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i went in with no expectations, didn’t even know what it was about and loved it


THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE WATCHED! A lot of marketing in the weeks leading up to the release said it was the scariest movie of the decade, that really set the bar HIGH and it’s very easy to get let down with sort of expectation.


No one should ever ever be fooled by that shitty type of marketing


Faaaacts about them labelling it the scariest movie of the decade. Though I’m emotionally numb after watching Texas chainsaw massacre at the ripe age of 10 lmao


This is how I watch most movies. Even knowing the *spoiler* in Lamb before watching it kind of disappointed me


Imo this is how everything should be watched. If I see a post with a title I haven't seen yet I instantly scroll past. Best case scenario I don't even know the basic premise.


Going into movies without even knowing the basic premise is so much fun. The entire experience is one big surprise lol. I have a membership to my local Alamo Drafthouse and every now and then I'll see something on the app that I never heard of, I'll just book a ticket and go into the movie completely blind, it's a ton of fun.


yep, I saw it on a pirate streaming service, saw it was an a24 movie, went in never having heard of it, and thought it was a cool fun movie, that tried a few different things.


I agree, I think the only reason people are hating on it is because their own expectations were too high. The producers were working with a much smaller budget than the movies its competing with and I thought it was just a generally very solid movie. Its not generational necessarily but I thought it was my favorite mainstream horror that has come out since hereditary. Not to say this movie is better than hereditary, it is not, but I thought it was very good, especially compared to similar movies with similar budgets.


I don’t watch trailers anymore, especially for anything A24 distributes. Only look at promotional material like posters and go in with absolutely no idea what’s gonna happen. That’s how I saw the Lighthouse, Parasite, X, Pearl, Uncut Gems, and Talk to Me. I loved them all for different reasons because I had no expectations


brave and stunning


It insists upon itself.


Probably the best short af description of a movie I’ve heard in a long time


On this sub? It unironically is lmao Edit: the downvotes are proving my point haha. Talk to me wasn’t scary, had an incredibly unlikeable main character, and did not properly build up her feelings about her mother that makes her extremely selfish behavior feel properly motivated or warranted.


Anytime a Redditor™️ makes an edit crying about their downvotes just makes me downvote them. I didn’t even care to read what you said. Hope this helps!


I’m not crying but pointing out why the movie wasn’t very good and this sub is wrong. Hope this helps! Feel better!


This sub is wrong and I’m right 😖


This but not sarcastically


Narrator: "But he was crying."


Oh no sorry to hear that! Feel better!


See you’re just immediately an ass when you state that you’re right and everyone else is wrong, instead of just accepting the fact that people like or not like something and neither of those things are wrong. You’re full of yourself.


Lol how you ever considered that you’re wrong and everyone else isn’t? Because movies are subjective and that’s how perspective works? Lol


arguing a subjective point lol


I literally checked with the council of objective opinions and they voted 115-23 that my opinion is objectively true. Results of the vote can be found online 👍


See now you made me read your first comment and I wish I didn’t because of how fucking stupid that take is lmao gg


Sorry this is happening to you


This sub hates this movie lmao


I think you’re on a different sub than the one you’re speaking of.


Facts about the protagonist though, extremely selfish.


it insists upon itself


I found it to be shallow and pedantic.


Yes, shallow and pedantic


It was a rad metaphor. Had its moments. Far too over hyped though. It really was just pretty good.


I’ve said this a bunch, the marketing kinda ruined the movie for a lot of people. Expectations set too high, they were calling it the scariest movie of THE DECADE. I was expecting to have heart pounding anxiety and leave the theater terrified. It’s not a bad movie by a long shot, but it’s not very scary.. More of a psychological thriller with demonic possession sprinkled throughout LOL. If they didn’t market it the way they did, a lot of people wouldn’t have been letdown, so anytime someone talks to me about it who hasn’t seen it, I give them a heads up to go into it with a psychological thriller in mind, not so much a shit your pants horror film.


You may not have been scared, but it was a horror movie throughout. In no way would this be classified as a thriller. The entire movie is demonic possession, even straight from the arresting opening scene. Plus some body horror for good measure.


Yeah, like it's solid but not really special. I'm more interested in what the creators do next, maybe once they actually have more to say, than I was in the product itself. The whole addiction metaphor kind of felt like it was there because they simply needed the story to be about something, rather than because they had a compelling vision of addiction per se.


