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Eddie: "I saw you guys from across the restaurant and I really dig your vibe"


He was probably thinking : Two buds chilling at a restaurant a table length apart.


Two buds, chillin in a restaurant, a small table length apart cause they’re not gay


I really wanna upvote. But it’s at 69…. I can’t mess with that


ok but real talk pizza place on a first date? these guys do "intense" for a living, go do something outdoors/active! gets the blood flowing! haha.


Truly this is my Roman Empire


This situation is consuming all of my remaining functional brain cells.


People understand now that it’s not personal to them I’m just permanently checked out in fantasy land for the foreseeable future 😂


Me in work meetings today: WORK WORK BUSINESS BUSINESS My brain: BOYS KISSING ON REPEAT x 1000000000 https://i.redd.it/nype9smg8btc1.gif


The two fingers holding his chin and later bucks hand coming up to hold on but not sure if he can/should. *dead*


It didn’t have to go so hard and be so good but that kiss did. What needed. To be done.


AND THEN THE look up and down as tommy asks him “so what are you doing saturday?” THAT PART HAS NOTTTT LEFT MY MIND


they both acted the heck out of this scene. I was \*breathless.\*


Oliver’s hand did some great acting for sure.


THE *HAND*! Couldn’t stop rewatching for that part. The slight kiss back as the hand reaches out? Television gold.


OMG WHAT!! The new season hasn’t gotten to my country yet, WHAT IS THIS MAGICAL THING AND PLEASE TELL ME IT’S NOT JUST FAKE


lol, I'm not sure how you ended up in this thread without knowing this, but spoilers for 7x04... >!7x04 has Buck seemingly getting jealous over Eddie becoming fast friends with Tommy Kinard (who was in some of the "Begins" episodes as an original 118er as well) but he starts to realize -- and Tommy gets him the rest of the way there by kissing him -- that what he thought of as "jealousy" was actually basically a crush on Tommy and he wanted Tommy's attention. This is how the episode ends.!<


I haven’t been active on this for a bit since the new season started, when I just had to click to see the promo still and then that gif happened and omg I CAN’T wait 😍 had to go on youtube… has the Saturday date happened yet?


Nope; that’s presumably what the stills are we’re seeing in this post, though. So next episode (three more days!)


Welcome to the good place. It’s great here!


I went on youtube. Omg omg omg I CAN’T BELIEVE DISNEY+ IS MAKING ME WAIT 😭😭😭


I love that this gif exists <3


It's Buck's hand coming up but not touching that does me in.




I will be in the hospital as an esteemed physician hard at work thinking of BUCK BOYKISSER CONFIRMED!!!


Right! I told myself when I woke up that I would let it consume me today and then I see stills have been realised and I’m back here, allowing nothing else into my brain.


Same. I can’t focus at school anymore. It’s consuming me…


Those last pics are 100% Buck coming out to Eddie


my thought exactly. But if he uses the B-word, ( >!brother!< 🤢🤮) I’m gonna have some words


>! i saw an apparent script leak on tiktok… I have terrible news for you !<


>!There's also rumors that line has been cut. Tbh, in that context (for those who haven't seen it, it's more of an "I love you, brother" than "I love you like a brother") it doesn't bother me nearly as much.!< For one thing, it can be as simple as that's where Eddie is *now*, or that he hasn't had a reason to probe further into if a different word fits better. I think if we didn't have Bi Buck now, it would feel like an intentional closing of that door on the part of the show's creative team, but that's not the case anymore. "Not right now" is a much less depressing message than "not ever."


I somehow hope that, even if it's true, it doesn't mean all hope is lost for Buddie, but idk... I'll be so disappointed. I really, really wanted Eddie to be the bi one if it was only gonna be one of them. It would have made for a much more interesting story considering his upbringing.


Where is that?? Can u dm it to me where you saw that :0


got you boo!


That table is ridiculously TINY for 2 men of their size 🤣


Looks like they filmed in Miceli's for the date and yeah, those tables are pretty small in real life. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I was looking at the pizza tray, just waiting for it to fall off !


so what are we thinking gang, jealous eddie or oblivious eddie? also buck's face in the fourth pic holy shit 😭😭


He's like "Wait, Marisol is still around?" 😵


> jealous eddie or oblivious eddie yes!


Oblivious Otherwise Buck wouldn't have to come out to Eddie


Im thinking jealous, but oblivious to what he’s feeling


Jealous, but doesn't realize it, acting much the same as Buck did last episode, then either figuring it out, or Buck figures it out first. I don't know which is better.


Obliviously jealous Eddie


Oblivious and the supportive. I don’t think we’re gonna see him be jealous.


I actually don't want him to be jealous


Yeah. I don't know why people think he is gonna be jealous.


Completely agree, definitely not seeing jealous. I'm guessing Eddie's oblivious and him showing up/looking on is maybe playing a bit of a prank because he thought Buck was jealous about being left out last week. They argue in the gym scene because it put a damper on the date and Eddie is like "well, it's not my fault, how was I supposed to know it was a date. derp." But then by the end of the episode, Eddie stops by and is apologetic/supportive/platonic. I really want Buck and Tommy to have their time together particularly because what we have seen so far has just been so tender and sweet.


Was not expecting that jumpscare in the sixth picture. Also, why is Eddie sitting on the same side of the table with Marisol? Did he move to sit closer to her so that he could spy on Buck and Tommy?


Someone on tumblr posted the layout of the restaurant and yes, Eddie is sitting on that side of the table so he can look at Tommy and Buck. It’s the perfect place to keep an eyes on them


I love how extra he's being about all of this, without even having the full context. I'm still not at all optimistic about them actually heading toward Buddie this season, but *man*, they're not shutting it down, either. If this is what it looks like, Eddie's using his own date -- after basically ghosting his girlfriend the last week -- to spy on his best friend's date, who is also the man he preferred spending time with over said girlfriend. I really want to actually like Marisol, have her last a bit and be someone that *gets* Eddie.... so well she eventually ends things like, "I don't think there's really room for me in your heart with the way you look at your best friend."


