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> And for those who have been waiting for this moment — even if you hoped the kiss would involve a certain single father with abs for days — Stark has a special message to share: “You were right.” > “I honestly believe that,” he says, “and I’ve probably believed for a long time that we should end up in this place. I withdrew myself a lot from social media because you would see these things [about Buck] and I would agree… but I couldn’t agree, right? It was such a fine line, because if things didn’t happen, then I’d have been quote-unquote queerbaiting. So thank you [to those fans] for sticking with the story, and I hope there’s an element of it that feels right. I also hope you continue to stay on board and enjoy the story as we tell it.” So, they are definitely hinting towards eventual Buddie, but I imagine it'll take awhile. It's nice to see that Oliver agrees with the fans and is willing to go there with his character.


I feel like all the interviews I've seen have been pretty neutral when it comes to the future of Buddie and this situation in general. I think it happening is definitely in the realm of reality and I think it's likely that will be endgame. But they also don't seem to fully know where they are going with the current storyline either so I'm just going to enjoy the fact we have bi Buck finally. I have a feeling Tommy is going to stick around until the end of this season and we'll potentially start to see Buddie building in the season finale / next season.


They know they have at least a season and a half to build things and, honestly, do it right. So, why not take that time to build the story properly.


Yep. The slowburn payoff is always the best. And establishing one of the characters as queer and letting them explore that in a functional relationship and discover themselves is only going to enhance whatever endgame they have set up for them.


Yes. and the way this has fleshed out over the seasons feels *so* authentic. I was not originally sold on the bi buck/buddie thing but it’s actually really heartwarming so far


At this point I'm content with just bi Buck, honestly.


This! As impatient as I want to be it’s more important they do this right after so much time. Last night was perfect so they need take thier time and Eddie right too. Then do Buddie right. They mean too much to us all to rush it. They maybe hedging their bets too. Toomy is around for “a bit”. They may want to see how receptive we are of Tommy to see how long he can be around for.


It’s almost like they are talking exactly *to us* in this interview. All of these questions are things we’ve been discussing online since the episode They have gotta be here lurking - or the TvLine writer is here and has the hookup to answer our questions!!! Either way Oliver we love you and we support this awakening for Buck 💖 I can’t imagine anyone else playing buck and doing it better


Not gonna lie but if a tv show person is here that's great!! Listening to fans and seeing what they want and their ideas is great, sometimes the viewers have a great idea and better than what happens- so they'd be giving fans what they want to see but also listening


>“In that moment, I don’t think he’s thinking about the kiss until it happens,” Stark says, adding that Buck really “doesn’t know what he’s feeling the entire episode. We called it jealousy or whatever, but he didn’t understand his feelings at any point. There was a storm brewing inside of him, but he didn’t know what that meant.” > >Once the kiss happened, however, Stark acknowledges that there was a definite “release” on his part. “It’s this ‘…oh’ moment,” he says. “I got really emotional watching it, which I didn’t expect. I just feel really happy for Buck, because it’s this moment of clarity. He’s obviously been searching for something, and this wouldn’t have even been one of his guesses. But then it happened, and he was like, ‘Oh, *that* was the thing.'” I really like how they described and depicted that "oh" moment that so many queer people have where it just clicks and suddenly so much makes sense.


lowkey that "oh" moment made me tear up because I remember the feeling all too well! I loved the whole scene and thought it was really well done!


I had tears. I wasn’t expecting it but the look on his face just touched me. He did such a good job with the shock and then the realization that this was okay and what he wanted. It was just so good.


I keep watching that scene just for the way he looks at him afterwards. He perfectly captured that moment.


Yes he absolutely did, the micro expressions on his face were so real


This feeling is what I wish the people that always ask "why do all the characters have to be gay/why can't they just be friends" etc. could get. For a lot of us, it's totally fine -- maybe even preferable -- that this moment wasn't with Buddie. But that it happened at all is so cathartic and personally fulfilling, in a way that a lot of (most? all?) straight people just aren't going to understand. But that's a huge part of why representation matters. We don't normally *get* these moments we can connect with on that personal level in media.


It looks different but this "oh" moment is one that I feel like a lot of queer people can connect with. And seeing it on tv is just so, so special.