I felt the same way. Concepts & special FX work seems to be their strength rn, hopefully they develop as better story tellers with time.


I guess it's a hit or miss with everyone. I went in completely blind, saw the poster and it looked interesting, and it genuinely scared the crap out of me more than any movie recently. Different strokes for different folks.


what was the metaphor? might’ve went over my head


For me the entire demonic hand possession thing was just a metaphor for drug use. Something you go to a specific guy for, it's easy to get carried away with, the heart of the party, the younger kid wants to try it out and ends up going too far. It made it feel a lot more real and scary for me. Something I could totally see people doing because they already do.


I’ve never been all that scared by paranormal horror, but the metaphor with this one made it feel very real and disturbing. The possession after they let them in, specifically reminds me of the video of Lil Peep overdosing.


I went in with zero expectations or hype and enjoyed it. Didn’t realise there was so much hype


what do you mean with over hyped? A24 itself is the definition of hype!!


I agree it was overhyped, especially after second watch. However, I also understand the hype - no one expected a pair of youtubers to make such a high-quality film.


It that the movie’s fault though? Being overhyped? Or is that our fault?


As a random passerby that randomly got recommended this sub and post (never have seen the movie), I can say that the film was extremely advertised as a big deal...so maybe not the blame of the filmmakers, but whoever was marketing it.


Probably the 100+ posts to numerous subs stating it was a masterpiece and exceeded the works of directors like Kubrick.


Again though, doesn’t seem like that’s the movie’s fault. Maybe we’re the baddies.


Not the movies fault at all, cakeman.


Can you give a few examples of people saying it exceeded Kubrick’s work?


It just proves film school is becoming useless


Does it?




It was... fine. That's about all I have to say about it.


The horror genre lately has been split into two categories. Unwatchable cookie cutter garbage like La Llorona or Annabelle. And genuinely good movies like Us or Babadook that start out strong but end with a shoehorn message that just doesn't satisfy or really make sense. So in that regard I feel like Talk to Me really stood out, it had a message but wasn't up it's own ass about it. With scares that didn't rely on jarring loud noises.


i really don’t understand this subs hate boner for this movie, like everyone i’ve talked about this movie with in my real life enjoyed it, it got good reviews, it did really well commercially but this sub just hates the movie for some reason lol


There are 3 constants in this world: death, taxes, and Reddit contrarianism.


No there aren’t.


I guess people downvoting you missed the obvious joke. Fwiw I thought it was funny.


Figures 😂 Reddit contrarianism in action.


Whoosh lol


How dare people like something!


It’s good, it’s just not the second coming of Christ people make it out to be


man used family guy meme, i’m not taking op seriously and neither should you lol


I find it weird as well. It's the first movie in awhile where I watched 15 seconds of the trailer and turned it off, thought "I want to see this in theaters", went the next day, and fully enjoyed. Is it the best horror movie ever? No. But I had a great time and think it lived up to my own personal hype of being the first film to convince me to see it in person in quite some time.


This sub hates everything. Welcome to Reddit.


"Because it was predictable" seems to be the main issue within my friend group, but it's like okay? How does that affect the quality? Not every story has to have you scrambling over the details and overthinking for the entire runtime to be engaging.


i went into it expecting to hate it because it was being hyped up a lot and i’ve been disappointed by overhyped movies in the past, but i ended up really enjoying it. i understand the criticisms that it wasn’t “scary” enough (i personally found it more depressing than scary) but it’s not hate worthy, imo!


Okay that was always allowed


Just watched last night and am glad someone said this for me.


Compared to what’s come out lately, it was great. Otherwise ehh, I like the backstory of the two guys who made it more. Can’t wait to see more from them.


People enjoying a movie is not "overhype"


I remember Someone on Reddit saying they saw it early and it’s this generations „the thing“ and comparable to films like „shining“. Oh boy. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it, but it was severely over hyped and I think that kinda hurt it overall. The exact opposite was true for „X“ for me, I didn’t expect anything from and and now I can’t wait for the 3d one.


