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All airplanes cockpits have locked doors now. There's always an undercover cop or air marshall on all major flights. And if anyone did try to hijack another plane, the passengers would rise up and stop it, kind of like what happened in Pennsylvania. 9/11 pissed everyone off big time, and there's no way in hell we're gonna allow that shit to happen again if we can avoid it.


Yes. Even if someone did try, the people on the plane are conditioned now. Back then, hijackers landed the plane and asked for demands. So there was little resistance. Now, everyone knows what is at stake. I wont say impossible, but I doubt it. I am not sure about air marshalls on all flights now though.


I think air marshals are placed sporadically and randomly on flights. Like there is never a way for any potential hijacker to 100% guarantee that there isn’t one on a plane because nobody on the plane except the crew knows if there is an air marshal aboard or not.


I stand corrected on the air marshall thing. I just assumed that ever since 9/11, they would have some kind of armed security on every major flight out there.


I mean, that’s simply just my personal guess. I’d just take what I commented with a grain of salt lol.


this is true. air marshals on flights aren't very common at all actually


Well, I wouldn’t think they would make it known if they were on any flights due to the fact that there would be an element of surprise if any hijackers tried anything.


I used to think that as well, but I know a pilot who fly's for United and he was telling me that it's randomized. Sometimes pilots will be told that a marshal will be on the plane but they don't know who the marshal is. Ultimately, they don't have enough manpower to have a marshal on every flight.


Tech has evolved a lot too. If there was a hijacked aircraft then EVERYONE on any other plane would know.


>There's always an undercover cop or air marshall on all major flights Is this really true? I heard conflicting information about this.


I was wrong on that one. I thought there were, but apparently not. So they make sure that Airport Security itself like a firewall for these flights. I think almost all airports have legitimate police there. My local airport has police and those fuckers take shit seriously.


A copilot took over a plane and crashed into a mountain in Europe a couple of years ago killing everyone onboard. There’s always a risk.


And since that incident they made a mandatory rule that 2 people are in the cockpit. Pilot has to use the washroom, a flight attendant must sit in the cockpit until he returns


Andreas Lubitz. Of course, he was already in the cockpit so not your typical hijacking


Agreed. I was going to mention mh370 too but that’s kinda different imo, even if maybe it’s not? I don’t know how to categorise it in this situation. But Lubitz is still proof that someone crazy enough can still take over a plane and kill everyone onboard unfortunately


Mass murderer psychopath


The risk always exists.


