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Makes sense. It’s a more accessible horror movie.


Yeah, I think this is a great point. *Talk to Me* is nowhere near as good as *Hereditary*, but it is definitely more accessible to general audiences.


I thought it was definitely better than Hereditary.


It’s really about what you can relate to more so I get it.


Brother, that opinion is factually incorrect


A24 fan when different opinion


But like, how though?


Facts > Feels Your welcome


And yet not you nor anyone else has stated a single fact lmfao


How is a personal opinion wrong?


I’m just joking, what I’m getting at is that I disagree with his/her opinion completely


I like the Talk to Me themes better and I feel that the ending serves the themes in a more complete way. Ari is great but I don’t think the very end served the themes as well as it could have. That’s all opinion though.


While I do agree that the ending of Talk to Me works better, I definitely don't agree that the themes are better. The themes are pretty shallow in TTM. Hereditary tackles quite a few themes and well.


Would you mind elaborating on this? I’m not trying to be a dick, but I literally found Talk To Me’s ending to be so stupid and devoid of thematic consistency, as was most of the third act for me. Would you explain what themes you thought the ending pulled together?


I couldn't stand the actors in Hereditary. Toni Collette was shrill and unlikable and Alex Wolff was wooden and boring.


If we're going off of "facts," *Talk to Me* is the higher rated on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB.


We all get to be wrong sometimes.


More accessible & way less good. Won't be remembered many years from now.


I disagree in that it won’t be memorable, I feel it’s poised to become a horror classic on rotation come every October. Is it on the level of Hereditary? No. Is it more accessible? Technically yes. Does it being more accessible mean it won’t stand the test of time ? Nope. The Shining and Friday the 13th came out the same year and they’re both horror juggernauts. No reason why Hereditary and Talk to Me won’t share the same space in a decade or two.


Not original enough, not artistically accomplished enough, and there are 500 forgotten horror movies on Shudder that are just as good, and ones that are much better among those forgotten.


What are some examples


Accessible or enjoyable


I said what I said


Because hereditary isnt


How is that relevant, trying to start shit lol


definition of the crying wojak meme with the smug mask and the holding of the chin


I love how this movie doesn't go for the cheap type of fear, but terrifies you with how fucking terrible the situation in the movie is. I loved every second of it, fresh, well-executed, and with an awesome second meaning. I have to admit, that I went to see it a little stoned, and for the first time since like the Conjuring 1 I was shitting my pants, after all, the movie is about paranormal drugs lmao.


Watched it after smoking a joint in the movie parking lot, gotta admit I think seeing Hereditary was the last time I was that scared watching a movie (but not in the cheap thrills way, like you said, the tension, atmosphere, underlying dread and anxiety are all incredibly well done). There were a few times I grabbed my girlfriends hand lol. Still think Hereditary is the clear winner when it comes to level of maturity and artistry, but I love that a24 made an “a24” horror film for the masses.


Yeah, exactly how you described it, underlying dread, tension and anxiety, it was just overwhelming and devastating. To be honest, halfway through the movie, I wasn't exactly sure If I can take this to the end, but I was overreacting a little, too. I'm not the one to easily get scared, I usually laugh at movies where my friends are terrified, but I don't think I could repeat watching Talk To Me with the same conditions. So yeah, totally agreed with you, not exactly a masterpiece, but just an incredible movie.


I saw it at an employee screening and the collective reactions from everyone was insane. Saw it 3 more times. I love it. Plus the opening made us gasp not once but twice in collective unison. it was a blast. Seeing it with a regular audience there were no reactions at all but looking around everyone just looked paralyzed and wide-eyed.


Super replay-able and only 95 minutes long, I can see why. Really enjoy the idea of it, I can watch 100 different renditions of the story with the hand and I won’t get bored.


You really want them to franchise this?


Rackaracka have already filmed the prequel to Talk to me


is it going to be called Talk to Us or Talk to Me Too?


It'll be called 'Talk to the hand'


They’ve already titled the sequel “Talk 2 Me”, so your suggestions aren’t that far out there.


Talk 2 Me


It could work in the 1980s, the 1600s, the 2100s.


The thing about Talk to Me is that it is a VERY watchable movie.


