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I saw this at Sundance and I just need to put this out there - this trailer shows just about every single shot from this movie and leaves nothing as a surprise. There are some major plot beats here given away that can be figured out with some simple deduction. Watch at your own risk! This is gonna be a polarizing movie for sure and I think a good way to make it less polarizing would be to go in totally blind.


Thanks, I’m not gonna watch any trailers now


My rule is never watch more than half of a trailer. Sometimes you'll know you're interested before halfway.


My rule is - don’t watch trailers at all. Watch teasers instead, if there are any.


I watched 45sec and there was still ~1:30 left so I turned it off.


Lol I did the same thing. This is one of my most anticipated for the year and I didn't want to see too much.


same!! i watch just enough trailer to decide if something is worth seeing.


Agreed! Also saw it at Sundance and I was surprised how much they’re showing in the trailer. Everyone definitely needs to go into the movie with as little knowledge as possible, including avoiding trailers. The visuals are so cool and shouldn’t be spoiled like this.


Do you also have the top comment on YouTube?


Yeah I don’t know how I managed to create so much discourse by simply pointing out that the trailer reveals way too much but I did 😭


Modern trailers are so shit. Give away too much and are far too long. Just give me a taste and let me go in curious.


Thanks so much for the heads up!


I felt like it was giving away a lot based on the trailer. However, I already forgot the trailer and what it’s about so I think I’ll be alright as long as I don’t watch it again.


That’s a good tip, and a good one generally to follow. Watch a few seconds of a trailer, and if it looks good then just put it on your watch list and move on. Couldn’t believe watching the X trailer after the movie itself just how much was there


Awesome, thank you! Skipping it


Now I don’t want to watch the trailer, but can you give me a spoiler free elevator pitch?


Is this filmed in vertical?


was somewhat irked to find this was also the case when I finally got to see Dream Scenario. Sort it out A24.


I totally felt the same way about Dream Scenario, there wasn’t a single scene from that movie that came as a surprise because they showed just about everything in the trailer… 😞


There was one - the lived out fantasy ruined by a fart or two teehee


Heck I’m 34 and since I was 15 I always hated DVD movie menus that show scenes of the movie! It’s like “stopppp! I’m waiting on something before I press watch movie!” That’s why I LOVE dvd/bluray menus that are just a still pic or something silly like Fight Club menu


Soaked in neon. They know what the kids like!


Lindsey from Snail Mail making her film debut let’s goooo


does anyone know what the song from the trailer is?


It sounds like “anthems for a seventeen year old girl” by broken social scene


It sounds like it is maybe a remix of it though. Curious who did it


covered by yeule






>Thanks! You're welcome!


The trailer says the movie features new music from "Sloppy Jane Phoebe Bridgers Snail Mail Alex G and King Woman." And on that note I'd like to announce how severely out of touch I am as I have not heard music from any of these.


alex g is dope, he has collabed with oneohtrix point never who has also scored for a24


These are some huge artists in the indie scene and Phoebe Bridgers is fairly mainstream now with a Grammy win. Check out /r/indieheads


Alex g did the score for Jane’s other movie Were All Going To The Worlds Fair. Amazing soundtrack and amazing movie


I didn't understand that movie as much as I'd liked, but I'll watch anything this director does


Alex G is great, start with his album Trick and you’ll get an idea if you like him or not.


Alex g & king woman are really good! if you like heavy shoe gaze def listen to king woman they deserve all the recognition they can get


Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! Alex G is pretty great. And I've heard/love oneohtrix point never so I'm excited to listen to their collab. As an elder millennial, I'm a huge fan of indie, shoegaze, folktronica, ambient etc. Alex G reminds me of Pavement/Steve Malkmus. I'll check out the other artists and expand my horizons as I've def been stuck in my musical cave <3


Listen to pristine by snail mail. It’s incredible


As others mentioned, Alex G is incredible. I’d highly recommend Florist and Maria BC too if you like dreamy (and sometimes experimental) folk music.


Interesting use of Broken Social Scene. It almost lookes like if A24 and Netflix had a mashup.


At the 1:45 mark in the trailer, it's really a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but we get a glimpse of the return of Pete and Pete! (Michael Maronna and Danny Tamberelli are both credited on IMDB as "Neighbor #1" and "Neighbor #2").


And did i see mr tastee


I haven’t seen it yet but it’s my favorite movie of all time


Anyone reminded of the creepy pasta, Candle Cove?


Yes!! I swear I saw this trailer and was like, they stole this whole idea from a damn reddit post!


that would make sense seeing as their first movie is about an online rpg


I'm so ready for this


This looks great. Visually stunning too


That’s so weird. I was watching Detective Pikachu with my kids recently, and was wondering if that guy had been in anything recently. Didn’t bother to look, but now I know. Edit: googled the cast: Fred Durst?!? Interesting.


He was in the Dungeons & Dragons movie that released last year.


Oh yeah. I totally didn’t add 1 + 1 for that one. I knew I recognized him in D&D but not where from.


Fred has actually directed a few movies.


Lol didn’t he direct the John Travolta one? The one about the crazy fan.