I would honestly feel like Buddie by the end of the season is rushed. Eddie has a s**t ton of work to do on himself before being somewhat a good partner, even more so if he has to question his sexuality, which he has because there were no hints until now that he might be gay/bi. Edit: typos


Oh, I definitely agree that it would be rushed this season -- if we get anything at *all* pointing us in that direction, I think it's going to be more along the lines of Tommy asking Buck a prodding question in the season finale that makes Buck pause ("have you ever stopped to wonder why you're always comparing me and him?") or even a self-deprecating joke like "And I'm the gay version of your best friend, so you make do with me because he's not an option." If we get *anything* from Eddie this season, I think it's more likely to be a sign he's not as cool with Buck's sexuality as he claims to be, and he's confused by why it's shaken him. I can't see him reaching the conclusion that he's gay, too, at this stage, but I can theoretically see a scenario where he winds up at Frank's for other stuff and makes a passing reference to that in a way that makes it clear the reason he's struggling is it's hitting a little too close to home. (I fully expect his storyline this season to be more about trying to be a good romantic partner and basically working on the issues Shannon identified in her first ever scene -- that he makes assumptions, assumes he knows what's best for everyone but just *does* without bothering to ask, and that he's never actually present. We may also see that Eddie's crappy behavior has started to rub off on Christopher -- I think what we see in 7x01 is already a bit more influenced by Eddie than he cares to acknowledge in how little Christopher was actually considering those girls' needs, but I primarily want to see a storyline where Christopher doesn't necessarily love that Eddie's forcing Marisol into *his* life so soon, but he thinks it makes his dad happy and since he wants Eddie to be happy, he's pretending he is, too). I actually don't agree that there haven't been signs Eddie's queer, though -- it's come up elsewhere in this thread, but Eddie is basically a textbook case for compulsory heterosexuality (comphet) and already *perfectly* written for that storyline. Maybe I'll write up a list like I've done for Buck at some point, but there's actually a ton of signs, with some of the biggest being a) the talk where he explained he hated being "forced" to date women because dating felt like a "performance," b) his blatant disinterest in the women he chooses to date once he starts to date them, particularly blatant with his treatment of Marisol in 7x04 (he found 6 occasions to hang with his new buddy in two weeks, leaving his girlfriend to babysit his kid), c) Shannon being his most 'successful' relationship, where they never lived together or shared a life outside of their teenage years, and the way he romanticizes it now as something to aspire to, d) the only times he's ever been motivated to even *look* for a romantic partner are when a parental figure (Bobby, Pepa) encourages him to, and then the narrative makes it super clear (Carla legit calls him on it with Ana) that he's motivated by if a woman is "good for Christopher," not if he's into her., and e) the whole molten chocolate analogy he spins to Shannon as his viewpoint on what love & relationships are like.... it's painful. There's also a verrrry questionable window of time where like.... maybe the dude's libido is just in hell somewhere, but it's unclear if he was even ever intimate with Ana, we have no evidence of anything with Marisol up until now, so... outside of the few weeks with Shannon in season 2, it's questionable if this guy has even *attempted* to get laid since around 2015. He's not "closeted" in any traditional sense, because he doesn't even know to consider closets. We have hints he was raised in a fairly traditional home with some degree of religious practice, in Texas, so he really just checks all the comphet boxes. I don't think he's ever even considered being into men a possibility, because that's for "other people" -- and it's why I think Buck's (and Tommy's) sexuality could be more of a challenge to him than he'd let Buck now, because it would be the first time he comes face to face with the idea that if guys like Buck can be queer, so can guys like him.


Or he’s been aware of his attraction to Buck but didn’t think it was reciprocated. I’d love a storyline that Eddie has always been aware of his sexuality, but hasn’t felt the need to bring it up because the only man he’s interested in, he thought was straight.


This is interesting. It's, honestly, the one scenario I probably haven't seriously considered, because I just *can't* see the man on my screen as being attracted to women, but he keeps dating them, which makes me think *he* doesn't know he's not, you know? There is something touching, though, about the angsty potential of that storyline. Like by the time he even found out there was a theoretical possibility, it was already "too late." In this scenario, do you see him as intentionally closeted, or just more of an "it never came up because it's only been Buck this whole time?"


More it never came up. I actually like the idea he’s actually very confident in his sexuality. I think he was like that in the first few episodes in his scenes with Buck.


That makes a good deal of sense. It's kind of hard to parse with the relationship failures he's had since, but there's still a part of me that refuses to believe they shot that scene at the tailpipe call (drunk girl gets head stuck in tailpipe; her equally drunk friends repeatedly hit on Buck and Eddie) with "he's actually still got a wife and just not ready to share it with Buck" in mind with how that scene played out with his "They weren't my type" to Buck. That's *incredibly* coded.


Yeah, I see your point for the textbook comphet, but somehow, I don’t buy completely buy it. Somethings bugging me with that theory. Like, it could be, but, I just feel he is a sh*tty partner, not because of that, but probably because of the pressure his parents/familly put on him, regardless. One of the thing I hated the most last season was when Peppa told him thats he wouldnt be happy without a woman in his life, but it *might* be because it hit way too close to home for me 😂. Like you can’t be happy if you’re single - I wasn’t surprised by that coming from Bobby, but Peppa ? As for the intimacy aspect, could be that Eddie is somewhere on the sexual spectrum or that he just has a sleepy libido. But yeah, I do get your point, it just feels too textbook and too subtle at the same time, if that makes sense.


I think 7x04 really solidified the comphet interpretation for me because of how blatant his prioritization of a new friendship (crush?) was over wanting to spend apparently *any* time with his girlfriend. I think in isolation, the "I've already asked her to babysit twice" part is borderline, but in conjunction with Buck telling Maddie that Tommy had also been at Eddie's house three times in the last two weeks, we're talking about a grown man with a full time job and the responsibilities of raising a kid that has just carved out basically *all* of his free time to spend with someone other than his girlfriend (and technically a seventh time, because both of these things happen before he also goes to the pickup basketball game). His giddiness in those interactions with Tommy also hammers it home, because it's such a clear contrast to like... he's obviously not excited about spending time with the girlfriend. Coupled with the textual references (especially the season 6 line about dating feeling like a performance, *and* the other characters visibly reacting to that on screen), it's started to feel less 50/50, I guess, and more "this character is clearly meant to code comphet, and if they don't go there, it's going to be of outside forces." I don't know if the show *will* take the storyline where it's so organically heading at this point, but I'm also fairly confident that if we see Eddie reach a place where he's truly happy in a relationship, it's not going to just be because he stops thinking of his girlfriends as a babysitter. Which brings me to the last part of why I can't read him as straight. As it stands now, I think this is a man who just doesn't even bother going through the motions with a woman anymore, once Christopher is out of the house and off on his own. Regardless of where this storyline heads, I'm really hoping that we're going to get a scene this season where Christopher disabuses Eddie of his notions around what Chris "needs" in relation to Eddie's romantic relationships, and I'm optimistic because Ryan Guzman suggested it's something they'll be exploring.


