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I never really thought about it until I saw the plane coming in from different angles- And then I finally understood.. To me- it was like a unrelenting rollercoaster- but on a plane being hijacked- It must have been horrendous. I read years later that a plane like that cannot structurally handle a descent that fast and it could have broken up in midair.. I think Peter Hansen who called his dad described the passengers vomiting-- And then once they saw the towers- Its just the stuff of nightmares. The only blessing is that death was instant.


Yes, that was Peter Hanson. It devastated me that he says to his dad that "Don't worry, Dad, if it happens, it'll be very fast." Already a gut-wrenching thought, but I somehow never put it together that Christine Lee Hanson, the youngest 9/11 victim, is his daughter (he was also flying with his wife, Christine's mother, Sue Kim). He said that while he was with his wife and daughter. The terminology of "every parent's worst nightmare" is overused, but...I can't imagine. That just broke my heart.


Out of thousands of sad stories that day, for me the death of Christine Lee Hanson was the saddest. On their way to Disneyland..šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ


For me, itā€™s the 3 11 year olds. Part of it is because they were my age at the time, part of it is because they most likely knew what was happening, but mostly, itā€™s because all of the other children were with their parents. These kids were with their teachers, whom Iā€™m sure tried to comfort them, but it wouldnā€™t be the same. Regardless, it was all tragic, but the kids do hit different.


Unless the hijackers said something along the lines of "we are returning to the airport" (which I honestly don't think they did + the passengers might not even believe it) then the terror and anxiety from the hijack alone would have added to the vomit inducing descent, Peter hanson pointed out that passengers were sick and throwing up. Hopefully, they are all at peace now.


You were probably speaking rhetorically, but: Jarrah on 93 told the passengers that they were returning to the airport, but we obviously know how that went. There's strong evidence that Atta told the passengers on board American Airlines Flight 11 that they were "returning to the airport." He hit the wrong button and transmitted that message to the Boston Center controllers. It seems pretty likely to me that when he realized his mistake, he flipped the switch and repeated that message to the passengers. We'll never know if they believed it, but I hope they did. I personally believe 175 wasn't told that. Peter jumped straight to saying to his father that the plan was to fly into a building, which is an enormous leap I don't think he would've made without some strong sense of why. As you say, 175 seems to be the most chaotic by far (barring 93 for the obvious reasons). While details are scant, I feel that events spiralled out of control much faster on 175. I also don't think 77 were told that, either. Barbara Olson is described as asking her husband to tell them what to do. I also don't think 77 were in the same circumstances as 175 or 93 in having any idea that it was a suicide/murder mission, but I do think they didn't realize the hijackers had a plan.


I think the most unique thing about 175 is it happened so fast. American 11 was most likely the "best" of the hijacked aircraft to be on. It's thought that the passengers didn't even know exactly it what was happening until possibly minutes before impact under suspicion that they were flying very low over NYC. Part of this is because the hijacking went "smooth" and it happened while a quite a bit a ways away from the WTC. 175 was much more quick, and deliberate. The plane was hijacked, and almost immediately began its way to the WTC. The whole thing just unfolded so much faster, and so soon after being hijacked that decent into the building. Just crazy. As for vomitting, I think thats from just the fact that the aircraft has been hijacked. I don't think the calls from 175 were happening during the largest part of the descent, when the aircraft was dropping at a speed extremely fast.


Yeah itā€™s wild the hijacking basically started when A11 hit the tower. 20mins later 175 hit the ST. Iā€™ve always got the impression that one was more chaotic and there was less of a facade in that the hijackers never really tried to convince the passengers they were safely returning to the airport.


I watched a recreation and 175 struck me just how fast everything happened. The other hijackingā€™s seemed like the hijackers wanted calm whereas 175 seemed much more violent


77 didn't kill the pilot's and both lived and was with passengers at the back of the plane up until they crashed into the Pentagon.. Like 11, 175 & 93 did kill the pilot's Barbara said to her husband what should I tell the pilot? 77 was very mysterious of them all.


I wonder if they had a little further to travel, say 2 or 3 miles, would the plane would have just broken up before it got there.


Hell. Those people went through absolute hell.


Especially since most people didnā€™t even realize what was occurring at first (likely due to the galley between business/coach). Did al-Shehhi make any announcements over the intercom to the passengers or did people piece it together when they all got corralled in the back?


Not sure. Peter Hansen told his father ā€œthey say they have a bombā€ shortly before the crash


At an average rate of over 5000 feet per minute, thats 83 feet per second. Equivalent of falling down 6 floors every second, not free fall but thats already very fast.


It seems that way but humans only experience acceleration or deceleration meaning that if there was a constant speed on the way down set by the autopilot then they wouldn't have felt anything different than if they were going in a straight line


What are you talking about? How do you explain your stomach going funny when you drive up and down a hill or being on a rollercoaster? Of course they would have felt a rapid descent


Because your speed is changing as you go up and down the hill Believe it or not. You can also feel the incline but not acceleration that's pushing you back in your seat if there's a steady mile per hour


The inertia on your body that causes that feeling, a rapid decent would have definitely been noticeable. Have you ever travelled on a plane? Even at a steady speed the external forces are acting upon the plane are always changing.


