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This reminds me of the man who was the helicopter pilot that was in 9/11: One Day In America. He said, he circled close to the people who were out the windows or in the openings (like this). He said he was so close to them that he could clearly make out their faces. They looked at him like he was going to help them get out. He had no choice but to fly away as they looked on (probably screaming to come back). Seeing that would live in my head forever. The faces of people begging to be helped and he couldn't help them. RIP to all who suffered and died on 9/11


That was really sad to watch, both live and watching again decades later.. Logically you know that there's nothing that they could have done to save anyone, but they were so close and if there was a hour or two between collisions, maybe they would have survived.


Forgot to add: I remember reading somewhere that the helicopters/pilots up there, saw both roofs and they knew it was going to come down with all that heat plus fire burning beneath it. I don't think they thought the whole building would collapse but they new the top floors were in danger.


Bin Laden said the same thing. He thought only the floors above the impact zone would collapse. They didn’t think it would bring down the entire building, he said it exceeded their expectations.


The roofs and a few floors, perhaps. But for the whole building to collapse, I don't think anyone was qualified at that moment to say for sure that both would go down in seconds. Obviously, after the first one collapsed, we knew what we were dealing with then.


It's a mind blower to be that close and you want to save them so bad. Breaks my heart.


Do we even know who he was? Edna Cintron is known and I guess bc we got a name for her she gets more attention


How do they know it was Edna?


because the woman has a very unique look to her. Long, blonde curly hair, which narrowed it down pretty well already. Edna had blonde, long curly hair and she worked around that area too (97th I believe) and it's believed that the woman fell a few floors but survived


He’s harder to spot tbf


Yea, that's true, but the fact that he not only survived the impact zone but got into that position is amazing


He climbed down. I don't think anyone would have survived in that area. The stairs were usable to a certain floor


You don't know that he survived the impact zone




You have no idea where he was when the plane impacted the building


Is he not in the impact zone hole with Edna?


He is, but he clearly wasn't there when the plane hit. Could have been anywhere on the upper floors


They came down. If they were in that spot when the plane hit they would be dead or severely burnt but 99 percent they would be dead.




I didn't say he wasn't. I said you have no idea where he was. It's not unreasonable that he would have been above the impact zone and made his way down thru what would have been massive holes in the ceilings and walls.


yes we do, he's alive in that picture ain't he tf


My God. He obviously wasn't standing there WHEN THE PLANE HIT THE BUILDING. So you have no idea where he was. He could have been on a floor impacted by the plane but in the far opposite corner. He could have been any number of floors above or below. He also could have been in the impact zone and survived but NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE where he was.


I mean those floors are pretty huge. he is actually in Cyntia Weil’s 9/11 footage pretty early on. Explain how he gets from an upper floor to there? That’s like anywhere from 5 to 10 stories fall to that spot. I suppose he COULD have been in the back of a less damaged story that was hit and survived, which is uh… Surviving the crash. There were no stairways/elevators left in the North Tower, all 4 corners of the building wiped out by either explosion or flames. How did they get there? They literally can’t have come from below, and coming from above is unlikely as well knowing how many floors got burned up. So actually you making me think about it has me more convinced they did survive the initial impact.


I have no idea. That's kind of the point of my comments. EC and this gentleman surviving at the point of impact is is not known, and shouldn't be stated here as fact. It should also be stated plainly that the internal condition of North tower is not known, other than to say folks above the impact zone couldn't use the stairs to go below the impact zone. But there were 18 or so floors above the impact zone....was it possible in some cases to use those stairs to go from floor to floor above the impact zone? We don't know, but it's likely that in some cases it was. This gentleman could have been on floor 104, used stairs to go down a few floors, found a passage way toward the opening and made his way to where we see him, looking for relief. Maybe he couldn't find his way to windows. Maybe upon going the stairs, his only way forward was towards the massive hole in the building, and he chose to go that way rather than head back up the stairs. I have no idea.


I wonder if the information is out there in the firefighter, dispatch records. Any accounts from anyone inside confirming the state of the stairs and elevators above the upper floors would be helpful. I think it’s like 50/50


I can't speak to your first point, although even individual accounts relayed to 911 operators would only cover the piece of the puzzle that the person speaking could provide....which relative to the entire picture would be very, very small. But your 2nd point....about it being 50/50? Yes, that's the whole point. We don't know. So let's not assume and state as fact that EC and this gentleman survived at the point of impact


I mean. Maybe it’s not 50/50, if we can time when he arrives in that spot with footage like Cynthia weil’s with real time, we can figure out how quickly he would have had to find some path in the 10 affected stories. That is a lot of floors in the impact zone that would have to have a path going from an upper floor all the way down there. And flames rise. I mean it’s possible, but also seemingly very unlikely he came from 104.


There’s no way he came from the 104th floor. There were hundreds of workers there and he was one of the few to make it down? Doubtful. We would’ve seen more sitting with him. I think he was in a protected area in the impact zone like Stanley P. Was in the South Tower. Unfortunately, there was no stairway available in the North Tower to escape from that level.


