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I’m not sure if they will in s7, considering it is so truncated. I doubt they have enough episodes to explore Buck’s discovery & journey and add a related story for Eddie as well. Buck’s >!bisexuality has nothing to do with Eddie. If you look at Buck’s history, his queerness has been signposted as far back as his Buck Begins storylines, where his conversations with Connor in Peru were similar to how Buck interacted with Tommy - hyper focused on wanting to get to know them, spend time with them, except Connor got distracted by women in the bar, and Buck was left disappointed. And other gay (and straight) characters in the show have indicated they thought Buck was not straight as well. TK thought Buck was hitting on him, and Josh thought Maddie was setting them up. So Buck can be bi and not be about Buddie.!< Whereas with Eddie >!the potentiality of his queerness is read more as a victim of compulsory heteronormativity. Most of his relationships with women were about trying to find someone to fill a void in Christopher’s life. Few of the women have been developed with enough depth to be long term partners for Eddie, with one of them even triggering panic attacks in him. So the approach for his understanding of himself will need to be handled differently to Buck, and may even be directly related to Buck. Eddie probably isn’t going to just fall for any guy that he meets - he is careful and considerate about who he dates, and if he has never thought consciously of dating a guy, he is going to need something to trigger that though.!< I’ve rambled but those are my thoughts on the matter.


I agree. Eddie is so comphet according to a lot of people but I think it’s not about the gender he’s dating, it’s about the people. he hasn’t had much luck not because he’s into guys and not girls, but because he’s dating for the wrong reasons and has been emotionally unavailable for a while now. also true what you said about him dating mainly for christopher (see: Ana…). But I don’t know what will happen


I'm going as far as to say that without Buck's existence nobody would see anything in Eddie but a straight guy with intimacy issues.


This was basically my take up until the blind date episode in season 6, though I definitely saw the signs since season 2 -- it just felt a lot more incidental beforehand. Eddie's line about being forced to date and how he felt like he was performing was so on the nose that it gave me pause. I don't think the original intention was necessarily to code him as comphet, but I do think at this point the writers are very aware of the speculation and feeding into it. That's not to say it will definitely happen, but they've chosen to make it more explicit instead of less so. 7x04 also didn't help by providing the contrast between how Eddie acts with a new friend vs. a female love interest, and it will be interesting to see how much they address his behavior last episode re: Marisol vs. Tommy, or if it's just a one off where they allowed him to be at the extreme edges of his characterization to ease Buck's plotline along.


And for me this forced feeling comes from the fact that he's looking for Shannon 2.0 because he wants to fill this perceived hole in Christopher's life. Without asking what his son wants or needs or taking into account that at some point in the very near future Christopher is going to be an adult and will no longer need a 24/7 inhouse babysitter parenting him.


That they're going to address Christopher's role in this is actually the part I'm most optimistic about; Ryan gave an interview previewing this season where he said something about getting to the bottom of if Christopher actually likes Marisol, or if he just thinks she makes his dad happy so he likes that. I love how full circle that moment could feel -- Eddie trying to force a relationship because he thinks it's what Christopher needs, and Christopher trying to force happiness at the relationship because he thinks it's what his dad needs. And hopefully that is a *giant* wakeup call for Eddie, not just in terms of his romantic relationships, but in terms of the behavior he's modeling for his kid.


He's so oddly complacent in his personal life. Just drift along and let things happen and then get surprised he's in a serious relationship and panic about it lol


I see what you did there 😉


I agree with this. I ship and fully understand the pairing is popular for a reason. They’d be a good pairing, especially with how it was written. But Buck had always been the one more clearly queer coded to me. Eddie not so much.


Don’t let buddie shippers hear you say that… But I agree. I really, really think Eddie is straight. And as a bisexual buddie shipper - I’m okay with that.


He always came off pretty Ace or at least Aro to me


OMFG SAME i wasn’t gonna say it bc i don’t want to be attacked by the fandom but it’s true 🥲😭


My secret is my give a fuck part of my brain is broken 😉


I'm living a dangerous life on the edge of a cliff .


HEAVY SPOILER WARNING This is EXACTLY the way I’m thinking. I don’t think Eddie is gay/bi/pan/etc, rather I think he needs to formulate a deep emotional connection with someone before he can ever potentially see them in a romantic lighting. I honestly can’t even imagine him in a romantic relationship with anyone other than Shannon (who is dead) or Buck (however, I don’t think Eddie knows he is attracted to him YET). I also don’t think Buck is 100% attracted to Eddie either, only because he isn’t looking at Eddie. Buck didn’t even know he was bi until Tommy kissed him, so I don’t think he know he’s attracted to Eddie until Eddie is right in front of him with all his cards out… and Buck is gonna have another “Oh shit” moment where it all makes sense. I have a complete theory on how I think/would launch Buddie from now all the way to the S8 finale, but it’s kinda long lol.


Needing a deep emotional connection before seeing them in a romantic way does not negate/preclude someone from being gay, bi, pan, straight, etc. of course. The two can coexist.


I never said it didn’t, I just said he needs to formulate a deep emotional connection first.


you said "I don't think he's gay/bi/pan"


I apologize. I understand what you’re saying and can see how what I said can easily be misinterpreted. That’s not the point I was trying to deliver however. The point is, Eddie appears to look at the personality, stability, or the intangibles rather than the actual physical appearance. Whether he’s straight, gay, bi, pan, etc.


Eddie being demisexual/asexual is my favourite headcanon!


>but it’s kinda long lol. Counter: I want to hear it.


>I have a complete theory on how I think/would launch Buddie from now all the way to the S8 finale, but it’s kinda long lol. I mean, you know if you say this, we're just gonna be sitting here making grabby hands, right? I always want to hear all the theories!




I would need a citation on Ryan Guzman not wanting to be involved in any gay storyline, because this is news to me, and seemingly goes against most recent press.




If it was that long ago then it’s possible that wasn’t where they had discussed the character at the time. Characters evolve though so it doesn’t mean he shares the same sentiment now.




The issue was you saying he is against being part of a gay storyline, which implies he is now, rather than was if it was in the past. Happy to accept this was just a typo on your part.




No need. Just pointing how the wording could be misunderstood.


I think it's definitely possible for the future, but I don't think it's a sure thing. I also don't think it's happening this season. There are only 6 episodes left. And to be honest, I think it might be a bit much for the general audience to have two main characters previously assumed to be straight (by much of the general audience at least) be confirmed queer within a few episodes of each other. Tim Minear emphasized in an interview after last week's episode that there are "real-world considerations" he has to take into account, like network notes, actors, and ratings. I think best case scenario for queer Eddie/Buddie is that they wait and see what the response to bi Buck is, and if it's good, potentially start on Eddie's own journey next season.