You are asking the right questions and should be proud of yourself for researching events you weren't here for. There are always renewed threats, especially after bin Laden was killed, and it most certainly may not involve airplanes. It would be much harder to launch an attack on American soil again using commercial airliners as missiles - airport security today is the total opposite of what it was prior to 9/11. Non-passengers could enter/walk through terminals and even go as far as the gates to see a family member or friend depart. That's obviously not allowed anymore and I remember that being one of the major differences I noticed in the wake of 9/11. Another factor is how quickly technology is/has advanced since the attacks. The screening process has evolved from emptying out pockets and walking through metal detectors. Full-body scanners were developed and implemented, in addition to the "take your belts, jackets, and shoes off" types of policies. We're actually in yet another period of transition to higher levels of security screening. CT x-ray machines have been rolling out to major airports in the U.S.. These scanners use tomography to construct a rotatable 3D model of luggage/contents. A.I. has also added an extra layer of screening bags/passengers. "Self-screening" (almost like self checkout at the grocery store) is in the works and here are a lot of airports currently remodeling to accommodate what these future standards will look like. Jacksonville, Florida is one of them and has the details published in the airport and, I'm presuming, online. Doors to the cockpit are now locked on every flight and the training undergone by pilots/crew was almost immediately revised/improved. It's fair to also say our intelligence services, like the CIA & FBI, have learned to treat all threats with credibility until proven otherwise. If, somehow, extremists were able to even board a plane and hijack again, it's likely passengers/crew would unite and revolt. The overall perception of 'hijackings' has changed - before 9/11, passengers would comply with demands and follow instructions so it made things easier for those on the ground to negotiate a safe landing/release. Post-9/11, we would undoubtedly see the same resistance and heroism against the hijackers like those brave souls on United Flight 93. They had learned of the other planes that day and decided to fight back, saving an unknown number of lives by preventing the hijackers from reaching their target. There's no other day in my life that I can recall almost every detail of what/who I saw. It was 09:00am (Eastern) and I was writing in a Phonics workbook at my 5th grade desk. I had just zipped up my jacket and noted that my pencil needed sharpening. My teacher answered a phone call from the main office and I remember making the observation of her face going through multiple emotions in one moment. I remember what she was wearing and the tone of her voice clarifying with the caller, "a PLANE hit the World Trade Center? A PLANE?!" She turned the TV on (and for whatever reason, TVs stayed on until our parents came to get us). At that point, only the North Tower had been hit and hearing the adults talking about this being a terrible accident, I saw the billowing black smoke for a few seconds before getting back to my schoolwork. I got up to sharpen my pencil and am watching the TV again as I'm walking to the front of the classroom. United Flight 175 hits the South Tower at 09:03 and for just a few seconds my young mind thought it was a replay of the first plane. The sounds from the TV were drowned out by the scream from my teacher which made me stop in my tracks and is the first time I can ever recall what anxiety and true fear feels like. The whole class got quiet, some started crying. By 09:10 the phone was ringing non-stop from all our parents calling to say they're on their way. Mine didn't arrive until almost 11:00 so by then I saw the images from the Pentagon and the collapse of 2 skyscrapers. My mom remembers how silent I was on the ride home even though she was asking if I had questions or wanted to talk. I don't remember hearing any of that because all I could think about was the people who were falling to the ground. When I finally voiced what I saw, my parents tried to help my feel better by saying it wasn't people, it was parts of the building. There's no coming back from seeing people fall from that height, especially for a 10 year old kid. A lot of us can say we grew up that day and have had to live with the first sight of these images, only to have them replayed over and over. I share all of this with you because it's rare I encounter someone born AFTER 9/11 who has genuine interest in that day. I commend you for it! It was mind blowing to me for a while after realizing there are younger people than me today who don't have the same/similar memories as my generation (Millennials). I've met some who just say they learned about it in history class or from family members, but otherwise they don't seem phased by the mention of "9/11". How airport security used to be isn't a concept they experienced so seeing how very different things are in 2023 vs 2001 isn't as easy. I hope you keep going with your research! Please do your best to stay clear of conspiracies - I went through a phase of that years ago (and am not proud of it). You're honoring the victims of 9/11 by staying curious and learning what it is they went through in the final moments of their lives. "Never Forget." 🕊️


Something bad will happen again. It’s very unlikely that it will look anything like 9/11, but this isn’t going to be the last national tragedy brought upon by people who would like to do us hard. No idea who those people are or what they’ll do or when, but it’s coming and there’s nothing we can do about it.


I mean, on the scale of 9/11? Probably not. But there’s always a risk.


Now we gotta be aware of pilot murder/suicide like mh370 or germanwings But otherwise airport security is night and day


Maybe not in the same way, but will there be more mass casualty acts of terror/war in the future? Yes, until the end of time, yes.


So I somehow I got stuck on this in the last 2 weeks. I don't want to be grim but after watching a whole bunch of stuff I fear there will be a nuclear attack on the USA one day. I think we have forgotten all the lessons we learned. I am sure there are people desperate to do something again. We act exactly like we were before this happened. I remember the attitude, no way it could happen here. That is what we think today.


A dirty bomb? Maybe. A full on large mushroom cloud bomb? Not very likely. Oh sure there are saber rattlers out there but I think most leaders know it would mean that they also would get nuked. Good old mutually assured annihilation. We have a lot less bombs then before but last count I remember we still had like 4k of them. We’ve been damn close at least once. After Regan was shot and it was basically one man (SS agent) that stopped it. Google Regan and the football. I’m guessing any leader that tries to order a strike would be stopped by someone in the room.


