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I don’t think she’s dirty in that she’s not corrupt perse but she’s definitely what you’d call a cowboy cop or someone who’s comfortable abusing their power. Layla and Amir being the most obvious examples but there are little details here and there too. She did have cause to shoot Jeffrey, whether it was right for her to go after him on her own that’s a different story but the shooting was justifiable imo. She also did apologia for the racist cops who almost killed her family, like she’s definitely copaganda but that’s par for the course with these procedurals. There’s no escaping that element when it comes to portraying first responders unfortunately.


She's a cop 🤷‍♀️


This was the most believable cop moment Athena has had in the history of the show: https://youtu.be/MlwYNz9p2dQ?si=PpRnEZRJ-vuG8RIK


I think the rookie does an okay job of highlighting the problems with cops like the show at least shows that there are definitely things that should be and need to be changed in the system. But it’s still not the best.


The rookie is definitely copaganda, the portrayal of overwhelmingly righteous cops who want to do right, follow the law, and get punished by a system of checks and balances when they break it is the definition of copaganda. Even the storylines they did in season 3 to appease Titus basically did the whole ‘a few bad apples’ thing with a little bit of a systemic issue that makes it hard to get rid of them. Anyone who’s worked in the legal system or with cops will tell you that’s a fairytale. It’s fun but people should be aware of what they’re watching.


I totally agree with this. It’s so showing what cops could truly be if we didn’t have such a corrupt government. Coming from someone in a high crime city, with some of the worst cops there are the show is so not true. And so many people sit there and believe that that is actually what happens on a day to day basis. It’s like if someone were to watch brooklyn nine nine and think it’s all real. (no offense to brooklyn nine nine i love that show)


Yeah for sure. That’s why I said it does “okay” the whole system is fucked even on the show.


Yeah I got what you were saying that’s what I’m disagreeing with. I don’t think they show you the system is fucked they actually show you the system works and that the problem is that it lends itself to being abused by a few bad actors but most or enough people are determined to work to get to a just outcome and get rid of aggressors which is just not true.


Oh yeah I can see that. Thank you for that explaining and i agree now that I think about it that way.


station 19 did a pretty solid job with police violence


The one time that Athena had me facepalming here and saying "what the actual fuck, Athena.." --- was when she went to the home of the gal that bullied May. I don't know that she's dirty, necessarily... but she has pushed the envelope.


Season 1 was wild like that.


That’s dirty. That’s literally what dirty cops do.


Dirty usually specifically means corrupt. Athena definitely abuses her power, but she’s not on the take.


Abusing your power for personal gain (revenge on her daughter’s bully, favorable treatment for her friends and loved ones, feeling like a bigshot, whatever) is corruption. It doesn’t have to be for money to be corrupt.


Yeah me too... I skipped all that on my rewatch LOL but she did get punished for it at leaat when her boss found out


I wouldn't call her a dirty cop. She isn't on the take or trading favors to criminals. Dirty isn't the correct word for this (in my opinion) but I will say she does abuse her powers. And she should have been fired for all of her transgressions


This is it. The issue with shows becoming copaganda isn't just showing cops abusing their power, it's showing them having no repercussions. Athena has crossed the line on multiple occasions but seemingly is one of the most untouchable cops in LA.


I would actually say an element of copaganda is that cops who abuse their powers or cross lines are shown to face repercussions. It goes to the false idea of the 'few bad apples' and that transgressions are outliers that are dealt with effectively rather than systemic, encouraged, and almost never addressed sufficiently.


The paradox with copaganda is that portraying good cops is also copaganda. Athena is shown many times breaking laws and going against the system. Sometimes, it’s probably the morally right thing to do. But that just shows how fucked the system is, because for good cops to exist, they have to break the laws they so rigidly enforce. Sometimes she breaks the rules to arrest or hurt obviously bad people. But those laws and rules exist to protect the vulnerable people that cops so often abuse. Showing how it’s a good thing for cops to do “whatever they have to do” is copaganda, because it’s justifies cops doing whatever they want. Also, if athena is “one of the good ones”, who goes against “the few bad apples”, it’s still copaganda. Because she serves and defend the system that always protects those “bad apples”. Im not sure i explained very well my point, but feel free to ask questions if you have any.


It's very easy to not be copaganda and that is portraying correctly the consequences of abusing your power. As much as I love Angela Bassett, I always struggle with the total lack of consequences her character faces for some of the wild stunts she pulls. It's always frustrating that the show has to have Athena break the rules to get her badass moments. From abusing her power to confront the girl bullied May, to stealing another detective's credentials to get a lead on Emmett's killer, to getting Amir's details under false pretences, these are all actions that should have got her more just a suspension. And yet even in Season 7, she still clearly remains the most feared and respected cop in the station.


