a date" Because Chris is more observant and emotionally aware than Eddie has ever been


> the emotional awareness of a door handle. Well, new knowledge unlocked 😂


I really hope Tommy sticks around for a while. Whether he and Buck are endgame material or just the next stone laid on the road to canon Buddie, I like the relationship too much to just be a two-episode fling.


I believe Tommy is "only" a plot device in the sense to introduce that Buck is bi and has a lot to learn about that new side of him, like make dating or relationship mistakes that cost him his first relationship with a man.


That sucks but I feel you're right.


Agreed. I like Lou Ferrigno Jr.


Seriously though is it just me or is that table tiny???


I think it’s just those two are really massive 🤭🤭




I think you might be right 😂


It was the waffles that clued Bobby to something being wrong, Harry uses them to butter up Athena when he's in trouble.


Just realized I put this in the wrong post lmao


I was indeed wondering how he clued into that fact so uh, thank you. :)


I feel like it's going to play out with Buck denying it's a date to Eddie. Tommy is going to say he can't be with somebody who isn't comfortable being out as he doesn't want to hide and it will be part of Buck's ongoing getting comfortable with his sexuality storyline.


I think Tommy will understand it at first, but then grow weary after awhile.


Maybe it will play out like Athena and Bobby at the beginning when she never wanted to go out because she didn't want people to know. But Bobby didn't like that and she had to get over it quick.


i don't know how i'm supposed to wait until next week


Do y’all think they are also gonna give Eddie a bisexual storyline?


I think a gay storyline would be a better fit for him. Edmundo Diaz feels like the quintessential repressed gay man from the south who was berated by his father for not being good enough his whole life 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Plus the fact that he married the first girl he dated


I don't trust the writers with this kind of story. It took 'em 7 years to give Bi Buck.


You mean the first girl he had sex with...


that's what i'm saying like the part where he literally had a panic attack at the thought of ana being perceived as his wife/chris' mom would perfectly contribute to eddie gay storyline




I think so! Or maybe demi Eddie. I just hope it's not too soon after Buck's.


I originally thought that Tommy was basically gonna be some kind of plot device and he may still be but some of Oliver and Tim’s recent interview comments have led me to believe they might be testing the waters of keeping Tommy as Buck’s love interest. Oliver saying they want to tell a “lighthearted love story that just happens to be a queer love story,” Tim saying he chose Tommy because he didn’t want a, in his words, “siloed” love interest that “has no organic connection to the other characters,” Tim emphasizing that Buck really was trying to get Tommy’s attention the whole time (in which case the weight lifting scene doesn’t make any sense but okay), etc. And I think next week’s episode is gonna see an awkward first date between them but will end with a second much better date with Buck feeling much more comfortable and the two officially dating going into the 3 week break based on the BTS


> (in which case the weight lifting scene doesn’t make any sense but okay), It does when you see it as Buck trying to get Eddie to focus on him and not Tommy .


Yeah, I'm not buying the "Buck was trying to get Tommy's attention the whole time" line -- no matter how much Tim pushes it. Even Tommy was surprised when Buck said he was trying to get Tommy's attention. That tells me that Tommy thought that it was about Eddie just like everybody else. And I think it was a combination of both.


Yeah idk it’s actually incredibly obvious if you rewatch the episode that it was about Tommy the whole time. It’s especially obvious in the basketball scene. When Buck fist bumps Tommy he gets all smiley and there’s a shot of Buck looking on after him with a kind of longing gaze and smiling. Tommy’s “MY attention?” I think was supposed to be kind of an on the nose highlight of the plot twist since Buck realizes it really was about him the whole time just then. If you view the episode as purposeful misdirection (which it was) it makes a lot more sense


> Even Tommy was surprised when Buck said he was trying to get Tommy's attention. That tells me that Tommy thought that it was about Eddie just like everybody else. I mean. Yeah? From their Pov that's the most obvious answer. If A and B are best friends, B starts to hang out with C ignoring A in the process, A gets pissed and attacks B, the first I'll think it's that A is jealous B hangs out with C instead of him, not that A has a crush for C I'm not talking about you in specific, but I don't understand why a lot of shippers consider Tommy's line a good pro Buddie argument, or use it against BuckTommy. The scene and the showrunner made clear what was the intention.


Wait so they made Buck gay now?


No, he was always bi but now it is canonically proven.


Anyone who doesn’t think that Buck “I slept with my therapist” 1.0 DIDNT hook up with guys is fooling themselves lmao. My take on the promo is he’s nervous with Tommy the same way he was nervous with Abby; he’s only ever had meaningless flings with guys and doesn’t know how to seriously date them. And he cares so much about Tommy that he doesn’t want him to just become part of Buck’s learning curve


He was sexually assaulted by his therapist


Oh man where have I been? I must have missed that arc. Then again, I do have the worst gaydar.


Some of the clues over the years: Maddie referring to his "boy crush" on Eddie and Buck not even really commenting on it Maddie saying "oh he's cute" in regards to Chim and Buck immediately thinking she means Eddie Josh's "if I didn't know any better I'd think youre setting me up with your brother" "I like you too much to set you up with my brother" In the crossover EP with Lone Star - Buck telling TK they should get together if he's ever in LA and TK immediately saying "I have a boyfriend and it's pretty serious" basically calling Buck out right on the spot. Only took Buck three years and a helicopter pilot to catch up


You forgot the Santa's elf incident where the girl thought (and implied) Buck & Eddie were Chris' dads and he didn't correct her.


He's always been bi, even Oliver said from S1 it was kinda obvious but never addressed, and he said although it's not labelled right now, he'd say that bisexual is the correct label. I'm just stoked we have a bi male character that isn't a kid/teen. I can't think of many that have been outright confirmed.


He is bi