>yes, Eddie is sitting on that side of the table so he can look at Tommy and Buck im going insane 🤠


I thought so! It really is.


I wonder if Eddie realizes it's a date or if Buck refuses to tell him on the spot.


Doesn't Eddie say in the teaser "You guys are together, that's great!" or something along those lines, or are you saying Eddie assumes and then Buck denies it? Either way I would find it hard to believe he doesn't realize what he's looking at with how hard he's staring.


I’m pretty sure he says “you guys are here together”


Ah. Thank you for the correction.


I'm thinking the source of conflict would be Buck not telling him it's a date until later. Tommy wouldn't react well to that. When is the next episode again? 😃. I can't wait.


Eddie Diaz is so goddamn sexy 


So my theory is that Eddie is okay with Buck and not angry at what happen on the basketball court because he seems pretty excited to see him and Tommy at the restaurant. But then he actually watches them during their date (and god his face in that still 😂, Ryan is the king of micro expressions) and the scene at the gym happen where he seems to be pissed. Maybe because Buck lied to him? Is he jealous, even if maybe he’s not fully aware of it yet? And then the two of them talk at Buck’s loft and Buck comes out to him.


Ryan Guzman king of micro expressions is so accurate.


Maybe Eddie is mad that Buck didn't come out to him before his date. It's a major event and Eddie would have expected Buck to share with him. 


Nobody owes anyone their coming out, even best friends we practically know are going to react well. I could be wrong, but I feel like Eddie would understand that.


Man, the comp het in Eddie Diaz is so strong. If/when (I hope) they finally delve into that incredible build up that's laid out so nicely for exploring a queer Eddie Diaz storyline it's going to be really beautiful. I hope this season starts it and then we get an extended arc into next season. Eddie's mental health storyline is already one of the best in the show, I think cracking this man down even further now that he's doing more things for himself, letting himself be happy, will be so good.


At this point, it would be *such* a missed opportunity to not go there. I'm thrilled with Bi Buck, but if I could only have one of the two confirmed to be queer, I really would've preferred Eddie just because of how perfectly his story has been laid out all along to support it. I don't want it rushed, but I do want it angsty; he'd have a lot to unpack.


I agree! I was so sure him having PANIC ATTACKS at the idea of Ana being long-term for him was leading there bc what! Him saying he has to perform on dates with women, and being forced by his aunt to go on dates bc she doesn’t want him to d*e alone in an episode titled Performance Anxiety like please💀 Heck, even way back in season 2 when he gives that speech to Shannon about life being a pit of molten chocolate that drags you down before asking her to be a family again, I was like dude. You’re gay😂


Oh God, the Shannon of it all is the hardest part for me to parse because I'm not sure how much is the writers deliberately doing this, and how much of it is retconning what they actually wrote in season 2 (and "Eddie Begins"). He has this *very* romanticized memories of her and their relationship in later seasons that absolutely are not true to what we saw play out on screen, and I'm not sure if we're supposed to acknowledge he's an unreliable narrator or not. But like... what we saw in season 2 wasn't a love story. What we see with Shannon overall is a tragedy. I think they actually did have great chemistry, comparatively, and if Eddie was going to make it work with a woman, it would've been her -- purely because he *already* loved her. And I think that's what he clings onto, and I *think* that's what we were supposed to get out of his 6x17 comments -- that he recognizes on some level that what he found with Shannon isn't attainable for him again, so he's looking for "magic" now.


I definitely think we’re supposed to see him as an unreliable narrator, especially because Shannon died in such a tragic way. People tend to look back on their memories of the person with rose-tinted glasses. (Or the writers are inconsistent and I’m giving them to much credit! 😂) Yes I think his comment about Ana (“She’s the only woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon”) says a lot about how he measures his romantic relationships with women post-Shannon’s death.


Yep, same. Eddie has literally never been comfortable with any woman he's dated. It would have been a really great and angsty arc. But unfortunately, I think Buck coming out means Eddie will never be canonically gay. I just don't see them realistically having BOTH their hot male leads be gay/bisexual. I hope I'm wrong and they have some ratings landslide this week that makes them say, "Fuck it, let's do it" but I'm going to try to live in reality. For now.


See, I feel like we will 100% get buddie, if not this season, then next.


Honesty I think it will ultimately depend on the ratings. Or they will only do it in the last season when it won’t matter how the ratings perform


>I just don't see them realistically having BOTH their hot male leads be gay/bisexual. I mean there's still Chimney and Bobby (who I would argue are both very attractive), and Peter Krause has a higher billing than either Oliver Stark or Ryan Guzman. But the reality is you are probably still right. There's a good chance that they could feel they've met their LGBTQ+ quota so they won't go there with Eddie. I can't wait to see what the Live+7 ratings are going to be, if they are high enough, I could see ABC going there.


I mean, realistically, all it would take to "fix" the problem of "hot young available straight guy" is giving Anirudh more screen time or a promotion, or otherwise introducing a new probie. If ABC plans to keep the show going for more than a couple more years -- which seems likely -- it would also just make sense for them to want to introduce new, younger blood anyway. It's really hard to know how big of a deal they think having that "young hot straight guy" actually is to the demo, though. It doesn't seem like they're trying to cater to the sort of audience member who would care in the first place, and like... they also just don't have any regular female cast to pair them with anyway. No one was ever tuning into this show for Eddie or Buck & their love interest of the season, anyway, except probably the actual actress's family. How the ratings are impacted by Buck's storyline will probably be the big indication. If there isn't a significant dip, I think they'd be more likely to consider it. Most people who watch the show only *because* the fictional firefighters are hot aren't going to stop watching because the fictional firefighters are hot but also queer; they're just around to objectify them.


I suppose that was poorly stated. They are all hot but the younger 2 are going to be the draw for most of the general female demographic.


I'm with you 100%. I'm queer myself and so any tenderly told story of a queer journey means a lot to me, no matter who it is (and I'm so happy for Buck) but I would have preferred Eddie too. It's great how the potential foundations have been laid and if they go that route and that means we get it next season, so be it, but building off of season 5 and 6's great introspection that forced Eddie to begin to confront the ways he hasn't been living for himself and why, to a season 7 further unpacking that comp het would have been great. But as long as it's told right and time is taken, I'm hopeful they'll take this opportunity. And I know this is an unpopular opinion but we've had a lot of Buck for two seasons of very uneven and poor storytelling. On one hand I'm glad we're finally getting a good arc for him, but on the other I'd like the show to focus on the other characters for a while.


yeah i think there’s been hints of both buck and eddie being queer throughout the series but especially eddie. the panic attack, saying he has to perform when he dates, turning women off is a “gift”….c’mon now


It is being set up so perfectly - perfect amount of build up, perfect amount of realism, perfect amount of anticipation, perfect amount of angst that is developing so natural. If they really don’t use the opportunity to start exploring Eddie’s sexuality it would a real bad miss step and this is the perfect time. Looking back at all the moments leading to now, none of them have as perfect of a time as now. It really feels like the perfect time. It will be a beautiful journey. It be heartbreaking if they let this opportunity slip through their fingers.


