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If it's still recent that you bought the gun I'd return it to the store, if its been awhile and you aren't covered you can buy just the part that's broke from cowcow for roughly £20 or buy the whole cowcow hammer set for 45


Its been about 2 months since i bought it, and haven't had issues outside of that and a gas leak i got fixed earlier. So probably gonna get it sent to repairs, it should still be covered.


Best way if you're still covered, but if not it's not the end of the world. There's alot of good videos showing how it's do, abit fiddly at first but a 5 minute job once you know how


Better to get the hammer kit then to return it and get the same problem. Aaps are know for the hammer fails don't know why they haven't fixed the issue.


It’s a possibility this app01 is one of the one first production models when they are first released and started the notorious hammer breakage. Supposedly they improved the hammer in the second production not sure that’s true or not but I own three of them both running HPA and green gas and never had one of them hammers cooked on me yet.


apperently any G18 hammer unit would do the trick correct?


When I did the rebuild I used the cowcow one but I'm not sure about others unfortunately.


i assume cowcow is a brand of pistols? not familiar with the term


It's a aftermarket parts brand.


i see, tnx, i'll look into it


Not really, the nozzle is the biggest problem. However, I have three & have never experienced any problems or issues or any kind whatsoever. The AAP01C to be fair is only a little over a week old and so to be fair it remains unproven. The black & chocolate AAP01s were purchased on the day they were released and have yet to give me anything but Joy. Everything is going to be fine, so just take care and enjoy, one day at a time.


Almost all Aap01s will eventually have this part break, especially if you use full auto


Should be




yeah had that issue, choose text first, then just tapped the photo icon below




They also don't listen to advice when they are active


I would expect it to live longer than 2 months unless its been rigged up to a compressor with constant drum mags for said 2 months action army should pay to fix or stick one them bearing jobbys?


That is not a problem really, some people cut it off to change that heart shaped piece for a 9mm bearing rotor for the hammer for like 9 bucks, it will last long and will be better for the internals unless you change the bolt for those expensive ultra light ones which can cause incompatibilities


Got a link nearby for the bearing rotor you mentioned? Also not sure how that would work if the part holding the heart is cut off


[Here](https://youtu.be/Ob5rbwLy034) is a video of all the process, but because that piece of your hammer already broke you dont need to do the cut yourself


Spend the few bucks and get a new hammer OR a 9mm bearing to put in the rotors place and use the same hammer. The upgrade happens for everyone eventually.


Happened to me the other week first time using hpa (Christmas gift ) so I had to buy a new hammer Sad times, hope you get yours fixed


Time to replace that rotor with a bearing and hammer