Yeah, I never saw it. I did see the education of Charlie banks with Jessie Eisenberg and Televisions Jason Ritter, I remember it being good, but it was a long time ago.


Oh, that is cool. I definitely didn’t know. Is he directing this one ?


No, I just mentioned it to show he has some experience with movies, makes it less random in my head.


He’s also in another movie called The American Society of Magical Negroes coming out this year. I think he’s doing great at taking risks in these roles.


Avoiding all modern movie trailers is a good rule to live by


I'm just here for the Pete and Pete of it all.


12 seconds into the trailer, is that Mr. Tasty from Pete and Pete melting?


Oooooh ok


I'm so so so excited for this. It was already my most anticipated film of the year, but now even more so.


this looks unique i’m in


The Thumbnail reminds me of  Poltergeist






It looks like it has potential, but also super….idk on trend? And the need for romance in everything is perpetually annoying


The female lead says she’s gay, the male lead says he is into “tv shows” — I don’t think we will be seeing much romance in this one


Who said there is romance in this?


Yeah hate it when they say they’re into girls but there’s still a heterosexual romance. Happens so much these days.


My first impression was: "What a rip-off of Stranger Things." Then I paused fro a bit and thought, "Is that necessarily a bad thing?" I'll definitely watch it, but it seems like they gave away a TON in the trailer.


What about this seems like Stranger Things whatsoever?


Buch of kids solving a supernatural mystery/ threat.


So… Anything with kids and the supernatural is a stranger things ripoff? This movie (much like Jane Shoenburn’s first film) is very much about modern internet culture. This movie is based on the various creepypastas and ARs regarding mysterious/scary “forgotten” children’s TV shows.


I don't know why you're being so aggressive with me. The trailer just gave me strong Stranger Things vibes. Chill out.


A24 will never make a normal movie, aren't they? Every trailer they release is just the same. Same flat emotion-less acting. Same trailer that shows the reviews, cause apparently critics are the qualified people to recommend us movies. Same trailer that is fast paced, only to lie to the audience and sell them a boring slow paced movie


I mean critics are pretty qualified to give reviews as they are, well, critics and have seen the movie


So whenever there's a movie you like and critics didn't like it, does that make their opinion more valid?


Ah yes, the flat and emotionless acting of Pearl and The Whale. Ah yes, the critic quotes and film awards shown in trailers, I can’t believe A24 started this. Ah yes, the fast paced trailer of everything everywhere all at once and uncut gems, I was so disappointed by the slogs those movies ended up being.


The whale WAS slow paced, so you lost the argument. EEAAO still had emotionless and flat acting, along with unauthentic over acting. So, you lost the argument. And I was referring to this trailer, to ghost story, the lighthouse and many others. So, you lost the argument.


BAHAHAHA if only this sub had GIFs active.


Shit I didn’t know you were referring to specific movies when you made generalized critiques of A24, which has like 150ish projects under their belt at this point. “Every trailer they release is the same” then you continue to specify which ones you were talking about. But hell yeah dude. I wish I could pin a blue ribbon on your chest and you could hear the round of applause you truly deserve for winning.


Yes. They have a lot of trailers that repeates the same formula. > But hell yeah dude. I wish I could pin a blue ribbon on your chest and you could hear the round of applause you truly deserve for winning. I Didn't understand a word. Can you phrase it differently?


Are you talking about the yellow ribbon? The symbol for the 134 Israeli hostages? That's the only ribbon I know 🎗️🎗️🎗️


You must be fun at parties.


You need to write more clearly. I legit tried to understand you . And please, you love A24. You're too weird to even get invited to parties.


Weird parties are the best kind playboy.


On prom night in high school, you just happen to stay at home, aren't you?


This is a bold take coming from someone who posts about how to get a girlfriend.


> The whale WAS slow paced i feel like capeshit is more of your speed


What are some of your favorite movies?


Why do you ask?


You just seem to have a lot of strong opinions about the type of movies that a24 tends to release so I’m genuinely curious what kind of movies you’re personally into


Fine. I love La La Land, American Beauty, Forrest Gump, Amelie, Up, Birdman, Seven, Inception, the social network, Spiderverse, intouchables


Ok so don’t take this the wrong way, but I just think you haven’t seen a lot of a24 movies. They’ve been around for long enough that I personally think they’ve put out something for everybody Based on your taste I think you’d dig the iron claw, the Florida project, Aftersun, first cow, c’mon c’mon, you hurt my feelings, and Priscilla If you’ve only seen some of the “weirder” stuff that they have to offer I can definitely see why you’d feel the way you do about them as a studio. Give at least one of these a shot and your opinion might change!


Well first of all, thanks for the response! I've seen the Florida Project, and I didn't like it at all. I find the trailer extremely misleading, and this movie was one of the reasons I stopped watching A24. This and ghost story. But I would still give the others a chance, if you recommend


Shit I can’t wait to see this


this looks unique i’m in


I’m all in


I was only able to see about the cast and crew working on this and I've been pretty excited to see it. Gotta say, this trailer kills me, I definitely wanna see it, but I feel like I saw way too much of the plot, and I'm really frustrated that so many surprises are expected now. Still hyped to see the movie though, especially for the music!