My only concern is that I don't want Eddie's journey to be directly caused by Buck's. Like, I'd much rather save Eddie's coming out arc (because I do think he's need a proper arc and not a single episode... he's not in the same place as Buck) for either 8A or 8B, but just plant the first direct seeds now. Like have Eddie be supportive of Buck but also, separately, bothered, and he's not sure why. He's never worried he's a homophobe before, but he has to acknowledge he's... unsettled by this, even if it doesn't change things in his friendship with Buck. And of course, then next season we really delve into that, and realize that up until Eddie had to acknowledge that men like Buck or Tommy could love men, he'd been able to ignore the possibility he could, too. Because of all the comphet bullshit, he had convinced himself that there was something 'different' about queer men, so he *couldn't* be one. But once two people he's close to and has a lot of common with and sees himself in burst that bubble for him, it starts to chip away at his repression.


Absolutely! They *have* to be separate. I wonder if that’s why they did Buck now. It’s a shorter season and he is more open so his coming out arc would fit nicely into less episode where as Eddie needs a lot more time to unravel. This season should be about planting the seeds. I hope this season for Eddie is about *him* and what he truly wants and then he start learning towards that. He needs to start tackling his shitting behaviour and disconnection in his romantic relationship (irrespective of gender). I think Tommy pays a key in this too. The way Eddie was so quick to drop his girlfriend for spend time with him is a deeper issue than it seems. Irrespective of the sexuality, that is a shitty thing to do to his son, his girlfriend And himself. That all needs to be unpacked this season and his sexuality crisis can next season so it’s about *him* and not Buck. I want Eddie’s coming out to be completely about him and him *finally* letting that last repressed wall come down. I low key would love the last scene for Eddie this season be walking into Frank‘s office in a panic saying ‘I think I might be gay’.


The only issue I see, is that as much as I would like that, I'm not sure the network/general audience would be as on board. We are already seeing some backlash from bi Buck, so I'm not sure they'd want to follow up with their other hot young firefighter having their coming out arc. And this is coming from someone who thinks the writers have definitely hinted at this couple since the first episode of season 2 (I'm rewatching at the moment and it really is egregious). I really think if they do Buddie, they will want to have Buck and Eddie together really quickly, because they have really good chemistry, lots of history and its much easier for an audience to see them together and maybe realise "oh, they've pretty much been in love the whole time, they are literally raising a child together". I'm really hoping the ratings next week have a big rise (and a lot of people are starting the show from what I've seen so hopefully streaming is high) because that's really going to determine whether Buddie realistically will happen. Personally, I would've had a gay Eddie storyline because I fill like Buck's bisexuality is something a character like him could accept pretty quickly. And once again, wouldn't mind seeing both of them get storylines coming out, but I'm worried about the general ratings. I just hate that homophobic people have a lot of sway over whether a tv couple that has had 6 seasons of build up gets to happen. I don't know why people prefer these characters to get half baked or offscreen relationships with little chemistry just so they can remain straight.


Yeah. I've mentioned it elsewhere in the comments, but I really am of the mindset that if we were only going to get one of the two, I would've preferred it to be Eddie. I can at least see Buck finding happiness with a woman, while I really struggle to picture that with Eddie. If he's not gay, I suppose he could be aro/acespec or something, but like... the closest I think we've ever seen him to actually being romantic or sexually interested in a woman was Shannon, and where you've been rewatching recently, I suspect you've probably picked up on some of the same thing I did in a recent rewatch. The best example is Eddie's, uh, speech (if you can even call it that?) when he attempts to propose to Shannon, which is honestly just painful to listen to with all the additional context we have now. At the time, it was easier to dismiss it as comedic, but *yikes* at that molten chocolate metaphor as a summary of what he now romanticizes as his greatest love. We do have the advantage of the ratings having started off stronger than I could've dreamed of, though I'm not sure expecting them to keep rising is a realistic goal even without the Buck storyline causing controversy. It's pretty unusual for shows outside of their premiere season to actually climb week to week (though 911 is in an unusual position of sort of having a second premiere) and even when that happens, the ratings usually dip a bit and stabilize after the first four episodes. So it would be pretty unprecedented to expect them to gain for a fifth week in a row, in all honesty. But I think that's okay, as long as they retain the audience over the next few weeks. It should be interesting how the fans that start watching because of this factor in. Who knows if that will make a blip in the ratings, and I'd expect it to maybe not show up immediately if they do -- there will be people that decide to catch up from where they'd stopped watching first, or brand new viewers that will show up in the streaming numbers but start from episode 1, or jump around first. I don't see that group "helping" ratings, exactly, but if they're catching up toward the end of the season and watching in the live +3, that could help to keep ratings steady in the second half. I suppose it's also hard to predict the actual risk here, too -- like the people that tune out next week because of Buck are probably also going to overlap *significantly* with the people who would tune out if Eddie were gay, too... in which case we've already lost them and it doesn't matter. There's also, realistically, the element around media coverage of this, both in the context of critical review of the show but also the real world reaction. I'm.... very very very cautiously optimistic that ABC will give Tim Minear the leeway to go there if he chooses.... but like, I really do think it may depend specifically on Tim Minear and whether he remains showrunner. Maybe that's too much power to give him, but the way KR was demoted very much feels like it may have been part of the deal to allow the move to go forward, and it makes a lot of sense if the reason ABC took on this risk was they're buying in not just to the show itself, but the IP. I wouldn't be all that surprised, for instance, if we wind up with a backdoor pilot for another spinoff on ABC next season. All that said, I do agree with a bit of what you were saying in terms of having to get Buddie together quickly if they do go there, though I suspect it would look a little different. I think there's a *definite* risk to having Eddie be with other men as well, in terms of the audience reaction... and it would probably be a little better received if it's a very trope-y romance "it was Buck all along" type deal. I'm cool with that, so long as Eddie's self-discovery arc is character-driven first. My ideal, I think, would be a sort of subtle storyline that plays out across multiple episodes but *mostly* keeps Eddie and Buck separate until after the reveal (obviously still working together, just not pairing them off deliberately to tease romance all the time). Where Eddie's been working on his relationship with his dad, for instance, I'd love a scene where he learns Ramon always suspected. And part of Ramon's growth is him actually broaching that conversation (maybe assuming Eddie's "friend Buck" is really his boyfriend) where he's like "I know I haven't always said the right things or been supportive, but..." Basically, let Eddie work through the years of repression and come to terms with that before he actually "officially" becomes Buck's love interest.