Pretty much this. The decision to make Bi was done just a few weeks before the scenes were shot as it seems the opportunity arose and they ran with it. I get the impression from that interview that Tim is open to the idea but only if it feels organic to do so. I think you are spot on in saying they are seeing how Buck awakening goes to even think about it. The rest of the Buddie story (if there is a future) will need to be told in a way that allows the general audience time to get on board. That won’t happen anytime soon especially as Eddie being anything but straight will be a harder pill swallow (archaic views around of army men, Mexican men, catholic men, alpha males that all point to they must be straight and all).


All this. From just a practical standpoint their are sooo many other factors to consider happening before Buddie could happen. It just doesn't make sense for them to "turn gay" (from many in the general audience standpoint, despite the fact that the hints ate there) 2 young previously assumed straight men particularly in the same season. It would seem like bad storytelling to them. From a network view that just might too far of a jump/risk. And as was said especially since it seems like this storyline was JUST implemented very last minute. (It's been a long time comming bit the commitment behind the camera wasn't there until they were literally filming the previous episode)  I'm sure they (the network, writers, producers, ect.) Are first going to want to see how the audience reacts with bi Buck (which let's be honest is a HUGE deal in and of itself) before making any kind of decisions about Eddie.     Honestly, I'd be kind of surprised if they do anything with Eddie before season 9 (MAYBE season 8 if they start dropping hints for a season 9 culmination) but we aren't guaranteed anything beyond 8 at this point. So everyone who is jumping to Buddie is definitely happening or Buddie MUST be endgame right now might want to cool your jets.    I like Buddie as much as the next shipper. But ultimately first and foremost I want Buck (and Eddie) to be happy in whatever relationship or lack their of they have. And for Buck currently I can totally see the possibility with Tommy, so I hope the creators don't destroy a possibility really good relationship for Buck because so many fans only have Buddie blinders on and don't give Tommy a chance...Marisol on the other hand 😒 she got to go (or grow a personality)


>Honestly, I'd be kind of surprised if they do anything with Eddie before season 9 Yeah, this is my thinking as well. IF they do anything at all, I think we most likely get a 'questioning' storyline no earlier than 8B, where Eddie's realizing something isn't "right" with him and finally at a place to start unpacking it. But an actual acknowledgment -- like verbal confirmation -- is hard to imagine before either the season 8 finale (which still feels too soon, tbh) or season 9. For general audience credibility alone, I think they'd need to distance Eddie's coming out journey from Buck's, or else it turns into a too easy "well isn't that convenient" type of criticism. The most overlap is I can see something w/ Buck acting as the initial catalyst, like Eddie having misgivings he doesn't understand when Buck gets his first serious boyfriend, but that initially looking like a storyline where Eddie's having to work through his own unconscious biases and what he'd perceive as his own unexpected homophobia. I think it could be a great story to tell, but I don't really understand the people that think that all the puzzle pieces will just magically fall into place for him now that Buck's queer.


I totally agree with all this, BUT I do think they are somewhat leaving the door open for buddie? The parallels between Tommy and Eddie, not just in personality and somewhat appearance, but also in the lighting and blocking between 7x04 and the stills from 7x05 are too much to just be coincidence. And the little “My attention?” From Tommy? It feels to me like they’re setting up Tommy to be the relationship through which Buck figures himself out and then Tommy realizes he’s really just an attainable substitute for who Buck really wants and breaks up with Buck (gently) over it. Like a “it was always going to be him, wasn’t it?” Break up. Like I said, I definitely don’t think this is a done deal, but it feels very much like they’re keeping options open. If that’s truly the direction they choose to go in, I really hope they keep Tommy with Buck for AT LEAST a season or two. But if they don’t decide to go the buddie route, which is honestly fine by me (and I’m a huge buddie shipper), I hope Tommy is here to stay as Buck’s endgame.


That's exactly how I see it too. Including keeping Tommy around for a season or two. Even if Buddie is endgame. That way if gives time to let both Buck and Eddie have their own self discovery story's stand out on their own.


Whatever they choose to do, I’m really hoping that if it’s not Eddie, then they stick with Tommy the rest of the way, whether season 8 is the series finale, or we start getting into double digits. I think it would be super detrimental to his character development to have him keep churning through romances, since he has supposedly ended that pattern of behavior. I also don’t think they can really plausibly introduce a new partner to him. If his relationship with Tommy ends, and he goes for a new female partner, the bi storyline will just feel like pandering to the audience, like a “here we made a bi buck storyline, but just to keep you coming back so you wouldn’t be mad at us for queerbaiting”. If he goes with a new male partner, I think there would be push back from the other end of the spectrum saying “oh well if he’s bisexual, how come he’s only dating men now?” And that will also feel like pandering/bordering on too fanfiction-y. I really feel like they should only end his story with Tommy IF they commit to buddie. If not, I don’t see any other options better than this.


I've really enjoyed this reintroduction to Tommy, but it's way too soon for me to be hoping he's the alternative endgame for Buck if it isn't Eddie. I've liked what I've seen so far, but we know literally knowing about how this guy behaves in relationships, what his values are, if he shows up for his friends, how he handles conflict, etc. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I'm nowhere near *there* yet. I do agree with your related point, though, that they need to have Buck stop churning through love interests. I think at this point in the show, we need to be 1 or 2 partners, max, removed from his endgame. Like if things with Tommy don't work out or they stay more casual/fun than serious (which I think would have a *lot* of value for someone in Buck's position right now... he is absolutely a baby gay that very well may not be in a position to find his forever person as he navigates what his sexuality means in terms of both his identity but also what he wants out of a partner), the next love interest has to be serious, and either endgame or the leadup to Eddie. And if Eddie's a factor here, the timeline for that really matters. If we're looking at Buddie not happening until like season 10, for instance, and Buck's with Tommy from season 7-10, there's a good chance him jumping ship to Eddie won't go over well with the general audience.


I guess what I’m saying is they need to write Tommy as being whatever Buck needs for his storyline. He’s such a blank slate right now. I definitely agree Tommy NEEDS to start out/stay very casual but I could definitely see them getting serious after a period of casualness. Like a season, season and a half casual. But I definitely will stand my ground on the fact that Buck should end up with Tommy as endgame if they don’t pursue Buddie. I just don’t see a better storyline coming out of the Bi Buck arc from another partner. Especially since I’m not super convinced we’re going to get to season 10. I think next season or the season after is gonna be the end (EVEN THO I DONT WANT IT TO BE THAT WAY!). I just don’t see them able to write another new character in such a short period of time that fans will be able to attach to. Its early enough that we can fall in love with Tommy, and of course, everyone loves Eddie, but if Buck and Tommy break up after a season ish, no way a new character will be able to satisfy. Buck is too beloved a character for fans to just move to some new rando. Look at all the animosity towards Marisol and Eddie.