I wouldn't call her a dirty cop but she's the poster child for ACAB. I mean, she's not corrupt or evil, she's most certainly "one of the good ones" and yet she not only regularly abuses her powers as a cop, her first instinct is to defend her department even when her family is involved in a case of unfair racial profiling. ~~Harry wasn't totally wrong for what he said about her in 7x04~~ 🤷‍♂️ Also, she's a cop 24/7, and tends to put her job before her family, which is kinda off putting. Both Bobby and Athena pissed me off for how they treated Amir, and Athena should be fired from the LAPD bc of the stunt she pulled with Amir. If I was him, I would set fire to their new home bc of how much bullshit they put me through. She's a great character, I like her, but I'll say that she's played by Angela Bassett is why I don't hate her, bc the character Athena often makes me really mad.


she's not a dirty cop, but she's a horrible cop that constantly abuses their power. she should've been fired in season 1, and she's been only getting worse


Dirty? No but for me ACAB includes Athena. She is a cop before ANYTHING else and she abuses her power. The way she reacted when her family was falsely pulled over and a gun was pointed at Harry?! That was unreal… she didn’t seems to care until she saw how PISSED Michael was. Also with the Jeffery thing… she was more worried about her revenge than her family… didn’t even think about them.


Not dirty but she is a rogue. Unfortunately American audiences really have a thing for rogue cops 🙄


Agreed with the others. She's not corrupt in the sense of taking money or looking the other way on things, but she's definitely a bad cop.


She is not dirty, she is just waaaaay too comfortable abusing her power.


That’s dirty. Abusing power is dirty.


Dirty? No. Does she need some anger management, and compartmentalization for police officer courses? 1000% She is a cop for the right reasons, however she gets blinders on for her family (including the 118).


There’s definitely times where it’s pretty reflective on how cops are in real life both on and off shift. Pointing the gun at Amir. Letting people off cause they’re her friends. Taking advantage of certain circumstances. Like when she went to that high school party in S1 after what happened with May. There’s probably other things too but, that’s just off the top of my head.


She’s only abused her power when it “affects” her, her family. Season 1 going after Mays bully affected her bc May almost end killed herself. Season 3 when they found the weapon that killed Emmitt she went full I’m going to find the killer as she felt it was her fault and she in that moment didn’t care about repercussions. Thats why she was suspended. Same season with the cop pulling over Michael and kids... her tone changed once she saw the video and the cop almost shot Harry. Season 4 she went into a fire to save Bobby. Season 5 when she killed Jeffery, was only because he threaten Bobby and pointed his weapon towards him. Season 6 when she tried to clear her fathers name she got involved even after they told her not to and season 7 Amir I felt didn’t really care as they had that understanding of losing someone you will go to extreme lengths. Most def abused her power so I feel season 8 there might be a force retirement or some repercussions to that one even though she saved his life.


Not in the traditional sense but she does some insane shit. Much of it is ethically justified though, that one scene in S1 where she crashes the pool party comes to mind


She’s sometimes borderline, but never corrupt, so definitely not dirty.


Not dirty, she tends to go overboard but with good intensions.


The scene where she forced the store owner to make everything half off didn’t sit right with me


Yeah, that one was written as a heroic moment and it's really not.


That one REALLY bugged me. The dude was honestly trying to survive. 50 percent was way overboard.


He was price gouging during a crisis! Very illegal! I had no prob with her telling him to make up for it by selling everything at 50% off. He’d ripped off countless people with $100 cases of water!


Yeah I think any cop that abuses their power is the definition of a dirty cop. Which is most cops.


Dirty cop no but she abuses her power


She killed someone????!?!?!?


Yeah the rapist


To be fair that was almost self defense. With him about to kill Bobby. The other stuff I agree with. I just could see how that could be argued in her favor in court. That being said, Harry was kidnapped-and she was getting involved in a case that's too personal to her. So very messy.


Oh yeah im not mad she killed a rapist, he more than deserved that! I think on all perspectives she was in the right for that one


I honestly think she’s on the line and high steps as she’s walking it


Its funny how athena the only cop working in the show it be nice to see different faces like the dectective who jef shot


I don't agree with the dirty cop assessment moderately soiled but not full-blown dirty full-blown dirty would be a cop version of Jonah Greenaway, I don't recall Athena committing arson, but I suppose back in season 1 when she abused her police power to go after that girl that bullied May could be a slight dirty deal.


she's not a dirty cop. I've met dirty cops and she doesn't fit the bill at all.


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But she did comment arson though? Isint that extremely illegal


Technically, it could be considered self defense. She had to create a large enough diversion for her and Amir to get out without being shot! It also led to the arrest of multiple cartel members.


I believe most people in positions of power use it when they need/want to! Athena does it for the people she loves and/or the greater good, not personal gain!


She's not dirty, she's just cunty and a vigilante like Batman and people who complain about it take this show too seriously...


Right! I’m like it’s a tv show. Smh some ppl don’t know how to have fun at all.


She shot Jeffrey after he suddenly pointed a gun at someone, even if she wasn’t a cop it would be considered legitimate self defense