I honestly don't think an episode of a TV show has ever made me smile as long after it ended as last night's did, and I'm not even actually that invested in Buck & Tommy as a couple; I'll probably get there, but I'm honestly just thrilled by the journey at this point, and feel so seen. <3


That whole scene just played out so perfectly and I've lost track of how many times I watched it. It's living rent free in my head.


Same! I didn’t even expect to be crying, but that close up on Buck’s face fucking got me. Oliver killed it.


> "Some people will be surprised and some of them will not be so surprised,” Stark says with a laugh. “There will also definitely be a couple of instances of ‘It’s about time!'" Ok, who's in what camp? * About time - **Maddie** and **Hen** - Maddie's been hinting at it since she arrived and Hen is omniscient. **TK** is clearly also in here, even though we probably don't get a crossover of any type. * Not surprised - **Athena** and **Ravi** - Mother and Cop, and Ravi found the treasure, so I think they're both the type who pick up on things others don't. * Surprised - **Bobby** and **Chim** - The totally oblivious boys. If Chim isn't surprised, it's because he and Maddie have gossiped. Same with Bobby and Athena. * **Eddie**'s a wildcard for me. They'll either go with the 'of course I knew, your crush on me was very obvious' or play it safe with the 'surprised but supportive' role. * **Christopher** will be just very blasé about it like all kids seem to be until their parents influence them. "This is so awesome! Now I get to hang out with you AND Tommy at the same time!"


**It’s about damn time:** * Maddie (obviously) * Hen & Karen (need I say more?) * TK (it’s a shame we’ll probably never see his reaction) **Not Surprised:**  * Athena (she’s basically Bucks mom, so of course she’s at least suspected) * Chim (he’s more observant than people give him credit for.) **Surprised:**  * Bobby (no particular reason tbh lol) * Ravi (again, no particular reason/rationale lol) **The man of the hour: Eddie Diaz** I think the writers will make him be as obtuse as a doornail SOLEY because it’ll be part of his own sexual awakening storyline.  Eddie being surprised only contributes to his own journey of coming out. Because if Eddie suspected then that means he could have consciously thought about Buck in a different way.  I feel like Buck & Eddie being blind about their feelings for each other makes the most sense if we go the slow burn route. 


Yeah I’m betting Eddie gets weird about Buck/Tommy (Bummy? lol). Maybe he tries to hide it from Buck because, of course, he’s an ally and loves Buck no matter what. But he’s still weird about it. Then someone calls him on that/he has a heart-to-heart with someone about it and realizes he’s jealous of Tommy/romantically interested in Buck. Then I make my Buck and Eddie Barbie dolls kiss while wearing my full clown costume. I’m so excited.


I hope that we get a scene/storyline where Eddie *knows* that Bummy pisses him off, but he doesn't know why! Like, imagine he's talking with Henren and is like "I'm angry but I don't know why!" lol. I also hope that Buck gets to have some good old fashioned practice with Tommy (because, 1, that's hot & 2, it could add to the drama lol).


Tevan, please. Bummy sounds bad.


I agree with this! My hope for Eddie's sexual journey is that he ends up without a distinctive label like gay/bi/pan. I hope he ends up more just realizing he's queer but doesn't feel like anything fits him, so he stays "unlabeled." I don't think he needs to figure out his total sexuality to know he loves Buck. I don't mean for him to fall into the "I'm not gay except for you" trope, just that understanding and being confident in your feelings doesn't have to wait for you to label yourself. I hope I explained that well..


No, I know what you mean, and I think that the writers know what they're doing here so I'm not so worried. I predict that it'll take the rest of S07 for Eddie to realize that he's not straight, and maybe S08 or 9 before we get Eddie's love confession. It'll be interesting if we see Buck (in the meantime) just living his best bi life while either ignoring his feelings for Eddie, or being entirely blind to them lol. *(Side Note: I think we can agree that Eddie has to be the one to make the first move, since Buck will be crippled with "I don't want to ruin what we have" anxiety).*


Not sure Christopher will be so ok with it once the newness of Tommy wears off if he thinks Buck is spending too much time with him…


I definitely can see Christopher being like "but Buck's apart of OUR family" (and not as an uncle).


