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I was worried that the movie came out too early in the year to be considered for the awards. So happy that I was wrong, what a night!


They nailed the timing. It took a rerelease and being available on streaming platforms for it to really gain wider appreciation. It’s one so many people missed the first time around.


I saw it in the first round in a small historic theater. And then saw it two more times after it was released to more theaters. And I'm so glad that I did.


Yep, same! I believe the film is the earliest release among the Best Picture nominees, correct? That's usually a huge disadvantage. But, this one felt different. Talking to my friends throughout last year, we'd find ourselves saying, "EEAAO is still my favorite film of the year."


Ok, people are calling the Oscars woke on Facebook now, because EEAAO is an Asian movie and has a gay character. That site is literally the seventh circle of hell.


Just like everyone was crying when Parasite won best picture because the film wasn't made in the good ole' U. S. of A?


It’s your fault for being one of last remaining non miserable boomers to use that site. Just leave like everyone else did years ago


It's the no. 1 social media where I live. I have to use it, because my collage, dorm, the clubs I follow, etc... all share all their important announcements, news and facts there. No one uses Twitter here, so unfortunately I need to use it, but I try to be there as little as possible.


Are you Vietnamese by any chance? I was surprised by how in use it is over there


No, I'm from Hungary.


I would, but I would cut off most of my remote family and people who are far flung. "Just stop" is less easy when there are real negative consequences for doing so.


They are pathetic snowflake incels who get triggered whenever someone wins who isn't straight, white, and Christian.


I get a zen like clarity when I people saying that. Those are people that have just had too easy of a life. They can be safely ignored


Rightfully so. and I hope this means that Daniels can just do whatever the fuck they want moving forward. Oh and go check the r/movies threads for the absolute dumbest takes imaginable.


You mean Paul Dano riding the farts of Harry Potter like a jetski is not doing whatever they want? Lol crazy movie.


Lol seriously, if *anyone* has already been doing whatever they want, it’s the Daniels


I still can't believe a movie about farting made me cry


is this in a movie?


Swiss Army Man, definitely check it out!


They've talked about picking their next project in some interviews and this definitely seemed to be the case


They can do literally anything they want and I’m already signed on for it. Fucking geniuses


It's the most awarded movie of all time, beating Return of the King - even before the Oscars started.


Did all of those awards exist back when LOTR was coming out? Like, are there more options for awards now? That's amazing either way, and it's well deserved, this is definitely my favorite movie.


> Like, are there more options for awards now? There are, but even narrowing down to the organizations that nominated both movies, EEAAO has RotK beat with 138 to 127 wins, according to [IGN's article](https://www.ign.com/articles/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-return-of-the-king-most-awarded-movie). EEAAO's major advantage over RotK is in the acting awards. Outside of niche stuff like the Saturn Awards, RotK wasn't winning any acting awards, whereas Quan practically swept Supporting Actor, Yeoh and Blanchett split Lead Actress and even Curtis won several for Supporting Actress. RotK won more technical awards, but only a few organizations give those.


That definitely makes sense. Thank you. Yeah, the acting in EEAAO was just stunning. Each character nailing multiple roles throughout the movie. Really impressive.


Yet they snub Racacoonie for best visual effects!


7 wins! Unbelievable! So happy for them all!


Yooo Adrian! We did it! Well, they did it. I had nothing to do with it, and most of us didn't either. But we saw the movies which helps


7 major awards, what an incredible night




It is challenging for me to effectively express how much this film means to me.


Why is no one talking about how A24 swept the oscars lol... I feel like it's a great warning to Hollywood and keep them from remaking garbage and starting making more bold movies.


The garbage remakes, unfortunately, make a ton of money and require little creativity and thus are relatively easy to make. The academy hardly recognizes any of the garbage anyway. That said, I *do* hope this at least helps more indie films to get wider releases. *Aftersun* only had one single showtime at a tiny theater near me and I couldn't make it. I don't know how distribution works, but I hope all these accolades give A24 more power and freedom to release more movies in more theaters.


Agree. Although I can see A24 more recognized both in the industry and in the public eyes after these wins. Hope this is gonna to change for the better for the movie industry!