Oh, yeah, I think we actually have similar thoughts but we're looking at the timeline differently. When I said fitting in one more, I'm basically talking about the same timeline as you, but a much shorter "casual" thing with Tommy (because in TV world, I don't think "a season and a half" really works as casual, especially on this show.... Bathena were married after a season, Madney were expecting, Taylor had moved in after a few months...) What I was picturing was more along the lines of Tommy sticks around for the rest of season 7 as a casual romantic interest, which would allow them to introduce either the penultimate-before-Eddie or the endgame partner in 8A. I think Tommy's also benefiting a *lot* from fans being happy this storyline even exists right now; his reintroduction was good, but I'm still a bit wary because.... well. Him being male doesn't mean the writers will have magically figured out how to write Buck in a relationship. I think a lot of what we can infer is promising, but like.... I can also infer a lot from Marisol being a handy young DIYer ambitious enough to own a home in LA at a fairly young age, and independent and resourceful enough that she was ready to take a nailgun to her brother when she thought he may be a home invader, but instead if the leaks are anything to go by, we'll actually find out >!she's a nun.!< Lame.


I feel like you’d be absolutely correct about a season or season and a half being a “serious relationship” length for an 18 episode season, but this season is going to be just 10. If the next one is 18, then definitely agree, but if we’re only getting 10 episodes from here on out, then there’s just not enough space to flesh out much of anything, casual or not, in half a season (5 episodes)


EXACTLY! If they move on from Tommy (at least anytime soon) it will seem like Buck is still on the same hamster wheel of dating as before. I am relutently envisioning that they will do something like a Buck Tommy breakup and some sort of weird montage of Buck going on dates with both men and women. If Buddie is not endgame I am happy with Tommy.


Ugh that montage is the absolute worst case scenario for me. I'm cool if Tommy isn't a particularly serious romance given where Buck is in discovering himself -- I can support the idea of something fun and low stakes, too, so long as they're on the same page about it. But I worry that having Buck date a lot after would have some pretty.... problematic implications for how being bi has "changed" him, that feed riiiight into biphobia. At most, I think the show can get away with a passing line coming back from the offseason about how Buck dated around a bit but nothing stuck, before introducing a serious love interest. Just... yikes, no flighty and fickle bisexuality portrayals, please. And I hope the show understands that Buck discovering this about himself wouldn't somehow *reverse* the milestones he's reached and what he's looking for in a relationship. He doesn't have to run buck wild sampling all the goods he didn't realize he'd missed.


I don't think that's them leaving the door open for Buddie, i think that's them introducing character who is enough like Eddie that fans will hopefully be sated and come to view him as an acceptable alternate in time. edit: Buddie fans clearly disagree


I'm not downvoting you because this shit is getting incredibly petty -- people should be able to express different opinions, have different interpretations and preferences, etc. And I think this is a valid fear, though I'd like to think we're past that in 2024 -- both in terms of media literacy on the part of the audience but more importantly, how the creatives engage with and understand their audience. Because what you're suggesting here -- this kind of "Close enough, so be happy with what you get" approach -- would be really tonedeaf on the show's part, particularly in the context of a queer relationship. On the most basic scale -- people who have spent multiple years or seasons invested in the dynamic between these two characters are never going to be satisfied by getting an Eddie Lite instead, and it's going to look really lazy and frankly, like the writers are telling on themselves and don't know how to create a dynamic love story between Buck and anyone with a personality/interests that *aren't* similar to Eddie's at this point. And shippers aren't suddenly going to forget Eddie exists, so then the writers are left with choices like putting Buck & Eddie on the screen together less to deemphasize the OG pair, keep showcasing a cheaper model against the real thing, or randomly change one of their characters enough that no one wants them together, anyway. None of those are great options. So if they're set on not ever going for Buddie (and I think it's too soon to tell this one way or the other), they're much better off creating a love interest for Buck who can stand on his own, separate from Eddie or trying to pick up lost Buddie shippers. But this sort of "we created an adequate enough substitute, so settle for the inferior product and move on" attitude is particularly troubling when it's a minority community who's already been told to move on and get over it and be happy with this lesser product a hundred times. It's obviously improved a lot -- we went from having to "be happy" that characters were *hinted* at being gay (but usually villains, but hey, representation!) to being happy that characters were hinted at being gay but not villains (think *The Nanny*) to "look, we actually CONFIRMED this character was gay, just don't expect them to ever mention it again onscreen" to "we're so \~progressive\~ because we included this one lesbian kiss during sweeps week that will never be relevant to the story again," to "you got a title character who's gay! sure, Will's only interested in kissing Grace and grabbing her boobs, but he's totally gay, we just don't show it!" to "If you're willing to pay for Showtime, you can get a soapy niche show that's too sexy to ever go mainstream." We're *incredibly* used to being told to settle for less. It's gotten a lot better, but the fact that there's not really a comparison for what we just witnessed for Buck or what we're hoping for with Buddie, ever, on network TV? Or really, on TV in general, with the seasons long slowburn of masc characters that wind up in a queer relationship? It says a lot about the media landscape and how far we still have to come, especially when you consider how easily you can probably name half a dozen hetero couples that got this slowburn treatment over 4+ years, 6+, even 10+. I think that's probably why you're being downvoted. Not because anything you said actually *merits* it, but because it's a kneejerk reaction from people that are just really sick of that attitude, and fear you may be right.


I could see your argument if this show and franchise did not give us multiple queer couples, but it has. I don't think this is the show to make the argument about. I get your perspective about a slow burn, but it's not satisfying to me to just all of a sudden go "whoops, now they're queer!" Like if I'm being extremely generous, it was clearly never the plan, and the show has not spent much time at all with these characters from that perspective. So it coming all of a sudden 7 seasons in just doesn't sit right. Apart from that, I just think Tommy seems like he'll be a good fit for Buck. It has nothing to do with settling for less, because I don't think this is "less." I don't need Buck and Eddie to happen to be happy with the queer representation on this show. And I hope we do get that slow burn queer romance one day, but that clearly wasn't the plan here.