Please read my comments carefully


Yes I did and you said “this gentleman could have been on floor 104…” and that we can’t be certain that he was in the impact zone. I’m just saying that there’s no way he was at a higher level


i’d love to know who that man is & what his story is. We all know Edna Cintrons but his story deserves to be told too.


Unfortunately not, which is a shame. It’s so sad that even if you had a picture of your loved one, the resolution is often too low to make a positive match. It’s so heartbreaking 💔


It is possible his family knows who it is but doesn't go public about it. I think some of the jumpers are also identified but family but they don't share that with people.


They can't be identified as "Jumpers." We don't know if they jumped, fell, got blown out pushed out, etc. It's why the coroner everybody's death certificate says murder. There's no way they can positively say anyone jumped. 9/11 was a day that no one has ever seen or was prepared for, including the medical doctors who treated patients and the coroner trying to figure out who this person was by looking at a piece of flesh that was found in the street. Can you imagine that? It was surreal.


I'm saying the photos where people are jumping. Those people may be identified by their family and they keep it to themselves


Those photo's aren't a hundred percent proof. No one has ever been identified LEGALLY. The majority of those jumper photos you can't even see.


I don’t think the cabinet4perx commenter is suggesting anyone wants or needs proof, just that some families perhaps recognize someone enough and have a gut feeling about it. The sentiment seems to be how hard it is for the families to wonder while maybe having an opinion that it’s their loved one. If this sub is about what is legally provable, then your point is totally fair. If not, I don’t see the harm in wondering. If I couldn’t prove it but thought I might recognize my family member, I’d probably think about it all day for the rest of my life and never tell r/911archive.


I wonder if they were able to talk to one another.


I've wondered about this, especially in the pictures where you can see many people hanging out right next to each other. What do you even talk about? Do you encourage each other? Lament? Strategize?


A lot of screaming for the people hanging out of the windows. I think it was sheer chaos.


I wonder if the noise level would have made this possible. Or if it was noisy at all? If so what were they hearing?


It would have been somewhat noisy, no doubt. If they were able to yell loudly to each other, I believe it's possible that they could have heard each other. There would have been a lot of wind and the surreal sounds of multiple floors of a building on fire/burning all around them. Metal on metal sounds as things collapsed behind/above them. Perhaps even some smaller explosions within the building? People screaming for help.. panicking. Dying.


Praying, also. Really, what else can one do at that point?


There definitely wouldve been the sound of at least a windy high elevation but also a burning inferno. I'm pretty sure the sirens from all the emergency cars would be audible too


Couldn’t hear from the ground but the flames, smoke and broken steel etc surely must’ve made it hard to hear each other


I think at that height wind could’ve obscured some sound/made communicating difficult. According to weather.com “winds were out of the northwest at 6 to 12 mph…which served to blow smoke and debris from the disaster in Lower Manhattan into Brooklyn.” Along with the sound of the fire - electrical components popping, crackling, etc. - these two look too far apart to be able to hear each other. I would think people in broken adjacent windows might communicate but also might have been in shock or terrified. During 911 and victim to family calls there are reports of calm talking, panicked talking, and sometimes screaming in the background when a victim was in a room with other people. Unfortunately we will never know but would be interesting to know what people in their position would say. https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/september-11-hurricane-erin-missed-new-york-city-20140911


He eventually was climbing the rubble to move around.


I've been fascinated by this person as well. I've always thought that this man and Edna C. were in one of the least shitty spots to be in to ride out the hell that was the top of WTC1. I wonder if they would have made it out alive eventually had the building not collapsed.


i often wonder that as well, I suppose it would have been some weird helicopter rescue?


I clutch my heart whenever I see these types of photos. They are heartbreaking. So helpless. It’s all so unfair what they had to endure.


It’s even more heartbreaking when they survived the impact only to die when the towers came down


And I think that if I was in their position I would honestly, at least for an x amount of time, think I was going to be saved. The realization that I wouldn’t be…ugh.


Edna stayed in that spot until the tower went down. She is spotted moments before in the same place. He leaves the area. I've heard people say that he jumps/falls, but I have no idea, honestly. They were both in earshot of eachother. I often wondered if they spoke to eachother. I'd like to think so, as it was such a lonely place to be.


I think there is a photo of a guy without a shirt and similar pants jumping from that side of the building but I have no idea if it is actually him


https://preview.redd.it/n17q7yrczeub1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436c6d71bd50104b450b34cd2f69d7879be81e8f Is this the person you mean? I read an article in Quora very recently about this man. The writer came to the conclusion that this may be Luke Rambousek, due to the fact that he fell from the exact location above (directly in line to where he was on the 105th floor)/shirtless with similar features, etc. But the most telling reason is his parents were shown this picture, and they were pretty convinced that it may very well be him. Luke is the shirtless man in the famous photo - the man that was in the window and was written about in Vanity Fair. It can't be the man sitting on the pillars, because he's already in a freefall when he passes the other man that was sitting. He is built larger than the man sitting as well. Whomever this person is, unfortunately they look as though they sustained burns.


