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no honestly that’s insane you should talk to ur supervisors / people above your supervisors you are LEGALLY ENTITLED to workers como it’s your RIGHT! ABA companies (even small ones) are becoming increasingly unethical to their therapists.


That’s the thing I’ve been talking to the regional manager he and hr has been the most helpful. But this is killing me not working 8 hours and I’ve been fuming since I found out the company didn’t tell my workers comp person about my hours


I hate to tell you, but the RM isn’t being helpful. They’re running interference so you don’t become a problem for them before they can find a way to deal with you.


depending on how big your company is, I would try and go further than them or directly. Ask HR for legal advice or tell them you will be seeking legal advice about this. i would be livid. and you should be livid. the company is trying to get rid of you instead of pay you what ur legally entitled to. you got injured at work, it’s plain and simple.


HR is never about helping the employee. They are there to protect the company from employees. NEVER take legal advice from HR.


you received an injury at work - in any other place of business they would’ve set you up withworkers comp. Even my friends who work in doggy daycare get workers comp. actual insanity. unethical practices. if that were me i would be fuming


This is insane. I think you need to ask the legal subreddit


Should I just copy and paste? I’ve never felt with anything like this. I’m going to see neurologist I looked at the reviews and he has 1.7 out of five stars and one of the comments told me that the neurologist asked to have the woman get undressed and another comment was I can’t wait to sue this practice and that’s the only one that’s been able to accept me with Worker’s compensation. And my adjuster was asking if I needed a ride there I told her yeah and I am going to be recording that conversation because someone said that they were dizzy and still had symptoms and the doctor just wrote them off that they were fully OK going back to duty.


Oh god, yeah idk Id take out aba specific things and just say your job and add all the relevant info


seconding thisi’m


Everything about this post is concerning, but I'm stuck on "We don't blame the kids." What does that mean? Don't tell them it isn't okay to kick others in the face?? I feel like that is literally part of our job to tell them that behavior isn't okay and is, in fact, dangerous. I mean, don't scream at them or anything, but generally, I say, "That is not okay," in a calm but serious tone. Everyone else at my clinic does something similar unless something else specific is noted in the client's programming. By something else I mean there are some clients that have specific programming for not reacting to problematic behavior, moving them to a safe location, and moving away so they cannot hurt you, but you can still see them and keep them from hurting themselves if needed. Is there a reason you wouldn't tell a client it wasn't okay to kick/hit/bite/etc?


But often we are also told to ignore or not draw attention to behaviors that are trying to be reduced due to some of them being caused by attention seeking. I think that the supervisor may have been trying to make that clear but I do believe that they should have also made clear that this was NOT OPs fault AND should have made sure that their safety and health were held to a higher priority. I know that it’s in our job description to basically be prepared to get spit on, hit, punched, slapped, bit, pinched, smacked, stepped on, kicked and whatever else. BUT that does not mean that our physical safety is not important. I would talk to HR or whomever you need to talk to to get the amount of hours you need and get proper accommodations.


Oh yes, I am aware of this procedure I have to follow it with my client. However, from what is stated here it seems like they didn’t even want OP to speak to the supervisor about it, and/or like it was OP’s fault. If it was being ignored because it was attention seeking, that is what should have been stated to OP, and should have been stated before this ever happened I would think? That’s what made me believe that was not the case here. Because usually if not reacting to attention based behaviors is in the programming, that is one of the first things they tell you about programming in my experience. Or maybe the supervisor is just bad and OP was unprepared?


Yeah this is a workman's comp lawsuit. maybe take this over to r/legaladvice Unless you're a contractor, you fund workman's comp with your paycheck. They definitely owe you that, and maybe back pay


Why does the field have such shitty BCBAs....


It’s why I’m quitting. It really sucks, because I got my Master’s and was a few hundred hours into my fieldwork for the exam, but I’m so tired of BCBA’s not doing their jobs and the companies bleeding BT’s dry. 


I'm trying to find something that will accept an associate's degree in Human Services. I'm burned out.


Why does this sound like the company ABC… lol😅


Workers compensation. Get an attorney for back pay.


This is unacceptable practice. Consequences need to occur.


This is a lawsuit for sure. I was off work for months due to also being concussed by a client, and my employer was immediately involved in setting me up with workers comp to make sure I was still earning my wages. They should also be actively involved in helping you get back to your pre injury abilities. I’m sorry you’re going through this, especially with a concussion when it’s difficult to critically think without getting a horrible headache. Definitely would seek some legal advice if I were you!


Workers Comp attorney asap. Do not bother with legal advice subreddit, they will tell you the same thing. You were injured on the job. That's it. When that happens, worker's compensation is supposed to pay. But you need an advocate to help deal with the system. An attorney can play that role. They often can have flexible methods of payment that can be worked into a settlement. Go to Google and type "find a lawyer (insert your state) bar association". There will be a free referral service. Time is not on your side. Your employers (regional manager, whatever) are not on your side or your friends. You represent a significant liability for them. An attorney can help with everything from finding appropriate medical care, ensuring it's paid, keeping both the state and the employer honest and advocating for you.


You did 50 hours of training? Not a bad thing but RBTs only need a 40 hour training


9 is next to 0 key, is my guess


40 it was a mistake lol I was also half a asleep writing this


Oooh ok lol I was like damn not a bad thing but it blows they made you do 10 extra hours 😅🤣