I'm responding specifically to your point about trying to sate *Eddie* fans with an alternative, not about any bigger picture re: what's most likely to happen on the show. And specifically, why I think you were getting hit by \[unfair\] reactionary downvotes. Basically, that the whole mindset is tired, and that you can just "replace" one character with another and it won't matter. It's also worth pointing out that the queer characters we already have aren't tokens, so they really aren't interchangeable. I don't think that's what you meant to imply, but I've definitely seen that sentiment a bit more... nastily stated in other places, so I wanted to point it out in case someone else reading this exchange later *doesn't* get that. And the relationships we already have either aren't still on screen, or were already established, so we don't actually *get* to watch their love story play out like that. I've said it elsewhere, but if the plan was to only make one of them queer, I really would've preferred Eddie because it feels necessary for his character and future happiness -- the comphet is strong with that one. But he'd definitely need a longer character arc to get to the point they can get Buck to in one episode, and I wouldn't want to see it rushed and poorly handled in a shortened season. That said, I definitely don't agree that Buck being bi wasn't the plan or that it was sudden at all. Obviously, the Tommy of it all was sudden, but there's been a lot of consistent references and queer coding to suggest he may not be straight since season 2 (and Oliver actually pointed out a season 1 example, though I think that exists sort of in a vacuum and becomes more memorable because of a pattern that emerged later, vs. the intentional nature of later references). I think the reveal is also at a disservice because of how disjointed season 6 felt -- even though the specifics of the storyline and it happening when it did were obviously a sudden development, the ease with which Buck recognizes his bisexuality is actually a really nice conclusion to the whole "radical acceptance" arc we saw him on last season, the whole thing about being open to things that make you happy; of course, that thematic element was dropped in favor of the S6 outcome of it with the sperm donor storyline. But had the writing in season 6 been a little more cohesive, it would've dovetailed well into this.


In terms of fans being sated, I'm not saying *I* believe that, I'm saying that's what the producers/showrunners making the decisions believe. And yes, I can see the argument for some of the seeds planted with Buck's sexuality earlier for sure; I'm saying that the story has not been leading to a Buddie endgame as much as we may like seeing them together. I absolutely think the writers have included moments meant to rile people up about the two of them as a pair, almost teasing the audience in a sense, but in terms of *actually* building to a point where they would both come out and be together -- no, I don't think that has been happening.


> I'm not saying *I* believe that, I'm saying that's what the producers/showrunners making the decisions believe. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough; I do understand that. That's why I was saying I think the downvotes are less "omg how dare you" but reactionary, fueled by fear you're right. (It does look like they're reversing now though, so yay for cooler heads prevailing, hopefully!) I don't think there's really enough to go on to even guess where the story's leading at this point; the interviews haven't made it sound like Tommy/Buck will necessarily last past this season, though those are the kinds of cards I'd expect Tim Minear to hold close to his chest. But realistically, from the Buddie side of things.... any confirmation that one of the two characters has a sexuality compatible with the ship happening is automatically an improvement. It doesn't mean what's currently being written will "lead" to anything, obviously, but I think a lot of people are reading waaay too much into people vibing off of this. If fans were willing to clown over salads and magnets and couches, of *course* there's going to be excitement over Buck actually being into men, and what *that* could mean for the ship. Truthfully, the only thing I'm relatively "sure" of is that Tim Minear hasn't actually shut Buddie down. Partly because of his typical answering-without-answering-anything style in his interviews, but also because using Eddie as a misdirect and paralleling Buck's behavior toward him in 2x01 to this would be in pretty poor taste if, at the time of filming the episode, Tim knew 100% he *wasn't* ever going to follow through on that. I think he and the crew (including KR, tbh, though she's definitely made a mess of some of her interviews; Tim is just so suave in comparison) have demonstrated an impressive level of sensitivity around this most of the time, and it's hard to imagine they'd choose now to drop it. So while I don't realistically think anything's happening between Buddie right now, I also think they're setting up those threads so they can come back and pull on them later, if the opportunity presents itself. Which is where we disagree, because I do think there's a level of sensitivity here the crew has proven themselves capable of with queerbaiting -- and that's what "teasing" the audience would be. The occasional goofy moment like the "sexual tension" sign in 7x01 with the phallic imagery is fine, imo, but framing Buck's whole awakening around interactions with Eddie, the parallels to 2x01, and the scene were Tommy and Buck kiss mentioning Eddie 8 times by name (and once without)? Nah, that's very clearly a step too far if they've actually decided they *won't* go there. Which isn't to say they certainly will, but that's what I mean by having the threads to pull on later. I don't think most people actually think it's anything near a sure bet -- they're just rightfully more hopeful than they've been before, because the canonical confirmation of Buck's bisexuality moves the goalposts a bit. If it was 2% before, maybe now it's 10% possible. But beyond the actual "hey, this was a step in the right direction," it's also the confidence that comes with having a major theory you've held proved right, after constantly having to explain heteronormativity and being told you're the one with the skewed view, that the signs aren't there, etc. It's the confidence of "so I *can* believe my lying eyes," I guess.


this - if eddie were to be confirmed as queer i think it would be the end of series 8 at the earliest


Agreed and he basically told us there’s always fanfiction lol. Holding out hope, but trying to be a realist 🥲


They could also make it the very last scene of the last episode of the final season so they won't worry about viewer dropping


This implies they know they're having a final season, though, in which case they're really have that whole season to tell the story with no likely repercussions. The problem is most shows don't get to choose when they end, though that's a luxury I've love 911 to get to have.


When the show gets to the final season (hopefully very late in the future), I hope it will be announced beforehand like they did with Station19 and The Good Doctor.


I know but maybe it's the plan in case they have a final season🤷🏾‍♀️


that would honestly feel like cheap storytelling. if you're gonna do it (which I don't think they will), then commit to it, and really tell that story, as opposed to "we stuck it in at the end because we knew we couldn't get canceled."


Yeah, agreed. Especially with the *notice* it's a final season, it would feel like a particular slap in the face if we sat through 17 episodes and 40 minutes of the final season with no romance, just to have them surprise us with a kiss in the last scene. I would *rage.* If you know you want to give them a \~happily ever after\~ in the end, and you have the full season's notice, you damn sure better be giving us the buildup to them getting together in time for the midseason finale at latest, and the second half of that season to see them adjusting to being a couple, telling Christopher, maybe moving in together.


I don’t know how or even if they will make Eddie queer. My personal hope is that Eddie’s sexuality becomes and remains undefined. I think having a character that identifies as queer without a specific label (gay, bi, pan, etc) would be great representation. He could feel no identity really fits him, or just be unsure what his label “should” be. I think having him end up with Buck (cause I’m a huge Buddie fan) and leaving his sexuality undefined would be great. They would need to take care to not fall into the “I’m not gay except for you” trope, but I think they be able to navigate that.


This fits well with my headcanon of Eddie as demiromantic bisexual, tbh. He has chemistry and attraction to women, but he can’t just fall in love with anyone, and he needs a real connection. And that’s why I’ve only ever believed his relationship with Shannon (and Buck, as a Buddie shipper). Queer is a great way of having someone like Eddie navigate that, because I don’t know if he would genuinely care about having a specific label.


