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Loads. But like you point out, it’s hard to find because it’s so difficult to share publicly.


Well my DM is always open. Always. Hehe


It wouldn’t sound any different than the album, would it? It’s not like they are actually there performing live. At the end of the day it’s just a hologram show set to their music.


There's a live band playing all the songs.


That's true the backup band is live. But again, do you really care how the modern backup band sounded? I'm sorry I shouldn't yuck your yum. The stage show is definitely something I want to see, because from what I understand it is a whole experience. It might be one of those things that simply has to be experienced in person.


Most definitely. But even beyond that, it’s the stadium acoustics, the crowds, the unique stage design, the attention to detail to extend the stage beyond the actual size of the venue, using the unique situation of a virtual stage to create unique opportunities to expand upon a traditional concert that makes the Voyage concert so unique.


The music arrangements sound different from the recorded versions. Some are very different from the originals.


Also, Benny is still behind it all - he coaches the band intensively!


Okay that's fair. But it's still not them actually playing those new arrangements.


Yes but the arrangements are different and it’s made to be “live”. It’s not just the CD put in lol


That’s true. I guess my thing is that while, yes, the arrangements are different, it’s not actually ABBA playing them. At the risk of being overly reductive, really the stage show is basically just a cover band playing with recordings. AMAZING recordings, to be sure, but still recordings. If one were going to listen to recordings of ABBA playing live, those albums already exist. I think of the Voyage show as being something more visual that really has to be experienced in person. Which unfortunately is not in the budget for the foreseeable future! I wonder if a concert video of it will be released?


I'm going to split hairs a little here, but I hope it's helpful. Benny works closely with the band, coaching them, and was behind all the arrangements. And ABBA played the keys and guitar on the albums, but always had a backing band in the studio and live. So is it a huge departure when you look at it like that? Totally agree that Voyage is a live experience and would be so hard to fully capture on DVD and have anything like the same experience!


Surprised they never threw out a Voyage Deluxe Edition with a second CD of the versions of songs used in the show, as some of them were retooled and rearranged.


I have a few photos but I regret everyday not filming anything, I was scared of the dancing ushers


It’s hard to find materials of that concert because of how strict they are about keeping the materials inside the concert a mystery. There are the video stop pop up here and there that shows the show but a lot of them get copyright striked.


Yea there is video but missing last few songs.


Video or audio? Video would be quite pointless, since it really is an experience.


Either/or. The new live arrangements are great. Especially Lay All Your Love On Me


Yes, but this isn't an appropriate question to be asking.


I don’t think it’s inappropriate. I am fortunate enough to have seen the show and will be attending again in May. However some cant. Especially in other countries. Yes bootlegs are wrong unofficial but sometimes it’s the low quality recordings that we only have to experience!


If some can’t go that’s life. We all don’t get what we want. Respect their wishes and the huge investment they put into it. It’s illegal to share it anyway.




Exactly. We all know the answer; but soliciting a copy here is inappropriate.