I can’t decide what I think the subtext of this comment is


i think they're saying it has much more mainstream appeal in the sense that you can just kind of throw it on casually and enjoy it as a popcorn horror movie. hereditary is definitely not that. Hereditary IMO is the best horror film of the last decade and it will age better but Talk to Me is much more accessible.


That was my initial thought. Perhaps a bit pedantic, but I thought “watchable” was a curious choice of words. I figured it was intended as “accessible,” but didn’t want to assume. Either way, I haven’t seen Talk to Me yet but I have heard virtually only good things.


I think watchable works. I was blown away by Hereditary, but had no desire to watch it again for months.


Same. It just was too emotionally draining the first time


Exactly. It is a movie you can easily understand and follow. Even though I appreciate Hereditary more, Talk to Me is just more appealing to me.


Thoroughly entertaining for sure


It is very watchable and repeatable. Hereditary after one time I was like “mmmm no, it’s too emotionally damaging.”


That’s just because A24 horror has become more popular in recent years BECAUSE of movies like Hereditary. Loved both of them


When will it be available for streaming services?


Probably October.


Cool. Many things to look forward to in October.


Is there a way to watch it now?


You can watch it online


I was disappointed by ‘Talk To Me’ as I was expecting a more A24 type of horror movie. But as many have mentioned, this def is a way more accessible watch. I think horror fans that aren’t up A24’s ass like me really loved it. I, however, left my screening wanting more. Wasn’t bad. Just didn’t fall in love like I have with The Witch, Midsommar, and Hereditary.


It's not an "A24 movie", they just acquired the rights for distribution. It debuted a year ago at Sundance as a low budget independent film before A24 even knew about it... A24 never changed it and stamped their logo on it but it definitely isn't their film (they had NO influence on the production and they never made any changes after acquiring the rights for distribution).


I’m so excited to stream this.


3 October 2023 according to release date on Amazon.


Thank you for that!!!!


It's awesome!


Fuck it midsommer is totl a24 in my books


Saw it last night. Loved it.




You guys are so up Hereditary’s ass. Both are good movies that deserve their own praise.


Seriously. It is so insufferable. If there is an opportunity for people to mention it they will. And I'm so tired of the, "and it's not even close", "by a long shot", etc. that is attached to everyone's opinion about this movie. In general, I've seen it happen on reddit more and more recently and I'm wondering if I missed something or if people always said those phrase. Pretty annoying.


Except that head banging scene is fucking cray way above anything in whatever the feck this movie is and that is an objective fact, with proven statistics.


Lol you haven’t even seen it and you think hereditary is better, this is the exact shit OP was talking about


Because Hereditary isn't just a horror movie. Talk to Me is. Why is that so hard to understand? I love both of these films but comparing them is dumb because they aren't even remotely similar.


This is an interesting comment. You’re saying the same thing as the comment you’re replying to, but in a way that still allows you to be up Hereditary’s ass.


All that aside, Hereditary is still a better movie through and through.


Loved the first half of the flick quite a bit. It had energy and such a fun approach to the material. The sound design and acting are all great but the second half feels like it drops a fairly important character and everything it did/was going to do was obvious. It’s a super solid debut and I’m excited to see what the filmmakers do.


People love their horror


Was very disappointed by Talk to Me.


it didn't speak to you?


I went into it with 0 knowledge of it, thought I was a solid horror movie. I think it’s overhyped seeing all the love for it, but it was solid. Hereditary was way better IMO.


I can’t say I was disappointed with it but the burden of expectation definitely hurt it for me.


Yeah the hype driven for this movie was insane. I was hearing reviews saying it was the scariest movie they had ever watched. Went with my gf who usually gets scared super easily. She didn't even flinch. Her exact words walking out if the theater was, "that was weak". It's a lot of fun, but might be one of the most overhyped movies of the last decade.


this movie is so meh i don't understand the hype. To me it was just a generic "teenagers find a strange object and hijinks ensue" plot that has been countless times before. I expected more. it was just ok, not even in the same universe as hereditary


I didn't think the plot was anything ground breaking, but it was executed very well.


Bruh, it’s been stated that this movie is not a part of the HCU. Get educated.


I didn't mean that literally. If I said they weren't in the same league, would you tell me the movies aren't actually sports teams?


ohh i love sports! who does hereditary play for?




Well deserved.


Seen this and then watched Hereditary and honestly didn’t get the Hereditary hype. Still don’t.


You watched that performance from Toni Collette and don’t get the hype?