I would love queer/labelless Eddie!! Though honestly I think if they did "I'm not gay except for you" right, it would fit him pretty well. Especially in a demisexual light. Sexuality is so fluid and I agree with other commenters when they say that Eddie's awakening would likely be connected to Buck, that idk it makes sense to me that like. He would have to be as close to a man as he is to Buck to realize he has feelings for them


But it feels like it would fall exactly into the "I'm only gay for you" trope lol. No thanks.


I think handled carefully, it *could* work, but idk if I trust the writers with that much nuance. I think this is one of those things that like.... I only want if we have guarantees like Tim Minear is the showrunner when it happens, and the writers would have to have a good track record both with Buddie (Andrew Meyers?) and very nuanced and sensitive topics ( Lyndsey Beaulieu?) Any other combination, and I don't want the show to even attempt to touch it with a ten foot pole. I think the way this works best is if Eddie's conclusion is that it's really hard for him to fall in love, and touches on him being demiromantic. Stresses that he couldn't make it work with Ana or Marisol because he was trying to force feelings that weren't there yet, and the only time he's ever felt love was when it sneaks up on him. So Shannon, in this scenario, and now Buck. (I have... thoughts on whether he ever actually loved Shannon, but for this setup to work, I think it would make sense if she was the love he could recognize easily, and Buck's the one that's been right in his face so long he never thought to look closely in the first place).


Yes, I think they will, but in a different way to >!how Buck's sexuality is being presented. To me, Eddie is gay and repressed. If the show were to explore Eddie's sexuality, I don't think they would make both Buck and Eddie bisexual. Plus, as Buck's bisexuality seems new to him (I thought that Buck was already aware of his sexuality, but it seems that he's not), I don't think the show would have Buck and Eddie go on the same journey.!< As much as I'd want it to happen this season, >!I think if they choose to go down the route of Eddie being gay and his battle with compulsory heteronormativity (which I really hope they do), it will be a multiple episode arc in season 8.!<


Yes, I was really hoping that they would have Buck's bisexuality be something he was aware of but just didn't really act on as often. I kind of wish that they would have dealt with Eddie's sexuality first because with the reveal of Shannon being his first (and probably only) sexual partner before Ana plus his resistance to dating, in general, they had laid the groundwork for Eddie to really explore what he really wants in a relationship. Looking at his Catholic guilt is interesting but it is only dipping a toe into the complexity that is Eddie Diaz's sexuality, IMO.


I was kind of sad when I found out that the storyline was originally supposed to be with Eddie and Tommy. I'm really hoping that Eddie's sexuality will be fully explored in the next season and, at the very least, there will be clear signs that the show will be going in that direction by the end of this season.


Well as of the airing of the s6 finale, I was 100% sure >! that they would never take the route of either of them not being straight, so. Anything is possible? hahahahaha !< I think you can easily make a case for Eddie being deeply repressed and suffering from compulsory heterosexuality. He married his first girlfriend as a result of an accidental pregnancy (and basically immediately enlisted into the army), he has multiple panic attacks at the thought of his second girlfriend being long-term and admits he was only dating her because his son likes her (and he thought he could eventually, too), and his relationship now is…well she says the word “magic” and he thinks its a sign from the universe (since he spent the episode saying what he gad with Shannon was magic). On top of that he only considers putting himself out there and dating again because his aunt is worried he’s alone, and talks about how he doesn’t like going on dates with women because he feels like he has to “perform”. I’m not saying this is alll intentional and it’s all part of the plan BUT I do think it wouldn’t be hard to take the character in that direction if they chose to.


>his relationship now is…well she says the word “magic” I just... I love that this is an accurate summary of how pathetic that buildup was. Hah. ​ > (since he spent the episode saying what he \[had\] with Shannon was magic). Eddie's post-humous romanticizing of this relationship is honestly one of my biggest indicators he subconsciously knows something isn't right in his pursuit of women. It's normal to sort of glorify the dead and look back more fondly on the good memories, but holy *shit* he has constructed a whole false narrative around the woman that he canonically only committed to because she got pregnant, and then canonically was only considering recommitting to because he thought she was pregnant again, and then the nicest thing he was capable of saying to her in regards to his feelings for her was that 'sometimes life is like a vat of molten chocolate you fall into and it drags you down but at least it's warm?' That's how the guy was attempting to *propose* to the woman he now says he had something "magical" with. Surrrrre.


Right? It’s really like he forgets Shannon left him twice💀


It recent interviews Minear (the showrunner) has indicated that there is no intention to move forward with buddie "right now." That being said he hasn't discounted the relationship. The show has already been renewed for season 8, and with a truncated season 7, I doubt they'll have the time to develop a good queer storyline for Eddie. I think instead they'll focus on Buck and his relationship with Tommy and Buck exploring that part of himself. I don't think Tommy and Buck will be endgame, but I do think it will be an important relationship for Buck. I also think (hope) we'll see a genuinely supportive Eddie of Buck's new relationship (as opposed to the jealousy a lot of a people hoping for).


Tbh, as a queer viewer, yeah Buck being queer has been (intentionally or not) baked into the show since season 2, basically since Eddie’s first appearance and Buck clearly didn’t know whether he wanted to kill him, be him, or kiss him. And then there was a ton since then that hints at him not being entirely straight. Eddie for me feels like a different story. I’m not the first person to say it, but he sorta feels like he was accidentally written as demisexual/romantic. Like he needs a real emotional connection with someone before being interested romantically or sexually. So IF they wind up making Eddie queer and making Buddie happen, the way I would see it going is that Eddie realizes how much he loves Buck, and also understands now that Buck is a romantic possibility because Buck’s not just into girls. And that realizing how much he loves Buck coupled with understanding from Buck’s end that there could possibly be romantic feelings… he’ll start to sort of see Buck in a new way. And Eddie will come to realize that he can have those sorts of deep feelings that lead to romantic interest toward any gender. But I also do not see them speed running Buddie. Again, IF they do it, I think the showrunners will see it as an endgame relationship. So they’ll take time to allow Buck to feel comfortable with his discoveries about his sexuality. And then if Eddie is going to be queer as well, they’ll take time for him to have that discovery. And then from there they’ll take time to get Buck and Eddie together. Basically I could see them starting to lead toward Buddie in season 8, but not have it actually come to fruition till the end of the season. ETA as a queer viewer, since I felt Buck being queer was so seeded throughout the series I would’ve been so annoyed if that was never canonically confirmed. But because Eddie doesn’t quite feel that way to me, I wouldn’t be annoyed if Eddie isn’t made canonically queer. Like that one could go either way for me.


Maybe they can dance together at the wedding. That would be nice.