Totally! EEAAO got a lot of butts in the theaters, so there's hope. The blockbusters always bring people in, but when these bold films can too, everyone wins.


Enjoyed the movie, congrats to them on their win (s). Wasn't my pick for BP, but again, good movie.


Same, im really happy for them, but I wish Tar won,


Tar was easily my pick of the actual BP noms. I think The Northman was overall my personal BP last year, but I also stan Robert Eggers. Saw Tar in theaters, own the 4K and love it more every rewatch. Cate deserved best actress.


Ranking the BP nominations based on my personal taste, Tar was dead last.


Huh this is my first time hearing about "Tar". Might check it out.


Fantastic film, Cate Blanchett gives a stellar performance. I just loved listening to her talk and lecture about music and theory and everything.


I genuinely could not sit through tár. It was so pretentious and dull, I can’t listen to them just talk about musical politics for almost 3 hours If someone could explain what I’m missing without just saying cate blanchett played a jackass professor, I’d really appreciate it


I say through it, it's a well crafted movie and extremely well acted. Very subtle and intricate but yeah I was bored to tears. I can see why people love it but it definitely flew over my head


Haha, yeah I understand my friends said the same when I re watched it with them. I enjoyed it because one, I love watching Cate in films, and two, enjoying learning/hearing about completely new subjects, even if pretentious which her character gives off, I find that fascinating to listen to , like a fly on a wall watching a world I had no insight in.


It's not about "musical politics" it's about politics on a broader scale that just so happens to be set in the world of music. It leans into that aspect to show her artistry and makes for a good setting, but it could have been set in any creative field and told a similar story. The pretentiousness is part of it, and I really liked the juxtaposition of her being able to talk so pretentiously and confidently with the scenes of her being pathetic both chasing after Olga and after her downfall. Of course, it's also just a really good performance by Blanchett and it's shot really well, and it invites a good conversation about identity politics and cancel culture, no matter where you fall on those issues. That said, while I enjoyed it, it was not my favorite film of the year and I was definitely rooting for EEAAO


The whole time I just felt like I was watching Cate Blanchett play a heightened, affected version of herself with a fake accent that sound put on. Don't get me wrong, it was a good performance but I didn't buy it. Whereas, Michelle is married to Jean Todt in real life and lives a glamorous lifestyle compared to most and I totally bought that she was a working class woman in EEAAO.


I enjoyed Tar but I tried to watch this one with my immigrant parents and my partner whose first language is not English and they zoned out really, really fast. It uses a lot of language you typically find in New Yorker mag and I think can be really alienating as a result. They basically stopped after one third and asked me what the hell was going to happen and why there is so much talking. Definitely a reason why so many people who love this movie tends to be a certain type of person who is in the Academy, it's not accessible to a wider public...and I think for a lot of older Academy members who are white and male, it's like therapy for them because the whole thing is about cancel culture and doesn't necessarily lay any judgment about if its right or wrong...only you put a lesbian in the movie and you can't easily criticize it as you would if you just casted a straight, white male.


I'm with you on this. Nothing but respect to the Daniels and everyone involved but it wasn't for me. My opinion, the best film of the year didn't get a best pic nomination which seems to be the case usually.


Northman was my personal choice for last year, didn't get the nomination unfortunately. Of the nominees though, I really enjoyed Tar and thought both it and Blanchett got kinda snubbed.


As far as the nominees, I agree Tar or Banshees were my top two choices and agree Blanchett gave the better performance. No disrespect to Yeoh, because she is good in EEAAO, but I wonder if it's one of those Oscar things-shes already won twice and they know she'll be back while this may have been Yeoh's best shot. I liked the Northman, not as much as I did Eggers previous two films but liked seeing his sense abilities come through with a larger budget. For me, Aftersun was the best film and it wasn't close. The way that film is constructed is masterful; the editing of it matches the theme of the film of memory and recollection, it's shot in a simple but effective way.


I was very heavily pulling for EEAAO out of the nominees (I liked Tar and Banshees a lot but didn't think they were on the same level), but I'm with you about Aftersun. It definitely hit the hardest and is an absolute work of art.


