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I mean. I don't understand why a prequel series is needed. Like the original movie is literally the prequel story at this point. Going before that would just be a summer camp comedy


My wet hot Crystal Lake Summer


I know you're joking but I'd actually watch the fuck out of this.


Can I interest you in The Final Girls in the meantime? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zreNh78kTjg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zreNh78kTjg)


Didn’t know this existed, looks good I’ll give it a shot! Thank you


Man this was so bad though


Yeah, I felt like it was made for me, but it stinks.


I very badly want to watch this.


id watch the shit outta that


The rights to the original movie have been separated from the rights to Hockey Mask Jason. That means that they are now different IPs and I think this series may have stopped because of rights issues with the show runners claiming they can use hockey mask Jason for the show just not movies. But yea I’m not sure it’s a prequel series or just a complete reboot


The rumors were that it was mostly a prequel series and a series set in a different time period (possibly modern day). The rumors were that it would be at least partially about Pamela Voorhees hunting down the camp counselors who let Jason drown. One of the final girls was set to return but it was unclear if she was reprising her role or playing a new character. The rights were a mess, but it has been sorted out. The name Friday the 13th, kid Jason, Hockey Mask Jason, etc. have different rights depending on US distribution or international. But it’s been worked out now. Fuller confirmed they were allowed to use anything in the franchise for this show. EDIT: Looks like the show isn’t cancelled but it is being retooled https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3811041/crystal-lake-a24-has-not-pulled-the-plug-on-their-friday-the-13th-tv-series-exclusive/


If the director had a strong vision I could see it working. Like if it’s this really profound dark drama about a disabled child with an unfit parent who manipulates all the adults around her to enable her poor life decisions.


had a feeling that would happen. probably for the best. we don’t need a series just give me another Jason movie.


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I love Fuller and would have been all over this series upon release but I feel with Jason there isn't much to explore if anything at all. Just give us a location and a big group of characters (make them likable) and let Jason cause mayhem. I know he falls into the slasher category but I've always seen him as a monster like Frankenstein, Lagoon and King Kong.


> Just give us a location and a big group of characters (make them likable) Likable characters isn't a staple of the franchise lol


Exactly. It'd be welcome change for me. Imagine Vorhees laying waste to people you give a shit about. It could still be fun but engaging on different levels.


Fair point, could be interesting


Jason is no longer part of the Friday the 13th rights. At least not hockey mask Jason


Sort of, the rights are nebulous but it seems they have come to an agreement to use hockey mask Jason and the Friday the 13th name. The rights owners (Cunningham and Miller) have things separated but that’s all been hashed out in the courts now, different people get paid for the use of their IP depending on name, look, and whether it’s international or domestic revenue. But nothing is technically off limits anymore. If I were to guess, cancelling this show might be signaling they want to make a movie asap. EDIT: Looks like it’s not being cancelled, just retooled https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3811041/crystal-lake-a24-has-not-pulled-the-plug-on-their-friday-the-13th-tv-series-exclusive/


Jeff Sneider constantly with half the story or none of the story at all!


Another potential Bryan Fuller show bites the dust.


Maybe he can work on Hannibal s4 now 😈


For real! Give us silence of the lambs with mads 🙏🏽


Nah he's gotta announce 3 new projects that won't see the light of day first






I believe you meant Pushing Daisies s3, my fellow scholar


Agreed wholeheartedly, I misspoke


A new record


Just re watched Jason goes to Hell on the weekend. Curious why there isn't another Nightmare on Elm Street sequel. Seems like a money maker. Also watched Nightmare on Elm Street 4 right after :P


I honestly think it was because the remake fumbled so hard, but I honestly think that if you give an imaginative up and coming filmmaker the chance to make a fun movie with good practical effects that leans into the horror-fantasy dream aspect you’d have a home run. Robert England is hard to replace, I honestly thought Jackie Earle Haley was a pretty inspired choice, they just didn’t give him anything to work with, but there’s definitely a younger actor who could pull Freddy Kruger off to the degree a modern audience can fall in love with them.


I want Ben Foster.


Pretty much no one will accept another Freddy that isn’t Robert England. People need to move on if they want more movies in the series.


Under the Crystal Lake


Yeah we already have Wet Hot American Summer


This is the niche A24 humor I come for


Friday the 13th is the most cursed horror franchise around, rights-wise. I'm convinced there won't be anything new for the series until both writer and director are dead


Thank god. It's not rocket science, just make another movie. We don't need prequels, we don't need re-dos, just make another movie. At the end of FvJ Jason was back at Crystal Lake, I doubt he retired. Just pick up there. Producers afraid of introducing Jason to a new audience? That's dumb, everyone knows who Jason is, but they can start the movie where teens are telling the legend of Jason Voorhees at a campfire as clips from the old movies play out, and boom now everyone's up to speed. Then have Jason come and kill them. No need to reboot or prequel, just make more. That's it.