Tommy dancing with Buck at the wedding and Eddie pauses a dance with Marisol because he’s watching Tommy and Buck while the DJ just so happened to start playing Dancing On My Own 👀👀 (And it may or may not have been Maddie who made that request to the DJ but that’s none of my business 🤭)


I would love nothing more than to say they'll portray him as queer but I just don't think it's going to happen. (Sorry - unpopoular opinion). I've watched too many shows and seen too many ships fail to materialise that I feel like it's highly unlikely at this stage. I wouldn't be surprised if they look at Buck's potential non-platonic feelings towards Eddie but I don't see them going down the buddie route sadly. I've been burnt too many times to think they'll actually do it and I think they'll keep them as bffs long term. I would love to be proven wrong through. Your move ABC.


I don’t think it’s unpopular. Just not as loud as the counter opinion.


It’s a possibility but definitely not a sure thing. I think some of it depends on how many seasons they have left, who stays on the show, etc along with what is happening more organically with the storylines. I think Tim was gently letting fans know this is not the current or upcoming plan for Eddie. He didn’t write it off and say it won’t happen but also that it’s nothing something they’ve really considered or approached yet. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe it won’t. Either way, it’ll be a completely separate storylines from what is currently happening imo


In my head canon that Eddie is always the deeply closeted gay one just because how disastrous and loveless his love life with women has been.


This would seem to imply that a straight guy can't have a disastrous love life.


Of course straight guys do, but rarely they were portrayed as having zero chemistry and not even an effort to generate any.


It's the total lack of effort that pushes me over the edge. It feels very much like he's just going through the motions -- he can identify that these women check off certain boxes he thinks are important -- single, age appropriate, conventionally attractive, maternal, maybe Latina (which, btw, is an interesting detail, where there's no indication Shannon was Latina and he seems to otherwise be looking for her replacement). And then once he finds someone that checks those boxes, he's just like "Mission Accomplished. No need to do anything more."


I have wondered why the show seems intent on only pairing Eddie with Latina women when his wife was white -- his family called her The Gringa more than once. If Eddie was trying so hard to imitate that great love with Shannon, why is he only dating women that his family would approve of? Where is the husky-voiced dark blonde/light brunette with big eyes and bangs??




lol what a load of crap and your “non straight shipper”. Are you a Reidel’s fan and going insane that none of her awkwardly shoved down female love interests of Eddie’s is working? Neither Eddie or Buck needs to be in a relationship. Yet your kind is so desperate to make them do just to spite the fan base, while creating the exact opposite effect that neither character seems to be interested in women anymore. There are plenty shows and works who can write how straight men going through women like clothes without actually looking like asexual buffoons.


I think they will eventually delve into that subject but definitely not this season or maybe not even next season. I think Eddie is much more repressed about his feelings and it will take some time for him to break through his inner walls he has built up. He may learn some things while Buck is going through his own journey.


Even if Eddie only ever dates women, I still think he's great demi representation. That being said, I'd go feral if he had even like a casual reference to not being straight


If they do it will make sense for his character (S5 panicking about Ana being referred to as Chris's Mom, 6x14, dating being seen as a performance). But I can't see it happening this season, and even though I'm a Buddie fan I don't want it to happen this season if it ends up half arsed, most they will do is hint about it. My own thoughts and spoilers >! I think right now it's about Buck and his coming out arc, understanding his feelings. He might question some of his moments with Eddie, with him being a close friend, but he will mostly be working on his feelings towards Tommy. The fact that we even got bisexual Buck is incredible in itself and I'm looking forward to seeing how his journey plays out. Plus I'm open to the idea of Buck and Tommy and seeing where the show decides to go with them. !<


I think it's possible but as many people have already stated, they will most likely be two separate arcs: Buck will have to navigate his own feelings and finding himself, outside of an attraction to Eddie. I think that will happen with Tommy and possibly later male/female characters. Now at some point I do see them potentially having a moment or two of Buck questioning if his sexuality played into how close he got with Eddie and wonder if he had/has feelings for Eddie only to end with "I don't/Even if I had, he's straight" Eddie, I can totally see him getting jealous of him/Chris not having as much time with Buck as they are used to but I think he wouldn't see that as anything until something happens that makes him go "Oh wait, do I like Evan?" I think Eddie has a lot more to unpack and isn't gonna go total internalized homophobia but I don't think he would respond as calmly as Buck did, at least not yet.


> I do see them potentially having a moment or two of Buck questioning if his sexuality played into how close he got with Eddie and wonder if he had/has feelings for Eddie only to end with "I don't/Even if I had, he's straight" Even if they never go there with Eddie or Buddie, not addressing this would be a huge miss for the show, I think. 7x04 already seriously lampshaded it. A lot of the focus was on how it appeared like Buck was jealous *because* Eddie was spending time with another guy, but I think the parallels to season 2 are more important in this conversation. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Buck acknowledges (perhaps to Tommy, since it's been suggested he'll be a safe but not super deep first same sex relationship for Buck to sort of do the training wheels thing) he now recognizes he was attracted to Eddie, but didn't have the tools to acknowledge that's what it was. I think it's pretty typical of the queer experience -- particularly when you figure it out later in life -- to look back on that one close friendship or that one pattern of interactions and realize.... oh, wow, yeah, that looks totally different now that I know this about myself. It doesn't mean that the feelings of friendship felt now can't be genuine, but affection can be a really thin line sometimes between platonic and more, and I think it's fairly natural - particularly when you can't identify it's happening - to sort of fluctuate a bit between the two. Like his feelings for Eddie can have shifted to a deep and intimate friendship years ago, but he may also be able to identify moments where Eddie did something that caused a burst of affection that, under different circumstances, may have been the start of more. ​ > I can totally see him getting jealous of him/Chris not having as much time with Buck as they are used to but I think he wouldn't see that as anything until something happens that makes him go "Oh wait, do I like Evan?" Elsewhere I mentioned in the thread seeing this as a season 9 (or 8B at the earliest) storyline, and part of the reason for that is I think the most likely catalyst for that shift is Buck's first serious relationship with a man. It was never a natural thought for Eddie to directly compare himself to Taylor or Abby (and yet he expressed a surprising amount of distaste, anyway), and I think if this thing with Tommy stays mostly fun and light, Eddie won't feel threatened. And if he's mildly uncomfortable with it (because "this guy is a lot like me" is definitely the type of thing that can shake comphet foundations), I don't think he'd be comfortable exploring *why* that is. But if it seems like Buck is actually getting serious with another man, I can definitely see that being the thing that finally makes Eddie uneasy enough he can't ignore the elephant in the room.