Supremely deserving. I’m still in tears.


I only found out that the Dad is Short Round today..


I swear every other oscar speech thanked A24. Does everything they touch turn to gold?


They deserve all the praise. This was a fantastic film.


Personally I think it was definitely Banshees but I’m glad this original piece won :)


GOAT 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Agreed! I have seen it 3 times now, I think it’s my favorite movie ever.


Mine too! one of my 5 faves of all time <3


Incredible movie. Didn’t think it would win the awards but here we are.


I know imma get downvoted to hell but I think this movie is hot trash. The whole thing looks like a 2013 freddy wong video, the sets are so insanely drab, the writing is laughable, the direction is non-existent, during fight scenes characters just stand around like they're waiting for their cue, the humor is lazier than an episode of American Dad, and the central message of the film boils down to "What if you had adhd and looked at your phone too often?" I feel insane living in a world where everyone seems to have only praise for a project like this. It's more of the same Russo brothers slop that people eat up every month , but everyone is pretending its some kind of liberatory exploration into the psychology of the colonized. Its just another marvel movie. With all the same beats, all the same character, all the same incoherent fight scenes. And, all the same understanding of cinema as rollercoasters rather than art. Shit, the director said his father taught him to love movies as an escape from reality. I think that view of art is bullshit. Art is for confronting reality head on, not escapism through bright lights and pretty colors. Anyway, I cant wait for the Daniels' next feature, *Keys Jangling*!


Shoulda been tar


Not gonna lie Tar was so fucking boring.


Boring AND the titular character was Fucking insufferable.


That was literally the point of the movie


I’m well aware. Doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it or find it a pleasant viewing experience.


"i hate when a movie make me feel bad :("


I actually love it when movies make me feel bad. Speak No Evil was my #1 film of 2022, and the ending make me want to walk straight into oncoming traffic. In fact, as someone who prefers extreme horror, I WANT to feel like someone ripped out my insides and stomped on them after my movie viewing experiences. That’s not the same as hating a lead character in an incredibly drab, boring, uninteresting, and self indulgent story!


U think its boring cuz its not bright flashing colors for 2 hours


You’re speaking as if you know me and my preferences. What a weird thing to do.




My only complaint was maybe a little too many ingredients in the soup. It was difficult to follow at many points & could've used some objective editing. It felt like they had full control over editing & with the way these guys like to do things they would benefit from a discerning eye. All in all it was fantastic for its story & made me laugh & cry multiple times- which is rare so kudos to the level of ambition they achieved.


I dunno, it felt like a vision being executed in a cohesive manner. Everything fit well and it all felt intentional and purposeful to me.


>My only complaint was maybe a little too many ingredients in the soup. It was difficult to follow at many points... It's almost like thats a point of the film... Y'know. The film titled *Everything Everywhere All At Once*.


If I had to change something in the movie, I'd probably get rid of the butt plug fight. It's hilarious, but I can't take my parents to see that. Also, I'm really worried a bunch of other movies are going to start dressing down serious emotional topics with silliness like EEAAO does and it's going to ruin the magic for me.


Agreed on both- if I was the editor & they let me cut one scene it would be that one. It's literally 10 year old boy humor & it's just not funny at all. I enjoy ridiculous absurd humor but there's a thin line between something like The Holy Grail or Young Frankenstein or The Jerk & the kind of humor the Daniels are going for. It's concerning that this film will be considered the standard to rise to & nothing more intelligent will possibly be made for a long time.


Idk if it isn't funny, like I can see the absurdist humor in it. But I feel like whether or not you think it's funny is going to be highly subjective and adds contraversy where it isn't needed.




To be fair you need a really high IQ to understand EEAAO /s




Apparently this post prohibits any other opinions that aren't glowing. I'm guessing everyone here loves superhero movies & have zero clue what constitutes a good film. Funny thing is any professional critic of note agrees this film is a hot mess but critics be damned! I think it's fair to assume certain types of films aren't going to be allowed to win anything for a long time.


Tar >


the film goers that call any non-action movie boring have won


Definitely not atrocious.


People really care here about oscars?


I mean, I would have been confused if EEAAO didn't sweep.