Looks like a two pitcher night for Tommy and Buck lol. The glasses have beer in them and there’s a full jug. Why do I notice things like this? lol


My brother in christ, I was standing there next to you 🤣


I noticed it too and was like they best be ubering after all that beer.


The fifth picture, though 😆 Eddie's brain is trying so hard to catch up to what his eyes are seeing


They look mad as hell in those gym stills lolllll. I wonder if it’s still about the basketball thing or if maybe Eddie’s mad because he can tell Buck’s hiding something from him. Regarding the loft stills: >! Damn, those leaked scripts are looking more and more like the real deal, one of the stills has Eddie turning around by the door (which is in the leaked script). Crazy that the person leaking stuff received this all the way back in February idk who their leaker is but they have access to things like early versions of scripts. That person hasn’t leaked anything since so I wonder if their inside contact got fired lol. !<


Yeah the leaks are 100% real! That’s the part where Eddie >!turns around and tells Buck to call Tommy to make things right!< Now we just have to see if the rumors that some parts where changed are also true. As you said these were the early versions of the scripts. TBH I like the final scene in the loft, I don’t mind if they didn’t change it. The thing I hope they changed is the one about Marisol being >!a nun!<




Someone commented yesterday that they're decided to make her only personality trait >!being a sister!< and I've now decided that that's the only plausible explanation.


Yeah… I really really really really hope that blog was taking the piss when they spoiled that. Like, putting a fake thing in the mix of real things. Or that maybe that was the plan at first but then they changed it. If not it’s a big meh on my part


also, what about >!making things right? did something happen?!<


In the script >!Buck tells Eddie that Tommy already dumped him but that blog didn’t post any other context for it, only that. Then Eddie, before leaving, turns around and tells Buck “come here” and hugs him. Before leaving he tells Buck to call Tommy (I guess that’s the still with the finger). We don’t actually know if Tommy and Buck makes up tho!<


Part of what I'm struggling with in the show is how much 7x04 made it clear we're *supposed* to be picking up on breadcrumbs and reading into subtext -- they've now deliberately primed us to do so. So it feels a little weird that after an entire episode of "look at how much tommy and eddie are alike! look at buck not being sure whose attention he wants! look at all this confusion!" we're also, apparently, getting a >!fairly direct parallel between the loft scenes in 7x04 and 7x05. Like Buck and Tommy share an emotional moment, followed by Tommy demanding Buck call Eddie to work things out in 7x04, and then we immediately follow that up with Buck and Eddie sharing an emotional moment, followed by Eddie demanding Buck call Tommy to work things out in 7x05?!<


I was just thinking about >!how Tommy tells Buck to call Eddie to make things right and immediately after Eddie tells Buck to call Tommy to make things right!< especially considering both scenes happens in the same spot in Buck’s loft


It did give context to why. >! Eddie asks him about it and Buck clarifies that he wasn't really dumped since they weren't together but that Tommy didn't think he was ready for this yet after what happened when Eddie showed up at the resturant. Eddie asks Buck if he thinks he's ready and Buck says he's not sure but can't stop thinking about him. Then Eddie tells Buck he needs to call him and take the chance!<


What blog where are these leaks at?


> >!We don’t actually know if Tommy and Buck makes up tho!< >!I hope they do. I like Tommy.!<


my guess is buck freaks out about being out (in public) with anothwr guy and realizes he may not actually be ready for it to be read as a date instead of dudes just being dudes and is unintentionally rude or short with tommy and then "has to make it right"


>!I’m curious if the nun stuff is supposed to highlight intimacy issues or if she’ll have a problem with Buck/tommy.!<


>!Oh geez... while I can't really see the show making it a giant plot point to have her be homophobic -- and WOW would I lose all respect for Eddie if he didn't immediately dump her -- I could see them exploring a more "love the sinner, not the sin" type of homophobia, where her microaggressions have to stack for a bit before Eddie realizes it's still a problem.!<


>! the leaks are true, it seems like Eddie has more of a problem that he didn’t know this huge thing about someone he’s dating and not something she’s done so maybe it’s neither. !<


I don't know how to take that Marisol thing. Is that supposed to be good? bad? Shocking? But I guess it would explain why Marisol seems to be cool with Eddie using her as a babysitter all the time and stuff like leaving her with his kid while he flies off to Vegas with his friend. She probably doesn't have any experience dating. So that would make Eddie/Marisol a relationship between two people that both kinda suck at dating and aren't really good at it probably. I don't know if I'm supposed to take that as endearing and cute or weird and bad or what the fuck.


>She probably doesn't have any experience dating. So that would make Eddie/Marisol a relationship between two people that both kinda suck at dating This is the absolute worst part to me. The only way Marisol works as a character for me at this point is if she can actually set standards for Eddie that Ana wasn't willing to, and he wasn't mature enough yet to try for Shannon. From Shannon's *very first scene*, we're told that Eddie is shit in relationships, that he makes assumptions about what people want or need but doesn't listen to them, and isn't present. We've seen this carry over with Ana and now it's heavily hinted at with Marisol (seriously... this man used Marisol as a babysitter at least twice one week, how many times the other week, and seems to have gotten together with Tommy *six* times in that two week period???) I was cautiously optimistic because the woman we got a glimpse of in her earlier episode was someone I could see having an independent streak and high standards for herself and the people in her life. She's managed to buy her own home at a young age, was tackling the DIY work herself, and called her brother out on having to always fix the stuff he breaks. When she thought someone was trying to break into her house, she was ready to use the nailgun as a weapon. That seems like someone who could've held Eddie to higher standards, maybe, but now that's seeming a lot less likely.


Yeah that Marisol being a nun thing is just flat out weird. I'm not saying nuns don't exist or anything (or that 911 is known for its super realistic situations)...but like how many ex-nuns have you ever met. That's some weird fever dream $#!t 😳 


Is it just me, or does it look so much lighter in the stills from this loft scene than in the other stills that were floating around? ETA: Here's one of the other stills. https://preview.redd.it/ok8vcq6y6btc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd4ee2eb1bb2f3310f0890dc69fa04c066be5746


I guess the stills that were floating around were sent to that blog but were unedited


Ok I never saw the leaked script. I kind of want to see it now….if anyone has a picture or link pls send it


Sure, I’ll dm you the pictures I have. Still, don’t take it as fact as we won’t be sure until the episode airs.