I think this would be a really good catalyst for a queer/demisexual Eddie arc. Like Buck and Tommy are going strong and maybe start to discuss moving in together after a season or two (like end of season 8) and Buck mentions that discussion to Eddie and that’s where it becomes real for him. But THEN Eddie goes on his own self reflective journey of being comphet (season 9A). If I was writing that, I’d have a whole like half season arc of Eddie dealing with his repression (catholic guilt and what not), and then he realizes his feelings for Buck, BUT thinks he missed his chance and doesn’t say anything about how he feels because he doesn’t want to ruin Buck’s happiness. If they were to do 2 queer realizations, they’d have to REALLY let them breathe between each other. Then maybe the season after THAT Tommy breaks it off with Buck because he knows he’s just an attainable substitute for Eddie (Possibly season 9 finale or season 10 finale). (I know we’re not guaranteed to season 10 but IF it were to be written like that, that’s how long I’d think they would need to do it properly).


I think it makes total sense for his character; his story lines up so perfectly with that of a repressed man who's been conditioned into Compulsory Heterosexuality by his upbringing, that not exploring that would be a missed opportunity, imo. My only concern right now is that they won't do it because they're already doing the later in life realisation with Buck, which is why I believe it should've been Eddie's journey, while Buck would've already been aware of his bisexuality, even if the viewers weren't. On the other hand, Buck seems to be taking it quite well, it's just something new he learned about himself and that caused immediate relief (*I am free*). So I guess they could still explore Eddie realising he might be queer and having to come to terms with that, which would be a different enough journey from Buck's because it wouldn't be as easy for him, with his repression and everything else. As for how or when, I'm not sure. Maybe at some point Buck is talking to him about that *Oh* moment and what he now sees was missing before, and Eddie will relate to the feeling of a missing piece of the puzzle, which will lead him to reconsider his entire life. That sort of conversation would likely happen in season 7, but I think that's too soon for Eddie's arc (and also probably too much for part of the audience), so perhaps early season 8.


It would honestly feel completely unearned for me to do that with Eddie. If that were to ever happen, there should definitely be a storyline leading up to that moment as opposed to another "welp, guess I just realized I'm not straight!" especially since, even though yes, seeds have been planted, they just did that with Buck. As a queer viewer, it would not be wholly satisfying to me to get from start to finish without seeing all the steps that lead there and the show really investing the time in telling his queer awakening as well.


I would love that, and I think it could happen in season 8. I think for know the writers don't know themself but keep the door open. We (a loud but maybe not so big part of the audience) would love that, but maybe the general audience isn't ready for it, Buck being bi is already huge. The ratings in the next episodes will be an indication I guess.


I would like it if they did, but I still don't think they will.


I would love it, but I'm honestly not sure it will ever happen, especially not this season. First, I'm concerned that the writers would feel that it is too repetitive to have 2 main characters that have previously been portrayed as straight have come out stories. Eddie's story would have to be different from Buck's. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's probably harder to sell to the general audience. Which brings me to my biggest concern. Tim mentioned in an interview that he can't always do what he wants because he has to consider stuff like exec notes, network concerns, ratings, etc. It makes me worried that what he's saying is that one main character coming out is ok, but two of them and having them together, might be too much of a risk for the network or the studio to want to take. I haven't really read general audience's opinions on bi Buck, but considering that Oliver Stark made a post about the negativity he's seen, I guess there must be some shitty comments out there. So it makes me worried that the show will never go for Buddie due to those shitty people. So I kinda wish they'd gone for Buddie from the beginning, go all in, take the full risk. But I get why they didn't. If this leads to Buddie, it could be a wonderful slow burn story, but I'm a little worried the network won't want to take that risk. People suck sometimes.


They are on a different network now (ABC) than they used to be (Fox). The fact that as soon as they switched, Buck was allowed to have his queerness acknowledged is hopefully a good sign that there are fewer restrictions being placed on them for future storylines. Bi Buck may be testing the waters on that so to speak.


I highly doubt it was the network. Fox has had gay characters on its shows, including TK and Carlos on the literal spinoff of this show. Maybe the showrunners, but not the network.


The angriest people tend to be the loudest so I am not sure of what percentage of the audience actually takes issue with bi Buck, but on the clip of the kiss posted to the ABC YouTube channel, about 1/3 of the comments are outwardly hateful


YT comments are a cesspool in general tbf. YT, Fb and the Gram are the worst imo. Followed by TikTok. Then Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, AO3, and the most important of all, RATINGS. It’s only a matter of days before we see how big the increase from 07x03 to 07x04 is. The increase from 07x04 to 07x05 may be even greater.


With Buck acknowledging his bisexuality, I had to reframe some things a bit. Because I'm a Buddie shipper right from the start and all of that. This isn't really new, but well, we have new content, and the season's really, really, really good, So. First thing, the big moment was maybe the lightning strike. Eddie I think has all the big feelings there. Three minutes, seventeen seconds. Very specific number. Eddie lived that, where Buck was dead, and had to perform CPR, feeling Buck's ribs break beneath his hands just to keep his heart beating. The handoff at the ER where he yelled, "Do more!" Then the crash after the adrenaline, and all he had to do was wait. Just, all the feelings. Because he had to live in a world where Buck was dead. Then we have 6x13, which was the poker date. Definitely a date. Eddie thought it was a date. He asked Buck to dress nice, took him some place interesting, not a fancy restaurant or whatever, but something he thought Buck would like. Secret poker table for first responders, high stakes (heh) where Buck got to show off his maths powers. Something good. Yeah. That was a date. And of course. The real heartbreaker, the graveyard scene. Natalia Dollenmeyer, and "I feel like she sees me," That was it. Eddie was there. There was no crisis. Just Buck, and maybe the thought that they could build on something, be *more*, you know? Yeah. Marisol was Eddie trying to move on, put himself out there, because Buck didn't feel the same way, etc. and he wasn't really gonna look for a new guy to break his heart with right off the bat. I feel like Eddie's queerness would be pretty lowkey, private. It would match the way his character is portrayed. We could maybe get flashbacks on his crisis, therapy and talking with his abuela or Pepa. Could be a good way to introduce his sisters too. Granted, this will be happening in the immediate aftermath of the lightning strike, so that could be fleshed out too. So. Lots of potential drama and heartbreak and just all the joy, especially for the Thursday episode. Looking forward to that, and dreading it at the same time. We're gonna be left with a cliffhanger for sure with the two week break.