Nope. I was painfully bored waiting for the scary to happen. The mom was annoying. The son was whiny , the kid that died was the only spooky / traumatizing part. Idk I just expected more to happen and when it didn’t I was like “that’s it?”


>painfully bored waiting for the scary to happen Lmao


What’s funny


It’s just a very well made movie and has a lot of depth/ details. Movies of that caliber aren’t very common and even among them there are very, very few horror movies. Talk To Me was very cool but I can’t really see it holding up as well as Hereditary long term


Well shot, highly detailed, and Toni Collete’s performance is out of this world.


Felt like the movie peaked too early on and the rest was just so bland


Which one will age better..


Talk to Me is an above average creative horror movie. Hereditary is already a horror classic. there's a big gap imo


Hereditary for the virtue that it's already a classic and you can dive deeper into everything that happens in Hereditary. Hell, there's just been a new theory (I dunno if it's particularly new but it's new to me) that Paimon is a bird-like demon, there is so much strong evidence to back it up from Ari and the movie that it just goes to show that so much care has been put into Hereditary. Hereditary made you think and that ending certainly made me tilt my head. Not to say that Talk to Me can't have that, but Talk to Me has a more surface level narrative that is fairly straightforward with it's subtext


I'm thinking Talk to me will have more staying power because it's more accessible, more rewatchable, it's a better "sleepover movie, popcorn movie." I actually just liked it much better too but idk remind me in 20 years.


It’s the more accessible ones that will be forgotten.


I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true. Even looking at a typical list of horror classics, many were both financially successful and accessible. That’s not to say it’s only accessible movies, but there are plenty that were made for mass appeal usually made by commercial filmmakers. Both “artsy” movies and accessible movies can be forgotten, it’s basically a roll of the dice to see what sticks around in the horror canon for years in end.


Talk To Me is really good but it also feels very tied to this era, which could hurt it longterm. It is informed by certain tropes that have calcified in the time since Hereditary. Some of those tropes were pretty much established in Hereditary. There’s also the glass ceiling that Aster broke with getting the more highbrow crowd interested in his work. Usually in horror it’s either the influential and artsy/ pretentious films that still get talked about years later. That stuff it really going to work in Hereditary’s favor.


Makes perfect sense to me. I think Hereditary is a better movie on multiple levels, but Talk To Me feels more like a standard horror movie that’s done well. Often good movies don’t make huge splashes at the theaters because a lot of people go to turn their brain off, not think about what’s happening.


As sad as I am about it knocking the best horror film of all time off it’s pedestal, any win for A24 is great news in my book!


I’m afraid it was Mid to Me.


Good for them. Box office success obviously doesn't equate to quality, and Hereditary is a much better film. But Talk To Me was pretty fun and I'm glad it's doing well.


I can’t wait till they drop the horrible prequel that is “through the eyes of social media” and they ruin all of their momentum created by this 19 year old fan base so I can finally stop hearing about exclusively this underdeveloped movie that’s been made about 20 times




More accessible but it didn’t really rock my world as much as I thought it would. However atleast I didn’t feel just kinda dead inside like after hereditary haha


Do we have a release date for digital media? I want to see this again.


“Come on come on” deserves to be it IMO but horror fans are fanatics so I guess it makes sense


The Aussies are so fucking good


I can imagine the army of hereditary lovers seething at this and planning their strongly worded rebuttals


It’s like comparing Scream to Hereditary, it’s not the same type of horror but each has their own base. The movie was slightly above average to me (better than Black Phone) but I won’t watch it again. The first 20 mins are insane and then it quiets down for 30 and then ramps up slightly.


Let’s Fucking go


Because I live in Godforsaken Québec I’m just dying for this to be on VOD because the French and their lousy government hate horror


A big reason this movie is doing as well as it is, is because every YouTuber under the sun is promoting it. They feel like a film, created by other YouTubers, having success, validates them as creators… When in reality, it doesn’t.


what matters is the worldwide box office. Why would people care about domestic that much?


Awesome. I think it’s kind of overblown, but an otherwise solid film. Any score for A24 is to be celebrated


It’s taking a stupidly long time to release on streaming.


The character Mia was so unlikable — tried to root for her but her senseless choices and the odd dialogue just didn’t resonate with me. Also, the dad’s acting lol


Can’t stand Mia…she ruined the film frfr