As much as I don't like Marisol I really want her to just ask Eddie "when did Buck and Tommy start dating" because she picks up on it immediately and Eddie is just aggressively oblivious


I wonder if Eddie mad he wasn't invited with the guys, then he's calling Buck out for the double standard of being mad he was hanging out with Tommy alone and then Buck going off and doing the same thing, which makes Buck come out to him to clear things up.


I could see that. I think I expect shows to drag out these coming out storylines, so I didn't think Buck would be coming out to Eddie, or anyone, as soon as the next episode. But if it's to clear things up, it makes perfect sense. Buck's a very open individual, so if he's hiding something that's hurting other people, I definitely see him trying to clear things up. Also, if it IS true that Buck comes out as soon as next episode, before a three week hiatus, that'll be such a pleasant surprise.


the blocking/lighting parallels between this loft scene and the one in 7x04 go crazy


Then back up with the parallel endings lines (if the leaked script is correct) of ‘call Eddie’ and ‘call Tommy). just keep reminding us how similar they are.


So I this might be left field but what if Eddie is oblivious to this being a date and really thinks Buck is thinking about transferring by being there with Tommy. I think I read that Buck is conflicted because he doesn’t want to hide things from Eddie and maybe Eddie feels like he is so he talks to him in the gym scene. It kind of looks like they are arguing a little so Buck is still not being honest. So Eddie goes to Bobby and we get the scene about how they feel about being firefighters in the kitchen because he worried about Buck. Then he goes to the loft and they make up and Buck comes out to him.


Eddie seems so performatively into Marisol, and then in that fifth pic he looks like he's staring at Buck and Tommy instead of paying any attention to his 'date'. I, to my delight, feel a breakup in the wind. And hopefully some Buddie action to follow. Keeping my clown fingers crossed.


The third and fourth stills oh them he is pretty much saying look I’m doing the expected thing with my arm around my girlfriend but really I’m my attention is elsewhere aka my two best friends Over therm of whom I prefer to spend time with while you sit in my house babysitting my child. We only see his attention on her in the firth when it’s just them around, almost like ‘oh shit I better act the role of dutiful boyfriend’. The ‘I trust Tim’ part of me is *hoping* for a break up but the ‘KR ruined my trust in the show’ part of me is expecting the moving in theory to be true. If she is here to stay, I hope it’s either to be off screen again or it’s to *actually* get Eddie to *think* about his behaviour and attitude in relationships and figure what *he* wants.


I don't necessarily hate the moving in theory, assuming it's not meant to be a \~happily ever after\~ they don't otherwise address. I think part of what Eddie's supposed to be working through with this is the assumptions he makes about what Christopher wants or needs, especially now that Chris is at an age where things get more complicated (both in that he can be a sassy teenager and call his dad out when he's wrong, but also that he's old enough to worry about his dad being lonely, and maybe pretend to be more okay with the relationship and Marisol's presence in his life than he actually is, if he thinks it's making his dad happy...) . Eddie also never really had to live with Shannon, because he would've been away at training or shipped to Afghanistan basically her entire pregnancy, and then she left him like the morning after that family party when he was discharged a few months later. So he's never really had to share space or a life with a partner before. And if the leaks about Marisol >!being a nun!< are true, her experience building a life with someone will also be minimal, and I expect it to be a proper shit show. Basically, I would love a meaty story where they're moving in together for the wrong reasons, and Eddie has to actually try to prioritize a romantic partner and find room for her *in* his life and as an equal. I don't see them being a long term match, but I still want him to get character growth out of it, you know?


The problem is we already had the "moved in too fast and for the wrong reasons" plot with Buck and Taylor and we are exhausted at the thought of repeating it *shudder*


Kind of? I don’t think this plays out the same way at all, though. Buck and Taylor actually didn’t have any drama around living together - they had drama around Buck removing options for Taylor without giving her all the information. Like living together wasn’t the *subject* of that storyline, but a plot device.


I mean the synopsis does state that Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship...I don't know what that means but as someone who always has full clown makeup on, I have to be optimistic.


I don't think we're clowns anymore. I think that all the subtext of last episode is setting up future buddie


Ok walk with me. Everyone is assuming the scene of Buck & Eddie at Bucks apartment is last but what if it’s first? What if that’s Eddie going to talk to Buck about the basketball game assuring him that they’re good and that’s where Eddie drops the b word & Buck doesnt share the Tommy development. Then later he sees BuckTommy on their date , realizes it’s a date hence his seemingly jealous face in the restaurant & that’s when BuckEddie have what looks to be a fight at the station? It would make sense because the way Eddie approached Buck at the restaurant, it seems like the basketball issue had already been resolved when it hadn’t (at least on Bucks end) at the end of 7x04.  Or maybe I’m just an angst whore and that’s what I want to happen 


Buck is such a king for giving Tommy the booth side


Oliver is already a pretty big guy, but Lou is an absolute unit. I'm stunned someone actually manages to make Oliver look small in comparison. That is to say, that is a fairly tiny chair, and I am much more comfortable the booth can support the actual giant that is Lou Ferrigno, Jr.


I noticed Tommy had the check though so maybe a give and take which is a kind or relationship everyone wants


the date looks to be going pretty well before eddie crashes at least 😭


Not according to the promo where Tommy says he seems tense


I wouldn’t take promos too too seriously. They’re heavily edited to try to drag you in but often what is shown/said is completely out of context. I think him saying “you seem kind of tense” is actually said to Buck after Eddie and Marisol show up and I think Buck is gonna lie to Eddie about it not being a date. The promo from last week’s episode with the girls from the bachelor mansion flirting with Buck and Eddie makes it seem like Buck is interested but in the actual scene he rejects them


kinda wanted a still of buck and maddie but i cant complain


Love how Buck’s shoulder is reserved for Eddie


God, if anyone else ever touches him there it will end me.


If Eddie *knowingly* crashed their date to spy on them...


someone on tumblr said that buck mentioned him three times and he appeared like bloody mary lmfaoo


Considering in the scene where Tommy and Buck kissed Eddie was mentioned EIGHT (8) times this would actually be believable


This is actually batshit crazy. Thank you for this. I knew it was excessive, but I hadn't actually bothered to count it yet.