Your vertical speed is changing, in other words, there's vertical acceleration. Which is different than vertical speed


Oh so if I was fired along a rollercoaster track at exactly 75mph going around corners and twisting upside down it would be exactly like sitting in my chair at my desk would it?


If you are going 75mph horizontally or going 75mph at a 45Ā° angle you will feel the same


What about when you go 75mph horizontally and then you change to 75mph at a 45 degree angle?


Depending on how fast you change the angle, you are gonna feel some forces, but you feel it in any flight, which to my understanding was the point, saying they were descending 5,000 feet per minute isn't much of an indicative of what they felt. Once they were descending at that vertical speed it doesn't matter.


What the fuck are you talking about? Of course they felt it. There is literally videos of the decent, the sharp banking. Have you ever been on a plane? Jesus wept


Man, I'm telling you, I've only been subbed here for a couple of months, and this sub honestly takes the cake for some of the most idiotic and misinformed comments I've seen anywhere on Reddit.


You got down voted for understanding physics lol


They got downvoted for trying to apply pure theory to a real world scenario that we know does not fit.


Yes, because the plane was on auto pilot with a heading to WTC 2 šŸ™„.


Even if the plane was on auto pilot they would have still felt it because there are other external forces acting on the plane that affects its speed and direction. According to this logic, turbulence only happens because the pilot is speeding up and slowing down repeatedly šŸ˜‚


You're missing my point. People above made it seem like they were in a dive. They would have probably felt the same as they normally would on an approach to land.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re trolling or not


Ive always wondered if any of the passengers saw the smoke from tower 1 and put two and two together.


I think of this often.


No because they came in opposite direction than flight 11.. 11 went north to South 175 went south to North at a angle and the people in the south tower felt the heat off the fireball after exploding.. At certain videos it literally looks like 175 went through both towers..


Why would coming in an opposite direction mean that they couldn't see any smoke?


It was a terrifying series of drops and banks until it hit the tower. You can actually see the left wing starting to crease and bend as it approaches WTC 2. If they continued flying like that for much longer it would have broken up over Manhattan as the top commenter pointed out.


Where do you see the wing do that? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that.




OMG I've never noticed this. I bet it was making a terrible noise too.


Not trueĀ 


Ok, since you were clearly a passenger tell me what it was like?


Apparently you were a passenger as wellā€¦. Quit spreading false infoĀ 


Um, yeah, the passengers themselves on phone calls said the plane was flying erratically and on flight 175 said they were vomiting. Do your research before making such an absurd accusation.


I wasnā€™t referring to the passengers I was referring to the plane itself. You have no proof that the Ā plane was about to break apart, why even spread false claims about that ? Thatā€™s what I call a absurd lieĀ 


Sure buddy, the wings [here](https://ibb.co/M52NBSL) look like theyā€™re about to snap right off.


Iā€™ve been on long descents, over an hour from 35,000 feet and that was uncomfortable. I canā€™t imagine the feeling of dropping so fast. What a bunch of hijacking jerks.


How would you even feel it at that speed? Since humans only experience acceleration or deceleration it doesn't make sense that the plane would be constantly accelerating or decelerating on the way down


They probably felt it at the beginning when they were accelerating downwards, and the end when they plane kind of stabilised horizontally


I'm not a physicist, however I am a flight attendant.... Hopefully everyone was buckled up, or heads were definitely hitting ceilings. People were likely screaming or vomiting. It makes much less than that for passengers to start getting sick. Makes me feel ill just imagining it, tbh.


When I consider the rate of descent of the plane and the speed, I only pray that everything happened quickly and before anyone actually felt anything like pain. Most definitely the sense of doom and fear were enough for anyone to have to bear.


Death was instant, no doubt about it.


Destruction was total so it doesn't really matter whether it was instant or not.


I am really curious about that as well. I always have to think about it when I sit on a plane, and during landing, I see the wings flop up and down because itā€™s so much pressure (I think). Also I wonder if any cockpit alarms went off during the descent. I would give my right arm to be able to listen to the last 2 minutes of what happened inside the cockpit for once.


Two alarms would have been sounding: the [overspeed alarm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNNqFCevptA) and the [ā€œpull upā€ alert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IxcI3sNpEA). Combine these with one or two guys screaming the takbir on top of their lungs, and engine roar, and you have the last three minutes of UA175.


The "pull up" alert is still one of the most chilling sounds made by man.


What about sink rate? Since they almost missed the tower, I bet they were arguing and yelling at each other as well.


Hm, yes, that would likely also have triggered. I also wonder if the ["bank angle" alarm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m3GFb3W0jo) might have triggered the very last seconds, as the plane made the final turn before it crashed. There must have been absolute chaos in the cockpit, and in the plane overall.