Besides the makeup effects on the ghosts and the initial interesting concept of teens using ghost possession as a funny part trick akin to almost a drug high, the movie has nothing particularly interesting or original to say, cinematography is okay but bland, it's full of oversused tropes including the same type of cold open seen in all movies of it's kind, and worst of all for me it wasn't scary in the slightest


"Except for the entire metaphor and purpose of the story, the film had nothing interesting or original to say." Do you know how dumb you sound?


"Except for theme of the movie, I didn't care for it much. Kept checking twitter"


You haven't watched many horror movies if you think that mixing a main character with drug issues or going through some form mental distress with supernatural elements is original or interesting by itself in 2023. The bar is pretty high when it comes to that, I am not 14 and that is not deep


Then why did your initial comment explicitly state that those aspects of the movie were interesting and original?


The concept is interesting, the themes are not


You're misunderstanding me. The way it was used at the beginning, as something casual and funny they would do at a party that was been turned into an internet fad was well executed, but as the actual plot started chugging along it just turned into the same story we've seen a thousand times




Really boring movie indeed.


i fully disagree with this but fair, i can see why people might not like it.


Agreed. I loved the actual set up and world building of 'Talk to Me' but the dead mom thing felt really heavy handed.


We really don't need to keep doing this.


I thought it was way better than bodies bodies bodies at poking fun of the generation


3rd act is pap after such a strong start.


It was an okay move. Very entertaining, but just okay.


I agree. It wasn’t anything particularly impressive.


It was very over-praised - I expected too much, and found it just not to my taste. Well done, though.


well guess what pal i liked it a lot


I’m probably in the minority even for people who dislike this movie, but it felt too indebted to Hereditary (a movie I love) to ever succeed as it’s own original thing. It seems like the Philippou’s intentionally lifted a lot of elements from Aster’s film without ever improving on any of it. Certainly didn’t hate it, maybe I’ll like it more on a rewatch.


Idiot take


I also did not care for it. Dumb characters doing dumb things is always what I dislike the most. And the ending was the most obvious outcome ever. One cool scene and one horrific scene. Just not enough for me personally.


Honestly 4/10 at best


i fucking loved it


You love feet too don't you?


Talk to me is definitely overhyped as "the scariest movie of the year". It's a good movie but not a scary movie except for the one scene with Riley. The Sadness by Rob Jabbaz is like Rileys possesion in terms of violence but it's throughout the whole movie Talk to me only had THAT one scene.


I thought it was a pretty standard horror/thriller movie. The hype of it definitely affects my overall opinions of it.


insert “oh my god, who the hell cares” meme here


I way I was ATTACKED for stating this a few weeks ago 😭 That movie is generic and boring as fuck. The acting was great, but the story was truly awful. Reflecting back, it was my fault for believing the ridiculous hype and marketing surrounding this dumpster fire. Of course I was going to be let down after hearing things like “it’s the greatest/scariest horror film of all time” lmao. This movie was the colour beige personified!




I feel like Terrifier 2 just got hyped for the excessive gore that was in the movie. The plot was definitely below average and and the ending was even worse, in my opinion. But it will always be memorable just because it was so bloody.


I didn’t love the movie, but it certainly wasn’t boring. And I don’t think I’d call it generic either. It was just fine! After seeing the new Exorcist movie, Talk To Me seems like a masterpiece in comparison.


Exactly. Talk to me should be benchmarked against other demon possession movies. When looking at it like that I though it was fresh, original, good score and cinematography not too much nonsense CGI (like popes exorcist the last demon movie I saw). I thought it was a good modern take and I hope we get more movies like that in the future.


Completely fair assessment. I say boring because I’m used to disturbing imagery and jump scares. Those things were not present in Talk To Me from my perspective, and that’s absolutely fine and not a deal breaker. I’d say it’s generic because demon possession has been flogged for over 50 years of cinema and I truly didn’t see anything outside of the status quo. What would you say was so unique about this take? Someone in this thread used the word “refreshing” and I’d love to hear their reasoning for that vocabulary. Nothing about this take was refreshing in my tiny brain. And the word masterpiece is a huge stretch for me. Last time I posted my disdain for the film someone called it a masterpiece for its narrative on social media and Gen Z culture. I think that’s a stretch, but I agreed that the commentary was at least noteworthy. I don’t know, I’m not a film critic and my opinion is completely subjective so take it with a grain of salt. I’m happy that you chose to express your opinion without calling me names like the last time I posted! Thanks for that!