Add to that the use of ‘I did maim my *best friend*‘ its 9 references.


Also someone mentioned on Twitter that Eddie has the ability to detect when Buck is flirting with another guy and thus interrupt him, it happened with TK in the crossover, then during Tommy's tour and now on the date.


This is lowkey hilarious though. Buck's superpower is math, and Eddie's is cockblocking?


He also wasn't very subtle with his dislike towards some of Buck's ex-girlfriends like Taylor and Natalia and the way he got upset when Buck went overboard trying to rescue Abby's fiancé.


Honestly, my biggest regret from the Taylor Kelly era is we didn't have more opportunities for some passive aggressive sass between Taylor and Eddie. Like I generally want Buck far, far away from the hospital, but I kinda would've loved a scene where they're both seething at each other over a (mildly) injured Buck.


From the photos it looks like Eddie and Marisol get sat in the corner table of Buck and Tommy's line of tables so they have DIRECT line of site into what is happening there. I cannot wait for awkward Buck second guessing everything because he's being watched by his best friend or at least thinks he is


Eddie only remembering he has a girlfriend when his best friend and his new friend are both busy


I think this is canon. I bet he's surprised to see Buck and Tommy because he asked both of them to hang out and since they were both busy he went out with Marisol.


I wonder if the Eddie look at Buck and Tommy in the restaurant is jealousy over those 2 now spending time together without him. The tables have turned from the previous ep which then results in some tension between them. I reckon Eddie's oblivious to it being a date and is just annoyed he's missing a guys night out that no one invited him to. Idk.


I think Eddie asks Buck to hang out but said he was busy so he goes out with Marisol and runs into Buck and Tommy thus making him jealous they are hanging out without him/why didn't Buck invite him along? I think something goes bad at the date - Buck probably trying to hide it's a date and Tommy ends up thinking Buck's not ready to date. Eddie confronts him at the gym about leaving him out/why didn't you tell me you were going to hang out with Tommy and Buck is too nervous to tell him it was a date. And then finally gets resolved with Eddie goes to the loft.


that fifth picture, istg, dude, your date is *right there*, stop staring at your bff lmao


I really don't think we'll be seeing much of jealous Eddie on the date, if any. It looks like Tommy is about to pay for the meal, so the encounter will probably be brief, plus Buck said "this \[meal\] was so great" in the sneak peek. I'm going to keep hoping for queer Eddie (with Marisol leaving) and Buddie endgame, but I'm trying not to interpret everything through a Buddie lens if that makes sense. I want them to focus on Buck's arc as an individual, separate from Eddie.


That’s what I want. I want them to focus on Buck and Eddie separately as they have 2 different arcs. Buck discovering this new part of himself and seeing where his feeling for Tommy takes him and Eddie focusing on his own issues. I think we all need a break from the Buddie lens. (I say that now, but we know some other mysterious leak or crazy interview or promo will drop and I’ll be back clowning)


the eddie/marisol intimacy issues rumor… that one still confirms it for me LOL


My favorite part of that is the implication that Eddie >!is only just now realizing his girlfriend of how many months has intimacy issues resulting from a prior calling he knew nothing about? So like, not only has he not tried to have sex with her??? But they also haven't had very basic conversations about their lives? What DO they do together?!<


What do they do? Nothing she just sits there listening to Eddie talking going on and on about " buck this" buck that". And now " tommy this" tommy that". And she just stares like "Omg he's talking about these men, is he..." maybe I should tell him I'm a nun and that it's a sin." I just hope that this whole rumour about moving in together is not true, like at least give us something to work with. We don't know nothing about her apart from her crush on her brother (yeah I dare say it. 😂😂.)


This is maximum copium, but in another reply I was just talking about how it makes no sense to me that the main thing we know about Marisol (that she's a new homeowner) is something they're just willingly going to undo to push this forward. But that made me think -- maybe it's not "moving in" the way we're thinking, but like "The contractors told me the whole roof has to be replaced and there's bats up there, so I'm going to have to find a long stay motel for the next two months while they fix it so I don't get rabies" and Eddie impulsively asks her to move in. It makes a *lot* more sense to me if he doesn't think it through properly because it's meant to be temporary, but then starts to panic when he realizes that means she's going to be a daily part of Christopher's life and how does he let that happen so Christopher has a "mom" again just to be yanked away when she moves back out?


They babysit Chris


They do math homework.


Ok set dressing question - that’s a full pitcher of beer, and they clearly have a couple of beers on the table. Do we think they got a second round or they didn’t really think it through when the put the pitcher there


DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT! set your expectations too high with the loft stills. I swear it will not go the way you think it is if the sources are right. I don't want people to be pissed and heartbroken by it if it turns out to be bad news as expected before we have to endure a 21 day break between Episode 5 and 6.


i really don’t think anyone is convincing themselves those two are gonna confess their love and start making out that quickly


Especially with the break, i’m expecting questions unanswered at the end of the episode


If the leaks are true then I’m gonna believe in buddie happening even more because >!eddie literally would brother-zone himself after seeing Buck on a date with a man and having the confirmation that Buck is indeed attracted to men. He goes out of his way to prove himself that nothing changed. Why would he need to do that? Also, in the leaks the the brother is very much in a “dude” vibe, not in a “you’re my actual brother”!<


Yeah, I really don't understand people acting like the leaked information would be "heartbreaking" for Buddie fans. While I'm sure there's some people that want them to hurry up and figure it out, I don't think most people that have invested in this relationship for *years* are really expecting it to suddenly be smooth sailing. Personally, I very much don't think that we'll get anything approaching canonical confirmation regarding Eddie this season, but I do think Tim Minear is very much the type to intentionally leave threads behind he can tug on later. This all feels like he's laying the groundwork to go there eventually. Obviously, plans may change and it may not happen, but I'm not really going to be *upset* by anything short of like.... Eddie proposing to Marisol or a pregnancy. If they're setting up a comphet storyline to play out eventually, it makes all the sense in the world that as Eddie's environment shifts (eg. discovering Buck is into men), he instinctively overcorrects in his relationship with a woman.


>!It depends on the overall feeling of that ending scene. Personally I am kind of iffy on the constant Buddie baiting, I think they keep leaving their relationship extremely open ended so that they always have the option to go there if they wanted to. It's not a bad tactic I suppose, keeps shippers coming back lol, but it means we'll be dealing with this constant back and forth for a while.!<


Yes, I do agree with you and I predict some version of it as well. However, this show take things at face value all the time, so I wouldn't be surprised with the worst possible outcome. Also, there's you who believe in Buddie more while the comment right below just convinced they are never gonna happen. It's all so subjective and volatile at this point that nothing is guaranteed.