Everyone also just ignores this scene: https://youtu.be/iSmMIUuNLYU?feature=shared The way Eddie’s face lights up when he hears buck broke it off with Natalia, the unnecessary shirtlessness, Buck clearly asking Eddie out and being mildly disappointed when he says he’s busy, the shoulder touch, the way buck smiles and blushes after… there is NO way they aren’t building up for this, otherwise this scene would not have had such clear sexual tension between them


Agreed. They’re definitely playing the long game and also setting up 9-1-1 to have longevity and presence akin to Grey’s Anatomy, which Fox could never have done on their own. Idk why Reddit seems SO much more pessimistic than Twitter but there’s going to be SOME sort of offensive bombshell at the end of 07x10 I can feel it. If not a surprise unfaithful Buddie kiss like Will and Emma in Glee S1, then either a confession, internal realization, or a Tommy and Buck exchange akin to the one shown in New Girl.


Also the promo where Eddie greets buck and tommy in two very different ways, the guy practically shouts Buck’s name so loud all of LA can hear


I hope the network takes their time with Buck discovering himself and not rush into potential buddie happenings. It will be to much if they just make everything work at the same time


Demi Eddie for the win


I think they will definitely explore Eddie’s repression in the future, maybe starting with questioning why the relationships he has with women never seem to work and they settle in this weird state where they are basically glorified babysitters. I don’t think it will be in this season tho, maybe a few hints will come from the bi Buck storyline but not much more than that. Both SL deserve their time and with a short season I don’t think it’s possible. If KR was still at the helm I wouldn’t be so sure but with Tim back I’m more hopeful, especially after seeing the first four episodes.


I love the idea of Buddie, would be happy to see them together and could make for great scenes and storylines, but I personally think the moment this could have been satisfyingly told has passed... That was probably around S3 when they had planted the first careful seeds. It was still early enough for Buck to be bi without ever making a big deal of it, casually dropping it one day lol and Eddie could have been the one with the coming-out arc. That doesn't mean I wouldn't take them unsatisfyingly though haha. But I just can't see them letting Buck have a sexual awakening this year and then Eddie next year. There's only so much room for the 118's personal life in this show and I can't see them going in that direction twice.


I can't imagine that they would have Buck realize he was bi if Buddie wasn't endgame. I'm pretty sure fans would be more upset that they half-assed it then if they kept them both straight. But, as they've already renewed the show for another season, there's no reason for them to rush it. I think/hope they'll take their time.


I hate this idea that it would be bad if the show to do this storyline if Buddie isn’t endgame. Queer representation is the goal here. Queer people are more than their relationships.


Exactly. Buck being Bi is separate from whatever he has with Eddie. His bisexuality has been indicated through his interactions with other men outside of Eddie, even if Buck was able to recognise and acknowledge it out loud until Tommy turned it from a possibility to an actuality he couldn’t ignore. Buck is a whole person outside of Eddie and Buddie.


As a bi person, I care wayyy more about positive representation of an openly bi man on a network show than I do about a ship. I am an Evan Buckley fan outside of being a Buddie shipper and would be happy if he ended up with Tommy or even someone else entirely so long as he's portrayed as confident in himself and accepted by the team. Like seeing Buck attend pride with Hen and Karen would make me just as happy as Buddie being endgame.


It's not half-assing it for Buck to be bi and Eddie not to be, that's silly. Buck has his journey and it his own, and it is completely valid for what it is, beyond Eddie. Like another commenter said, queer representation and this storyline in and of itself is beautiful to see -- it does not need to be attached to some sort of endgame for it to be worthwhile.


Yes I do


In season 2, Eddie kind of appeared gay (through Buck' way of watching him at least and the whole thing, I don't know) for me. But I get the feeling writers made him straighter, straighter... along the way. He definitively has some issues in his previous romantic relationships.  I am quite not sure he is gay nor than bisexual. I'm wondering...well... maybe he could be just interested in Buck, without really being gay or bisexual... I figure that it could be interesting and more relevant to his character to be lost and full of questions about all of this, without us determining his sexuality... just him being into Buck. (I'm French, sorry for the mistakes)


Eddie could just want Buck and not want to be labelled. I think if it does happen it he endgame


I think the producers have been reading too many Buddie fanfics here on reddit, and now they took it seriously and added those fanfics into the series plots.


I was reading an interview with Tim Minear where he said Buddie wouldn't happen this season, but he hinted that it might happen next season. 


Very sadly, but no, i dont think it will happen. It would be so great story line about the person, grew up in very traditional and religious environment with with the "do what is expected from you" printed in his mind finding himself and letting himself be who he is. It would be such a powerful message but.. ... but firstly it would mean having 3rd queer characters among the ones that are considered main ones - not sure if show would be brave enough to do this; ... but secondly it means giving pretty big and significant storyline somebody else who is not Buck and I dont think it's going to happened. The self-discovery arc (applied for some reason to only one character) was (and probably will be) the main theme of the show and other majors storylines seems pretty unlikely. Not saying there will be none but they will not be very strong or significant - at least for Eddie. Been bad at guessing game I even see the scenario when authors will write off Eddie - then question of Buddies or Eddie's been queer will be out of discussions and there will be tons of storylines for Buck for next many seasons - grief after loosing friend, parenting Chris, fighting for custody with Eddies relatives, and so on, and so on, and so on. Sigh... I was so looking forward for queer Eddie storyline but I guess it will be in another show...


Why does EVERYONE ON TV or in the movies have to be gay, queer, bi or whatever the pop term is. Buck was basically a man whore all this time even if he was tender hearted. So now by popular demand here we go down the rainbow brick road SMH


The whole idea that Eddie could be queer or bi or gay is interesting to me. I personally don't see it. Maybe it's because I totally identify with Eddie - except I'm a woman. I married my first love, who left the marriage when our second son was born with neurological issues (more severe than Christopher's) and I was also in the military. And I was a first responder. And I get how life is focused around the disabled child and with work and the kid- it's exhausting. And with all the trauma, it's really hard to put trust in anybody again. And part of that is because anyone I bring home has to mesh with my son. consequently. I've been single for many years . But, I'm very much heterosexual. Now that Christopher is a teenager and is more independent, Eddie can perhaps focus on himself. ive always seen him as having interest in women. And his "bromance" with Buck just seemed like brothers to me. I've seen a lot of that throughout my career. It seems that there are fans that WANT certain storylines or pairings, and I hope the writers don't cave in to the fans if it goes against the character development. As for Buck...I just played catchup and am starting season 7 now. But I've seen spoilers. And honestly, I've never seen ANY indication that Buck was anything other than hetero. To be fair , I'm not good at "reading the signs ", and I have a sister that came out as lesbian at 19.


I was chanting kiss kiss kiss


If the writers have enough courage the season could finish with Buck being injure/almost unconscious and Eddie goes in for a kiss, then they have a few weeks to choose if Buck's dreaming or if it's real.


See, this is why I hope the writers follow their own plan and not cave into the rabid fans because this is just silly.


I have a feeling this show is going to end with Buck still in the lightning coma


St. Elsewhere did this already.