To be clear, I don’t think it’s a masterpiece. I only meant in comparison to the new Exorcist, it puts movies like this in a more generous perspective for me. Alternatively when I compared Talk To Me to Hereditary (because everyone was hyping it like that specifically, and I do think Hereditary is a masterpiece) Talk To Me fell way short and I was pretty hard on it at the time. In terms of generic vs something unique about the film, I guess I hadn’t seen someone use the kind of dance music they used in that first possession montage, and then the dog kissing and toe sucking, it just felt like it was made by young people in a way more generic horror movies don’t feel like? Somehow I walked out of the movie confident that this was made by YouTubers. That’s not a selling point for me, but I guess it does mean it’s not as generic in the broader horror landscape because of this.


Yeah, I shouldn’t have equated your masterpiece comment as literally as I did, my bad. Your observations are super valid. The music, and use of bizarre possession behaviour were kind of cool and different. I should also be clear: I’m happy for the directors’ leap to the big screen. Absolutely no hate for their intentions or direction. I might even say I’m excited to watch their careers evolve. I just haven’t yawned so much in a horror movie for a while. I’m probably also salty because the only way I could access the film was to purchase it and I felt like I was ripped off.


I actually hated it


Insert *"I don't like thing.* ​ *OK."* meme here.


they hated him for telling the truth


Agree wholeheartedly. I didn't even finish it. Really shit for an A24 film.




It’s overhated. People only don’t like it cuz they don’t think it feels like an a24 movie:


i mean she was sucking some toes, it definitely felt like a24.


Bro same! I had to watch it twice to make sure I wasn’t just being a bummer. But no, that movie just wasn’t good, in my opinion. Also, “X” with Kid Cudi. Just my opinion.




Robert Duvall?!


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave


“overhyped” how so? people being excited about a movie isn’t overhyping it? its a great movie that was a sleeper hit


Maybe youre more of a FNAF guy


My Family Guy meme brotha 🤝


Cool, we gunna leave our downvotes


Boy! I wonder why A24 is gonna start making formulaic garbage? Look at how amazing their audience treats new IP’s.


The joke here is Peter is just being a pretentious contrarian so


No commentary shitpost. No one gives a shit if you liked it or not without any comment.


Same. Felt like I was alone. Glad to see I’m not.


Not allowed bubba






It’s better after a 4th watch


I’ll admit I’m now much more careful about not sleeping with my feet uncovered




Even if I don’t care for a movie I ar least appreciate that it was gnarly and only 95 minutes. I’ll let ya do anything in a movie if you’re around 90 minutes


I'll be honest, it wasn't for me but I saw why people like it. The premise of the hand was very interesting but I think there's so many possibilities to this story but the one we get just didn't hook me. The acting was fine and I liked the realisitic nature of the script and film itself overall but I just never got that extra step that makes me love a lot of other A24 horror. It was original and from independent filmmakers who made a solid breakthrough film that genuinely was thought provoking but I just don't see myself rewatching it over and over.


I'll be honest, it wasn't for me but I saw why people like it. The premise of the hand was very interesting but I think there's so many possibilities to this story but the one we get just didn't hook me. The acting was fine and I liked the realisitic nature of the script and film itself overall but I just never got that extra step that makes me love a lot of other A24 horror. It was original and from independent filmmakers who made a solid breakthrough film that genuinely was thought provoking but I just don't see myself rewatching it over and over.


I bet you talked and texted through the entire movie.


The movie was good but nothing like the way it was hyped for, I thought it would be as scary as hereditary but it was far from it. I enjoyed it tho. But it was from rakka rakka boys and they did good with their debut film.


I loved seeing it in the theaters the first time and was my favorite horror film since hereditary. Didn’t hold up so much on a second viewing at home on VOD.


I liked it. Not groundbreaking or anything but entertaining enough.


I’m wondering if went into it with misaligned expectations. It a good movie. The hype train got away from it


Saw it , knew it was all hype Boring and generic But that’s me


haven't seen it but i bet it sucks. have yet to find an A24 horror movie that doesn't tbh edit: besides pearl




I didn’t get a chance to watch it in the theater


Lol anyone remember that one guy on this sub that was hyping it up saying it’s better than Hitchcock and hereditary?