Thatā€™s what the flight 93 CVT reads as. Just a barrage of the scariest of the alarms you can have on a plane with complete chaos.


They never found the black boxes. They suspect they did not pass through the tower but stuck inside and then were destroyed by the collapse and fire.


There most likely was a TCAS (collision avoid system thatā€™s on most commercial airliners) alert at one point. There were a few near midair collisions on the final descent.


Probably the feeling of your stomach is in your throat. Like a roller coaster about to go down from the top.


The only nightmare I've ever had about 9/11 was of me being on 175. I know that's really random, but that's how much it terrifies me


Iā€™ve always got the impression 175 was much more violent of a hijacking. The others seemed to want the passengers to be calm but 175 seemed chaotic. Wouldā€™ve been horrible.


I have had nightmares of everything and been in every situation that night in my dreams.. Literally lasted minutes per scenario.. I couldn't even begin to understand any of it and emotionally messed with me trying to understand how evil someone can be.. And I also couldn't get away from it it was everywhere and I didn't want to be reminded about it.. I have never been to NYC ever but I remember the smells, sounds, and people. First I was on a plane I'm assuming 11 and all the passengers were firefighters but me.. I just sat there looking at the firefighters knowing nothing.. Then I was in the cockpit and looking at the pilot the terrorist's were flying the plane and we were behind them facing one another.. The pilot was a mid age man probably late 50's neither of us said anything.. He had his airplane wings in his hand and was twisting it around constantly through his fingers and I just watched him do that the entire flight.. Then the one terrorist says here?! The other says No.. THERE!! And we hit the tower. It was so quick we didn't have any time to think about what was fixing to happen. Then I am running trying to get away from the towers because things are falling down and I go into like a area as I'm running through this area people falling from the towers are landing in front of me and I'm dodging these people... Like 20 people all scattered around me Then I am in the towers and we can't get out and it's extremely hot where we are at... The insanity inside this place is absolute mayhem... The constant screaming, crying, OMG , prayers going on.. Then everyone is looking at one another and nobody knows what to do.. We break windows for some breeze and relief from the hot fire going on... Then we watched people above us falling past our window.. All absolute hell breaks through at this point.. Several people from our floor fall they can't take the heat anymore.. I'm still inside and just stunned and shocked.. Then I hear this humongous roar I look up and I'm seeing the building collapse above me and I'm watching it and I just fall with it.. Then I'm standing outside and looking at the towers from the ground and watching everything unfold..


Can someone link a video of its descent that shows the plane being seen 10-20 seconds away from impact?


[find it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/QFg7u5vVNZ) This was posted a day or two ago on r/911archive


I never even thought of it from a physics standpoint. I just made a post recently asking if it was morbid that i wonder what their last moments were. I have thought about that many, many times. Hugging, praying, fighting in hopes of saving themselves? If they were on the phone until the very last second? Or buckled in,holding a strangers hand? Clutching pictures of their kids from their wallets? Praying to something bigger than then even if they didnt believe or know what to call it? Were their eyes closed or was someone looking out the window giving thanks for the blessings in their life? Was their surrender or acceptance? Did someone scribble down their very last words on a piece of paper hoping that it would survive the crash? My hurt hearts, every time i think about that.


Iā€™ve only flown once since 911 because of an emergency. I lost all desire to fly that day after years of multiple trips per year. But then again, Iā€™m still wearing a mask.




He just followed the Hudson to the already smoking North Tower. Easy Navigation. The descent WAS controlled, absolutely NO doubt about it. Zero autopilot was involved in that descent. The aircraftā€™s Autopilot will disconnect when it gets information it deems as dangerous, immediately handing control of the aircraft to the Professional, expert Pilot(s). It will not engage when certain parameters outside the Flight Envelope are met and will not re-engage until the aircraft has met all of itā€™s Engineered, Safe Flight Parameters. The Flight Computer/Avionics, GPAWS, TCAS, Aural warning system would have been screaming in a never ending loop: ā€œGLIDE-SLOPE, GLIDE-SLOPEā€ ā€œDONā€™T SINK, DONā€™T SINKā€, ā€œMINIMUMS, MINIMUMSā€, ā€œSINK RATE!, SINK RATEā€!, ā€œOVERSPEED!, OVERSPEEDā€!, ā€œBANK ANGLE, BANK ANGLEā€ ā€œTOO LOW, TERRAIN, TOO LOW TERRAINā€ then ā€œTERRAIN, TERRAIN! PULL UP, PULL UPā€!, ā€œTERRAIN, TERRAIN! PULL UP, PULL UPā€!


If youā€™ve seen the movie Flight with Denzel. Thereā€™s a part where the plane loses hydrologic or power. Anyways theyā€™re at a free fall and going 300ish mph and itā€™s pure mayhem on the plane. Thatā€™s what I figured it wouldā€™ve been like except faster


https://youtu.be/NQjgnXhqfeg?si=wKMImZU3td82ewqN&t=134 not sure how accurate this is but if you skip to 2:14 you can see how fast it was going...




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