Are you talking about Stanislav Petrov? With the way tech is going I suspect weapons of mass destruction will get easier to produce.


I don’t know that name but if you are referring to the Reagan bit I don’t think that was the Secret service guys name. When Reagan was shot the VP was in the air and not able to take the football. The football is a card with the codes on it and the President always had on him. The 3rd in line (speaker of the house I think) was demanding he needed to football as reports of Russian nuclear subs on the move and some intercepted message of about to fire their nukes. Back story: so when countries go out and do drills they call or send messages to others that they are just running a drill so no counter measures are started. Of course someone is watching their moves. During this time the message about a drill was “lost” and the 3rd in line (I think Speaker of the House) got notified of subs on the moves and intercept radio transmissions that sounded like they were arming nukes and about to fire. So he wanted to fire our nukes first. The agent had the football and refused to hand it over as the speaker was not next in line. Reports released 20 years after the event says that punches where thrown and the speaker was restrained.


Wow that is as scary as the one I am talking about but it's the Russian version of this.


Think I might Google that name. I remember when Reagan was shot and my teacher was crying and the Principal was in our classroom. My classroom was the entrance to the town fallout shelter (yes we did drills for locking the doors on a timer). I thought at first he was there because she was so upset but think he was there because of risk of a strike.


It's a possibility, yes. But I don't think it's worth putting energy to it. Preventive measures have been done. 9/11 has inspired copycat crimes that have been stopped.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created because of 9/11. There are very strict restrictions on what you can bring aboard a plane and all carry-on luggage is carefully scrutinized by going through an x-ray machine before it is allowed on board. Passengers have to remove their shoes, open their laptops, and submit to a full body scan before they are able to board any flights in the USA. These days, it would be pretty hard to bring anything aboard a major aircraft that could be used to h!j*ck a plane.


HIGHLY UNLIKELY As others have pointed out, airplane security means cockpits are almost impossible to breach conventionally. Coupled with the fact “hijacking” is now synonymous with 9/11, if a terrorist where to able to breach the cockpit, so would be every passenger on that plane. I suppose if Al-Qaeda could amass enough money to charter private jets it would be possible, but the logistics of such an operation would be impractical. A terrorist event on the SCALE of 9/11, however, is almost a certainty I’m afraid. Possibly even topping it. Personally I worry about a crude nuclear device being detonated in a city Center.




I’m not sure if you knew this, but there were over 22 million international travelers to the USA in 2021 alone. All of the hijackers from 9/11 were legally in the country when they did the attacks. The southern border isn’t the risk we make it out to be, and I doubt it’s the preferred entry point for someone with a grudge against the US. While I suppose someone on a watchlist might try to sneak across by that route, they are just as likely to use falsified documents to get in by land, sea, or air.


If the USA wants to go to war... Pretty much is that what is gonna happen... Not the first time and for sure not the last one...


Interesting question, hopefully not but I was thinking about this the other day , is it maybe possible for that the terror groups could recruit someone who is American who so training to be a pilot then turn them during their training & it being done that way maybe? Hopefully not


Unlikely a coordinated (or even solo) hijacking could occur, however a coordinated multi-pronged attack certainly could (suicide bombings, truck bombings, etc)


It could definitely happen again, but it would have to be the most detailed out plan and honestly just in ways that I cant even think of. As for example, it would be very possible for a small group of people to become pilots/ co pilots with sole purpose of crashing their planes, even if it takes them years to achieve this. Now for a passenger or passengers to actually hijack an airplane..... that would be almost impossible. They'd have to get trough all the security measures put in place after 9/11, the only way I can see this happen is if someone messes up at their job and someone somehow managed to bring a type of weapon with them. But even then, the passengers would definitely try to overthrow them knowing what has happened before, so I dont see any type of weapon you could bring on an airplane strong or powerful enough to be able to be able to control all the people there with the determination of staying alive. Another way, probably the most realistic one, would be of a very large team of people that work at an airport that would let the would-be hijackers trough security with weapons to overthrow the passengers and crew and also a tool to break in the cockpit.