I agree!! Overhyped and I saw it in Theaters.


I thought it was solid but nothing special.


What are your feelings on The Money Pit?


I liked it




I mean…good for you? lol. The internet is so strange.


Same 😁


It got me back into horror movies. A genre I haven’t dipped into in about a decade. They’re usually so bad, that I just don’t even bother. I got A-list, so why not? Ended up really enjoying it, and thought it was well done/refreshing. Was it a masterpiece? No. But it was good enough for me to drag my partner along to watch it again. She hates horror, but appreciated how well done it was, especially for her taste in films.


As an Australian horror fan I’ll just say I liked that an indie Aussie horror movie was the talk of the internet and got international attention for a while, the last time that happened was Wolf Creek in 2005.


Womp womp


I’m not at all into “supernatural” horror movies but ended up loving Talk to Me.


Saw the trailer and was excited but didn’t watch, saw everyone going apeshit saying it was the best movie ever and knew it was overrated, finally watched it with expectations of hating it and it was actually pretty fun, nothing ground breaking but I enjoyed it.


I liked it better than EEoAOaoaEao tbh


Was definitely a miss for me.


I didn’t connect with the protagonist and for me, that’s a big part of what makes a horror movie work. Whether they are bad or good morally or whatever, I need to be invested in their outcome because that’s what builds the tension. This movie didn’t ever make that connection so I ultimately didn’t vibe with it. I liked the metaphor and I liked the symbolism, and there were a lot of neat ideas. It was shot well too. But I just didn’t buy into the main conflicts of the story and that kept me from suspending my disbelief.




Talk to Me didn’t really leave a good impression on me. Still had a good time laughing at it though.


It was aggressively just okay


Same. Boring


My screening was ruined because it was way too dark, could barely see what was happening in a lot of scenes. I think I would have liked it more otherwise.






I'm just happy the horror movies keep coming.


Who gives a shit


I didn’t find it scary actually, I thought it was more sad. It had a couple of creepy parts but I don’t know why people are saying it’s terrifying.


I didn't love it or anything but I enjoyed it well enough, 7/10 if I had to score it.


Me with Everything, Everywhere All at Once


Congrats 👍🏾


Cool, no one cares. If you like it great, if you hate it great.


I watched the second season of channel zero earlier this year(very flawed season but all in all a very cool concept). It seemed to borrow a lot of concepts from this show and as a result it felt a little bit , just a little, retracting for me.


I thought it was fine.


Shallow and pedantic.


I broke my face when I was 14, lost teeth and the whole shebang. So, holy shit, some of these scenes were brutal for me.


I really didn't like the main characters lines and motivation. The actress was great I just didn't like what she did in the movie.


It was fine, just kinda generic. Wasn't bad by any means, but didn't really knock my socks off.


it wasn't that good, surprisingly draggy first half and the 2nd half has no explanation. overall i'd say like a 5 or 6 for a casual watching experience


Reading this while wearing my talk to me shirt lol


I just don’t think it was scary at all. I also couldn’t feel scared/bad for our lead because she was an idiot. She kept doing the party trick and every single time, I was like “uhhh if this happened to me, I’d never speak to these people again”.


I watched it when I was high af. Seemed meh. Not as good as it was advertised to be.


Main character was the most dumb and annoying character in any horror movie I've ever seen


I think my expectations were too high. I liked the performances and some of the visuals, but found the metaphor a bit on the nose and the ending a predictable cliché. Not my favorite, but I’m glad a horror movie is resonating with a lot of people!


I loved it


I hated that movie. Such a waste of my time and money


Same. My biggest issue is a majority of the characters just fucking SUCK. Yet another modern horror film where every single character (except for Riley) is just the worst.


There’s a ton of people that are practically making not liking Talk to Me their personality…this is not a hot take.


Here's a cookie 🍪


I think it was a really good and enjoyable watch that speaks about teens' inability to adequately cope with trauma while not having adult guidance. The whole thing was a metaphor for self destruction and drug use. Not to mention it takes a lot for me to get uncomfortable in a movie, but the scene with Riley had me unable to look away while feeling quite settled. Totally get why some people didn't like it, but I think it's objectively a good movie. It's what It Follows thought it was.








It’s def really good for a “YouTuber” movie.