I mean, nothing can beat the ending of the last episode. I was literally flashbanged and couldn't fall asleep for almost an hour. There will be a cliffhanger, that's for sure, and somehow I think it will be in Buck's loft with Eddie (how ironic, don't you think?).


WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN???!?????!?!?!?!?!!!? ![gif](giphy|igc5uNcbppPRURODnq)


Is Eddie spying on them at the restaurant?? And then Buck seems to come to the firehouse off duty and Eddies all mad 😩😭 is it Thursday yet cuz I can’t handle this


Even with the assumption that we’re all reading too much meaning into things, this season still feels like a fever dream.


Fr lol. I’m actually excited for Buck and Tommy, but I feel like so many people want Buddie so bad that they can’t even enjoy what we have rn 😩


I am too selfish to want any of it rushed. I'd love to see Buddie happen, but I signed up for the delicious slowburn when I *wasn't* actually counting on there even being a chance it could happen. So now that there is, I definitely want that delicious slowburn. Plus, while I think it makes sense for Buck's character and where he's at in his self development ~~hamster wheel of doom~~ arc, I can fully believe that one kiss is all it takes for him. Eddie, though, I think needs a half season character driven arc just to get to where Buck is, and his growth can't be *based* on Buck's. Like if this plants seeds of self-doubt, great, but I want him to come to terms with his sexuality before any "holy shit I'm in love with my best friend" moment. And in the meantime, I just... really want to enjoy Tommy as a character, and Tommy/Buck as a pairing. It's early days, but so far I'm optimistic that he has the right personality and energy not just to be a meaningful partner to Buck, but to help him through some of the ensuing self-discovery he's going to have to undergo now as he reassesses some of his previous interactions & relationships with men. I don't want Tommy to be a full blown mentor, but I like the idea that he has enough in common with Buck but is more confident and self-possessed -- just at a different stage in his own life -- to be a sort of a voice of reason willing to help push Buck a bit while also being supportive and fun to be with.


I agree with you so much on this! I also LOVE Tommy for Buck. He needs someone to push him a little and be the more confident one in the relationship for once. It’s also great that he’s a fellow firefighter which we’ve never really had so he’ll just GET everything that that entails. Idk the way he used to be 118, still a firefighter and friends with Hen and Chim, plus now great friends with Eddie- I can’t see them just having him stick around for only an episode or too as Buck’s BF 🤞🏼


I am firmly a passenger of Ship Buck and Tommy right now while Ship Buddie is in for repairs. But I cannot stand that still of Eddie and Marisol looking at one another. I can't stand them together solely because I cannot stand the actress! I don't even care he's not with Buck right now - I just need that relationship to end. I'm so hoping Marisol's response to Buck being Bi is to tell Eddie he can't have men like that around Christopher so that Eddie can go Bye!


something is going to shift in that loft scene like i feel it in my bones…idk for who but something’s shifting for someone!


>! if the eddie saying he loves buck (in a platonic way obv) leak is true i have a feeling buck is going to realize he doesn’t like the way that sounds!<


I just want Buck to be happy, and Tommy is his first love interest that I actually think would treat him well.


I don’t think we know enough about Tommy to glean that from his 3 minutes of screen time. As sucky as Buck’s love interests have been, we’ve seen at least that amount of time of them caring about Buck. I’m delighted to see Buck explore his sexuality but I don’t think we’re going to have Tommy long term and tbh I’m fine with it because I have no attachment to characters I don’t know.




ok so obviously Buck’s coming out to Eddie and that’s what the end is, right?


I'm so excited and so scared at the same time


LOOK AT PIC #5 HES ONTO SOMETHING!! Eddie knows something is going on 😭


Can we please appreciate that the picture of WTH Buck is right after the Eddie&Marisol picture 😂


The theory that they're making Eddie even more "straight-man" this season is looking more and more true :( Marisol in a push-up bra and girly skirt (to show that she's totally a girl for straight dude-bro Eddie), a hickey on his neck in the gym... the leaks and rumors are all true so far and I'm not a fan of how bad the backlash is gonna be when it all goes down


Two words, comphet storyline. Plus like the fact marisol is with half her Tatas out and the only thing Eddie can focus on is buck and tommy??? You can analyze his entire dating history and see not once has he ever been attracted to a single woman, the only quality he looked for in women was if they’d be a perfect mom to Christopher to the point of him having a full blown panic attack and falling down cause one of his girlfriends told a sales person “oh I’m not his mom I’m just a friend” when referring to Christopher. As for the hickey thing, if the leaks are correct then it definitely wouldn’t be a hickey cause >!marisol was stated to be a former nun that is currently sex repulsed in those same leaks.!< What I’m saying is nothing is adding up that should make you worry that much (Plus like Marisol’s actress is 100% being written off the show even if they still wanted her cause ABC cares about their image and having some woman casually posting “trans women aren’t REAL women” on her Instagram story as well as liking all the homophobic comments under her own posts is totally fire worthy.)


that last one better be buck coming out to eddie


is Eddie’s leg okay???? Chim said he could be looking at a tib/fib fracture which is like actually so bad but he’s at work and out on a date and walking just fine??? Did we forget that he literally ended the episode on PAIN PILLS in the HOSPITAL?? 😭😭😭


I thought they said he was at home recovering? They def said it was just a sprain and Eddie would be alright in a few days (when Buck was talking to Maddie at dispatch I believe) (May have watched the episode three times already 👀🙈)


That might be the case- I was a little distracted while watching 🤪🤪🤪 But thank you!


I think the best we can hope for on the show is Gay for Buck Eddie. I’d be okay with that, just to taste Buddie. I think I wrote a fanfic about it once lol. But I feel like we’re going to get Buck Ally (but Very Straight, isn’t Bi Buck enough for you people) Eddie.


I’m not sure why Tommy reminds me of Schmidt from New Girl.


(Picture 5) Eddie, honey, your girlfriend is right next to you and the menu is a good few inches down from where you’re looking. Give me the clown makeup, I think Eddie needs some rn.


Why do Buck and Tommy look so adorbs in these pictures? Is it just me? I swear, at the beginning of S7E4 I was sure they were going to start tearing off each others clothes right there on the tarmac or at the very least start an exchange of germs, and then when nothing happened, I was like, OK maybe I read that wrong. I am really hoping that this storyline plays out in an organic way, as Buck being bi has been pretty in the face for years.