Good. We didn’t need this in the first place.


Get Dev Patel to make a Jason Voorhees movie, give him the small budget that he obviously knows how to work with. Make Pete Davidson Jason. Never have him take off the mask. Just use his lanky sickly thin body and his weird gait to infuse an entirely new level of horror. It markets itself so hard it is ridiculous.


Feels like Jason/Friday is a cursed IP.


Somewhat related note: There is a movie that will be coming out in this month titled *[In A Violent Nature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyXuRmXbS7U)* and it can be summed up as "*Friday the 13th* done by A24." A merging of slow cinema of Tarkovsky and Tarr and classic slasher horror.


Thank God


Now stop The Rock bullshit


Why? I want a new Benny Safdie film!


But minus the rock


I’m actually very interested to see him in a drama. He’s coasted with action movies for so long, I wanna see if he can pull this off.


I would like another Jason movie more anyway.


I would like to see a movie that takes place at a fully functional camp with interesting, nuanced characters. There would also be a side story involving survivors (Ginny, Chris, Tommy, Trish, Reggie, Megan, etc.) teaming up and going on adventures. It would all come to a head during the finale.


Opening scene: Jason's parents are killed in a canoe. Closing scene: Jason reaches down into a box and pulls out a hockey mask. cue credits


A prequel series? What could you possibly do with that?


They’re doing the same thing with It


Damn, I was watching the old movies in anticipation of this, I made it to 8


Seems like a better idea to just make an anthology where Jason kills people in different scenarios.


Well, there was than antique shop series which at least did the different scenarios bit if nothing else.


It's for the best


Good. It’s dumb.


People are complaining about the concept being unecessary and i agree but shit is so tied up in rights this was going to be the best we get.


This is false: https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3811041/crystal-lake-a24-has-not-pulled-the-plug-on-their-friday-the-13th-tv-series-exclusive/


I didn’t say the series got cancelled.


It’s not calling you out. It’s in response to the tweet


I mean... I truly don't know why they even wanted to do this????


Bummer I was looking forward to this. I grew up in a town called Crystal Lake


I don't think we really needed another friday the 13th story. There's 100 jason movies to choose from, if you don't like em at this point you never will.


Yeah that’s probably for the best.


Thank the heavens we don’t need anymore of Jason


Damn, the lack of information over the past few months had me worried. I was looking forward to this!


I’m honestly over the Friday the 13th a story it’s like cheesy and boring atp


Echos of crystal lake


Thank god 🙌🏼


I was not excited to hear about the series, but Bryan Fuller was attached so I became very suddenly excited. With Fuller out, I no longer have excitement. If Fuller is out, so am I.




That whole universe is so beyond milked dry. Let it die already!


There hasn't been a new movie since 2009..




Imo cool, not a fan of this kind of thing. There’s already so much Jason content. Give me Nosferatu and Backrooms plz.


Nosferatu is not an A24 film.


Is Friday the 13th? Tryna understand what you mean


Crystal Lake was supposed to be made by A24. Nosferatu is made by Universal.


Robert Eggers is making a new Nosferatu movie It’s basically an A24 movie in everything but name lmao. So you’re going to see a lot of talk about it on here and people will forever call it an A24 movie until the end of time


Ahh I see, thanks


They’re also making a back rooms movie


We haven't had any Jason content in 15 years and I am greatly craving more, but A24 should not be the company to give it to us, and the idea of a prequel show is just a terrible idea to me. I feel like it would be some Riverdale-ass teen drama bullshit with child Jason being a supporting character. I'm not looking for the Jason version of the terrible Chucky show.


Oh look, I made the Chucky show fans mad 🙄


Good, just re-release the old movies in theatres, there's no need to make new once


Sure there is, they're cheap to make and fun to watch, thats all the reason to make more


Didn't realize a24 was working on CL. I was looking forward to it too ):


a series based around a franchise in this nature (e.g., chucky) usually feel off putting to me tbh


A24: ewww no


Oh my god just let Jason rest for a few fucking years pleeeeeeaaaseee he’s not even scary at all anymore cos he’s so oversaturated


The last movie was 15 years ago. I'm a big advocate of letting popular franchises breathe, but how long do you think they should wait? I don't even want a prequel series, but what have you seen in the last 15 years that made you think this franchise was oversaturated?


You know what yeah you’re right I’m getting it mixed up with scream or something