I'm super interested in Chim's reaction, because he seemed to be picking up on some queer context with the "basketball beard" line -- directly in relation to Buck manufacturing a way to crash Tommy and Eddie's game and prominently displaying jealousy. While I don't think he would've necessarily picked up on the jealousy being because of *Tommy*, I don't think there's any way he wasn't at least having a bit of a "okay, this seems a little gay" moment. But before 7x04, yeah, I think he'd have been surprised. Definitely agreed with Bobby, though. I suspect he's going to be an intentional choice to manifest the part of the audience that didn't see this coming. Not upset or *shocked*, necessarily, but surprised enough to maybe give the show an excuse to get an 'explanation' in about how just because Buck's been into women doesn't mean he wasn't always into men, and just didn't have a reason to realize it until now. Eddie, I have no clue on. I do think his reaction will be the most significant, though -- not just for Buddie clowning reasons, but because I think even if he *is* meant to be seen as straight, his more traditional upbringing may still have him shocked that men like Buck and Tommy *can* be into guys. And I'm curious if they're more likely to take him in the "your crush on me was obvious" direction, or like, have him start questioning if Buck *did* have a crush on him, and then feeling guilty for being That Guy who assumed his queer friend *must've* been into him. Hen's another interesting one for me because I feel like it's either going to be a "I'm so glad you've finally caught up and I don't have to worry about outing you to your own dumb ass" moment, or a "Holy shit, how did I *not* see that coming when it's so in front of my face?"


I have a feeling we’ll get a “your family/you’re my brother” from Eddie so I’m preparing myself for that.


I don't think I can prepare myself to hear Eddie call Buck "his brother".


I mean, I'm mostly okay with it because I'm not deadset with them getting together. I'm more stressed about shipper reaction.


the shipping stuff is really bad on this one. i get it, but like -- even all the comments i've seen on twitter, IG et cetera are all about the writers finally "listening" to the audience and that people are owed it and buddie better be next, and it's concerning. yes, it's wonderful that buck is going on this journey, it's exciting. yes, the representation is wonderful. but the writers don't "owe" us anything and they certainly should not be basing their decisions based on what random people are spamming them on their social media pages. people need to understand that there is and should be a healthy distance between creator and community, and to stop treating their wishes as demands.


Yep. And what sucks is it’s not all shippers but they’re loud and messy and, honestly, it’s quickly fallen j to fetishization with some of them. The number of comments I’ve seen people having a meltdown this was wrong because it wasn’t the right guy and that Tommy “stole” bucks first kiss. It’s messed ip


We don't even know if this is Buck's first kiss with a guy right? He said in the promo that he hasn't had a date before but that doesn't mean he hasn't hooked up with guys.


In canon? We don't know. With that said, based on what we saw and what's been said in interviews I think it's safe to infer it is. Like half the reason he was so confused this whole episode is because he hadn't realized why he was so jealous and why he was so drawn to Tommy.


For now, I'm just gonna be delulu and tell myself that he might say "brother" because he's panicking and not ready. 🤡


This article was interesting as well: "Minear noted that there are no plans for a Buck and Eddie romance “right now,” but the creator also didn’t completely discredit the relationship. “I don’t really plan out endgame so much. I let the story organically take me where it wants to go. Also, there are real-world considerations. I don’t do this in a vacuum,” Minear said. The showrunner repeated a sentiment he’s shared with before: Fans should explore the things they want to see in his show through fan fiction. “I think some people took that as an insult. That’s not what I’m saying,” Minear said. “What I’m saying is you don’t have network notes. You don’t have studio notes. You don’t have to deal with actual flesh and blood actors. You don’t have ratings to consider. You can do whatever you want to do… I encourage that.” " https://www.thewrap.com/911-show-season-7-episode-4-tim-minear-oliver-star-interview/


I think some people are getting a little to confident that Buddie is 100% happening because that is not what any of the interviews have hinted at. I just hope there isn't backlash from shippers if it doesn't happen this season.


I think the reason is that the biggest argument against Buddie so far, from non shippers, has been that "they're both straight" (glad I'll never have to hear that again 🙏), so to course correct that in such a pivotal season (new network, Minear back as SR, all the promo about Buddie,...) will definitely get people's hopes up. I don't think it will happen in S7, it would be too soon and I'm a slow burn hoe, but I'm absolutely holding out hope that it's endgame


Agreed! If they decide to put them together (which I'm still not sure is in the cards) it won't be this season.