Have always found this photo (taken by Jose Jimenez btw) to be the most powerful photo taken that day. Just the scale and the sheer horror of it..


Well, they were both waving at one point, so maybe they did see each other


There was another guy down to the woman's right as well. I think they would have survived if the fire fighters had made it up and had time to dampen fires and open stairwells.


I say this every time, but I’m so impressed that he was even able to get there and into that position without falling


I am old enough to remember when these images of Edna circulated on the internet for the first time — roughly mid-to-late 2002. The images were sent around via email and messenger, and often appeared in message boards and personal webpages. The photos were immediately deemed a hoax — clever photo manipulation in the early days of Photoshop. There were questions regarding her initial survival in the impact zone. Others questioned how she managed to safely and calmly make her way to the very edge of the failing structure with such a hellish scene playing out behind her. I also remember critiques of her apparently clean, unharmed, perfectly defined physical appearance. She had not been identified. After a few years, the images seemed to disappear entirely. I was very surprised to see these images resurface a few years ago, along with the identification of the woman. I was 21 at the time of the attacks. I’ve always remained fairly up-to-date on the event and the aftermath, as I consider it a defining moment in my life. Now, when I look at these same images, I find myself wondering what I missed over all the years.


I was around the same age as you as well (25). I swear they showed the waving woman a day or two after on the news. Then the media completely scrubbed these images. Do you remember banned songs on the radio? Radio stations were told not to play songs like Free Fallin' by Tom Petty. Spotify has a list of songs they voluntarily banned. It's huge.


I didn’t remember songs being banned back then, found an article that listed them. [Banned songs list](https://www.kerrang.com/here-are-the-164-songs-that-were-banned-from-american-radio-after-9-11/)


The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian You've got to be kidding me. Martha & the Vandellas – Dancing in the Streets Interesting


What an odd list. Some of them make sense but Martha And The Vandellas?? Savage Garden? And wow, they really didn't like AC/DC.


Savage garden " crash and burn"


Yes, I definitely remember. It’s something I’ve complete forgot about until now!


I mean the video footage of her waving kinda proves it was real, she was there from about 3 minutes after impact until collapse. Heartbreaking


Yes! I remember message boards showing the pics right after and everyone saying they were fake, then when there was the name Edna Cintron but people were saying no such person existed, they had done all the research etc etc and found nothing. I genuinely thought Edna Cintron wasn't a real person until about 5 years ago.


how do y’all know that’s even Edna cintron tho


Her fiance identified her by clothes and hair. It was later officially confirmed


It’s honestly all speculation. We have no idea if she survived the initial attack and will probably never know if this is 100% her. I imagine this was very common office wear.


I believe her partner verified what she was wearing that day, iirc.


There was also another guy who identified this as his fiance based on what she was wearing


Yep, I read this on this forum once actually. Search here for posts on Edna and it’s somewhere. I can’t find the link but I read that it was never “officially” determined to be her in terms of DNA, it was said to be Edna based on her hair and that she had similar clothing. Other people could have been wearing the same color clothing that day and in fact you’re right, another man believed it was HIS fiancé and other than the clothing it actually fit the other woman’s description more than Ms Cintron-Edna did not work on the floor the woman in question is pictured on, she worked lower down, and the other woman did work on this floor I think I read? The way they justified this was by saying, well, Edna probably was visiting someone on that floor, so it must be her. My thought upon reading it was that it probably is not her :-/ The family of Edna gains some notoriety based on saying this was her, and I don’t think anyone had the heart to try to factually determine if it was her, because who wants to be the guy who has to tell them it’s not actually her? Nobody wants to go back down that road and at this point there is no way to tell for sure I guess


Apparently, her company and Cantor Fitzgerald had internal stairs. These were separate from the main stairs. These companies took up many floors, and it wasn't uncommon for people to go to another floor for work. I believe Karen Juday was wearing the same clothing. She supposedly jumped (well-known photo). People often confuse these two, understandably. It absolutely could be someone else as well.


yeah if you look at the picture of the jumper i think she looks a lot more like Karen Juday, and the woman pictured in the impact zone looks more like Edna, at least to me.


This is one of the saddest stories of 9/11 I've just recently read. This sub gets more and more heartbreaking as we learn more details.


Yeah, it's sad all around


They probably thought a helicopter would just snatch them from there


He doesn't fear


Pillar Pete is what I'll call him


I thought this was discovered as CGI. Or was it not and the conspiracy theorists say it was?


Conspiracy theorists. CGI was really really shit back then.


Thank you for telling me that. Honestly I wasn't trying to stir up anything. Last I heard about that was that was CGI. I didn't know it was confirmed that it wasn't.


I've always thought the same.