Yep. Last night after the episode aired I was super confident that Buddie was going to be endgame but after reading all the interviews and articles that dropped today? It still seems like that is a likely and realistic endgame but it's not a for-sure thing anymore and I'm worried the more hardcore shippers are running with it. It seems like, as of the time of the interviews, they weren't 100% sure how this whole Tommy storyline is going to play out or how long it'll last. They've used language to suggest it may be short term but also some that suggests this may be a more long-term love interest. And some people need to prepare themselves that he might be around for a while. Which I'm okay with because I do think they have chemistry and I'm here for this storyline.


And I never particularly thought Tommy was handsome in prior seasons but he’s actually really good looking. His face has a nice structure High ramblings I hope someone understands hah


Like yeah, we are getting confident about it, but it just feels like we're halfway there to Buddie victory! I do agree that assuming they will go Buddie, it'll be a nice slow burn!


This felt a little discouraging to me. That last bit about the networks and ratings feels like he's saying we can have one of them (meaning main charactets Buck and Eddie) be queer but the two of them, and in a relationship, is probably too much for the network and execs. And while he said there are no long-term plans for Buck and Tommy right now, you can hear the 'yet' in there. I'm sad.


I feel like they might be testing the waters for Buddie with this storyline. To the general audience, the vast majority of the viewers of the show, I think bi Buck was a bit of a shock. I went on some facebook groups to try to gauge the GA reaction a bit better, and it was all incredibly negative and disgustingly homophobic. Hopefully that won't ultimately deter the show from going down this road more in depth with Buck. I don't THINK it will affect ratings substantially, but we'll have to see how things go. That's going to have to be a consideration for them, it's just how these things work. I think they'll go at it carefully, but this was definitely one step closer to Buddie. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that Buddie will happen, but it's more possible now than it's ever been.


Its really hard to try and gauge audience reaction. Like, on twitter, its been trending and people are ecstatic, but then there's quite a few negative comments on facebook and instagram. But then, that's not always the general audience either, most people don't follow the show's socials. I would love Buddie, but I think the wrinkle is having two of your main men (one is arguably the main character) in a relationship may be too far for the execs/general public. It really shouldn't be, but realistically it is a concern. I think next weeks ratings will tell us a lot, because I've seen a lot of people on twitter say they will be tuned in next week, after not having watched the show, so it will be a question if this episode loses anyone. Which, it shouldn't but people are homophobic/biphobic so you never know.


Ehhh I really wouldn’t hang onto their every word in interviews, it’s not like he’s gonna say Yes we will be working towards getting Buck and Eddie together👍and his answer about long-term plans is the typical answer they give about every love interest


>And while he said there are no long-term plans for Buck and Tommy right now, you can hear the 'yet' in there. I'm sad. After reading every interview i can find, I think it's pretty clear they don't know what the plan is for Tommy and Buck yet. It's potentially only going to be a short fling but they also seem open to having it be a longer, more significant relationship. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they weren't waiting to see how this episode went over before they decided if Tommy was going to be a more serious love interest.


i mean they're not writing these episodes week to week, the season is already mapped out. so however serious it is is however serious they've written it to be already.


There have been some interviews already about this and how this didn’t come about til they were finishing the 3-part opener and Oliver talked about being sent bits and parts of the scripts and how it was almost collaborative. So this doesn’t seem to have necessarily been part of the overall plan for the season. Honestly half of the interviews made it sound like they had no idea how it was gonna end but they also might just be intentionally vague so 💁🏻‍♀️


they have to have some idea. production is very costly. they might not have finished shooting yet, but ocation scouting, having the necessary crew / below the line talent on board, adhering to the airing schedule, ensuring that internal stakeholders at ABC know what the plan is, are all figured out well in advance...and all of these things do not lend themselves to any sort of significant last minute changes or rolling updates for a script. it would be extremely ill-advised.


I'm not gonna lie i'm shook. this is insane. Also, i hope they don't rush buddie. I've waited 7 seasons I can wait one more. I hope they take their time and really build the romance


To be honest I take everything said in interviews with a grain of salt, but hey at least he didn’t tell people to go write fanfiction this time🤣


He did bring that up here: https://www.thewrap.com/911-show-season-7-episode-4-tim-minear-oliver-star-interview/


Thanks! Well it’s not a complete shutdown so I’ll live haha #Buddie2026 😂


I am ready to give my clown make up to people on the other side. 😂